Board of Dentistry

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Board of Dentistry


For information concerning Final Regulations, see Information Page.

Symbol Key Roman type indicates existing text of regulations. Italic type indicates new text. Language which has been stricken indicates text to be deleted. [Bracketed language] indicates a change from the proposed text of the regulation. BOARD OF DENTISTRY C. Reinstatement fees and procedures. The license of any person who does not return the completed renewal form and Title of Regulation: 18 VAC 60-20. Regulations Governing fees within 30 days of by the deadline required in subsection the Practice of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene (amending A of this section shall automatically expire and become invalid 18 VAC 60-20-20 and 18 VAC 60-20-30). and his practice of dentistry/dental hygiene shall be illegal. Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-113 and 54.1-2400 of the Code of Upon such expiration, the board shall immediately notify the Virginia. affected person of the expiration and the reinstatement procedures. Effective Date: February 26, 2003. 1. Any person whose license has expired [ for more than Summary: one year and ] who wishes to reinstate such license shall The amendments revise the fee schedule for the regulants submit to the board a reinstatement application, the renewal of the Board of Dentistry. For example, the annual renewal fee and the penalty reinstatement fee of $50 $225 for free for a dentist is increased from $100 to $150 and for a dentists and $35 $135 for dental hygienists per month for dental hygienist from $40 to $50. Although most other fees each month or part of a month the license has been expired are increased correspondingly, some fees are reduced, for for a maximum amount of $600 for dentists and $420 for example, the application fee for licensure as a dental dental hygienists. hygienist is reduced from $160 to $135 and the maximum 2. Practicing in Virginia with an expired license may subject reinstatement fees are reduced for dentists and dental the licensee to disciplinary action and additional fines by the hygienists. board. Summary of Public Comment and Agency Response: A 3. The executive director shall may reinstate such expired summary of comments made by the public and the agency's license provided that the applicant can demonstrate response may be obtained from the promulgating agency or continuing competence, that no grounds exist pursuant to viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations. § 54.1-2706 of the Code of Virginia and 18 VAC 60-20-170 Agency Contact: Elaine J. Yeatts, Agency Regulatory to deny said reinstatement, and that the applicant has paid Coordinator, Department of Health Professions, 6603 W. all the unpaid renewal fees fee, the reinstatement fee and Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23230, telephone (804) 662- any fines or assessments. 9918, FAX (804) 662-9114 or e-mail D. Reinstatement of a license previously revoked or [email protected]. indefinitely suspended. Any person whose license has been 18 VAC 60-20-20. License renewal and reinstatement. revoked shall submit to the board for its approval a reinstatement application and fee of $750 for dentists and A. Renewal fees. Every person holding an active or inactive $500 for dental hygienists. Any person whose license has license, a full-time faculty license, or a restricted volunteer been indefinitely suspended shall submit to the board for its license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene shall, on or approval a reinstatement application and fee of $350 for before March 31, renew his license. Every person holding a dentists and $250 for dental hygienists. teacher's license or a temporary permit to practice dentistry or dental hygiene shall, on or before June 30, renew his license. 18 VAC 60-20-30. Other fees. 1. The fee for renewal of an active license or permit to A. Dental licensure application fees. The application fee for a practice or teach dentistry shall be $100 for dentists $150, dental license, a license to teach dentistry, a full-time faculty and $40 for dental hygienists the fee for renewal of an license, or a temporary permit as a dentist shall be $225. active license or permit to practice or teach dental hygiene B. Dental hygiene licensure application fees. The application shall be $50. fee for a dental hygiene license by examination, a license to 2. The fee for renewal of an inactive license shall be $65 teach dental hygiene, or a temporary permit as a dental $75 for dentists and $25 for dental hygienists. hygienist shall be $160 $135. 3. The fee for renewal of a restricted volunteer license shall C. Duplicate wall certificate. Licensees desiring a duplicate be $15. wall certificate shall submit a request in writing stating the necessity for such duplicate wall certificate, accompanied by a B. [ Penalty Late ] fees. Any person who does not return the fee of $15 $25. completed form and fee by the deadline required in subsection A of this section shall be required to pay an additional D. Duplicate license. Licensees desiring a duplicate license [ penalty late ] fee of $50 for dentists and $35 $20 for dental shall submit a request in writing stating the necessity for such hygienists. The board shall renew a license if the renewal duplicate license, accompanied by a fee of $10. If a licensee form, renewal fee, and [ penalty late ] fee are received within maintains more than one office, a notarized photocopy of a 30 days one year of the deadline required in subsection A of license may be used. this section.

