UNISON EU Referendum Consultation

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UNISON EU Referendum Consultation

UNISON EU Referendum Consultation

Report April 2016


In March and early April 2016 UNISON held an historic branch consultation to hear member’s views on how UNISON should respond to the UK EU Referendum to be held on June the 23rd 2016. To help members consider the issues and then join in their branch consultation the key EU policy issues and debates on the merits of the EU, that UNISON had extensively debated in the past or had clear policy on, were set out in detail in Information for Members pack.

A separate guidance for branches with information on how to run the 6 week consultation was also sent to every Branch Secretary and Regional Secretaries. Both documents were sent hard copy and electronically to branches and advertised for members on a new EU Referendum Web page on the UNISON website and in key communications such as E-focus and service group branch circulars and to committee and regional members in lay structures.

The member’s information pack set out that historically UNISON had been against the EU single currency and the role of the European Central Bank and more recently led the trade union campaign to remove the inclusion of public services in the new trade agreements such as TTIP, CETA and TISA. It also explained however that UNISON historically supported a more positive Social Europe with its benefits for members on good employment provisions and worker protections, equal treatment and free movement for workers and equalities and human rights entitlements.

Alongside the branch consultation the 6 SOGS/NYMC/NRMC committees, 12 UNISON Regions were also invited to hold consultations and the responses are included in this report. UNISON Labour Link Committee also sent in a response.

Executive summary

1. Key branch Consultation results1

(i) Number of branches responded

159 branches (Just over 17% of total branches)

(ii) UNISON members participating in the branch consultation

58, 6712 (iii) Is Europe important to UNISON? 1 Detailed branch responses are set out in summary on pg 5 and as a full list in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2. Appendix 3 acknowledges 7 branch late returns with their position stated if given. 2 This figure is the combined total of what numbers branches entered answering the consultation question “How many members were involved in your consultation”. Numbers varied widely and reflected the different methodologies used in individual branch consultations. Typically branches entered (a) the total number of members surveyed (email/monkey survey), (b) the total number of members who responded to the survey (c) the number of members at branch meetings or branch executive committee meetings.

1  Very important and important = 143  Not important = 4  Not sure = 4  Skipped = 8

(iv) What issues are the most important for UNISON members in the EU Referendum?

1 Workers rights 2 Public Services 3 Economic Prosperity 4 Equalities 5 Migration, equal treatment and welfare rights 6 Global Treaties

(v) Should UNISON, like in previous constitutional debates, provide materials for members to highlight relevant issues and provide general campaign information on the EU?

 Yes = 91.28% (136)  No = 4.03% (6)  Don’t know 4.70% (7)  Skipped = (10)

(vi) Should UNISON choose a particular side in the EU Referendum?

 Yes = 77.85% (116)

 No = 17.45% (26)

 Don’t Know = 4.70% (7)

 Skipped = (10) (vii) If UNISON did campaign for one side only, which side should it be?

 Remain = 94.83% (110)  Leave = 5.17% (6)  Skipped = 43

(viii) 159 branches across the regions

Region No. of branches that took part Cymru/Wales 6 East Midlands 9 Eastern 18 Greater London 19 2 North West 17 Northern 13 Northern Ireland 7 UNISON Scotland 11 South East 18 South West 20 West Midlands 11 Yorkshire & Humberside 10

(ix) 159 branches across the service groups

Service Group No. of branches that took part Local Government 74 Health 25 Higher Education 25 Police & Justice 14 WET 10 Energy 6 Community 5

(x) Consultation methods used by branches3

 Branch/Committee/Executive meeting = 63.87% (99)  Survey = 33.55% (52)  Other = 27.10% (42)  ‘Other’ methods listed = combination of both meetings and surveys, email surveys, special meetings, branch meetings, reps or branch officers speaking to members and relaying opinions to a branch or committee

2. Key SOGS/NYMF/NRMC Committee Consultation results4

 All 6 SOGS/NYMF/NRMC Committees voted by majorities for UNISON to take the Remain side in the referendum

