BI 102 2017 Objectives and Assessments

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BI 102 2017 Objectives and Assessments

BI 102 2017 Objectives and Assessments

Primary Week Activity # Objective Assessment Describe a current biology news story that was introduced in Any Any Lecture 1 Any Exam lecture. (if used, objective #1 will be identified in lecture) Explain how science differs from other fields of study and Nature of 2 Exam #1 why science is important in addressing global issues. Science 3 Provide examples of how BI 102 topics relate to daily life. Exam #1 (Lecture) 4 Give examples of research-based learning techniques. Exam #1 5 Define artificial selection and provide examples. Exam #1 Describe early ideas of inheritance, including how technology 6 Exam #1 impacted these ideas. Mendel Outline Mendel’s life and work, including his Principles (Lecture) 7 Exam #1 (Laws) of Inheritance. Explain how and why Mendel’s work went unrecognized and 8 Exam #1 what it took for Mendel’s work to be “rediscovered.” Define and provide different aspects of science, including 9 observations, inferences, hypotheses, theories, and laws. Exam #1 Darwin, Mendel, Compare and contrast aspects of the lives of Gregor Mendel and Scientific 10 and Charles Darwin. Exam #1 Inquiry 1 (Recitation) Describe the scientific studies and contributions of both 11 Mendel and Darwin. Exam #1 12 Reflect on personal understandings of science. Portfolio #1 Describe and complete a monohybrid (“one trait”) cross of 13 Exam #1 corn kernel color, including three generations (P, F1, and F2). Define the following genetics terms: dominant, recessive, Genetics and 14 genotype, phenotype, gene/allele, homozygous, and Exam #1 Evolution of heterozygous. Corn 15 Provide characteristics of corn structures, traits and life cycle. Exam #1 (Lab) Discuss corn history including human domestication and 16 Exam #1 uses of corn. 17 Observe corn seedlings and analyze information. Portfolio #1 Describe four assumptions of the scientific world view, five Readings 18 aspects of scientific inquiry, and four characteristics of the Exam #1 (Science, scientific enterprise. Mendel) Explain Mendel’s experiments and Principles of segregation 19 Exam #1 and independent assortment. 2 Define what a chromosome is, and discuss where 20 Exam #1 chromosomes are located. Outline the discovery of the structure of DNA, including the Chromosomes 21 Exam #1 key researchers and their work. and DNA Describe the structure of DNA, including the double helix and (Lecture) 22 Exam #1 various molecules that comprise the larger macromolecule. Explain the relationship between chromosomes, DNA, 23 Exam #1 genes, alleles, proteins, and observable traits. DNA and Describe basic protein structure and function, including 24 Exam #1 Proteins amino acids and polypeptides. (Lecture) Outline the steps of protein synthesis, including transcription 25 Exam #1 and translation. Provide examples of how toxins and antibiotics relate to 26 Exam #1 protein synthesis. 27 Describe types of “Non-Mendelian” inheritance and how it Exam #1 relates to proteins.

179 Describe possible processes of how wolves may have 28 Exam #1 developed into many varieties of modern dogs. Artificial Give examples of traits artificially selected for that appear in 29 Exam #1 Selection modern dogs. (Recitation) Provide examples of how inbreeding relates to genetic 30 Exam #1 disorders in dogs. 31 Summarize video information on dog artificial selection. Portfolio #1 Utilize a model to construct DNA, make an mRNA copy of 32 DNA (process of transcription) and from the mRNA, produce Exam #1 Chromosomes, a small protein fragment (process of translation). DNA, and Describe details of chromosome, DNA, RNA, and protein 33 Exam #1 Proteins structure and function. (Lab) Define terms related to genomes, including gene, intron, 34 Exam #1 exon, and the genetic code. 35 Summarize the process of protein synthesis in a drawing. Portfolio #1 Readings (DNA Compare and contrast the structures and functions of DNA 36 Exam #1 and RNA, and RNA. Protein Outline, in detail, the steps of protein synthesis, including the 37 Exam #1 Synthesis) roles of mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA in the process. 38 Define what a mutation is and what causes mutations. Exam #1 Describe the most likely and least likely effects of mutations 39 Exam #1 Mutation and on cellular function. Variation Explain variable gene expression, how it is possible for all 40 Exam #1 (Lecture) cells to have the same DNA but make different proteins. Explore epigenetics, how gene expression can be impacted 41 Exam #1 by chemicals attached to the DNA macromolecule. 42 Compare the genomes and life cycles of various organisms. Exam #1 Link chromosomes and the processes of meiosis, 43 Exam #1 fertilization, and mitosis to life stages. Development Describe the role of master control genes in embryonic (Lecture) 44 Exam #1 development. Describe how environmental factors can alter successful 45 Exam #1 development. Provide different sources and examples of variation within 46 Exam #1 species. 3 Utilize different models linking variation to artificial and Variation 47 Exam #1 natural selection. (Recitation) 48 Follow the inheritance pattern of traits in a dihybrid cross. Exam #1 Complete a dihybrid cross with correct genotypes and 49 Portfolio #2 phenotypes. 50 Describe the processes of mitosis and meiosis. Exam #1 51 Link meiosis and mitosis to the life cycles of various species. Exam #1 Reproduction Utilize a model to demonstrate how crossing over during and Growth 52 Exam #1 meiosis can lead to increased genetic variation. (Lab) Map the location of genes on a chromosome using crossover 53 Portfolio #2 data. Describe what a mutation is, the typical impact, how 54 mutations relate to alleles and variation, and the role of DNA Exam #1 Readings repair. (Mutation Describe what “epigenetics” means, what attaches to the Epigenetics) 55 DNA, how a parent’s experiences may impact offspring, and Exam #1 the experiments with rats that revealed epigenetic impacts. Describe the human genome, including chromosomes and Human 56 Exam #2 4 genes. Inheritance 57 Provide examples of chromosomal mutations in humans. Exam #2

