Igneous Rocks and Processes - a practical guide Errata*

p. 51 Box 2.7 text line 3: 'Figs. 2.7.3b and 2.15' should read 'Figs. 2.7.3b and 2.16'. p. 134 Box 5.2 para 2: in final sentence delete '(Plate 5.5)'. p. 142 para 2: Replace the passage

'In addition to spinel lherzolites, one may find garnet lherzolites (Plate 5.5) , harzburgites, dunites, pyroxenites and eclogites, often ...'

with 'In addition to spinel lherzolite, one may find garnet lherzolites, harzburgites, dunites, pyroxenites and eclogites (Plate 5.5), often ...' p. 170 final line, right column: 'field (Fig. 6.3d,g)' should read 'field (Fig. 6.3g)'. p. 171 line 3 in right column: should read 'Aliso lava dome in southern Arizona'. p. 204 right-hand column line 38: insert '(Plate 5.5)' after 'a garnet-bearing basic rock' Caption to Plate 5.5: Replace the entire caption with the following: 5.5 Hand specimen of eclogite, consisting of red garnet (Box 5.2) and green omphacite (a Na-Al-rich clinopyroxene - see Fig. 9.2.1). Locality unknown. Metal rod 10 mm. Sample courtesy of M.A. Menzies, University of London. Photo K. D'Souza. p. 220 left column item 2. Five lines up from foot, replace 13 by 12. p.242: the two footnotes at the foot of the caption to Fig. 8.1 should be printed in the same font (though smaller size) as the main caption, not in text font (Sabon). p. 293 Box 9.1. line 5: Replace 'optic sign' by 'Optic sign'.

Last text line: '... alteration provide other clues.' p. 347: Insert a paragraph at the beginning of INTRODUCTION:

'Readers unfamiliar with the simple physics of light may download an 'Optics Primer' from the companion webite (www.wiley.com/go/gill/igneous – click Web Resources).' p. 356 Caption to Fig. A5. (a) The separated ... (b) How the ... p. 359 Table B1: Caption should read:

* These corrections apply only to the first (2010) and second (2011) prints. 'Worksheet for the manual calculation of a simplified norm (a PDF version of this worksheet can be downloaded from www.wiley.com/go/gill/igneous under Web Resources). Enter the volatile-free rock analysis in the first row.' p. 366 Amend the capital  entry to read:

 phi (cap) sediment/pyroclast grade: sediment grain size d in mm expressed as a negative power of 2: i.e. d = 2-. See Table 7.2 and p.224. norms: molar MgO + FeO (after calculation of Fe oxide minerals) in the calculation of a simplified norm (Appendix B). p. 372-3 (glossary): define isopach (referred to in Fig. 7.8) as follows:

isopach a line drawn on a map through points of equal thickness of a designated pyroclastic unit (see Fig. 7.8).