District Notables
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DISTRICT NOTABLES STATISTIC REPORTS MUST BE COMPLETED BY JANUARY 31 ST – Again this year arrangements have been made with the General Council on Finance & Administration to use http://ezra.gcfa.org/ for reporting the 2016 Statistical Tables.
You can find the link to the forms by typing the URL address http://www.wpaumc.org/ezra or on our website home page by clicking on Districts and then find Statistical Forms under Important Links. Please refer to recent email send by John Wilson for your login information, or call or email the District Office.
CONNECTIONAL APPORTIONMENTS DUE JANUARY 12 TH Please be advised that the cut-off for making 2016 Connectional Apportionment payments is Thursday, January 12, 2017. All payments must by physically received by the conference center by the close of business on January 12, 2017. Anything received after January 12 will be applied to 2017. Pay online at http://www.wpaumc.org/OnlinePayments If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Roger White ([email protected], 724- 776-2300 ext. 239) or Holly Sawyer ([email protected], 724-776-2300 ext. 261) LETTER ATTACHED For a list of Connectional Apportionments Paid/Owed, as of January 6th, go to http://www.wpaumc.org/2016apportionment
IT’S TIME TO UPDATE DASHBOARD Charge Conferences have all been completed, so it’s time to update your leadership information on the church dashboard. Also, please make sure all church and pastor contact information is correct. If you need help logging in – please call the district office at 814-783-0105.
The WPA Conference Center will begin using this updated information for 2017 mailings
SPRING PASTORS’ MEETING The Spring Pastors’ Meeting will be held on March 21, 2017, at Saegertown UMC. Pastors can choose to attend either a lunch at 11 a.m. or dinner at 5 p.m.. Please inform Kristin of your choice by emailing her at [email protected]
DISTRICT OFFICE CLOSED ON MONDAY, JANUARY 16 TH IN OBSERVANCE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR DAY DISTRICT EVENTS MESSY CHURCH YOU ARE INVITED! Experience CHURCH in a new way with fun activities for the whole family! A free meal concludes this evening’s program. Who: Families/individuals of all ages, types and sizes! What: A free evening for families to enjoy crafts, music, stories, food, fellowship & messy fun When: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 5:00-6:30 PM Where: Stone United Methodist Church 956 S. Main St., Meadville PA 16335 JOIN US & BRING A FRIEND! For more information contact us: Stone United Methodist Church 956 S. Main Street, Meadville, PA 16335 814-724-6736 FLYER ATTACHED
CELEBRATE CAMPING AT WESLEY WOODS Join us at Asbury UMC (corner of Asbury and W Ridge Rd, Erie PA) February 11, 2017 at 6:30pm A night of good food, good fellowship Hear the inspiring testimonies of campers and staff. Reservations by February 3, 2017 Email to [email protected] or call 814 673 6519 or 814 833 9053
INTERESTING DISTRICT NEWS If you have an interesting or inspirational news story, event, or tidbit of information to share in the Wednesday Bulletin or in the Conference eNews, please email it to Kristin at erie- [email protected]. BULLETIN BOARD
CONFIRMATION CLASS VISITS Registration is open for 2017 Confirmation Class visits to the United Methodist Center. The students will spend time with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and learn about ministries and mission from staff members. See dates and details. PRAYER FOR THE NEW YEAR The annual Prayer for the New Year offered by the WPAUMC-East German Partnership may be used in churches anytime in January. See prayer. CELEBRATING DR. KING Several United Methodist churches are involved in hosting or planning special events to honor the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Get details. CLERGY COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE The first of our Clergy Communities of Practice began meeting Wednesday. About 60 clergy, including part-time and full-time local pastors and elders, are involved in one of the eight communities. “We’re praying that these groups will be places of refreshment and renewal for both the clergy involved and thereby their churches and communities,” said the Rev. Susan Moudry, Conference coordinator of clergy excellence. SCAM ALERT Some Western PA Conference churches recently have been targets of a scam in which a request for wire transfers of significant amounts of money come from what appears to be the senior pastor’s email address. Learn more. CONFIRMATION CLASS VISITS Registration is open for 2017 Confirmation Class visits to the United Methodist Center. The students will spend time with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and learn about ministries and mission from staff members. See dates and details. EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM trainings are scheduled Jan. 14 at Ingomar UMC and Jan. 28 at First UMC in Waynesburg, where several dozen homes were hit by flooding the weekend before Christmas. Read more. Get details on Disaster Response training. NEW COURSE OF STUDY OPTIONS Three new options for the education of part-time licensed local