Chapter 1: the Birth of Art

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Chapter 1: the Birth of Art

Chapter 1: Prehistoric Art


1-1 Spotted Horses and Human Hands, 25,000-24,000 BCE, painting, Pech- Merle Cave, France 1-7 Woman from Willendorf, c. 24,000 BCE, Limestone, Willendorf, Austria 1-11 Hall of the Bulls, c. 15,000 BCE, painting, Lascaux cave, France 1-12 Bird-Headed Man with Bison, c. 15,000 BCE, painting, Lascaux cave, France 1-13 Bison, c. 12,500 BCE, painting, Altamira cave, Spain 1-21 Stonehenge, 2750-1500 BCE, stone, Wiltshire, England

Important terms and ideas: post-and-lintel mortise-and-tenon joints composite form (book uses the term composite pose) abstraction naturalism realism sculpture in the round relief sculpture

Chapter 2: Art of the Ancient Near East

Figures: 2-1 Stele of Naram-Sin, 2254-2218 BCE, limestone, Susa, Iran 2-2 Ruins of the Anu Ziggurat and White Temple, 3300-3000 BCE, Uruk, Iraq 2-4 Votive Figures from the Square Temple, 2900-2600 BCE, limestone, alabaster and gypsum, Iraq 2-5 Cylinder seal, 2550-2400 BCE, lapis lazuli, Ur, Iraq p. 35 The Great Lyre with Bull’s Head, 2550-2400 BCE, gold leaf and lapis lazuli over wooden core, Royal Cemetery, Ur, Iraq p. 35 Sound Box of The Great Lyre 2-7 Reconstruction of the Nanna Ziggurat, 2100-2050 BCE 2-8 Votive Statue of Gudea, 2090 BCE, diorite, Girsu, Iraq p. 38 Stele of Hammurabi, 1792-1750 BCE, diorite, Susa, Iran 2-10 Assurnasirpal II Killing Lions, 875-860 BCE, alabaster, from the Palace of Assurnasirpal II, Nimrud, Iraq 2-11 Reconstruction of citadel of Sargon II, 721-706 BCE, Dur Sharrukin, Iraq

2-12 Guardian figures at Gate A of the Citadel of Sargon II During its Excavation, Dur Sharrukin, c. 721-706 BCE (Lamassu Figures) 2-15 Ishtar Gate, 575 BCE, glazed brick, Babylon, Iraq

Important terms and ideas:

stele votive figures iconography idealization hieratic scale registers cuneiform ziggurats

Chapter 3: Art of Ancient Egypt

Figures: 3-1 Funerary mask of Tutankhamun, 1332-1322 BCE, gold with inlay of glass and semiprecious stones, Eighteenth Dynasty, Thebes p. 52 The Narmer Palette, 2950 BCE, green schist, Early Dynastic period 3-2 Reconstruction Drawing of Djoser’s Funerary Complex, Saqqara, 2630- 2575 BCE 3-3 The Step Pyramid, and Sham Buildings, Funerary Complex of Djoser, Saqqara, limestone, height of pyramid 204’ 3-4 Great Pyramids, 2575-2450 BCE, Fourth Dynasty, Giza 3-8 Khafre, 2520-2494 BCE, anorthosite gneiss, Fourth Dynasty, Giza 3-9 Menkaure and a Queen, 2490-2472 BCE, graywacke with traces of red and black paint, Fourth Dynasty, Giza 3-10 Seated scribe, 2450-2325 BCE, painted limestone, Fifth Dynasty, Saqqara 3-14 Rock-cut tombs, 1938-1755 BCE, Twelfth Dynasty, Beni Hasan 3-18 Reconstruction Drawing of the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak, New Kingdom, c. 1579-1075 BCE 3-19 Reconstruction drawing of the Hypostyle hall, Temple of Amun, 1292- 1190 BCE, Nineteenth Dynasty, Karnak 3-20 Ruins of the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak, 1579-1075 BCE 3-21 Hatshepsut Kneeling, Eighteenth Dynasty, 1473-1458 BCE, red granite 3-22 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, 1473-1458 BCE, Eighteenth Dynasty, Deir el-Bahri 3-25 Akhenaten, 1353-1336 BCE, sandstone, Eighteenth Dynasty, Karnak 3-26 Akhenaten and His Family, 1353-1336 BCE, limestone sunken relief, Tell el-Amarna, Egypt 3-28 Nefertiti, 1353-1336 BCE, painted limestone, Eighteenth Dynasty, Tell el-Amarna 3-29 Inner Coffin of Tutankhamun’s Sarcophagus, 1332-1322 BCE, gold with inlay of enamel and semiprecious stones, Eighteenth Dynasty, Thebes Important terms and ideas:

mastaba hypostyle hall stele necropolis clerestory

Chapter 4: Art of the Ancient Aegean

Figures: 4-2 Figure of a Women, 2600-2400 BCE, marble, Cycladic Islands 4-4 Reconstruction of the Palace Complex, Knossos, Crete, 2000-1375 BCE 4-5 Kamares Ware Jug, 2000-1900 BCE, Phaistos, Crete 4-6 Bull Leaping, 1550-1450 BCE, fresco, Knossos, Crete 4-7 Woman or Goddess with Snakes, 1700-1550 BCE, faience, Palace of Knossos, Crete 4-10 Octopus Flask, 1500-1450 BCE, Palaikastro, Crete 4-12 Landscape (Spring Fresco), before 1630 BCE, fresco, Akrotiri, Thera p.92-3 “Flotilla” Fresco, 1650 BCE, fresco, Room 5, West House, Akrotiri, Thera 4-18 Exterior view of Tholos, the So-Called Treasury of Atreus, 1300-1200 BCE, Mycenae, Greece 4-19 Corbeled Vault of the Treasury of Atreus

Important terms and ideas:

Potter’s wheel abstract forms labyrinth minotaur dry fresco (fresco secco) wet fresco (true fresco) corbel vault, corbeling

Chapter 5: Art of Ancient Greece

Figures: 5-1 Exekias, Achilles and Ajax playing a game, 540 BCE, Orvieto, Italy 5-2 Funerary Vase (krater), from the Dipylon cemetery, 750-700 BCE, Athens, Greece 5-9 Plan and Exterior of Temple of Hera I, Paestum, Italy, 550-540 BCE 5-16 Metropolitan Kouros, 600 BCE, marble, 6’ tall 5-18 Anavysos Kouros, 530 BCE, marble, Anavysos, Greece, 6’ 4” tall 5-19 “Peplos” Kore, 530 BCE, marble, from the Acropolis, Athens, Greece 5-22 Exekias, Achilles and Ajax playing a game (detail), 540 BCE, Orvieto, Italy 5-26 Warrior, 460-450 BCE, bronze, Riace, Italy 5-31 Iktinos and Kallikrates, Parthenon, 447-432 BCE, Athens, Greece 5-32 Photographic Mock-Up of the East Pediment of the Parthenon (including The Three Goddesses), 447-432 BCE 5-33 Lapith Fighting a Centaur, 447-432 BCE, metope from Parthenon, Athens, Greece p. 134 Polykleitos, Spear Bearer (Doryphorus), 450-440 BCE, Roman marble copy after the bronze original 5-35 Marshals and Young Women, Panathenaic Festival frieze, 447-432 BCE, marble, Parthenon, Athens, Greece 5-39 Nike (Victory) Adjusting her Sandal, 410-405 BCE, Temple of Athena Nike, Athens, Greece 5-45 Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos, 350 BCE, Roman marble copy 5-52 Dying Gallic Trumpeter, 220 BCE, Roman copy 5-54 Athena Attacking the Giants, from the Altar of Pergamon, 175-150 BCE, marble 5-55 Hagesandros, Polydoros, and Athenodoros of Rhodes, Laocoön and His sons, 1st century, marble, 8’

Important terms and ideas:

Geometric period Archaic period Classical period Hellenistic period doric ionic corinthian entabulature pediment frieze kouros, kore archaic smile red-figure and black-figure painting contrapposto relief sculpture expressionism emotionalism Chapter 6: Etruscan and Roman Art


6-3 Reconstruction of an Etruscan temple p. 170 Patrician Carrying Portrait Busts of Two Ancestors, end of 1st century BCE or beginning of 1st century CE, marble, height 5’5” 6-13 Portrait Head of an Elder, 80 BCE, marble, life size p. 172 Pont du Gard, late 1st century BCE, Nîmes, France 6-16 Temple, perhaps dedicated to Portunus, late 2nd century BCE, Rome, Italy 6-18 Augustus of Primaporta, early 1st century BCE, marble copy of bronze original, Primaporta, Italy p. 176 Ara Pacis Augustae, 13-9 BCE, Rome, Italy p. 177 Imperial Procession, south façade of the Ara Pacis, 13-9 BCE, Rome, Italy 6-23 Peristyle Garden, House of the Vettii, rebuilt 62-79 CE, Pompeii, Italy 6-29 Cityscape, Late 1st century CE, from a bedroom in the House of Publius Fannius Syistor, Boscoreale, Italy 6-32 The Arch of Titus, 81 CE, Rome, Italy 6-33 Spoils from the Temple of Solomon, scene from the Arch of Titus 6-35 Flavian Amphitheater, The Colosseum, 70-80 CE, Rome, Italy 6-36 A Young Flavian Woman, 90 CE, marble 6-37 Middle-Aged Flavian Woman, late 1st century CE, marble 6-43 Column of Trajan, 113-116 or after 117 CE, forum of Trajan, Rome, Italy 6-44 Column of Trajan Detail 6-45 Pantheon, 118-128 CE, Rome, Italy (exterior) 6-46 Reconstruction Drawing of the Pantheon 6-48 Interior of the Pantheon 6-52 Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, 176 CE, bronze, Rome, Italy 6-53 Commodus as Hercules, 191-192 CE, marble 6-54 Caracalla, Early 3rd century CE, marble 6-55 Baths of Caracalla, 211-217 CE, Rome, Italy 6-56 Plan of the Baths of Caracalla, 211-217 CE, Rome, Italy 6-63 Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine (Basilica Nova), 306-313 CE, Rome, Italy 6-65 Reconstruction drawing of the Basilica Nova, 306-312 AD 6-66 Constantine the Great, 325-326 CE, Rome, Italy

