Core Questionnaire
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Core Questionnaire
1. Current study situation
1.0 Do you actively pursue your studies in the current semester? (required)
1. Yes, in Hungary 2. Yes, (temporarily) at a University abroad, outside Hungary 3. No, I‘m currently interrupting my studies 4. No, I stopped studying 5. No, I already graduated tem
If categories 1 to 3 please continue with question 1.1. If categories 4 to 7 please stop answering the questionnaire (respondent is not part of the standard target group)
1.1 Which study programme are you currently enrolled in? (required) If you study more than one course at the same time, please fill-in the survey for your main course and stick to this course throughout the whole questionnaire. Single choice.
1 Higher educational technical programme 2 Bachelor 3 Master 4 College – traditional programme 5 University – traditional programme 6 Unified and undivided programme 7 Technical programme after degree 8 PhD/Doctoral Programme
1.2 What is your current formal status as a student? (required) Single choice.
1 1 Full-time student 2 Part-time student 3 Distance programme student
1.3 Please provide the location and name of the higher education institution you attend.
Name of the city/town/place: ______
Name of the higher education institution: ______(required) Name of the faculty: ______(required)
1.4 What is the subject you study?
Name of subject: ______(required)
1.4.1 Field of study: 1. Agricultural 2. Humanities 3. Economics 4. Information technology 5. Law and administration 6. Technical 7. Arts 8. Arts management 9. Defence and military 10. Medical and health care 11. Teacher training 12. Sports science 13. Social science 14. Natural science
1.4.2 In what form are your studies on this programme at this institution financed? 1 - Financed by the state 2 - Tuition payment
1.4.3 In which year did you commence your studies on this major? (required) 1 – 2005 or earlier 2 – 2006 3 – 2007 4 – 2008 5 – 2009 6 – 2010 7 – 2011 8 – 2012 9 – 2013
2 1.4.4 What has been the average result (grade) for your studies on this major?
1 – pass 2 – medium 3 – good 4 – excellent
1.4.5 Is your study result typically better or worse than that of the other students studying at this institution on this major? 1 - Much worse than that of the others 2 - Somewhat worse than that of the others 3 - Approx. the same as that of the others 4 - Somewhat better than that of the others 5 - Much better than that of the others
1.5 Do you plan to attend any further programmes? Yes, in the same Yes, in an No institution other institution 1.5.A. Higher education 1 2 3 professional programme 1.5.B. BA/BSc 1 2 3 1.5.C. MA/MSc 1 2 3 1.5.D. Further professional 1 2 3 training 1.5.E. Postgraduate 1 2 3 programme - PhD, DLA 1.5.F. Unified and undivided 1 2 3 programme (e.g. law and administration, medical studies)
3 1.5.1 Do you plan to attend this programme in 1 year after graduation? Single choice.
1 Yes 2 No 3 I don’t know yet
“IYes” question 1.6 “No” or “I don’t know yet” 1.7
1.6 Where do you plan to attend further studies? Single choice.
1 In Hungary 2 Abroad 3 I don’t know yet question 1.9
1.7 What do you plan to do within a year after finishing your current study programme? Single choice.
1 I will continue my current paid employment/job/occupation 2 I will have or look for a new paid employment 3 I will set-up my own business (self-employed) 4 I will do something else 5 I don't know yet
1.8 What is the main teaching language of your study programme? Single choice.
1 Hungarian 2 English 3 German 4 Other
1.9 How satisfied are you with your studies concerning the following points?
not very at well all Quality of teaching 1 2 3 4 5 Organisation of studies and timetable 1 2 3 4 5
4 Possibility to select from a broad variety of courses 1 2 3 4 5 University administration’s attitude towards students 1 2 3 4 5 Teaching staff’s attitude towards students 1 2 3 4 5 Study facilities (e.g. library, computers, buildings, 1 2 3 4 5 classrooms)
1.10 How do you rate your chances on the labour market after graduating from your current study programme?
very very unable poor good to rate In Hungary 1 2 3 4 5 9 In Europe 1 2 3 4 5 9
5 2. Study Background
2.1 What was the highest level of education you obtained on graduating from the school system for the first time? (required)
1 Secondary grammar school - traditional 4-year 2 6- or 8-year (changed structure) secondary school, bilingual secondary grammar school 3 Comprehensive school 4 Other
2.2.1 Where did you graduate from the educational level mentioned above?
Country: 1 Hungary -> 2.2.2 question 2 Slovakia ->2.3 question 3 Ukraine ->2.3 question 4 Romania ->2.3 question 5 Serbia ->2.3 question 6 Croatia ->2.3 question 7 Slovenia ->2.3 question 8 Austria ->2.3 question 9 Other country -> question In which (other) country did you graduate from the educational level mentioned above?