pastors have been announced by the UMC Board of Higher Education and Ministry: an extension of the Course of Study School of Ohio (COSSO) to be located at United Theological Seminary in Dayton; a satellite Course of Study program with Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas, and a pilot Escuela de Cursos de Estudios (ECE), a Spanish Course of Study, to be offered in Denver, Colorado. Learn more. ECUMENICAL EUCHARIST During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity the Southwestern PA Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America has issued an invitation to an Ecumenical Ministerial Eucharist at 11 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 19 at Oak Grove Lutheran Church in Zelienople. Lunch follows. Get details. PREPARING FOR AN ACTIVE SHOOTER Both Wesley Woods and Jumonville are hosting seminars to help church or organization leaders prepare for a day they hope never comes. Get flyer for Jan. 20 event at Wesley Woods. Details on March 2 event at Jumonville THE GREAT DATE NIGHT Community UMC in Harrison City is hosting an evening of music, laughter, encouragement and food with singer, songwriter and funny guy Mark Cable on Friday, January 27 in the Multi-Ministry Room. Doors open at 6:30pm with appetizers and program beginning promptly at 7pm. Get details and register at communityumchurch.com/news. SCHOLARSHIPS FOR WESLEYAN PILGRIMAGE Registration is underway for the 2017 Wesley Pilgrimage to England for United Methodist lay and clergy leaders, and the deadline to apply for 25 available scholarships is Jan 15. During the 10-day journey, scheduled for July 10-20, pilgrims will learn, pray and explore places where John and Charles Wesley lived. Read press release BIBLE MAN? Francis Asbury and John Wesley took on roles as action heroes in a comic book series produced for confirmation classes in the 1970s. See UMC video.
PROJECT WINTER School age children K - 12 who are in need of a warm winter coat and boots or shoes can receive them - at no cost - by calling Woodcock United Methodist Church 23048 Gravel Run RD, Woodcock Borough, Saegertown. Ph. 814-382-4128 HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR PASTOR’S FORM W-2 A Webinar sponsored by the UM Foundation of Western PA that will help church treasurers as they prepare W-2 forms for 2016 taxes. Clergy have some unique tax reporting issues that must be carefully handled each year. This Webinar will be held at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 – in time to process all information needed to successfully complete the W-2. Details and registration information can be found at REGISTRATION UM FOUNDATION ADDS OPTIONS The UM Foundation of Western PA has added two new fund management account options for church and agency account holders. An Aggressive Account and an Income & Growth Account have been introduced. Get details at umfoundation.org. SEMINARY SCHOLARSHIPS A new scholarship program for students enrolled in United Methodist seminaries, the Excellence in Clergy Leadership Scholarship, has been created to help entering United Methodist clergy avoid excessive educational loan debt, minimize financial stress and build financial acumen. Learn more. HUMAN RELATIONS DAY On Jan. 15, 2017, United Methodists will celebrate God's call to empower people who struggle and equip change agents to transform the world. Download resources from the Human Relations Day leader and pastor's kit. ORIENTATION TO MINISTRY An Orientation to Ministry, sponsored by the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, will be held on Saturday, Jan. 7 at Kittanning First UMC. It’s open to anyone interested in learning more about the various types of set-apart ministry in the UMC. Get details. EUMA EXTRAVAGANZA Our Way Home, the Erie UM Alliance's annual gala to benefit its ministries to homeless people, will be held Friday, Feb. 24, at the newly renovated Bel-Aire Hotel and Conference Center in Erie. Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and embers of her cabinet plan to attend. Get details YOUTH ZIM CAMP Applications are now available for the 2017 Youth Zim Camp. The dates are June 20- July 5. Get details and application. UPCOMING LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: Download the new flyer of continuing education opportunities, open to laity and clergy, here. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
JOB OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE WESTERN PA CONFERENCE go here GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS - can also go to Conference Website at SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships Students who are members of The United Methodist Church may apply for a Fall 2017 GBHEM scholarship online between January 3, 2017 – March 1, 2017 at gbhem.org/scholarshipapplication. Student loans are available at interest rates as low as 3.75 percent (lower than federal educational loans rates) with a credit worthy co-signer. Learn more at gbhem.org/loans-and-scholarships. There are a variety of scholarships at http://scholarship.umc.org/ Seminary Financial Aid Applications for the 2016-17 academic year are available on the conference website at wpaumc.org/BOOM.