180 Describe the inheritance patterns and symptoms of human 58 Exam #2 genetic disorders caused by gene mutations. (Lecture) Explain how cancer has a genetic basis and how it can relate 59 Exam #2 to both “nature and nurture.” Explain what stem cells are, where stem cells are found, and 60 Exam #2 potential uses of stem cells. List various types of genetic screening, from prenatal through 61 Exam #2 Medical Genetic adult. Technologies Describe the current status of gene therapy, including the 62 Exam #2 (Lecture) potential role of gene editing. Discuss the eugenics movement of the early twentieth 63 century and how it may relate to current genetic Exam #2 technologies. Study human traits to determine whether they follow 64 Exam #2 Mendelian or non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance. Human Analyze human pedigrees to determine the genetic basis of 65 Exam #2 Genetics inherited traits. (Recitation) Provide characteristics of the human genome, including 66 Exam #2 karyotype and chromosomal features. 67 Construct a human pedigree based on family data. Portfolio #2 68 Identify chromosomal disorders from karyotype data. Exam #2 Provide the genetic basic, inheritance patterns and 69 Exam #2 symptoms for various gene-based genetic disorders. Human Genetic Examine pedigree and geographic data to study the Disorders 70 Exam #2 genetic basis of lactose intolerance. (Lab) 71 Describe why humans lack the ability to produce vitamin C. Exam #2 Analyze exam results to improve learning and performance 72 Portfolio #2 on future exams. Explain what RNAi is and how it may be used to alter the 73 Exam #2 Readings course of human diseases. (RNAi, stem Compare and contrast embryonic and adult stem cells, cells) 74 describe what pluripotent stem cells are, and how stem cells Exam #2 can be used. 5 Describe the basic techniques that are used in genetic 75 Exam #2 engineering. Agriculture and Provide examples of plants that have been genetically 76 Exam #2 Genetic modified and explain why these crops are significant. Engineering Provide examples of genetically modified animals, including 77 Exam #2 (Lecture) salmon. Describe the technique of cloning and provide examples of 78 Exam #2 organisms that have been cloned. 79 Explain how genetics and evolution relates to human aging. Exam #2 Provide examples of genetic technologies that were Future of 80 previously considered to be “science fiction” but now may be Exam #2 Genetics reality. (Lecture) Describe the efforts to revive “relic DNA” and long-extinct 81 Exam #2 species. Genetic 82 List the basic techniques and uses of genetic technologies. Exam #2 Technologies Provide examples of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 83 Exam #2 (Lab only, no including successes and failures in producing chimeras. recitation this Describe how DNA fingerprinting can be used in criminal and 84 Exam #2 week) paternity cases, as well as for tracking genetic disorders. 85 Give examples of recent advancement in stem cell and Exam #2 cancer research.