2.2.2 In which province did you graduate from the educational level mentioned above?
6 1. Budapest capital 2. Bács-Kiskun 3. Baranya 4. Békés 5. Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 6. Csongrád 7. Fejér 8. Győr-Moson-Sopron 9. Hajdú-Bihar 10. Heves 11. Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok 12. Komárom-Esztergom 13. Nógrád 14. Pest 15. Somogy 16. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg 17. Tolna 18. Vas 19. Veszprém 20. Zala
2.2.3 In which city did you graduate from the educational level mentioned above? ______
2.3 When did you obtain the qualification mentioned in 2.1.?
Year ______
2.3.1 Month
1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December 2.4 When did you enter higher education for the first time?
Year ______
2.4.1 Month 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December
2.4.2 Are you currently studying for any other major? 2 - No 1 - Yes------ What is your major? Please specify! (If you are studying for more than one major, please specify the one that you consider to be the most important.) ……………………………………………………………… In what educational form are you studying? 1 - BA/BSc 2 - MA/MSc 3 - Unified and undivided programme (e.g. law and administration, medical studies) 4 - University – traditional programme 5 - College – traditional programme 6 - Postgraduate programme - PhD, DLA 7 - Further professional training 8 - Graduate programme 9 - Supplementary programme 10 - Higher education professional programme 2.4.3 Do you have any higher education qualification? 2 - No 1 - Yes------ What is your major? Please specify! (If you have more than one qualification, please name the one that is most important to you) ……………………………………………………………………. In what educational form did you obtain that qualification? Please indicate your highest qualification. 1 – BA/BSc 2 - MA/MSc 3 - Unified and undivided programme (e.g. law and administration, medical studies) 4 - University – traditional programme 5 - College – traditional programme 6 - Postgraduate programme - PhD, DLA 7 - Higher education professional programme 2.5 When did you start your current study programme?
Year ______
2.5.1 Month 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December
2.6 Did you ever interrupt your education career after entering higher education for at least one year?
Multiple answers possible.
1 Yes, I interrupted between entering higher education and graduating from higher education for the first time 2 Yes, I interrupted between graduating from higher education and re-entering higher education 3 No, I did not interrupt my education career after entering higher education
2.7 Have you tried to recognize elsewhere acquired knowledge as credits? 1 yes 2 no -> question 2.9
2.7.1 What have you tried ti recognize? (Multiple answers possible) - 1 working experience - 2 courses conducted in other HEI - 3 courses conducted on other study programmes
2.8 What was the result of this attempt? (Multiple answers possible) 1 agree with the teacher 2 gained credits on official way 3 no success 2.9 Did you have a paid job before entering higher education for the first time? Single choice.
1 Yes, working/vocational training for at least one year and at least 20h per week 2 Yes, less than 1 year or less than 20h a week 3 No 3. Living Conditions
3.1 Who do you live with during the study term/semester (Monday until Friday)? (required) Multiple answers possible.
1 Parents/other relatives 2 Partner/spouse 3 My child(ren)/my partner’s child(ren) 4 With (an)other person(s) not mentioned above 5 I live alone
3.2 Do you live in a student accommodation, i.e. dormitory or halls of residence?
1 Yes 2 No -> question 3.4
3.3 How satisfied are you with your accommodation?
Not satisfied at Very satisfied all 1 2 3 4 5
3.4 What are your frequently used modes of transportation to get from your home to your HE institution during the current semester? Please indicate all frequently used modes (multiple answers possible)
1 Foot 2 Bicycle 3 Car/motorbike or similar 4 Public transport 5 Other
3.4.1 What are your most frequently used mode of transportation to get from your home to your HE institution during the current semester (Single choice)
1 Foot 2 Bicycle 3 Car/motorbike or similar 4 Public transport 5 Other 3.5 On a typical day, how much time does it take you to get from your home to your higher education institution during the current semester?
Home is your place of living during study term/semester (Monday until Friday)
______minutes (one way)
3.6 What is the average monthly amount at your disposal from the following sources during the current semester? At your disposal is the money which is meant for monthly consumption, no matter when it was earned. (In Forint) Add a '0' if you did not receive any income from a certain source.
