Click on Huggins and go to the Monthly calendar for assignments. I pasted in a copy below for you.


Students can make up tests before or after school and lunch.

Assignments are on-line and listed each day. I have copied the assignment calendar below. Students are responsible for completing the assignments marked abbreviated for their class (IB = International Business, BLW – Law, ENT = Entrepreneurship, CJ = Criminal Justice).

We have samples of portfolios in the Business Binders available which we pass around the classroom as a help for students. Attached is the grading rubric for the portfolio. Students are given time to complete the assignments in class and we go over them daily. Students are permitted to complete any unfinished work as homework.

I am available every lunch to go over the portfolios and help students complete them. I accept optional credit on every portfolio (3 per portfolio). The lavender, Business Brief Format, form is used for this. These forms are in the front cubby by the white board. Students may use a business newspaper article, business magazine (I have many business magazines in the front cubbies), or on-line to complete optional credits weekly.

One large VIP Report (100 points) is available each quarter. Students research a business person or business topic. Reports are 5 pages double spaced with a cover and poster. Students read the report and go over the poster with the class. VIP Reports are due two weeks before each quarter, Oct. 2.

Thanks so much,

Mrs. H