Criteria for Review

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Criteria for Review

Appendix V California State Polytechnic University WASC Standards/CFRs Mapped to Campus Evidence

Criteria for Review CSU Pomona Existing Evidence

1.1 The institution's formally approved statements of purpose and California State University System (CSU) operational practices are appropriate for an institution of higher  Mission of the California State University System education and clearly define its essential values and character. California Polytechnic University, Pomona (CPP)  Mission, Values, and Vision of California Polytechnic University, Pomona  University Vision and Identity Initiative

CPP Division Mission Statements  Academic Affairs  Student Affairs  Instructional and Information Technology  Administrative Affairs  Advancement

CPP College Mission Statements  College of Agriculture  College of Business Administration  College of Education and Integrative Studies  College of the Extended University  College of Engineering  College of Environmental Design  Collins College of Hospitality Management  College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences  College of Science  Library

Related Policies and Procedures  California Education Code  California Code of Regulations  CSU Executive Order Regulations  CPP Policies  Associated Students, Inc  Foundation

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 Finance and Administrative Services 1.2 Educational objectives are clearly recognized throughout the Objectives & Requirements institution and are consistent with stated purposes. The institution  CPP University Catalog develops indicators for the achievement of its purposes and educational objectives at the institutional, program, and course Learning Outcomes levels. The institution has a system of measuring student  University Learning Outcomes achievement, in terms of retention, completion, and student learning.  Department Learning Outcomes The institution makes public data on student achievement at the institutional and degree level, in a manner determined by the Review institution.  Academic Program Review and Assessment  General Education Assessment  Institutional Research, and Academic Programs 1.3 The institution's leadership creates and sustains a leadership system Leadership at all levels that is marked by high performance, appropriate  President’s Council responsibility, and accountability.  President’s Office Staff  Organizational Charts  Delegations of Authority  Human resource Services

Accountability  Criteria for Presidential Assessment  MPP Policies  Administrative appointment policies and procedures: University Manual, Appendix 14  Administrative Evaluation: University Manual, Appendix 18 1.4 The institution publicly states its commitment to academic freedom  Mission, Values, and Vision for faculty, staff, and students, and acts accordingly. This  Statement on Academic Freedom (University Catalog , p.57) commitment affirms that those in the academy are free to share their  Collective Bargaining Agreement convictions and responsible conclusions with their colleagues and  University Manual, Appendix 39 students in their teaching and in their writing.  FERPA  Judicial Affairs  Student Grievance Policy (not in electronic form)  Academic Senate 1.5 Consistent with its purposes and character, the institution Policies demonstrates an appropriate response to the increasing diversity in  Statement on non-discrimination by Chancellor and University society through its policies, its educational and co-curricular  Campus Zero Tolerance Policy

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programs, and its administrative and organizational practices.  Disability Support and Accommodations Policy

Educational and Co-Curricular Programs  Admissions & Outreach  Disability Resources Center  Student Support & Equity Programs  College of Education and Integrative Studies  Ethnic and Women Studies  International Center  SEES  MEP  AGREES  RISE  Summer Bridge  Upward Bound  McNair’s Program  Center for Community Service Learning  ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Program  Re-Entry Center  Renaissance Scholars  Cultural Centers 1.6 Even when supported by or affiliated with political, corporate, or  Board of Trustees religious organizations, the institution has education as its primary  CSU Administration purpose and operates as an academic institution with appropriate  Academic Senate autonomy 1.7 The institution truthfully represents its academic goals, programs, Academic Programs and services to students and to the larger public; demonstrates that  Academics Webpage its academic programs can be completed in a timely fashion; treats  Student/Advisor Resources students fairly and equitably through established policies and  Academic Advising: Bronco Compass procedures addressing student conduct, grievances, human subjects  Advising Tools in research, and refunds.  Facilitating Graduation  Early Assessment Program  Preview Day  Showcase of Excellence  Stein Communications Consultant Report

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Policy and Procedures  Student Accounting and Cashiering Services  Judicial Affairs  Student Grievance Policy (not in electronic form)  Grade Appeals Procedure  Office of The University Ombuds  Sexual Harassment Policy  Institutional Review Board

1.8 The institution exhibits integrity in its operations as demonstrated by Grievance Procedures the implementation of appropriate policies, sound business  Procedures under Collective Bargaining Agreements practices, timely and fair responses to complaints and grievances  Office of The University Ombuds and regular evaluation of its performance in these areas. Audits and Reports  Monthly audit report from the Chancellor’s Office (not in electronic form)  CSU Audits and Evaluation Practices  Employee relations Audits and Reports  Campus Accountability Report

