Sermon Discussion Guide s1

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Sermon Discussion Guide s1

Sermon Discussion Guide Sermon Title “Cast Out Into the Deep” Scripture Luke 5.1-11 (NIV)

Key Verse(s): When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” – Luke 5.4-5 (NIV)

Summary: Jesus is always inviting us into deeper relationship with Him. No matter how inadequate or undeserving we feel, He continues to pursue us. God’s mercy is never-failing, so we will never run out of chances to grow closer to Him. We should take opportunities like Simon did to trust God and accept these invitations so that we don’t miss out on all He has to offer us.

Discussion Starters: Do you enjoy receiving invitations to events and gatherings? How does it feel to know you someone desired you to be included in a special events of theirs? Have there ever been invitations you have declined for one reason or another, and later you felt regretful that you missed those events?

Read and Discuss Unless otherwise noted, scriptures have been researched and referenced based on the New International Version (NIV); however any translation is perfectly acceptable to use for discussion.

Lamentations 3.22-24 & 1 John 1.9 – Another translation says “his mercies never fail”. How do these verses encourage us when we sometimes feel undeserving of what God is inviting us to? Do you believe this about your God? How can we acknowledge God’s new compassions or mercies for us and take full advantage of His invitations?

Acts 2.17-21 – Who does God say He will pour out His Spirit upon? Who will be saved if they call on the name of the Lord? We have all been invited to be a part of what God is doing in the world; that is why He pours out His Spirit on all people. Through God’s Spirit, what do we receive that we probably don’t want to miss out on? (See: 1 Corinthians 12.7-11.)

Matthew 9.9-13 – Here we read about the calling of another one of Jesus’ disciples. From what we read, how long does it look like it took for Matthew to answer Jesus? Have you ever felt like God was inviting you to something? Perhaps it was a ministry opportunity, a job, or a relationship with someone? How have you responded to God’s invitations before? How might you hope to in the future?

Prayer: God, we are so thankful that you pour out your love and mercy on us every day. Thank you for forgiving us of our sins and for continuing to invite us into deeper relationship with You. Help us to acknowledge Your callings and respond to them with willing hearts. Amen.

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