The California Council
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The California Council for the Social Studies Invites you to Exhibit March 4-5, 2011 Doubletree Hotel: Sacramento, CA
The CCSS Annual Conference is the most effective vehicle for showcasing your products and services to the more than 1,200 social studies educators expected to attend. These participants include classroom teachers K-12, department chairs, curriculum supervisors, teacher educators at the college/university levels, and administrators at state, district, and building levels. An integral part of the program, the exhibits put you in touch with decision makers who influence the purchase of textbooks for grades K-12, children’s trade books, curriculum programs, computer software and videos, art and crafts materials, travel and study programs, and special services.
Exhibit Facilities Exhibits will be located at the Doubletree Hotel Sacramento in the Grand Ballroom.
Booth Information CCSS will provide 8x10 booths, skirt, tablecloth, two chairs, pipe & drapery, a company identification sign for all exhibitors, and complimentary Internet in the Exhibit hall. Booth walls are 8 feet high; side dividers are 3 feet high. No signs or booth construction in excess of 8 feet in height are permitted without approval of exhibit management.
All arrangements for additional furniture such as tables, chairs, carpeting, display materials, decorations, labor, electrical etc. must be made by the authorized decorating company. An exhibitor service folder containing various order forms will be sent to you in January. All furniture must be rented through the CCSS decorator.
Set-Up Schedule Thursday, March 3: 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Exhibit Hours Friday, March 4: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday, March 5: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Prices 8 x 10 in-line $400 8 x 10 corner (upon availability) $475
20% discount offered to non-profit exhibitors (please include non-profit Tax ID number on your application form).
General Information
Audience The California Council for the Social Studies is the largest state professional organization for teachers, administrators, and curriculum specialist in California social studies education. With a membership of 1200, CCSS includes professionals at elementary, middle, senior high, and college and university levels spanning the disciplines of history, geography, political science, economics, sociology, anthropology, psychology as well as the humanities and visual and performing arts. All of these levels and areas of interest are represented at the conference by attendees and presenters.
Program CCSS is committed to quality social studies education for all students at all levels. At this year’s conference, more than 125 sessions and workshops will reflect the entire spectrum of social studies education designed to assist teachers in the elementary, middle and senior high school classrooms.
Exhibits Application for Space: Full payment is required with your application. Only written applications will be accepted and confirmed. **We recommend promptness in applying for space since we frequently have a waiting list. Cancellations: A $50 charge will be assessed for each booth cancelled prior to January 1, 2011. After January 1, 2011, no refunds will be made in the event of a cancellation.
Assignment of Space: Space assignment is determined by past record of attendance, postmark date, amount of space required, special needs, and the general grouping of exhibits for appropriate distribution and balance of product displays.
Equipment and Services: A service kit containing shipping instructions and information regarding booth furnishings, additional carpet rental, and utilities will be forwarded to you by the official decorating service in January.
Housing: CCSS has arranged housing at special conference rates at the Doubletree Hotel. You can book your room on- line. We recommend you book your hotel rooms early.
Exhibit Benefits: 3 complimentary registration badges per booth ($450 value) permitting access to all sessions, workshops and speakers. Additional registrations may be purchased at the rate of $75 per registrant. 24-hour professional security service
Advertising Conference Program: Advertising in the Conference Program booklet is an excellent way to give your products and services maximum exposure and to increase booth traffic. The program book contains valuable information on sessions, exhibits, and other functions and retains reference value long after the conference. Ad copy is due by December 13, 2010.
For more information on exhibiting and advertising, contact: The California Council for the Social Studies phone: (530) 809-0290, email: [email protected]
Official Exhibition Regulations All exhibits and exhibitors are subject to the following regulations.
1. Exhibit Criteria: Exhibiting firms will be limited to those providing services, products, or publications that meet the professional and practical needs of social studies educators. California Council for the Social Studies (CCSS) reserves the right to require any exhibitor to remove an exhibit or any part of an exhibit that, in the sole judgment of CCSS, is misleading or deceptive, in poor taste, or unsuitable to or not in keeping with the character and objective of the meaning. 2. Booth Assignments: Assignment of space will be made in the order of contracts received as well as to provide appropriate distribution and balance of displays and products throughout the hall. 3. Contracts for Space: This application for exhibit space and payment of the cost of exhibit space together constitutes a contract for the right to use the space. Full payment per booth is required for all space. A $50 cancellation fee will be assessed per booth in the event of cancellation prior to January 1, 2011. No refunds will be made after January 1, 2011. Cancellations must be provided in writing. Any space not occupied by 12 noon on Friday, March 4, 2011, will be forfeited by the contracting exhibitor and such space may be sold, reassigned or used by CCSS without refund of rental fee, unless arrangements for delayed occupancy have received prior CCSS approval. 4. Exhibit Set-Up Date: Exhibitors shall set up their exhibits on Thursday, March 3, 2011 from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. If a crated display is not set up by 7:00pm, CCSS reserves the right to authorize set-up, which service will be charged to the exhibitor. It is the duty and the responsibility of each exhibitor to install his exhibit before the opening of the exhibition and to dismantle the exhibit immediately after the close of the exhibition. 5. Exhibit Dismantle Date: Exhibitors shall dismantle their exhibits on Saturday, March 5, 2011. Exhibitors may not be dismantled or removed before 4 pm. Failure to observe this rule will result in the offending exhibitor’s removal from next year’s first-priority announcement mailing. 