Self-Organised Learning Environment SOLE – Year 10 MYP Humanities Topic: Globalisation/Global issues

Materials: whiteboard, 1 laptop per group Lesson Structure: 1. Teacher writes a provocative/challenging question on one side of the board (eg. How do we know the world is a global village? Some sub- questions may include: Why should we care? What is the international community doing?) 2. Students are going to find the “best” source about globalisation issues which answers all or most of the questions 3. Discuss what “best”means – teacher writes the criteria on the other side of the board. Best could be most reliable/credible, most informative, most objective, easiest language.

Students instructed to get into groups, no pairs, no one working on their own. They can move around, can look at what others are doing or looking at. Try to not use the same sources, if someone is on wikipedia, try to find something else. They will present their findings as a group given a time constraint.

4. Find a source and answer the questions – give 30 minutes then give another 15 minutes. 5. Conference presentation – have to speak clearly, all need to speak, don't repeat information from any other group, if information has been used from another group, it needs to be acknowledged 6. Discussion – Which source was the best? Add sources to Atlas Rubicon.

Learning Outcomes: To use ATL skills (information literacy and collaboration, communication) more effectively

Report writing can be used as a homework session.