3. Key Regions results5

 6 Regions –Cymru/ Wales, East Midland, Northern Ireland, Northern, South West, Yorkshire and Humberside - voted for UNISON to take the Remain side in the referendum  1 Region – North West - voted for UNISON to take the Leave side in the referendum

 1 Region – Scotland - voted for UNISON not to choose a side in the referendum

 4 Regions – Eastern, Greater London, South East, West Midlands - did not take a formal position

3 Branches could enter more than one method 4 Further details of Committee responses are on pg 7 5 Further details of Regional responses are on pg 9 3 4. Key Labour Link Report 6  National Labour Link Committee voted by a majority for UNISON to take the Remain side in the referendum

PDCC Recommendation to the NEC

Report findings

The UNISON branch consultation results demonstrate overwhelmingly that UNISON members consider Europe to be very important to the union. The top two important issues that members ranked across all service groups and regions were ‘Workers Rights’ and ‘Public Services’.

78% of branches that took part in the consultation said that UNISON should take a side a in the Referendum and 95% said it should be to Remain compared to 5% that said it should be to Leave.

This position was also the majority outcome in consultations undertaken by UNISON SOGS, NYMF, NRMC, 6 Regions and Labour Link.


On the basis of the UNISON EU Referendum consultation report findings the PDCC recommends that UNISON takes the side of Remain in the EU Referendum.

UNISONs Remain campaign will provide balanced information to members which sets out a vision of much needed reform of the EU that would benefit working people, the union and members.

6 Further details of National Labour Link Committee response are on pg 12 4 Branch consultation Summary Total Response

Q1 How important do you think the European Union is to UNISON?

 Answered: 151  Skipped: 8

Answer Choices– Responses– Very important 67.55% 102 Important 27.15% 41 Not important 2.65% 3 Not at all important 0.00% 0 Not sure/Undecided 2.65% 4 Total 151

Q2 What issues are the most important for UNISON members in the EU Referendum? Please rank in order: (1 being the most important and 6 being the least important)

 Answered: 147  Skipped: 12

1 Workers rights 2 Public Services 3 Economic Prosperity 4 Equalities 5 Migration, equal treatment and welfare rights 6 Global Treaties 7 Other

‘Other’ responses (37) included: National security, defence, counter terrorism, control of borders, sovereignty and laws, global warming, transport, democracy, devolution, European Peace , Environmental Regulation including Habitats Directive, 5 climate change, bio diversity, food security, health, Human Rights, Homophobia and Racism, money we pay in, cultural identity, strength in numbers, closing pay gap between top and bottom; freedom of movement, tax avoidance, farmer subsidies, consumer rights and ownership of public utilities e.g. EDF/Hinckley

Q3 In other constitutional debates, UNISON has provided materials for members to highlight relevant issues, whilst respecting that the decision on such a vote will be an individual decision. Would your Branch want UNISON to provide general campaign information on the EU in this way?

 Answered: 149  Skipped: 10

Answer Choices– Responses– 91.28% 136 Yes No 4.03% 6

4.70% 7 Don’t know Total 149

Q4 Do you think UNISON should choose a particular side in the EU Referendum?

 Answered: 149  Skipped: 10

Answer Choices– Responses– 77.85% 116 Yes 17.45% 26 No 4.70% 7 Don't know

6 Answer Choices– Responses– Total 149

Q5 If UNISON did campaign for one side only, which side should it be?