181 Make follow-up observations of corn seedlings and analyze 86 Portfolio #2 information. Describe what cloning is, what can be cloned, whether Readings 87 humans have been cloned, the potential drawbacks of Exam #2 (Cloning, cloning animals, and the basics of therapeutic cloning. Extinct Animals) Discuss which extinct species may be “brought back to life” 88 Exam #2 and the techniques being used. Provide the cultural context and details of Darwin’s life and 89 Exam #2 work. Explain the impact of Darwin’s theory of natural selection and 90 Exam #2 Darwin clarification of the laws of evolutionary change. (Lecture) Define genetic drift and explain how it adds complexity to the 91 Exam #2 mechanisms of evolutionary change. Revisit “Darwin’s finches” and describe what modern 92 Exam #2 researchers have discovered about these species. Define what a species is and why reproductive isolation is 93 Exam #2 critical in a new species forming. Origins of 94 Distinguish between different paths to speciation. Exam #2 Species Provide examples of speciation, including current-day (Lecture) 95 Exam #2 examples. 96 Describe what a hybrid is and provide examples. Exam #2 Describe how fossils, DNA, and geographical data are used 97 Exam #2 to reconstruct relationships. Evolution Case Provide examples of the impact of variation on evolutionary 98 Exam #2 Studies change. 6 (Recitation) 99 List key aspects of fish evolution. Exam #2 Reflect on how scientific ideas are subject to change and 100 Portfolio #3 how scientific knowledge is durable. Describe the unique Hawaiian Island species and a variety of 101 Exam #2 reasons for why several are facing extinction. Utilize a model to describe how geographic isolation can lead Speciation and 102 to alterations in allele frequencies and formation of a new Exam #2 Islands species. (Lab) Analyze phylogenetic trees of lizard species on the Canary 103 Exam #2 Islands. Connect science to another field by generating a visual work 104 Portfolio #3 of art about changes in nature. Discuss Darwin’s early life, how the Galápagos finches are an example of natural selection, and how Darwin’s theory Readings 105 Exam #2 related to the works of Lyell, Malthus, Wallace, and Boucher (Darwin, de Perthes. Speciation) Define what speciation is, various forms of reproductive 106 Exam #2 isolation, evidence for speciation, and cospeciation. 7 Describe hypotheses for the origins of life and early Earth 107 Final Exam conditions of the Precambrian Supereon. Provide examples of species in the Paleozoic Era, and how 108 Final Exam the Era may have ended. Eons of Life Explain why the Mesozoic Era is sometimes called the “Age (Lecture) 109 of Dinosaurs” and describe how the Era may have Final Exam concluded. Explore the conditions of the Cenozoic era, including the 110 Final Exam dominant species. Extinctions Describe large scale and smaller scale causes of species 111 Final Exam (Lecture) extinctions. 112 Explain how a genetic bottleneck can lead to extinction. Final Exam

182 113 Define “wild genes” and why they may be significant. Final Exam Provide examples of current efforts to maintain genetic 114 Final Exam diversity. Model and describe relationships between predator and prey 115 Final Exam Structures and populations. Behaviors Summarize the impact of chance on a population, as well as 116 Final Exam (Recitation) the significance of adaptations. 117 Analyze and discuss predator-prey data. Portfolio #3 Outline geologic time, including major events like the 118 Final Exam Permian-Triassic extinction. Provide examples of different organisms from the Eras and 119 Final Exam Precambrian and the three most recent eras. Periods of Time Describe fossil organisms, including specimens found in (Lab) 120 Final Exam Oregon. Construct a paper timeline that shows the relative timespan 121 Portfolio #3 of life on Earth. Describe events, geologic features, and key species of each of the following time spans: Hadean, Achaean, and Reading 122 Proterozoic Eons of the Precambrian Supereon, as well as Final Exam (Geologic Time) the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Eras of the current Phanerozoic Eon. Describe the types and uses of early and modern 123 Final Exam evolutionary trees. Use an evolutionary tree to show the relationship between 124 different groups of vertebrates including dinosaur reptiles and Final Exam Tree of Life birds. (Lecture) Explain how evolutionary trees can be predictive, using 125 Final Exam Tiktaalik as an example. Define coevolution and how it can be represented by 126 Final Exam evolutionary trees. Define the “hominan” and provide characteristics of species 127 Final Exam within this taxonomic group. Provide examples and characteristics of human-like species 128 Final Exam Hominan that came before genus Homo in the fossil record. (Lecture) Describe species within genus Homo, including physical 129 Final Exam characteristics, behaviors, and locations. Explore the impact of recent fossil finds in revealing a more 130 Final Exam complex picture of human evolution. 8 Outline the evolutionary tree of vertebrates, including the 131 Final Exam distinctions between synapsids and diapsids. Provide characteristics of large aquatic and flying reptiles Vertebrate 132 Final Exam that used to be classified as dinosaurs. Evolution 133 Describe how living reptilian species relate to extinct species. Final Exam (Recitation) Describe why different misconceptions are incorrect in a way 134 that would make sense to someone who may not be familiar Portfolio #3 with biology. Discuss the types of evidence used to reconstruct dinosaur 135 Final Exam history. Classify and provide examples of different groups of 136 dinosaurs, including the ornithischians and two saurischian Final Exam Dinosaurs groups (sauropods and theropods). (Lab) Describe characteristics of dinosaurs, including claws, skulls, 137 Final Exam teeth, and feeding characteristics. 138 Link dinosaurs to the origins of birds. Final Exam 139 Locate and summarize a current news story about dinosaurs. Portfolio #3