Volume 19, Issue 10 Virginia Register of Regulations Monday, January 27, 2003 1 Final Regulations

E. Licensure certification. Licensees requesting endorsement Form A, Certification of Dental/Dental Hygiene School (rev. or certification by this board shall pay a fee of $25 for each [ 3/98 12/02 ] ). endorsement or certification. Form AA, Sponsor Certification for Dental/Dental Hygiene F. Restricted license. Restricted license issued in accordance Volunteer License (eff. 7/98). with § 54.1-2714 of the Code of Virginia shall be at a fee of $100 $150. Form B, Chronology (rev. [ 3/98 12/02 ] ). G. Endorsement license. License by endorsement issued in Form C, Certification of Dental/Dental Hygiene Boards (rev. accordance with 18 VAC 60-20-80 for dental hygienists shall [ 3/98 12/02 ] ). be at a fee of $225 $135. Outline and Explanation of Documentation Required for H. Restricted volunteer license. The application fee for Dental Hygiene Licensure by Exam, Teacher's License, licensure as a restricted volunteer dentist or dental hygienist Dental Hygiene by Endorsement, and Dental Hygiene issued in accordance with § 54.1-2712.1 or § 54.1-2726.1 of Temporary Permit (rev. 11/98 [ 6/02 12/02 ] ). the Code of Virginia shall be $25. Application for Licensure to Practice Dental Hygiene (rev. I. Returned check. The fee for a returned check shall be $25. [ 3/98 12/02 ]). Instructions for Reinstatement (rev. [ 6/02 12/02 ] ). NOTICE: The forms used in administering 18 VAC 60-20, Regulations Governing the Practice of Dentistry and Dental Reinstatement Application for Dental/Dental Hygiene Hygiene, are not being published due to the large number; Licensure (rev. [ 3/98 12/02 ] ). however, the name of each form is listed below. The forms [ Expiration letter to licensee (rev. 7/98). ] are available for public inspection at the Board of Dentistry, 6603 W. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia, or at the office of Radiology Information for Dental Assistants (rev. 7/97). the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia. Renewal Notice and Application [ (Active licensure), 0401 Dentist ] (rev. [ 3/00 12/02 ] ). FORMS Renewal Notice and Application [ (Inactive licensure), 0402 Outline and Explanation of Documentation Required for Dental Hygienist ] (rev. [ 3/00 12/02 ] ). Dental Licensure by Exam, Teacher's License, Restricted [ Renewal Notice and Application, 0404 Dental Teacher (rev. License, Full Time Faculty License, and Temporary Permit 12/02). (eff. 11/98 rev. [ 6/02 12/02 ] ). Renewal Notice and Application, 0406 Dental Hygiene Application for Licensure to Practice Dentistry ( [ eff. 3/98 rev. Teacher (rev. 12/02). 12/02 ] ). Renewal Notice and Application, 0411 Full-time Faculty (rev. Outline and Explanation of Documentation Required for 12/02). ] Volunteer Dental License (rev. 6/02). VA.R. Doc. No. R02-24; Filed January 7, 2003, 11:40 a.m. Application for Restricted Volunteer Licensure to Practice Dentistry and Dental Hygiene (eff. 7/98).

Volume 19, Issue 10 Virginia Register of Regulations Monday, January 27, 2003 2

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