1.9 The institution is committed to honest and open communication with  WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) the Accrediting Commission, to undertaking the accreditation  WASC at Cal Poly Pomona review process with seriousness and candor, and to abiding by  Response to C&PR team recommendations Commission policies and procedures, including all substantive  Interim Report change policies. 2.1 The institution's educational programs are appropriate in content, Program Requirements standards, and nomenclature for the degree level awarded,  California Education Code regardless of mode of delivery, and are staffed by sufficient  California Code of Regulations numbers of faculty qualified for the type and level of curriculum  CSU Executive Order Regulations offered.  Academic Planning, Policy and Faculty Affairs

Program Review for Quality Assurance  Degree Requirements/Graduation  Majors/Minors  Academic Program Review and Assessment  Curriculum Guide 2.2 All degrees-undergraduate and graduate-awarded by the institution are  Degree Requirements/Graduation

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clearly defined in terms of entry-level requirements and in terms of  Academic Programs levels of student achievement necessary for graduation that represent  English Placement Test (EPT) more than simply an accumulation of courses or credits.  Entry Level Mathematics Test (ELM)  Syllabus Guidelines  Service-Learning Course Guidelines  Graduation Writing Test  GE expected learning outcomes  University Catalog  First Year Experience Program 2.2a. Baccalaureate programs engage students in an integrated course of General Education (GE) study of sufficient breadth and depth to prepare them for work,  California Code of Regulations citizenship, and a fulfilling life. These programs also ensure the  CSU Executive Order Regulation 1033 development of core learning abilities and competencies including,  GE Information but not limited to, college-level written and oral communication;  GE Course Proposal Process college-level quantitative skills; information literacy; and the habit of critical analysis of data and argument; In addition, baccalaureate Enriching General Education programs actively foster an understanding of diversity; civic  Interdisciplinary General Education responsibility; the ability to work with others; and the capability to  Service Learning engage in lifelong learning. Baccalaureate programs also ensure  Honors Courses breadth for all students in the areas of cultural and aesthetic, social  First Year Experience Programs and political, as well as scientific and technical knowledge expected of educational persons in this society. Finally, students are required to engage in depth, focused, and sustained program of study as part of their baccalaureate programs.

2.2b. Graduate programs are consistent with the purpose and character of  Graduate programs their institutions; are in keeping with the expectations of their  General Requirements respective disciplines and professions; and are described through  Thesis/Project Guidelines nomenclature that is appropriate to the several levels of graduate and  University Catalog professional degrees offered. Graduate curricula are visibly structured to include active involvement with the literature of the field and ongoing student engagement in research and/or appropriate high-level professional practice and training experiences. Additionally, admission criteria to graduate programs normally include a baccalaureate degree in an appropriate undergraduate program. 2.3 The institution's student learning outcomes and expectations for Informing Students student attainment are clearly stated at the course, program and, as  University Catalog

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appropriate, institutional level. These outcomes and expectations are  Academic Programs reflected in academic programs and policies; curriculum;  Student/Advisor Resources advisement; library and information resources; and the wider  Academic Advising: Bronco Compass learning environment.  Advising Tools  Preview Day  Showcase of Excellence  Early Assessment Program  University Learning Outcomes  Learning-Centered Initiative

Academic Policies  Academic Integrity  Academic Renewal  Credit/No Credit Grade Option  Retroactive Withdrawal  Graduation Procedure  Undergraduate Student Course Repeat  Student Grade Appeals  Undergraduate Probation, Disqualification, Reinstatement  Admissions: Eligibility  Program Learning Goals  Library Instructed services  Community Engagement/Service Learning 2.4 The institution's expectations for learning and student attainment are  University Learning Outcomes developed and widely shared among its members (including faculty,  General Education (GE) Assessment students, staff, and where appropriate, external stakeholders). The  Academic Program Review and Assessment institution's faculty takes collective responsibility for establishing,  Curriculum Guide reviewing, fostering, and demonstrating the attainment of these  University Catalog expectations.  Academic Senate 2.5 The institution's academic programs actively involve students in  Cooperative Education learning, challenge them to achieve high expectations, and provide  Internships them with appropriate and ongoing feedback about their  Engineering Internships performance and how it can be improved.  Business Internships  Bell Internship  Learning Labs Internships