OUR WAY HOME GALA – Come celebrate our past and together, look to our future at EUMA’s Our Way Home Gala on Friday, Feb. 24, 2017 at the Bel-Aire Hotel and Conference Center, 2800 W. 8th St., Erie. The Gala features a sit down dinner, live and silent auctions, and special presentation highlighting our work to end homelessness for families with children, Veterans and others in the community. Tickets are $50 per person or $400 per table of eight. Please RSVP by Friday, Feb. 10, 2017. For more information or to place an online reservation, visit euma-erie.org/news-events/events/our-way-home-gala. GALA SILENT AUCTION – In preparation for the Gala, we are seeking and accepting silent auction donations to be featured at the event. If you would like to donate an item, or know of a business that would like to participate and be recognized for their commitment to ending homelessness, please contact Kate Hiles at kateh@euma- erie.org or drop donations off to our administrative office at 1033 E. 26th St., Erie. Thank you!
PREPARING FOR AN ACTIVE SHOOTER This engaging seminar will help to prepare you for a day you hope never comes. Friday, January 20, 2017 from 10 am – 2 pm at Wesley Woods, 1001 Fiddlersgreen Road, Grand Valley, PA 16420. Lunch is included. Bonus: “Sheepdogs” segment 2 pm – 2:45 pm. General Admission ticket: $24.95. Group discount: $5 for 99.95. Early Bird pricing ends January 6, 2017. 814-436-7669. Register.
· Presenter: Rick Capozzi · Review strategies recommended by Homeland Security · Move from condition white (oblivious) to condition yellow (aware) · Discuss the numerous response considerations and how to choose the most appropriate option for your scenario · Run multiple drills in a controlled environment that will build muscle memory · Develop a survival mindset
For more information or to register for a retreat, click here SPRING WOMEN'S RETREAT April 23-25, 2017. Come laugh, learn, and be rejuvenated with Sue Duffield! Sue is a singer, songwriter, humorist, speaker, author, and advocate who loves to make people laugh with her off-the-wall Jersey logic and sacred sarcasm. MORE INFORMATION FLY FISHING RETREAT April 29 - May 1, 2017. It's finally here - the fly fishing retreat you've been waiting for. Everyone is welcome to come for a weekend of learning, spiritual exploration, and fishing! Gary is a well-known fly fishing instructor and welcomes participants of all skill levels. MORE INFORMATION MINI MISSION U May 7-9, 2017. Join us at Olmsted as we explore topics from this year's WPA Mission u (you need not have attended the event). Come to be refreshed, educated, and empowered. Topics will include "The Bible and Human Sexuality: Claiming God's Good Gift," "Latin America: People and Faith," and "Climate Justice: Call to Hope and Action." MORE INFORMATION PASTORS' ACADEMY May 22-24, 2017 with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi. Come gather with your peers as you learn and dig deeper into the ministry of serving a church. This event is in coordination with the Continuing Education efforts of the WPA Conference and is intended to help clergy meet their education requirements and fulfill their spiritual needs. Continuing Education Units: 1. MORE INFORMATION
PREPARING FOR AN ACTIVE SHOOTER Increasingly, mass shootings are in the headlines and a concern to businesses, organizations and institutions. Would you know how to respond if you heard shots fired where you are? There are many steps that can be taken to increase your odds of survival if you should have such an incident. In this well researched program you will: Review strategies recommended by Homeland Security Move from condition white (oblivious) to condition yellow (aware) Discuss the numerous response considerations and how to choose the most appropriate option for your scenario Develop a survival mindset The cost for this one day training is $59 for a single person from an organization and $49/person for multiple persons from the same organization. Register by February 1st and save $10/person. The training will begin at 10:00 am through 3:00 pm on Thursday March, 2, 2017. There will be an hour break for lunch provided by Jumonville and included in the cost. Click here to register online as either a participant or as a sponsor.
