ADVA PARTNERSHIP MEETING MINUTES Thursday, 23 October 2008 Newton Abbot Racecourse

Present: Cllr Jill Owen (Chair); Janice Healey (adva); Michael Beechener (adva Trainer); Claire Heaver (adva); Rachel Martin (adva); Mary Mitchell (Devon and Cornwall Probation); Alison Kearnes (Devon and Cornwall NSPCC); Roy Tomlinson (DCC); Susannah Hunter (adva); Alison Allen (Devon PCT); Gemma Newbery (CYPS); Angie Mudge (CYPS); Bryony Curtis (CYPS); Maria (Exeter Women’s Aid); Collette (Exeter Women’s Aid); Tom Powell (South Devon YOT); Sue McGrath (Devon Youth Offending Service); Nikki Phillips (Early Years and Childcare Service); Lisa Jennings (Devon Strategic Housing Group); Hilary Johnson (Devon & Cornwall Housing East Devon Safe House); Alice (IDVA Exeter Women’s Aid); Lyndsay (IDVA Mid and East Devon); Vicky (East Devon Outreach Exeter Women’s Aid); Ian Mellis (Devon PCT); G Harvey (Carr-Gomm DV Support); Chris Sidnier (Carr-Gomm); Bonnie Korinek (Carr-Gomm); Lyn Davis (CAMHS Devon PCT); Elizabeth Hulme (CPS); Lyn Stoddart (EWA); Lois (Exeter Women’s Aid); Gill (Exeter Women’s Aid); Jennie Read (Hartnell Chanot and Partners); Peter Mitchell (CAFCASS); Zoe Joslin (Central Devon Magistrates Court); Michael Miller (Exeter Community Safety Partnership); Barry Goff (CYPS EWS); Tina (North Devon Women’s Aid; Rachel Cook (Michelmores Solicitors); Tiffany Macedo-dine (Devon and Cornwall Constabulary)

Apologies: Andrea Toman; Andy Berry; Anita Beasley; Avril Mewse; Beverley Dubash; Brian Tapley; Carol Hazelton; Cathy Kingham; Chris Dimmelow; Christian Gape; Ghristine Fritsch; Deborah Booth; Donna Apicella; Emma Blake; Gail Salway; Graham Davey; Helen Hyland; Jan Chapman; Jan Rockey; Jane Richards; Janet Chapman; Jill Read-Brown; Jo Morrish; Jo Tennant; Julie Miskin; Karen Brown; Katherine Partt; Kathryn Alsop; Lesley Hart; Lesley Valentine; Linda Belshaw; Liz Rafferty; Maureen Read; Paul Grimsey; Peter Dale; Ruth Saltmarsh; Sally Pritchard; Sue McGrath; Wendi Wallen;

Item No Item for discussion & action points 1 Welcome and news Up-date – Cllr Jill Owen

Welcome to Jane Taylor – her first meeting in her new role as Force lead on DVA. She is leading the Force and partners task group on setting vision and direction for future approach to DVA which is a significant piece of work.

Thank you and farewell to 3 very important and committed people who have been with adva from the start:- Lesley Valentine (who was unable to attend) who has retired from Police after many years of front line work as a DAO helping many women victims and assisting bringing perpetrators to account. Tiffany Macedo-dine is taking up this role. Mary Mitchell is retiring from Probation for a life a luxury on a Greek Island. Mary has chaired adva Perpetrator Task Group and helped enormously with this aspect of work Maria Cox after 11 years with Women’s Aid (Safe Project) is going into HIV work – great work establishing specialist intervention for young women and extending this to East and Mid Devon

New logo – KOR Communications have developed a new logo which was used for the Employer Launch. We welcome views on it, as a replacement for the current Home is Where the Hurt is logo.

adva Newsletter now available on-line (

Employers Campaign was launched on 4 September and was a great success both during the day and the MADA event in the evening.

2 Scene Setting for the new format of Partnership meetings – Michael Beechener Please see attached presentation.

3 The Needs of children living with domestic violence and abuse’ – the voice of survivors – SEEDS Devon Please see attached presentation.

4 Children who live in very high risk families – the education and the social care perspectives – Angie Mudge & Gemma Newbery Please see attached presentation.

5 Working with children and Young People in Devon linked to Every Child Matters – Exeter, North and South Women’s Aid Please see attached presentation

6 Round-table multi-agency discussion on impact on, and implications of, issues raised Please see attached presentation

7 Dates of next Meetings – Thursday, 22 January 2009 Thursday, 21 May 2009 Thursday, 24 September 2009