Jesus I AM Sayings in John Springwood Baptist Church

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Jesus I AM Sayings in John Springwood Baptist Church

Jesus’ I AM sayings in John Springwood Baptist Church

I AM The True Vine John 15

This is the final week of our series through the 7 ‘I Am’ sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of John. These extraordinary self-disclosures by Jesus reveal to us what he offers sinners – as he feeds them, enlightens them, protects them, cares for them, guides them and guarantees both their spiritual fruitfulness and their eternal security. This final image is made all the more powerful by its context – quite possibly spoken as Jesus and his disciples made their way from the upper room (14:31) and started their journey towards the Garden of Gethsemane and ultimately the betrayal, arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus.

How did you feel God speak to you through the message on Sunday?

The True Vine Here, once again Jesus used an everyday image to describe himself. Brainstorm some of the qualities and purposes of a grape vine. What similar qualities is Jesus highlighting about himself?

This may be an everyday image (especially to the original audience), but it is also one with quite a strong biblical background. For a little bit of context, read together Isaiah 5:1-7 & Matthew 21:33-46.  How does the background of vine imagery to describe Israel help our understanding of what Jesus is saying in calling himself the true vine?

Dr Constable writes that ‘one can hardly escape the inference that Jesus viewed Himself as the fulfilment of Israel.’ In what ways is Jesus the fulfilment of Israel?

Read Romans 11:11-24 – what parallels do you see between Romans 11 and John 15 here? What are some of the implications for us?

Remaining/abiding in the vine The idea that we could be included in/united to Jesus is pretty epic, and yet that is the picture Jesus paints here. Notice that he does say ‘come and join in’ but rather he says to ‘remain in’ him. How does a person come to be included in Christ in the first place?

The phrase ‘in me’ is used 16 times in John’s Gospel (6:56; 10:38; 14:10[twice], 11, 20, 30; 15:2, 4 [twice], 5-7; 16:33; 17:21, 23). What does it mean for you to be ‘in Christ’? Do you think this is an area of our Christian identity that we don’t truly understand? Jesus’ I AM sayings in John Springwood Baptist Church

On the way to the Garden of Gethsemane and then onto the crucifixion, Jesus repeats the instruction to ‘remain in me’ multiple times. How important is it that we not only are converted but remain in (or actively continue in) our relationship with Jesus?

Very practically, what are some ways that we can remain in Christ?

There is a clear warning and contrast between those who do remain and those who do not remain in Jesus. How do you understand Jesus’ words here in verse 6 particularly? Is this an eternal salvation issue, a future judgement/rewards issue or is Jesus saying that some Christians are as useless to God as these branches were to vine-growers?

Fruitfulness & the role of pruning Fruit is what a plant produces on the outside that others can see and benefit from. It is the visible evidence of an inner working power. What are some examples of “fruit” in the life of a believer?

Read verses 4-5, how are these fruit/s impossible outside of our relationship to Jesus?

When we find a beautiful, well-cultivated garden, we enjoy the garden but ultimately we give credit to the gardener.  What is some of the ‘fruit’ in your life that you see as evidence that the gardener has been at work (v1-2)?

 What visible fruit can others see that will cause them to say that God has been at work?

 How are such things to the Father’s glory (v8)?

 And how does 1 Peter 2:12 & Matthew 5:14-16 help our understanding of how visible fruit in our lives can point others to God?

Nowhere is the believer promised a trouble free life. In John 15, even those who are bearing fruit experience pruning. But this is not without a purpose! In what ways have you seen God ‘prune’ you? Are you aware of any areas of your life that God is particularly focused on pruning at the moment?

Seven I AM statements, One Saviour! Looking back on our series, which of the ‘I Am’ statements have resonated with you the most? Why is that? What have you learnt from that particular one that you will seek to apply in your life? Jesus’ I AM sayings in John Springwood Baptist Church

As we head towards Easter at the end of this week, how amazing is it to consider that the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Gate, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection & the Life, the Way the Truth and the Life, and the Vine has sacrificed His life for us?

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