6. Arrangement of Exhibits: The standard equipment provided the exhibitor by CCSS will consist of an eight-foot cloth back wall and two three-foot side dividers. Displays may not be higher than eight feet in the back and four feet along the dividers and aisles. The depth of the displays shall not exceed shall two feet. Display fixtures over four feet high must be confined to within five feet of the aisle line so as not to interfere with the view of adjacent exhibits. No construction or build-up exhibit, including signs, shall exceed the overall height of the back wall unless approved by CCSS. Double-end booths: A double-end booth faces three aisles. Exhibitors with this type of booth must limit the width of the back wall to six feet centered. The back wall height may not exceed eight feet. 7. Over-the-Counter Sales: Direct sales-on the spot transfer of goods for money, checks, drafts, or any other kind of payment-are permitted. Exhibitors planning to sell are responsible for payment of the CA State sales tax. Please have your CA sales permit and the concessions permit available or on display during the show. 8. Shipping and Storage: The Doubletree Hotel Sacramento has no facilities for storing exhibits. All shipments of displays and product materials must be directed to the official decorator. Shipping instructions will be included in the Exhibitor Show Kit to be mailed in January. Any materials shipped directly to the Doubletree Hotel Sacramento will carry a service charge. 9. Personnel Assistance: All work involved with setting up and dismantling exhibits must be performed by authorized personnel. The official service contractor will provide these individuals through the on-site desk. If you choose to bring in your own materials and set up your displays, please observe the rules about the type of equipment you may use in a convention setting. 10. Special Regulations: Reassignment or subletting of all or any part of booth space is prohibited. Solicitation and distribution of printed advertising must be confined to booth space only. Aisles must be kept clear at all times. Operation of any objectionable sound devices will not be allowed. Nothing shall be posted on, or tacked, nailed, taped, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors, or other parts of the building or furniture. Distribution of helium-filled balloons or adhesive-backed stickers is prohibited. 11. Liability: Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and hereby agree to protect, indemnify, defend, save and hold California Council for the Social Studies and the Doubletee Hotel Sacramento and their directors, officers, employees, and agents (the “Indemnities”) forever harmless for any damages or changes imposed for violations of any law or ordinance, whether occasioned by the negligence of the Exhibitor or those holding under the Exhibitor; and further, the Exhibitor shall, at times, protect, indemnify, save and hold harmless the Indemnities against and from any and all losses, costs, damages, liabilities or expenses (including attorney fees) arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the exhibitor, its agents, employees or business invitees, which arise from or out of or by reason of said Exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, the center or any part thereof. Exhibitor shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damages to property owned by the Doubletree Hotel Sacramento, its owners or managers which results from any act or omission of the Exhibitor. In addition, Exhibitor acknowledges that neither the Doubletree Hotel Sacramento or any of the other Indemnities maintain insurance covering Exhibitor’s property and that it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance covering such losses by Exhibitor. 12. Nonflammable Materials: All materials including muslin, velvet, silken, or other cloth drape or banner used in the exhibit hall must be nonflammable or conform with the fire regulations of the City of Sacramento, CA. Materials not conforming with such regulations will be removed immediately at the exhibitor’s expense. The Exhibitor agrees to accept full responsibility for compliance with city regulations in the provision and maintenance of adequate safety devices and conditions for the operation of machinery and equipment under city codes. Fire hose cabinets and extinguishers must be left accessible and in full view at all times. 13. All the above rules and regulations are constructed as part of the all space contracts. CCSS reserves the right to interpret them and to make final decisions on all points not covered by the aforementioned rules and regulations. Exhibit Application & Contract The 50th Annual CCSS Conference Doubletree Hotel Sacramento March 4-5, 2011
California Council for the Social Studies is hereby authorized to reserve space for my/our exhibit at the 50th Annual Conference to be held at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento, CA. I understand that this is a union facility and will comply with all union rules stated in the prospectus. Exhibits dates are March 4-5, 2011.
Payment of $______for ______booth(s) is enclosed in accordance with the following: Before After Dec. 15th Dec. 15th 1. Cost of Exhibit Space: 8’ x 10’ in-line: $400 $425 8’ x 10’ corner: (upon availability) $475 $500 20% discount to nonprofit exhibitions
2. Copy for Standard Booth Sign should read:
Company Name:______
3. Website:______email:______(to be listed in conference program)
4. Names of Exhibitors (3 badges per booth are allowed; all others must pay $75 registration):
In making this application, the exhibitor agrees to abide by ALL exhibit terms, conditions, and regulations set forth in the CCSS Exhibit Prospectus. Please include your corporation tax identification number.
Name of Company/Firm:______Name of Authorized Officer:______Signature:______Title ______Address:______City______State______Zip______Telephone ______Email:______Date:______Corporate Tax ID:______Non-Profit______
Make check payable to: California Council for the Social Studies Return this page with payment to: CCSS P.O. Box 9319, Chico, CA 95927-9319 Advertising Contract The 50th Annual CCSS Conference March 4-5, 2011 Doubletree Hotel Sacramento
Conference Program Advertising in the program is the best way to ensure continuing interest and provides maximum exposure for your products and services during and after the meeting. The program is used long after the meeting as a reference source. The program (size 8 ½ x 11) is distributed to an anticipated 1,200 conference registrants.
Deadline: Reservation space and ad copy due by December 13, 2010.
Space Size (max. image) Rate Full Page 8 x 10 ½ $500 Half Page 8 x 5 $250
Please mail digital ads to the address listed below. Please label ad with program used and include a print copy. Any questions, contact the CCSS office at [email protected] or 530-809-0290.
Please reserve advertising space for the 50th Annual CCSS Conference as follow:
Conference Booklet Size______Cost $______
Payment must be included with application. Deadline December 13, 2010.
Contact Person:______Title______
Authorized Signature:______
Return this page with payment to: CCSS P.O. Box 9319 Chico, CA 95927-9319