SUMMER CAMP SCHEDULE This summer's camp schedule and registration form is ready! Start your summer plans today by visiting the Jumonville website. You can give the gift of a summer camp experience to your child, grandchild, neighbor, or friend. Complete an online form here and you will receive the gift certificate in the mail to give it as a gift. That person's camp account will be credited with the amount of the gift certificate. If you prefer, you can download this pdf file. Print the pdf file, complete it, and mail it to Jumonville with your check. We will then follow up by mailing your Gift Certificate to the address that you provide. CONFERENCE WEBSITE LINKS CONFERENCE EVENTS EARLY RESPONSE TEAM TRAINING For those interested in specialized Disaster Response VIM teams, will be held Saturday, Jan. 14, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Ingomar UMC. Cost is $20. Clearances are required. Get details and register. TEACH ADULTS ON-LINE COURSE Course Dates: January 16-27, 2017 If you’ve ever wanted to improve your ability to guide adult learners through their faith development, this two-week interactive Discipleship Ministries-approved Lay Servant course is the way to do it! Learn about Multiple Intelligences, Adult Faith Development, Learning Hooks, and more! Students will need the book Start Here , by Barbara Bruce, and should read it before the course begins. For more information, or to register go to REGISTER ONLINE HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR PASTOR’S FORM W-2 A Webinar sponsored by the UM Foundation of Western PA that will help church treasurers as they prepare W-2 forms for 2016 taxes. Clergy have some unique tax reporting issues that must be carefully handled each year. This Webinar will be held at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 – in time to process all information needed to successfully complete the W-2. Details and registration information can be found at http://www.umfoundation.org/Module/Events/EventDetail/default?id=39. PREPARING FOR AN ACTIVE SHOOTER This engaging seminar will help to prepare you for a day you hope never comes. Friday, January 20, 2017 from 10 am – 2 pm at Wesley Woods, 1001 Fiddlersgreen Road, Grand Valley, PA 16420. Lunch is included. Bonus: “Sheepdogs” segment 2 pm – 2:45 pm. General Admission ticket: $24.95. Group discount: $5 for 99.95. Early Bird pricing ends January 6, 2017. 814-436-7669. Register.
· Presenter: Rick Capozzi · Review strategies recommended by Homeland Security · Move from condition white (oblivious) to condition yellow (aware) · Discuss the numerous response considerations and how to choose the most appropriate option for your scenario · Run multiple drills in a controlled environment that will build muscle memory · Develop a survival mindset YOUNG CLERGY FORUM Young clergy serving full time in a local church are invited to the General Board of Church and Society’s January 24-27 gathering in Washington, DC. Contact Rev. Kelly Smith, chair of the WPAUMC Board of Church and Society, at [email protected] for info and/or financial assistance. Get details. SPARK 2017 will be Friday, January 20 to Sunday, January 22, 2017 at Sheraton Station Square, 300 W Station Square Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Learn more . Speaker: Bob Lenz Worship Band: Sanctus Real Final registration deadline: January 6, 2017 Youth: $210/person (4/room) Adult: $210/person (4/room) EQUIPPING FOR MINISTRY February 11 Workshop being offered at Sheffield U.M.C., 11 West Main St., Sheffield, PA 16347, 9:00a.m. – 3:00p Keynote Speaker : 9:15 Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi. Break- out sessions: 10:15 which will include; Jeff Campbell discipleship , Larry Bridge Trustees, Chris Kindle Director of Discipleship & Spiritual Formation, and Pat Lenox SPRC. The event is open to clergy and laity. Lunch will be provided. There is no cost for this event! RSVP is required by January 30th. C.E.U. will be available. For more information, or to make reservations call Chris at the Kane District Office: 814-945-6975
Jeff Campbell serves as the Director of Annual Conference Relationships. In this role, Jeff connects with local boards of discipleship or their equivalent in every annual conference, with the purpose of strengthening intentional disciple-making across the connection. Jeff seeks ongoing feedback from conference and local church leaders, with the purpose of bringing that input to the Leadership Team in order to keep the work of Discipleship Ministries connected to the needs of conferences and local churches. Jeff is originally from Tabb, Virginia, but after college moved to Columbus, Ohio for business. There Jeff worked in communications and operations for The Limited Inc. After hearing the call to ministry, Jeff moved to New Jersey, where he began seminary while serving as a licensed local pastor. Jeff has been a pastor for 13 years and is familiar with the challenges of ministry in the small and medium church settings. Rev. Campbell is a graduate of the University of Mary Washington and received his Master of Divinity degree from Drew Theological School. Jeff is an ordained Elder of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference.