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 Honors College

Performance Expectations and Feedback  Academic Integrity  Grades and Grading Policies  Credit/No Credit Option  Degree Requirements  Bronco Direct Degree Audit System  Undergraduate Student Course Repeat  Student Grade Appeals  Undergraduate Probation, Disqualification, Reinstatement  Service Learning Outcomes 2.6 The institution demonstrates that its graduates consistently achieve its  Graduation Writing Test stated levels of attainment and ensures that its expectations for  Program Assessment student learning are embedded in the standards faculty use to evaluate student work. 2.7 All programs offered by the institution are subject to review, includes Learning Outcomes analyses of the achievement of the program's learning objectives and  University Learning Outcomes outcomes. Where appropriate, results of licensing examination and  Department Learning Outcomes placement and evidence from external constituencies such as  Common Data Set employers and professional organizations.  WASC Required Data Elements

Program Evaluation and Review  Academic Program Review and Assessment

Professional and Discipline  California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC)  Computer Information Systems Dept, National Training Standards for Information Systems Security Professionals, NSTISSI No. 4011 and 4012 for academic years 2005 – 2008  American Veterinary Medical Association  Commission on Accreditation for Dietetic Education  The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business  Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology  National Architectural Accrediting Board  National Association of Schools of Art and Design

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 Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board  Planning Accreditation Board  National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration  Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration 2.8 The institution actively values and promotes scholarship, curricular  Office of Research & Sponsored Programs (ORSP) and instructional innovation, and creative activity, as well as their  Research, Scholarship, and Creativity(RSCA) Program dissemination at levels and of the kinds appropriate to the  List of Grants and Contracts active in FY 06-07 institution's purposes and character.  The 2007-08 Provost’s Teacher- Scholar Program  Faculty Center for Professional Development (FCPD)  Stories of Successful Learning  Ethics Conference  Campus Forum  Golden Leaves  President’s Travel Fund  International Center Travel Grant 2.9 The institution recognized and promotes appropriate linkages among  Faculty Affairs scholarship, teaching, student learning and service.  Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion, and Evaluation  Policies on Evaluation of Temporary Faculty  Sabbatical Leave Policy  Faculty Center for Professional Development (FCPD) 2.10 The institution collects and analyzes student data disaggregated by Student Demographics demographic categories and areas of study. It tracks achievement,  Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning satisfaction, and campus climate to support student success. The  Data Warehouse institution regularly identifies the characteristics of its students and  Common Data Set assesses their preparation, needs, and experiences.  WASC Required Data Elements Grading and Evaluation  Grades and Grading Policies Impact Analysis of selected Policies  Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Freshman Survey  Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA)  National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)  CSU Freshman Proficiency Rates 2.11 Consistent with its purposes, the institution develops and assesses Co-Curricular Programs its co-curricular programs.  Career Counseling Services

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 CPU100: Career Planning  Associated Students, Inc. Activities and Workshops  Student Life and Leadership  Student Health Services  Health Promotion  Student Academic Support  Career Center  Office of Student Life and Cultural Centers  Campus Recreation  Orientation  Poly Nights  BroncoFusion  Student Clubs  Student Development Leadership Institute  Intercollegiate Athletics

Academically Engaging Students  Information Technology Competition  Cyber Defense Competition  Ethics Bowl  Undergraduate Research  Kellogg Ranch Farm Store  The Restaurant at Kellogg Ranch  JusticeCorps  Model United Nations  Honors College  Center for Community Service-Learning  International Center

Accreditation  Student Health Services, Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care  Counseling and Psychological Services, International Association of Counseling Services  Cal Poly Pomona Children’s Center, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

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 Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) professional standards

2.12 The institution ensures that all students understand the requirements  Academic Advising: Bronco Compass of their academic programs and receive timely, useful, and regular  Bronco Direct System information and advising about relevant academic requirements  University Catalog  Orientation Services  BroncoFusion  Advising Tools  Admissions & Outreach  ASSIST  BroncoCompass  Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)  Four Year Pledge  First Year Experience Programs  Honors College  Athlete Services  SEES  MEP  Re-Entry Center  Renaissance Scholars 2.13 Student support services-including financial aid, registration,  Enrollment Services advising, career counseling, computer labs, and library and  Financial Aid information services-are designed to meet the needs of the specific  Career Center types of students the institution serves and the curricula it offers  Student Health Services (SHS)  University Writing Center (UWC)  International Center (IC)  Disability Resource Center (DRC)  Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)  Student Support & Equity Programs (SSEP)  Student Development and Leadership Institute (SDLI)  College Reading Skills Program (CRSP)  Learning Resource Center (LRC)  Math and Science Help (MaSH) Program  Early Start Program

