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St John S College


Complete the attached RESIDENCE APPLICATION and return to the General Office, St John’s College. Your deposit of $436.00 will be due upon confirmation of acceptance. Read, remove and keep the SUMMER RESIDENCE CONTRACT for your records. Residence space for students is limited, and is allocated on a priority basis, with current St John’s College residents and full-time summer students given first priority. Where space becomes unavailable, applications will be put on a waitlist according to date of submittal. Regular Residence rules are applicable in the summer. A rule outline is available upon request. Quiet hours will be posted and must be adhered to by all. Cleanliness is of extreme importance, especially in the Buttery (our in-house cooking facility). A surcharge will be assessed to all summer residents if the Buttery is left unclean. Please be aware that conference guests have priority in the TV lounges. We appreciate your compliance and cooperation with these rules. The Conference Office or Conference Host will be responsible for liaison between conference guests and summer residents.

Due to limited space, applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Important Dates: March 14 Accepting applications/intentions for summer residence. April 7 Students will be notified of acceptance/non-acceptance by this date for summer accommodations. May 1 Move-in day and balance of fees due this day (for non-returning res.) Check-out time is 11:00 am.

Summer Rates: Room Monthly Room $436.00 (tax incl). Daily Room $26.00(tax incl).

Board Full Monthly Board $619.00 (no tax). One Meal a day $331.00/month (no tax). Daily Board $33.25 per day (includes breakfast, lunch, and supper). Tax is non-applicable on food if you are staying longer than 30 days. Individual meal tickets are also available.

Deposit of $436.00 is due upon confirmation of acceptance. Deposit is refundable if room becomes unavailable. Meal Plan Purchase is optional If chosen, Meal Plan Fee must be paid prior to move-in date. . Questions? Please contact Conference and Facilities Manager, Bruce Mahaffy: Phone: (204) 474-9583 Toll free: 1 800 432-1960 extension 9583 (Toll free in Manitoba only) Fax: (204) 474-7610 Email: [email protected] General Office: (204) 474-8531 ST JOHN’S COLLEGE SUMMER RESIDENCE CONTRACT 2009

