Chenoweth Bulldogs Jan and Greg Lewis 931-622-1558

Puppy Sales Contract and Guarantee

This document certifies that Chenoweth Bulldogs sold to ______an AKC registered Bulldog puppy on ______. This puppy was whelped on ______.

The new owner agrees to the following conditions:

1. The new owner will provide proper care necessary to maintain a healthy Bulldog including proper nutrition and veterinary care.

2. Should the new owner not be able to provide such care or can no longer keep this puppy, new owner agrees to notify Chenoweth Bulldogs as soon as possible. Chenoweth Bulldogs will find a suitable home for the puppy and will give to the former owner any funds that are available from the sale of the puppy to the new owners minus any necessary medical expenses.

Chenoweth Bulldogs guarantees that this puppy is healthy and free from any genetic defects which could cause serious health issues or death. This puppy has had a well puppy checkup and was found to be in good health. The puppy is required to have a vet check by the new owners within 5 days of purchase. Should the puppy be found genetically defective, another puppy will be provided at new owner’s choice. Should the puppy become seriously ill and or die during the first year due to a genetic defect, Chenoweth Bulldogs will replace the puppy as soon as a suitable replacement becomes available.

Chenoweth Bulldogs ______

Date ______

New Puppy Owner ______

Date ______