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 Math and Science Student Help Program  ARCHES  Library Instruction Services 2.14 Institutions that serve transfer students assume an obligation to  Institutional Research and Academic Resources provide clear and accurate information about transfer requirement,  Strategic Planning Council: CSU Accountability Process ensure equitable treatment for such students with respect to  CSU Lower Division Transfer Pattern Project academic policies, and ensure that such students are not unduly  Admissions & Outreach/Transfer Applicants disadvantages by transfer requirements.  Orientation Services/Transfer Orientation  BroncoFusion  Course Articulation Review Report  Bronco Compass/Transfer Credit  Assist Web Site 3.1 The institution employs personnel sufficient in number and  University Organizational Chart professional qualifications to maintain its operations and to support  Common Data Set is academic programs, consistent with its institutional and  Current Job Postings educational objectives.  Organizational Development & Training (ODT)  Human Resource Services  Academic Affairs Job Descriptions & Hiring  Job descriptions  Human Resources Forms  System-defined classification standards  Campus published hiring information  Faculty hiring: University Manual, Appendix 38 3.2 The institution demonstrates that it employs a faculty with substantial  Academic Recruitment Procedures, University Manual, Appendix 38 and continuing commitment to the institution sufficient in number,  Diversity and Compliance professional qualifications, and diversity to achieve its educational  Academic Senate Website objectives, to establish and oversee academic policies, and to ensure  Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion, and Evaluation the integrity and continuity of its academic programs wherever and  Policies on Evaluation of Temporary Faculty however delivered.  Post-Tenure Review  ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Program 3.3 Faculty and Staff recruitment, workload, incentive, and evaluation  Collective Bargaining Agreements practices are aligned with institutional purposes and educational  Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion, and Evaluation objectives. Evaluation processes are systematic, include appropriate  Academic Recruitment Procedures, University Manual, Appendix 38 peer review, and, for instructional faculty and other teaching staff,  Policies on Evaluation of Temporary Faculty

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involve consideration of evidence of teaching effectiveness,  Post-Tenure Review including student evaluation of instruction.  Salary Scales for CSU employees  Staff Evaluations  Benefits Services  Market Salary Increase  New Faculty Orientation 3.4 The institution maintains appropriate and sufficiently supported  Office of Research & Sponsored Programs (ORSP) faculty and staff development activities designed to improve  Institute for Teaching and Learning (System wide) teaching and learning consistent with its institutional objectives.  Faculty Center for Professional Development (FCPD)  I&IT Learning/Faculty Summer Institute  Stories of Successful Learning  Organizational Development & Training (ODT)  Universal Design for Learning  Faculty Mini Grant Program  University Writing Center 3.5 The institution has a history of financial stability, unqualified  Administrative Affairs independent financial audits and has resources sufficient to ensure  Finance and Administrative Services long-term viability. Resources are aligned with educational purposes  Procurement and Support Services and objectives, If an institution has an accumulated deficit; it has  Foundation/Financial realistic plans to eliminate the deficit. Resource planning and  Campus Master Plan development include realistic budgeting, enrollment management,  Resource Management Advisory Council (RMAC) and diversification of revenue sources. 3.6 The institution holds, or provides access to, information resources  Studio 6 sufficient in scope, quality, currency, and kind to support its  University Library academic offerings and the scholarship of its members. These  Inter Library Loan for students/faculty/staff information resources, services and facilities are consistent with the  Britannica Online institution's educational objectives and are aligned with student  Instructional and Information Technology Learning learning outcomes. For both on-campus students and students  Blackboard enrolled at a distance, physical and information resources, services,  DOLCE and information technology facilities are sufficient in scope and kind  Open Seat Program to support and maintain the level and kind of education offered. 3.7 The institution's information technology resources are sufficiently  Instructional and Information Technology Division (I&IT) coordinated and supported to fulfill its educational purposes and to  CSU ITS Common Management Systems provide key academic and administrative functions.  Classroom Technology Services  SMART classrooms  Faculty and Staff Help Desk: eHelp