Average amount Provision from family/partner ______From public sources - non-repayable student grant ______From public sources - repayable student loan ______From privat sources - non-repayable student grant ______From privat sources - repayable student loan ______Self-earned income - from current paid job ______- from previous job (e.g. during holidays) ______Other public sources ______Other private sources ______
3.7 What are your average expenses for the following items during the current semester? I.e. all regular costs, excluding costs for items like washing machine, travelling (for holidays/fun), etc. (In Forint) Add a '0' if no money was spent on a certain type of costs.
Paid by I pay out of my A) Living costs per month parents/partner/ others own pocket for me Total accommodation cost (rent/mortgage including utilities, water, electricity,…) ______Food ______Transportation ______Communication (telephone, internet etc.) ______Health costs (e.g. medical insurance) ______Childcare ______Debt payment (except mortgage) ______Social and leisure activities ______Other regular living costs (clothing, toiletries tobacco, pets, insurance [except medical insurance]) ______
Paid by I pay out of my B) Study-related costs per semester parents/partner/ others own pocket for me Tuition fees, registration fees, examination fees, administrative fees ______Social welfare contributions to the university/ college and student associations ______Learning materials (e.g. books, photocopying, DVDs, field trips) ______Other regular study-related costs (e.g. private tutoring, additional courses) ______
3.8 To what extent are you currently experiencing financial difficulties?
Not at all Very seriously
1 2 3 4 5
3.9 Do you have a paid job during the current semester? Single choice.
1 Yes, I work during the whole semester 2 Yes, I work from time to time during the semester 3 No, I don't work during the semester
If “Yes, I work during the whole semester” or “Yes, I work from time to time during the semester” please go to question 3.10. If “No, I don't work during the semester” please go to question 3.14.
3.10 To what extent do the following statements apply to your situation? Not at all Totally I work to fund my living 12345 I work to improve my living standard 12345 I work to gain experience on the labour market 12345 I work because I have free time to spend 12345 3.11 How closely related is your job to the content of your study programme?
not at all very closely 1 2 3 4 5
3.12 Which of the following describes your current situation best? Single choice.
1 Primarily, I am a student besides other activities (e.g. paid job, care responsibilities). 2 Primarily, I work and I study alongside working. 3 Primarily, I am occupied with other duties/activities (e.g. care responsibilities) besides my studies.
3.13 How many hours do you spend on paid jobs in a typical week during this semester?
Paid jobs ___ h / week
3.14 How many hours do you spend in a typical week in taught courses and on personal study time?
Taught studies (lessons, seminars, labs, tests, etc.) Mondays ______Taught studies (lessons, seminars, labs, tests, etc.)Tuesdays ______Taught studies (lessons, seminars, labs, tests, etc.)Wednesdays ______Taught studies (lessons, seminars, labs, tests, etc.)Thursdays ______Taught studies (lessons, seminars, labs, tests, etc.)Fridays ______Taught studies (lessons, seminars, labs, tests, etc.)Saturdays ______Taught studies (lessons, seminars, labs, tests, etc.)Sundays ______Personal study time (like preparation, learning, homework)Mondays ______Personal study time (like preparation, learning, homework)Tuesdays ______Personal study time (like preparation, learning, homework)Wednesdays ______Personal study time (like preparation, learning, homework)Thursdays ______Personal study time (like preparation, learning, homework)Fridays ______Personal study time (like preparation, learning, homework)Saturdays ______Personal study time (like preparation, learning, homework)Sundays ______
3.15 Looking at your workload based on the time you spend on study-related activities (= taught studies + personal study time) and on paid jobs, please rate your satisfaction with your workload.
I want less I want more
Time for study- 1 2 3 4 5 related activities Time for paid 1 2 3 4 5 jobs Total workload 1 2 3 4 5 4. International Mobility
4.1 Have you ever been enrolled abroad as a student in higher education? (required) Please refer only to temporary study periods outside of #country, for which you were enrolled/ registered at a HEI abroad. Please exclude full study programmes undertaken abroad. Single choice.
1 Yes, I have ( please go on to question 4.2.) 2 No, but I plan to go ( please go on to question 4.7.) 3 No, and I do not plan to go ( please go on to question 4.9.)