Important terms and ideas from Chapter 6:

patricians plebians veristic/verism amphitheater atrium peristyle garden velarium intuitive perspective continuous narrative frieze frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium

Chapter 7: Jewish, Early Christian, and Byzantine Art


7-6 The Good Shepherd, second half of the 3rd century, marble 7-9 Interior of Santa Sabina, 422-32, Rome, Italy 7-13 Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, 359, marble, Rome, Italy 7-14 Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, 425-26, Ravenna, Italy 7-15 Interior of Mausoleum of Galla Placidia 7-16 Christ as the Good Shepherd, 425-26, mosaic from the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia 7-17 Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, Church of Hagia Sophia, 532-37, Istanbul, Turkey 7-18 plan and section of the Church of Hagia Sophia 7-19 Church of Hagia Sophia, Interior 7-20 Plan and Cutaway drawing, Church of San Vitale, 520-48, Ravenna, Italy 7-21 Church of San Vitale, Interior, 520-48 7-22 Christ Enthroned, Flanked by Angels, St. Vitalis and Bishop Ecclesius, Church of San Vitale, Ravenna, Mosaic 7-23 Emperor Justinian and His Attendants, 547, mosaic, San Vitale 7-24 Empress Theodora and Her Attendants, 547, San Vitale 7-25 The Transfiguration of Christ with Sant’Appolinare, First Bishop of Ravenna, 549, apse mosaic, Church of Sant’Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, Italy

Important terms and ideas:

basilica nave narthex, vestibule apse transept side aisles ambulatory central planned church cruciform mosaics Byzantine, Byzantium pendentives hieratic scale mandorla iconoclasm

Chapter 14: Early Medieval Art in Europe

Figures: 14-5 Page with Man, Gospel Book of Durrow, Gospel of St. Matthew, second half of the 7th century, ink and tempera on parchment, Iona, Scotland 14-18 Page with Matthew the Evangelist, Ebbo Gospels, Gospel of Matthew, second quarter of the 9th century, ink, gold, and colors on vellum 14-19 Crucifixion with Angels and Mourning Figures, Lindau Gospels, outer cover, 870-80, gold, pearls, sapphires, garnets, and emeralds 14-24 Doors of Bishop Bernward, 1015, Abbey Church of Saint Michael, Hildesheim, Germany, 16’6”

Important terms and ideas: biomorphic, organic, zoomorphic forms manuscript illuminations

Chapter 15: Romanesque Art

Figures: 15-3 Interior, Church of Sant Vincenc, Cardona, 1020s-30s 15-11 Cathedral Complex, Pisa, Italy, cathedral begun 1063, baptistery begun 1153, campanile begun 1174 15-16 Interior, Speyer Cathedral, Germany, c. 1080-1106 15-17 Exterior, Speyer Cathedral, Germany, c. 1080-1106 15-18 Nave, Durham Cathedral, England, 1087-1133 p. 478 Giselbertus, Last Judgment, tympanum on west portal, Cathedral of Saint- Lazare, Autun, France, ca. 1120-30 p. 484 Bayeux Tapestry, embroidered wool on linen, 1066-82

Important terms and ideas: feudalism campanile mandorla wall elevation, façade elevation tympanum, lunette Chapter 16: Gothic Art of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries

Figures: Introduction to Gothic architecture: 16-2 Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, Plan 16-3 Interior, Abbey Church of Saint-Denis, Choir, France, 1140-44 Chartres Cathedral: 16-6 West Façade, Chartres Cathedral, France, begun 1134, rebuilt after 1194 16-7 Royal Portal, West Façade, Chartres Cathedral, 1145-55 16-8 Royal Portal, West Façade, Chartres Cathedral, Prophets and Ancestors of Christ jamb statues, 1145-55 16-11 Nave, Chartres Cathedral, 1194-1220 16-13 Chartres Cathedral, North Transept, Rose window and Lancets, 1220 Reims Cathedral: 16-15 West façade, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, France, ca. 1225-1290 16-16 West Façade, Central Portral, Visitation and Annunciation figures, Reims Cathedral 16-17 Nave, Reims Cathedral, 1220 The Epitome of Gothic architecture: P. 509 Upper Chapel, Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, France, 1243-48

Important terms and ideas:

gothic rib vault sexpartite vault rose window triforium flying buttresses jamb figures, jamb sculpture

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