183 Explain why there are now so many dinosaur discoveries and Readings 140 Final Exam provide examples of dinosaurs that were in the news in 2014. (Dinosaur Discuss how Homo naledi fossils were found, where they are Researchers, 141 located, their characteristics, and the potential significance of Final Exam Homo naledi) this species. Explain how changes in the cerebral cortex and speech 142 Final Exam capabilities relate to human evolution. Outline agricultural advancements and their impact on Homo Modern 143 Final Exam sapiens sapiens. Humans Describe how infectious diseases have impacted, and (Lecture) 144 Final Exam continue to impact, our species. Provide information on the current and projected status of 145 Final Exam our species. Define what a behavior is and how it relates to external and 146 Final Exam internal factors. Individual 147 Identify different types of innate behaviors. Final Exam Behaviors List various learned behaviors, including examples of species (Lecture) 148 Final Exam that demonstrate these behaviors. 149 Describe basics aspects of human learning. Final Exam Use data sets to determine differences in population sizes 150 and growth rates among nations and regions, based on birth Final Exam rate, death rate, fertility rate, and age structure. Population Data Analyze figures and charts to draw conclusions about 9 (Recitation) 151 Final Exam population growth and resource utilization. Describe factors that can impact population growth of 152 Final Exam humans and other species. Describe and provide specific examples of mammalian 153 Final Exam evolution, including monotremes and marsupials. 154 Examine characteristics and ancestry of primates. Final Exam Mammalian and Provide characteristics of Hominan, as well as research on 155 Final Exam Human Homo sapiens sapiens. Evolution Explain the difference between the four blood types and Rh (Lab) 156 factor and the relationship between blood types and human Final Exam disease. Describe how incidence of malaria relates to frequency of the 157 Final Exam sickle cell anemia allele. Outline when and where agriculture began, including 158 Final Exam Readings (Early examples of species from different world regions. Agriculture, Describe what imprinting is, the contribution of Konrad Imprinting) 159 Lorenz, and why imprinting is considered when raising Final Exam endangered species. 10 Describe how genetics and evolution relate to animal 160 Final Exam behavior. Provide examples of how genetics and environmental cues Behaviors and 161 Final Exam relate to migration. Fitness Describe the value of sexual reproduction, in contrast to (Lecture) 162 Final Exam asexual reproduction. Provide diverse examples of sexual selection, including 163 Final Exam simple and elaborate mating rituals. Social Link social behaviors to fitness, including cooperative, 164 Final Exam Behaviors competitive, altruistic, and spiteful behaviors. (Lecture) List various forms of animal communication, including 165 Final Exam advantages and disadvantages. 166 Describe different types of animal societies, including Final Exam eusocial termites and bees.

184 Relate genetics, evolution, and behavior to the context of 167 Final Exam human societies. Provide examples of innate and learned behaviors that 168 Final Exam impact organism fitness. Describe the activity patterns of montane voles in 169 Final Exam relationship to circadian rhythms. 170 Distinguish between kinesis and taxis behaviors. Final Exam Animal Define invertebrates and describe the physical Behaviors characteristics, habitats, and basic behaviors of planaria, (Lab) 171 Final Exam earthworms, daphnia, sowbugs, and Madagascar hissing cockroaches. Identify male and female crickets and describe differences in 172 their structures and behaviors, including chirping and egg- Final Exam laying. Outline the studies that reveal aspects of crow intelligence, 173 Final Exam Readings including use of analogies. (Crows, Jane Describe the work of Jane Goodall, including what Dame Goodall) 174 Goodall learned about chimpanzees, and her current Final Exam conservation efforts.

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