4.1.1. How many times did you study abroad for one semester at least? Please refer only to higher education! [1 -] 0 [2 -] 1 [3 -] 2 [4 -] 3 [5 -] 4 [6 -] 5 [7 -] 6 [8 -] 7 [9 -] 8 [10 -] 9 or more
4.1.2. How many times did you study abroad for less than one semester? Please refer only to higher education!
[1 -] 0 [2 -] 1 [3 -] 2 [4 -] 3 [5 -] 4 [6 -] 5 [7 -] 6 [8 -] 7 [9 -] 8 [10 -] 9 or more
4.1.3. For how many months did you study abroad in total? Please refer only to higher education!
4.1.4. In which countries did you study? Please list them all. …………………………………………………………….. [INTÉZMÉNYI KÉPVISELŐNEK:] SZÖVEGBEVITELI MEZŐ FELVÉTELE SZÜKSÉGES, AMELYBE 100 KARAKTER BEVITELE LEHETSÉGES.
4.2 What degree were you studying for, when you went abroad? If you have studied abroad more than once, please refer to your most recent stay abroad. 1 Bachelor 2 Master 3 PhD/ Doctoral Programme 4 Other national degree 5 Other postgraduate programme
4.3 What country did you go to? If you have studied abroad more than once, please refer to your most recent stay abroad. Single choice.
1. USA -> 4.3.2 9. Germany -> 4.3.2 2. Austria -> 4.3.2 10. Great Britain -> 4.3.2 3. Belgium -> 4.3.2 11. Italy -> 4.3.2 4. Denmark -> 4.3.2 12. Spain - > 4.3.2 5. Finland -> 4.3.2 13. Switzerland -> 4.3.2 6. France -> 4.3.2 14. Sweden -> 4.3.2 7. Netherlands -> 4.3.2 15. Other country -> 4.3.1 8. Poland -> 4.3.2 4.3.1 Which other country did you go to? ______4.3.2 How long did you go to? Fill in the duration in months.
…. Months
4.4 Were the credits (ECTS, certificates) you gained for your studies abroad recognised by your home institution? If you have studied abroad more than once, please refer to your most recent stay abroad. Single choice.
1 Yes, all of the credits were recognised 2 Yes, the credits were partly recognised 3 No, none of the credits were recognised 4 I don’t know (yet) 5 I did not gain any credits for my studies abroad
4.5 Within which of the following organisational frameworks was your study abroad organised? If you have studied abroad more than once, please refer to your most recent stay abroad. Single choice.
1 EU-programme (e.g. Erasmus, Ceepus, …) 2 Other national programme 3 Other, non-EU programme 4 No programme
4.6 Which of the following sources did you use to fund your study period abroad? If you have studied abroad more than once, please refer to your most recent stay abroad. Please indicate all sources of funding you used (multiple answers possible).
1 Contribution from parents/family/partner 2 Own income from previous job or own savings 3 Income from paid job during my studies abroad 4 Study grants/loans from host country 5 Regular Hungarian study grants/loans from home country 6 Special Hungarian study grant/loan from home country for going abroad
19 7 EU study grants 8 Funding from private businesses or non-governmental organisations 9 Other
4.6.1 Which one of them was your primary source of funding? (Single choice) 1 Contribution from parents/family/partner 2 Own income from previous job or own savings 3 Income from paid job during my studies abroad 4 Study grants/loans from host country 5 Regular Hungarian study grants/loans from home country 6 Special Hungarian study grant/loan from home country for going abroad 7 EU study grants 8 Funding from private businesses or non-governmental organisations 9 Other
[Questions 4.7. to 4.8.: only students who have not studied abroad but plan to] 4.7 What country do you plan to go to for your temporary studies abroad?
1. USA -> 4.8 2. Austria -> 4.8 3. Belgium -> 4.8 4. Denmark -> 4.8 5. Finland -> 4.8 6. France -> 4.8 7. Netherlands -> 4.8 8. Poland -> 4.8 9. Germany -> 4.8 10. Great Britain -> 4.8 11. Italy -> 4.8 12. Spain -> 4.8 13. Switzerland -> 4.8 14. Sweden -> 4.8 15 Other country -> 4.7.1 16 I don’t know yet -> 4.8
4.7.1 Which (other) country do you plan to go to for your temporary studies abroad?
20 4.8 Within which of the following organisational frameworks do you plan to organise your temporary study abroad? Single choice.
1 EU-programme 2 Other Hungarian programme 3 No programme 4 Other, non-EU programme 5 I don’t know yet
[Questions 4.9. to 4.10.: all students] 4.9 To what extent are or were the following aspects an obstacle for studying abroad to you?