DELIBERATE DISCIPLESHIP Delmont Faith UMC will host a Deliberate Discipleship Workshop from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 18 for teams of pastors and laity to learn about moving their churches further along in making disciples. Cost is $5 per person, $10 for church team of 2 or more. To register, contact Lori at the Greensburg District Office ([email protected] or 724-461-7178). EUMA EXTRAVAGANZA The new date is Friday, February 24, 2017. The event will be held at the Bel-Aire Hotel and Conference Center, 2800 W 8th St, Erie, PA 16505. The date change will follow a complete renovation of the hotel and convention center and give the EUMA board and staff an opportunity to complete a strategic planning process – the outcomes of which will be announced at the banquet. We are honored to announce that Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi and members of her cabinet are planning to participate. Additional details will follow and thank you for saving the date. Visit our website at www.euma-erie.org.
IMMERSED IN GRACE: A WORKSHOP FOR UMC LEADERS Mark your calendars for March 23, 2017, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., when the Conference will sponsor a workshop in conjunction with the Albright-Deering Lecture at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Dr. Paul W. Chilcote, Professor of Historical Theology & Wesleyan Studies at Ashland Theological Seminary, will speak. He describes the workshop as a time for “participants to immerse themselves in the time-honored practices of prayer, scripture, and Eucharist, not only talking about but experiencing God’s lavish grace.” UMVIM/UMCOR TRAINING ACADEMY Registration is open for the Northeast Jurisdiction’s 2017 Academy, set for March 26-29 at Pocono Plateau Camp and Retreat Center in Cresco, PA. Get details THRIVE - MINISTRY ON THE EDGE April 30 – May 2, 2017 at the Double Tree by Hilton, Pittsburgh, PA, 15205 Cutting Edge Speakers Interactive Breakouts Travel/Lodging - Book Room now Registration opens November 1st Western PA Scholarship Form
PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UM CHURCH SECRETARIES Registration is open for the association’s annual gathering for church secretaries. It’s May 4-6, 2017 in Chicago. Encourage your church secretary to attend. Get details. PASTORS' ACADEMY at Olmsted Manor May 22-24, 2017 with Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi. Come gather with your peers as you learn and dig deeper into the ministry of serving a church. This event is in coordination with the Continuing Education efforts of the WPA Conference and is intended to help clergy meet their education requirements and fulfill their spiritual needs. Continuing Education Units: 1 MORE INFORMATION
Save the dates! Annual Conference 2017 is June 8-11, 2017 ALGONQUIN CANOE TRIP Monday, July 31, 2017 to Wednesday, August 9, 2017. Cost of the trip: $450 for 18 years old and older & $420 for under 18. Space is limited. Details to follow. Register. THE 5 TH ANNUAL FAITH NIGHT Thursday, August 17, 2017. Enjoy discounted tickets for the Pirates-Cardinals game at 7:05 pm and stay after the game to hear from Manager Clint Hurdle and many more Pirates Players and Coaches discuss how faith has impacted their lives, both on and off the field. The Faith Night presentation will last approximately 45 minutes. Early bird pricing for groups of 15 or more. Contact Chad Glover at (412) 325-4756 or [email protected] or Ryan Vizzini at (412) 325-4777 or [email protected] . MISSION OPPORTUNITIES Don't forget! You can now check our running list of WPA VIM Trip Opportunities online anytime at www.wpaumc.org/opportunities. Also, opportunities to give/help can be found at UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) 2017 VIM BROCHURES are available in any amount upon request. We will mail print copies to you or you can download the inner portion yourself. It is not too early to start praying, planning, and fundraising now! MISSION OF PEACE Each year a group of youth and young adults from the Northeastern Jurisdiction travel shortly after Christmas on a Mission of Peace to another area of the globe. Applications are available now for the 2018 MOP to Cuba. It’s scheduled from about Dec. 28, 2017- Jan. 12, 2018. Applications are due to Greg Cox by Feb. 1, 2017. Get application. UMCOR HOTLINE is on hiatus as it moves to the new General Board of Global Ministries headquarters in Atlanta. In the meantime, you can stay connected with UMCOR through Facebook. 2017 CONFERENCE VIM TEAMS Contact Rev. Stephanie Gottschalk for more information, [email protected], 724-776-2300 ext. 241 Texas Disaster Recovery Team – February 2017 In 2015 and 2016, areas of Texas had massive flood damage from repeated storms which made the cleanup and ongoing recovery a struggle. Staying in a local church, this team will continue the recovery work and strengthen the UMC in Texas. Age 16+. Estimate cost: $500 Martin Luther Pilgrimate (Germany) – April 18-30, 2017 2017 marks 500 years since Luther’s 95 theses changed the church forever. Learn more about Martin Luther and church history, visit with the Moravian community that influenced John Wesley, and connect with the UMC in Germany while supporting VIM scholarships. Cost: $3990 House of the Carpenter Team – June 18-24, 2017 - Wheeling, WV Join House of the Carpenter in holistic approach to mission and community development in Wheeling, WV. Volunteers engage the community for mercy, justice, and spiritual formation. This team will focus on home repair and other tasks. Age 14 – adult. Estimated cost: $375 Red Bird Family Team – July 9-15, 2017 In Eastern Kentucky, chronic poverty makes life a struggle for people in this mountainous area of Appalachia. Volunteers enable Red Bird Mission to build up the community and witness to Christ. Kids age 7-12, with adult, Youth (13+), and adults. Estimated cost: $600 for youth and adult, $450 for kids. UMCOR Sager Brown Team – July 30-August 5, 2017 Join with the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) in the work of disaster response and fighting poverty at Sager Brown, their main warehouse and shipping depot. Volunteers engage in local outreach and in preparing relief supply kits as signs of comfort and hope to a community in distress. Age 16+. Estimate cost: $650. ZIM Camp – June 20- July 5 Despite widespread challenges, the UMC in Zimbabwe has grown and continues in vital ministry and dynamic worship. SimCamp offers youth two weeks a chance to build relationships through District partnership projects, all in the spirit of Chabadza. Age 15-18. Cost: $2,500. Fiji Team – Fall 2017 (Dates to be determined) Cyclone Winston devastated parts of the Fijian islands in February 2016. We are working with our brothers and sisters in the Methodist Church in Fiji and the UMC to meet their ongoing needs with solidarity and encouragement. Fall 2017. Cost to be determined. Check out these ways to serve in Western Pennsylvania: Uth4Mission – Summer 2017: www.wpaumc.org/youth Hands-on service, worship, and fellowship for Youth 6 – 12th grade at Pitt at Johnstown. Estimately cost: $275 Mission u – July 2017: www.wpaumc.org/missionu Service and learning for kids, teens and adults at Cal U. UM A.R.M.Y. – www.ne.umarmy.org. Your church can be a youth work camp as youth and chaperones partner with UM A.R.M.Y. to love your neighbors. Eastbrook Mission Barn – www.wpaumc.org/missionbarn