Community Responsibility 9 Keep any pets (unless deemed acceptable by the conference coordinator); A I agree to obey all applicable laws and to 10 Throw or drop any object from a window or respect the rights, privileges, and property of stairwell; other members of the College and University 11 Interfere with the security system or tamper community and visitors to campus. I will abide with locks; by all policies and regulations in the contract, Cook in my room; and by any additional regulations, policies, and 12 standards of the College and University. In 13 Have a space heater in my room; addition, I agree to comply with the directions 14 Burn anything including incense, or use a of College officials and their authorized agents candle or other open flame in my room; acting in the performance of their duties. 15 Engage in food fights, water fights, sports in inappropriate places, or other activities I will act in a manner that will reflect B which threaten the individual rights, privacy, or favorably on the reputation of the Residence, privileges of others; engage in any such the College, and its members. activities which could cause potential harm to participants or bystanders, or represent I will not do anything that will interfere C potential damages to property; with College operations or endanger the health, Participate in any action or activity which safety, or welfare of other people or myself. I 16 will be responsible for the behaviour of my intimidates, demoralizes, or ridicules an guests. If my guest or I do not comply with the individual or group; participate in any regulations or policies, I may be subject to behaviour which denigrates an individual or fines, probation, dismissal from the Residence, group because of race, creed, colour, religious, and/or other action against me. While in or sexual preference; participate in physical or Residence, my guests and I will not: psychological threats or assaults on another; participate in any activity or behaviour that infringes on the rights, privileges, or property Smoke; 1 of others; Sell or possess illegal drugs; 2 17 Use electrical appliances which are rated as 3 Use or possess alcoholic beverages if I or consuming in excess of 1,000 watts or 8 amps my guest is under 18; of electrical power nor use any appliance which 4 Use or possess open container(s) of is electrically unsafe (all electrical appliances alcoholic beverage outside my room; or equipment must be CSA approved and 5 Cause disruptive behaviour as a result of attached to a power bar with a circuit breaker); consumption of alcoholic beverages; 18 Operate laundry room appliances before 6 Remove College or University furnishings 9:00 am or after 10:00 pm; or other property from its assigned location; 19 Enter the kitchen or quarters occupied by 7 Carry or possess firearms or other the Food Services or Housekeeping Staff; dangerous weapons, dangerous chemicals, or 20 Violate Quiet Hours and Visiting Hours explosives; which are outlined as follows: 8 Make unreasonable and excessive noise: Quiet Hours: during Quiet Hours (see section C.20), this is Daily: understood to mean any noise that can be heard 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm in the corridors or beyond the boundaries of my 10:00 pm – 9:00 am room; Visiting Hours: I indemnify and save harmless St John’s Daily: College for any claims resulting from fire 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. Special arrangements can damage or theft to my Residence room. I will be made through the Conference Host. agree to arrange my own fire and theft insurance before taking occupancy. D I will not duplicate or alter College keys, nor will I knowingly or willfully misuse a key. L If a telephone is installed I am responsible for all costs. Also, I am responsible for all Sky E I will not tamper with fire safety Cable costs incurred while I stay in residence) equipment. This includes pull stations, smoke detectors, heat sensors, fire hoses, or fire Payment extinguishers. I will report equipment malfunctions to the Facilities Manager. I will pay St John’s College a deposit of $436.00 upon approval of my application, F I will not paint my room or make any which I understand to be non-refundable. permanent changes. I will not use mounting I understand that any outstanding balance is material such as cellophane tape that will due by May 1, 2009. If the balance is not paid damage the walls when removed. by that date, interest will be charged at a rate set by the College on the outstanding balance. G I may not make any repairs myself. If I want repairs, I must leave a request with the Facilities Manager. Vacating I must give 10 working days notice prior to H When I vacate, I agree to leave my room my planned departure date in order to obtain and all of its equipment in good order and my refund of the balance paid. Failure to do so repair, except for reasonable wear, and pay the will mean the forfeiture of any monies expected College the value of anything missing from my back. room at that time. I If I damage my room, door, or other areas Moving In in the Residence, either purposefully or through I will inspect the room with the Conference negligence, I understand that I am responsible Host when I move in, and will be held for all charges to repair the damage. responsible for any changes in the described conditions. J Only the person assigned to a room may reside in that room. Moving Out K I agree to allow the College the right to I agree to clean my room thoroughly, to arrange enter my room during reasonable hours for for my refrigerator to be removed (if I have housekeeping, inspections, and to make repairs rented one), and to remove all personal and to conduct safety checks. belongings before I leave. In the event that I expect the Conference The College will inspect my room before I turn Manager/Host or some other College official to in my key, and will determine damages and give a fellow Resident Student access to my cleaning costs. I agree to pay for these room, I will write a letter to the Conference damages and cleaning costs. Manager/Host stating the name of the student I will follow proper check-out procedures, and the date for which permission has been which include completing a room inspection, granted. turning in my keys, and filling out forwarding If I have moved out without properly notifying address forms for the College and University. the College, I waive all my rights of consent. St John's College University of Manitoba 92 Dysart Road Winnipeg MB R3T 2M5 Telephone: (204) 474-9583 Fax: (204) 474-7610 Email [email protected] Application for Summer Residence 2009 Please print Family Name/Surname Full Given Names Name Commonly Used

Sex  Female University of Manitoba Student Number Are you a member of St John’s  Male College?  yes  no Current Mailing Address Telephone

Permanent Mailing Address (if different from above) Telephone

E-mail Address Medical Number Medical Coverage by (Province or Company)

Give brief details of or attach a letter describing any significant medical history Birth date (month/day/year) (e.g. allergies, asthma, diabetes)

+Emergency Contact Mailing Address Telephone

Have you ever lived in St John’s College Residence?  yes  no If yes, when? ______Do you live in St John’s Residence now?  yes (Room # ______)  no Do you intend to return to St John’s Residence in the fall?  yes  no Briefly describe your summer plans (academic/employment/etc)

Arrival Date and Time of Day: Departure Date:

I have read and understood the Summer Residence Contract

Signature Date For Office Use Only Application Received Date: ______Receipt #: ______$436.00 Deposit Received Date: ______Receipt #: ______Other Payments

St John’s College is a Non-Smoking Facility Rev. Feb 2009

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