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 PeopleSoft Student Administration System  Blackboard 3.8 The institution's organizational structures and decision-making  University Strategic Plan processes are clear, consistent with its purposes, and support  Office of The President Org Chart effective decision making, and place priority on sustaining effective  Academic Affairs Org Chart academic programs.  Student Affairs Org Chart  Instructional and Information Technology Org Chart  Administrative Affairs Org Chart  Advancement Org Chart  University Policies  Academic Senate Constitution  Academic Senate Bylaws  Resource Management Advisory Council (RMAC) 3.9 The institution has an independent governing board or similar  CSU Organizational Chart authority that, consistent with its legal and fiduciary authority,  Board of Trustees of CSU exercises appropriate oversight over institutional integrity, policies,  Board of Trustees Rules and Procedures and ongoing operations, including hiring and evaluating the chief  President’s Homepage executive officer.  Administration Webpage 3.10 The institution has a full-time chief executive officer and a chief  President’s Homepage financial officer whose primary or fulltime responsibility is to the  Administrative Affairs institution. In addition, the institution has a sufficient number of  Academic Affairs other qualified to provide effective educational leadership and  University Strategic Planning Committee management.  University Budget & Advisory Committee 3.11 The institution's faculty exercises effective academic leadership and  Academic Senate Website acts consistently to ensure both academic quality and the appropriate  Faculty Development Advisory Committee maintenance of the institution's educational purposes and character.  Information Technology Governance Committee  University Curriculum Committee  University RTP Committee  Enrollment Management Advisory Council  All University Committee on Teacher Education 4.1 The institution periodically engages its multiple constituencies in Strategic Planning at CSU institutional reflection an planning processes which assess its  System Strategic planning strategic position; articulate priorities; examine the alignment of its  CSU Budget Office purposes, core functions and resources; and define the future  CSU Access to Excellence direction of the institution. The institution monitors the effectiveness

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of this plans and planning processes, and revises them as Strategic Planning at CPP appropriate.  Campus Master Plan  The Prioritization and Recovery Project  University Vision and Identity Initiative  Learning-Centered Initiative  University Strategic Plan 4.2 Planning processes at the institution define and, to the extent  Capital Improvements Program possible, align academic, personnel, fiscal, physical, and  Campus Master Plan technological needs with the strategic objectives and proprieties of  Facilities Planning & Management the institution.  Prioritization and Recovery Project  CPP Response to Access to Excellence  University Strategic Plan  Academic Strategic Plan  CPP Graduation Initiative 4.3 Planning processes are informed by appropriately defined and Planning analyzed quantitative and qualitative data, and include consideration  University Strategic Plan of evidence of educational effectiveness, including student learning.  Prioritization and Recovery Project  Student Affairs Divisional Assessment Committee  Academic Program Review and Assessment  Learning-Centered Initiative  Campus Master Plan 4.4 The institution employs a deliberate set of quality assurance Approval and Review Processes processes at each level of institutional functioning, including new  Academic Programs Website curriculum and program approval processes, periodic program  Prioritization and Recovery Project review, ongoing evaluation, and data collection. These processes  Academic Program Review and Assessment assessing effectiveness, tracking results over time, using  Curriculum Guide comparative data from external sources, and improving structures,  College Annual Reports (Available upon request) processes, curricula, and pedagogy.  Academic Affairs Policies and Procedures  CPP Learning Outcomes

Data Collections  Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning  Data Warehouse 4.5 The institution has institutional research capacity consistent with its  Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning purposes and objectives. Institutional research addresses strategic  NSSE survey data needs, is disseminated in a timely manner, and is incorporated

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in institutional review and decision-making process. Included in the  CLA Project institutional research function is the collection of appropriate data to  CIRP Freshman Survey support the assessment of student learning. Periodic reviews are  Data Warehouse conducted to ensure the effectiveness of the research function and  WASC Required Data Elements the suitability and usefulness of data. 4.6 Leadership at all levels is committed to improvement based on the  CSU Homepage results of the processes of inquiry, evaluation and assessment used  Quality Improvement (CSU) throughout the institution. The faculty takes responsibility for  Student Affairs Assessment evaluating the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process and  Prioritization and Recovery Project uses the results for improvement. Assessments of the campus  Campus Master Plan environment in support of academic and co-curricular objectives are  Academic Program Review and Assessment also undertaken and used, and are incorporated into institutional  Learning-Centered Initiative planning.  Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion, and Evaluation  Academic Senate  University Strategic Plan  CPP Learning Outcomes 4.7 The institution, with significant faculty involvement, engages in  Instructional and Information Technology Learning ongoing inquiry into the processes of teaching and learning, as wells  Faculty Center for Professional Development into the conditions and practices that promote the kinds and levels of  DOLCE learning intended by the institution. The outcomes of such inquires  Academic Program Review and Assessment are applied practice of pedagogy, and to the improvement of  GE Program Assessment evaluation means and methodology.  Learning-Centered Initiative  Stories of Successful Learning  University Writing Center 4.8 Appropriate stakeholders, including alumni, employers, practitioners,  Office of Alumni Affairs and others defined by the institution, are involved in the assessment  Alumni Association website of the effectiveness of educational programs.  Bronco Mentoring Program  President’s Council  Engineering Industry Action Councils  Downtown Center Advisory Board  Lyle Center Advisory Board  AHIMSA Advisory Board  College of Business Administration Business Partners  Collins College Industry Partners  Professor for a Day

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 Alumni Brick Walkway  Bronco Stampede

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