 Answered: 116  Skipped: 43 Answer Choices– Responses– 94.83% 110 Remain - To stay in the European UNION 5.17% 6 Leave - To get out of the European UNION Total 116

SOGS/NYMF/NRMC Committees – Consultation responses

Committee Date and method of Key Response position consultation National LGBT LGBT AGM  All the issues listed in relation Committee to UNISON and the EU April 2 2016 referendum were viewed as Remain equally very important  23/28 voted for UNISON to take a side, 4/28 said UNISON should take NO side and 1/28 didn’t know  26/28 members voted for UNISON to campaign for the Remain position  0 voted for UNISON to campaign to Leave National Black Members NBMC AGM  The 3 most important issues in Committee relation to UNISON and the EU 19th March 2016 referendum were Equalities (1), Remain Public Services (2) and Migration, Equal treatment and Welfare Rights (3)  Yes UNISON should choose a particular side in the EU Referendum  The majority vote was for UNISON to campaign for the Remain position

7 National Disabled Committee Email  The 3 most important issues in Members Committee Consultation relation to UNISON and the EU referendum were Workers Remain March 2016 Rights (1), Equalities (2) and Public Services (3)

 Cheap travel, access to health care when in Europe, solidarity with fellow workers were also listed as other important issues

 100% voted UNISON should choose a particular side in the EU Referendum

 90% voted for UNISON to campaign for the Remain position

 10% voted for UNISON to campaign to Leave

National Women’s NWC AGM  The 3 most important issues in Committee relation to UNISON and the EU March 23 2016 referendum were Workers Remain Rights (1), Public Services (2) and Equalities (3)  Other issues which were seen as important were women’s issues and LGBT issues  The majority vote (65%) was that UNISON should choose a particular side in the EU Referendum  The majority vote (65%) was that UNISON should Remain - to stay in the European Union National Retired RMC meeting  The 3 most important issues in Members Committee relation to UNISON and the EU April 5 2016 referendum were Employment Remain Rights (1), Recognition of trade unions (2) and Social Dialogue (3)  A view was expressed that UNISON should leave it to members but the majority felt that UNISON should have a position  The majority vote (2/3) was for UNISON to campaign for the Remain position Remain – 12 members present, 8 voted to remain, 1 voted to leave and 3 were undecided National Young NYMF  All the issues listed in relation Members Forum to UNISON and the EU April 8 2016 referendum were viewed as equally very important

8  The promotion and the role of Peace by the EU is also an Remain important issue  Young members feel that balanced information to educate young people was also important  The majority vote was for UNISON to campaign to Remain in the EU  Whatever position UNISON took young members would like to see issues about young people in the campaign and information provided

Regions - Consultation responses

Regional position Consultation Key Response date/method Cymru/Wales Cymru/Wales Regional  All of the issues listed should Committee be given equal importance Remain  Yes UNISON should choose a 23rd March particular side in the EU Referendum 25 branches took part  If UNISON did campaign for one side only it should be Remain – To stay in the European Union

Eastern No formal meeting NA constituted No formal position East Midlands Regional meeting was  The 3 most important issues in held in the first week of relation to UNISON and the EU Remain March followed by a referendum were Workers regional committee Rights (1), Public Services (2) survey. There were 11 and Equalities (3) responses.  Should UNISON choose a particular side in the EU Referendum Yes (5), No (3) Don’t Know (3)

 The majority vote was that UNISON should campaign to Remain (6) compared to Leave (1)

Greater London No formal meeting A meeting on the 29th March by the constituted London Region International Committee was set up for members to 9 No formal position hear and debate speakers for and against the EU Referendum

North West Special Regional  The 3 most important issues in Committee relation to UNISON and the EU Leave referendum were Public 4th April services (Austerity and Privatisation) (1) Workers’ 8 branches attended Rights (2) Economic prosperity(3)  Yes UNISON should choose a particular side in the EU referendum  If UNISON did campaign for one side only it should be Leave Northern Ireland Special Regional  The key issues that NI UNISON meeting members believe to be Remain important and that the EU 95% of branches referendum will have an impact present on are: - Our members jobs which 21st March are EU funded - Our members workers’ rights - The NI economy - The Peace Process  Convenors conducted a straw poll. The majority vote of branches indicated that UNISON should campaign to remain in the EU Northern Regional Council AGM The statement below was agreed unanimously by the Regional Council: Remain Voted on a Regional ‘Our Region has discussed this topic Statement on many occasions over the years and has taken a view that we should 7th April remain in Europe and campaign for a social Europe. Feedback received to date in this consultation exercise from Branches undertaking the survey sent out, Self-Organised Groups who were asked to consult, and via Area Forums, that the majority view is that as a Region we should campaign to remain in Europe. The feedback is also seeking to strengthen alliances across Europe between trade unions, and social movements to build a social Europe which is about protecting rights at work, campaigning for equalities and social and political policies that support UNISON’s manifesto. As a Region there is also a strong feeling that remaining in Europe will bring economic benefits, and in light of the Government’s austerity agenda,