No Big obstacle obstacle Insufficient skills in foreign language 1 2 3 4 5 Lack of information provided by my #HE 1 2 3 4 5 institution Separation from partner, child(ren), friends 1 2 3 4 5 Additional financial burden 1 2 3 4 5 Loss of paid job 1 2 3 4 5 Lack of motivation 1 2 3 4 5 Low benefit for my studies at home 1 2 3 4 5 Difficult integration of studying abroad into 1 2 3 4 5 the structure of my home study programme Problems with recognition of results achieved 1 2 3 4 5 abroad Problems with access regulations to the 1 2 3 4 5 preferred country (visa, residence permit) Insufficient marks for studying abroad 1 2 3 4 5 Limited admittance to mobility programmes 1 2 3 4 5 (of home/host institution)
4.10 Have you ever been abroad for other study-related activities as a student in higher education? If you’ve been abroad more than once per activity, please refer to your most recent stay abroad.
Research / Fieldtrip 1 Yes / 2 No Internship / work placement 1 Yes / 2 No Summer/winter school 1 Yes / 2 No
21 Language course 1 Yes / 2 No Other 1 Yes / 2 No
22 Please fill in, per activity, the following details for your most recent study-related stay abroad.
4.10.1 How long have you been abroad for research/fieldtrip? ______ In which country have you been for this activity? ______ Was it part of your study programme? 1 yes 2 no Did you gain ECTS with it? 1 yes 2 no
4.10.2 How long have you been abroad for internship/work placement? ______ In which country have you been for this activity? ______ Was it part of your study programme? 1 yes 2 no Did you gain ECTS with it? 1 yes 2 no
4.10.3 How long have you been abroad for summer/winter school? ______ In which country have you been for this activity? ______ Was it part of your study programme? 1 yes 2 no
23 Did you gain ECTS with it? 1 yes 2 no
4.10.4 How long have you been abroad for language course? ______ In which country have you been for this activity? ______ Was it part of your study programme? 1 yes 2 no Did you gain ECTS with it? 1 yes 2 no
4.10.5 How long have you been abroad for other study-related activities? ______ In which country have you been for this activity? ______ Was it part of your study programme? 1 yes 2 no Did you gain ECTS with it? 1 yes 2 no
4.11. Have you worked abroad for shorter or longer time? 1 - Yes 2 - No
4.12. Do you try to work abroad after graduation? [1 -] yes [2 -] no [3 -] I don’t know yet.
24 5. Personal Details
5.1 When were you born?
Year ______
5.1.1 Month 1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December
5.2 What is your sex? (required)
1 Male 2 Female
5.3 In which country were you born? Please refer to current national borders.
1. Hungary 2. Croatia 3. Romania 4. Serbia 5. Slovakia 6. Ukraine 7. Austria
25 8. Other country -> 5.3.1
5.4.1 In which (other) country were you born? ______
5.3.2 In which country was your mother born?
1. Hungary 2. Croatia 3. Romania 4. Serbia 5. Slovakia 6. Ukraine 7. Austria 8. Other country -> 9. I don’t know In which (other) country was your mother born? ______
5.3.3 In which country was your father born?
1. Hungary 2. Croatia 3. Romania 4. Serbia 5. Slovakia 6. Ukraine 7. Austria 8. Other country -> 9. I don’t know In which other country was your father born?
5.4.1 In what type of settlement did you live at the age of 14? Is this settlement abroad (not in Hungary)?
[1 -] yes
26 [2 -] No
5.5 What are your written and spoken language skills?
No Very Mother know- good tongue ledge Hungarian 1 2 3 4 5 0 English 1 2 3 4 5 0 German 1 2 3 4 5 0 French 1 2 3 4 5 0 Spanish 1 2 3 4 5 0 Italian 1 2 3 4 5 0 Russian 1 2 3 4 5 0
5.5.8 . Do you speak any other languages? 1 - Yes 2 – No -> question 5.6 What other language do you speak? (If you speak more than one foreign language in addition to those above, think of the one that you speak at the highest level.) ………………………………………………………………………. At what level do you speak that foreign languages?