10 and the impact on our Region this is important.’ Scotland Scottish Regional  The 3 most important issues in relation to UNISON and the EU Not take a side Council referendum were Public services (Austerity and 9th April Privatisation) Workers’ Rights (1) Public services (2) Equalities (3)  The majority voted NO to should: UNISON should choose a particular side in the EU Referendum?  Most did not answer Q5 If UNISON did campaign for one side only, which side should it be as they had already answered in Q4?  Of those who did respond to Q5 most chose Remain – to stay in the European Union South East Branch briefing held on At the branch briefing it was decided the 24th March not to vote or take a formal view No formal position South West Regional Council  The region believes this is a crucial issue for the union and Remain 23 branches present we should be actively campaigning to remain in the 23rd January EU. Have also attached a version of the consultation form modified for the region  A SW motion was carried in January to campaign to retain the UK’s membership of the EU in the referendum and campaign to reform the EU  This was passed by a 3:1 majority and then submitted by Region to the NDC West Midlands Regional Committee No vote taken at Regional committee rd No formal position 23 March after a general EU Referendum discussion was held Yorkshire & Regional Committee  Based on the survey results Humberside from regional branches the Considered branch committee voted for UNISON to surveys which had a Remain campaign for a Remain position majority high response rate with a Remain  Of 6 Branches, 5 were position overwhelmingly in favour of staying in Europe, with 29th March responses ranging from 78% to stay in and 22% to come out, at the high end; down to 55% to stay in and 45% to come out at the lower end

 One Branch, with 37

11 responses, voted 43% to 57% to come out

 The other five Branches had an average of over 200 respondents; with one having 582 and the others all had over 80 responses

 Therefore, the Y&H Regional Committee wish UNISON to campaign for the Remain position

 However, during the discussion at the Regional Committee, it was also agreed that there needed to be changes to the current structure and composition of the Parliament and Associated Bodies and changes needed to be made to bring about a more fair and equitable European Union, with the emphasis on eradicating the large gap in pay and rewards between senior managers and ordinary workers, together with other improvements which benefited ordinary people in the European Union.

National Labour Link Committee

NLLC position Consultation Key Response date/method National labour Link  The 3 most important issues in Remain Committee relation to UNISON and the EU referendum were Workers’ Rights (1) Equalities (2) 17th March Economic Prosperity (3)  Other issues of importance 23 members from NEC listed were also and regions - Investment in regions - Avoidance of war between EU countries - A force for positive human rights in the world - Environment protections  It was agreed that these were best served by remaining in the EU and working for more progressive policies through its

12 institutions and Parliament. And in relation to new trade deals like TTIP the challenge to the UK government should be around campaigning for the EU to provide safeguards and guaranteed protections for public services in trade talks.  The majority vote was UNISON should take a side in the referendum and it should be Remain

Appendix One

List of 43 branches by region and service group who voted No (26), Don’t know (7) or skipped (10) to Q4: Do you think UNISON should choose a particular side in the EU Referendum?

Branch Region Service Group No/ Don’t Know/ Skipped Loughborough University East Midlands Higher Education Skipped

Northamptonshire Police Staff East Midlands Police & Justice Don't know BASILDON & THURROCK Eastern Health No HEALTH Eastcoast health Eastern Health Skipped

Suffolk county Eastern Local No Government University of Bedfordshire Eastern Higher Education No Barking and Dagenham Greater Local No London Government City & Islington College Greater Local Don't know London Government Hampstead Health Greater Health No London Harrow Greater Local Skipped London Government London Metropolitan Greater Higher Education Skipped University London Oxleas Unison Greater Health No London Lancashire North West Local Don't know Government Lancashire Police - 20092 North West Police & Justice No University of Cumbria 20124 North West Higher Education No Gateshead Northern Local Don't know Government 13 Home Group Northern Community No Redcar and Cleveland Northern Local No Government UNISON at Teesside Northern Higher education Skipped University Northern Ireland Ambulance Northern Health Don't know Ireland East Dunbartonshire Scotland Local No Government Housing & Care Scotland Scotland Community No Napier University Scotland Higher Education No North Ayrshire Scotland Local No Government Renfrewshire Scotland Local No Government UNISON Police Staff Scotland Scotland Police & Justice No UWS Scotland Higher Education No Ashford Local Government South East Local Don't know Government Cymru/Wales and South Gas South east Energy Skipped Kent Local Government South East Local Skipped Government Portsmouth City 8270 South East Local No Government Sussex Police and Justice South East Police & Justice No Thames valley Police and south east police & Justice No Probation 8259 Dorset Police and Justice South West Police & Justice No Gloucestershire Police and South West Police & Justice No Justice Mid Devon Local Government South West Local No Government Royal Devon & Exeter Health South West Health No Environment Agency Midlands West Midlands WET No PMT Transport West Midlands WET Skipped Warwickshire Police West Midlands Police & Justice No West Midlands Community West Midlands Community Don't know branch Leeds Beckett University Yorkshire & Higher Education Skipped UNISON Humberside Yorkshire gas branch Yorkshire & Energy Skipped Humberside

14 Appendix Two

List of 116 branches by region and service group who voted Leave (6) and Remain (110) to Q5: If UNISON did campaign for one side only, which side should it be?

Branch Region Service Group Leave/Remain Peterborough City Eastern Local Government Leave Bromley Health Greater London Health Leave Croydon Greater London Local Government Leave Manchester Local North West Local Government Leave Government North East Ambulance Northern Health Leave Service Kirklees Local Government Yorkshire & Local Government Leave Humberside

Blaenau Gwent Cymru/Wales Local Government Remain Cardiff County Cymru/Wales Local Government Remain Flintshire Cymru/Wales Local government Remain North Wales Health Cymru/Wales Health Remain University of South Wales Cymru/Wales Higher Education Remain Wrexham County Cymru/Wales Local Government Remain Bassetlaw East Midlands Local Government Remain Charnwood East Midlands Local Government Remain De Montfort University East Midlands Higher Education Remain Derbyshire UNISON East Midlands Local Government Remain Leicestershire Police East Midlands Police & Justice Remain Nottingham City East Midlands Local Government Remain Nottingham County East Midlands Local Government Remain Anglia Ruskin University Eastern Higher Education Remain Cambridge Acute Hospitals Eastern Health Remain Cambridgeshire Police Staff Eastern Police & Justice Remain Branch Chelmsford City Eastern Local Government Remain East Herts Eastern Local Government Remain Fenland Eastern Local Government Remain Hert County Branch 1292 Eastern Local Government Remain 15 Norfolk County Eastern Local Government Remain Norwich City Eastern Local Government Remain South Norfolk UNISON Eastern Local Government Remain Suffolk Police Sector Eastern Police & Justice Remain University of Cambridge & Eastern Higher Education Remain Colleges University of East Anglia Eastern Higher Education Remain Bexley Greater London Local Government Remain Goldsmiths College Branch Greater London Higher Education Remain Hackney Unison Greater London Local government Remain Haringey Local Government Greater London Local Government Remain Islington local government Greater London Local Government Remain Lambeth Greater London local government Remain Local Government Greater London Local Government Remain Organisations Southwark Local Greater London Local Government Remain Government Thames Water Greater London WET Remain University of East London Greater London Higher Education Remain Housing Greater London Community Remain Bolton North West Local Government Remain Burnley North West Local Government Remain Cheshire Police Branch North West Police & Justice Remain Cumbria County Branch North West Local Government Remain Environment Agency North Remain West North West WET Lancaster University North West Higher Education Remain Liverpool City North West Local Government Remain North West Gas North West Energy Remain Salford City North West Local Government Remain South Lakeland North West Local Government Remain Trafford Metropolitan North West Local Government Remain United Utilities North West WET Remain TfGM - 6393 North West WET Remain City of Sunderland Local Remain Government branch Northern Local Government EDF Energy Doxford Northern Energy Remain Newcastle City Northern Local Government Remain Newcastle Hospitals Northern Health Remain NHSBSA Newcastle Northern Health Remain North Tyneside Northern Local Government Remain Northumberland County Northern Local Government Remain UNISON Hartlepool Northern Local Government Remain Belfast Education Northern Ireland Local Government Remain Derry Education Northern Ireland Local Government Remain Health Agencies Northern Ireland Health Remain Muckamore Abbey Northern Ireland Health Remain Orchard Health and social Remain Care Northern Ireland Health Northern Health Northern Ireland Health Remain Glasgow Caledonain Remain University Scotland Higher Education Midlothian Scotland Local Government Remain Scottish Health Care Scotland Health Remain UNISON UNIVERSITY OF Remain DUNDEE Scotland Higher Education