27 mother speak very well tongue 5.4.3. other 1 2 3 4 tongue0 language
5.6 Do you have any children, if yes how many?
1 No 2 Yes, I have [__] [number of] children “No” (-> 5.8) 5.7 How old is your youngest child? (If younger than 1 year, please add 0)
___ years of age 5.8 Please indicate if you have a disability, long standing health problems or functional limitations? 1 Yes 2 No -> 5.12
5.9 What kind of disability, long standing health problems or functional limitations do you have? (Multiple answers possible)
1 chronic diseases 2 mental health problems 3 mobility impairment 4 sensory impairment (vision or hearing) 5 learning disability (ADHD, Dyslexia) 6 other long standing health problems
5.10 Overall, to what extent are your impairments an obstacle to your studies?
No obstacle Big obstacle 1 2 3 4 5
5.11 Overall, how well are you publicly or institutionally supported with regard to your impairments in your studies?
I do not need / Not at all Very well want any support 1 2 3 4 5 9
5.12. Are you working currently? 2 - No
28 1 - Yes------5.12.1. This employment: 1 - is permanent and not fixed term 2 - is temporary 3 - is based on agency (with a fee, commission, etc.) 4 - is occasional, temporary by commission 5 - apprentice work, trainee work
5.12.2. How would you rather consider yourself 1 – As a full-time student 2 – As a full-time worker (who is studying)
5.12.3. Studies in which professional fields do you think fit this work best? 1 - Only your professional field 2 - Your and related professional fields 3 - A completely different professional field 4 - Any professional field
5.13 How probable do you think it is, that after the graduation you will find a job in a position you consider appropriate in this professional field? [1 –] Yes, definitely [2 –] Probably [3 –] Probably not [4 –] No, definitely not [5 -] I don’t want to find a job in this professional field.
5.14. What do you think the monthly average net salary of a freshly graduated person in your field of study (first marked) is in Hungary? HUF ………………. thousand / month
5.15. What do you think the monthly average net salary which would be satisfied you?
5.16. There are many reasons, which is why someone wants to get a degree. Please sign which of the following are the two aspects that are most important to you!
[1 -] igen [2 -] nem
29 5.16.1. Avoid unemployment
5.16.2. High income
5.16.3. Social prestige
5.16.4. Leadership positions, career
5.16.5. More free lifestyle
5.16.6. Chance to working abroad
5.16.7. Professional and intellectual development
30 6. Family Background
In this section you will be asked some questions about your family background. The following questions are about your mother and father or those person(s) who raised you.
6.1 What is the highest level of education your father has obtained? (required)
1 8-year elementary at most 2 Industrial, trade school (without final examination) 3 Comprehensive school 4 Secondary grammar school 5 Technical school 6 Higher education professional programme 7 College 8 University 9 University, postgraduate qualification 10 I don’t know
31 6.1.1 What is the highest level of education mother has obtained? (required)
1 8-year elementary at most 2 Industrial, trade school (without final examination) 3 Comprehensive school 4 Secondary grammar school 5 Technical school 11 Higher education professional programme 12 College 13 University 14 University, postgraduate qualification 15 I don’t know
6.2 What are the present or most recent occupations of your father? Please classify the job according to one of the following categories of occupation.
1 Managers 2 Professionals 3 Technicians and associate professionals 4 Clerical support workers 5 Service and sales workers 6 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers 7 Craft and related trades workers 8 Plant and machine operators, and assemblers 9 Elementary occupations 10 Armed forces occupations 11 Do not know 12 Never been active in the labour market
6.2.1 What are the present or most recent occupations of your mother? Please classify the job according to one of the following categories of occupation.
1 Managers 2 Professionals 3 Technicians and associate professionals 4 Clerical support workers 5 Service and sales workers 6 Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
32 7 Craft and related trades workers 8 Plant and machine operators, and assemblers 9 Elementary occupations 10 Armed forces occupations 11 Do not know 12 Never been active in the labour market
6.3 Some people are considered to have a high social standing and some are considered to have a low social standing. Thinking about your family background, where would you place your parents on this scale if the top indicated high social standing and the bottom indicated low social standing? low high social social standin standin g g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6.4 How do you evaluate the financial situation of your family as a whole when you were 14?
[1 -] Much better than the average [2 -] Somewhat better than the average [3 -] Approximately average [4 -] Somewhat worse than the average [5 -] Much worse than the average
6.5. Has any member of your family obtained qualification and worked in a similar professional field to you? Please think about your parents and grandparents. 1 - Yes, there are family members with similar profession among my parents and my grandparents 2 - Yes, only among the parents 3 - Yes, only among the grandparents 4 - No