16 Central & East Berks South East Local Government Remain East Sussex area South East Local Government Remain Frimley Health South East Health Remain Gosport Borough UNISON South East Local Government Remain Hampshire South East Local Government Remain Oxford City Council South East Local Government Remain Southern Counties Water South East WET Remain Surrey County South East Local Government Remain Sussex Partnership South East Health Remain University of Kent 09238 South East Higher Educatiion Remain West Sussex South East Local Government Remain Medway Towns Local Remain Government Branch South East Local Government Higher and further Remain Bath Spa University South West education Local Government & Remain Bristol 20107 South West Community Environment Agency South Remain West South West WET Gloucestershire Local Remain Government South West Local Government Mendip South West Local Government Remain North Devon Local Remain Government Branch South West Local Government Plymouth in UNISON South West Health Remain Salisbury Health South West Health Remain Somerset County South West Local Government Remain Somerset Health South West Health Remain South Somerset Local Remain Government South West Local Government South West Water South West WET Remain University of Exeter South West Higher Education Remain University of the West of Remain England South West Higher Education Western Energy South West Energy Remain Community and Remain Guinness Trust South West Voluntary Birmingham Healthcare West Midlands Health Remain Birmingham University Remain Unison West Midlands Higher Education National Grid Energy Branch West Midlands Energy Remain Solihull Local Government West Midlands Local Government Remain Staffordshire Police West Midlands Police & Justice Remain Staffordshire University West Midlands Higher Education Remain West Mercia Police staff Remain branch West Midlands Police & Justice Yorkshire & Remain York City Humberside Local Government Yorkshire & Remain Barnsley Health Humberside Health Yorkshire & Remain Calderdale 13329 Humberside Local Government North Yorkshire Local Yorkshire & Remain Government Humberside Local Government South West Yorkshire Yorkshire & Remain Partnership Health Humberside Health University of York Yorkshire & Higher Education Remain 17 Humberside West Yorkshire Combined Yorkshire & WET Remain Authority and Transport Humberside

Appendix Three

List of branches that sent in responses after the deadline.

Branch Region Service Group Leave/Remain Kent Local Government South East Local Government skipped

South Gloucestershire South West Local Government Remain

Bradford Yorkshire & Local Government Remain Humberside Doncaster & Bassetlaw Yorkshire & Health Leave Humberside North Lincolnshire Yorkshire & Local Government Remain Humberside Rotherham Yorkshire & Local Government Remain Humberside Sheffield Yorkshire & Local Government Remain Humberside Wakefield Yorkshire & Local Government Remain Humberside


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