Curriculum Planning: Third Grade Horizontal Map

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Curriculum Planning: Third Grade Horizontal Map

Curriculum Planning: Third Grade Horizontal Map Year at a Glance

1st trimester (Aug 19 - Nov. 13) 2nd trimester (Nov. 16 - Feb. 25) 3rd trimester (Feb. 29 - May 19)

Reading - 1st Trimester Reading - 2nd Trimester Reading - 3rd Trimester Trimesters August 19th - November 13th November 16th - February 25th February 29th - May 19th Reading 1, 2, 3 4, 5, beginning of 6 Ending of 6, 7, 8 Units 3rd Grade 1.1.d Select and organize ideas sequentially or 1.1.a Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or 1.1.e Create engaging audio recordings of stories or poems Reading around major points of information recount an experience with appropriate facts and that demonstrate fluid reading at an understandable pace; relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an add visual displays when appropriate to emphasize or Standards understandable pace. 1.1.f Speak in complete sentences when enhance certain facts or details. appropriate to provide detail or clarification 1.1.b Distinguish different levels of formality. 1.2.c Ask and answer questions about information from a 1.2.a Engage effectively in a range of 1.1.g Use grammatically correct language for the speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail. collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in audience and specific vocabulary to communicate groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners ideas and supporting details. 2.1.b.iii Use craft and structure to: Refer to parts of stories, on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, ideas and expressing their own clearly. 1.2.b Determine the main ideas and supporting using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe details of a text read aloud or information how each successive part builds on earlier sections. presented in diverse media and formats, including 1.2.a.i Come to discussions prepared, having visually, quantitatively, and orally. read or studied required material; explicitly draw 2.1.c.iii Use integration of knowledge and ideas to: Compare on that preparation and other information 2.1.a.ii Use key ideas and details to: Use a variety and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written known about the topic to explore ideas under of comprehension strategies to interpret text by the same author about the same or similar characters discussion. (attending, searching, predicting, checking, and (e.g., in books from a series). self-correcting).

1.2.a.ii Follow agreed-upon rules for 2.1.e Read grade-level text accurately and fluently, attending 2.1.a.iii Use key ideas and details to: Recount discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from to phrasing, intonation, and punctuation. ways, listening to others with care, speaking diverse cultures; determine the central message, one at a time about the topics and texts under lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed 2.2.d.i Use range of complexity of text to: By the end of the through key details in the text. discussion). year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and 3rd Grade 1.2.a.iii Ask questions to check understanding 2.1.a.iv Use key ideas and details to: Describe technical texts, at the high end of the grades 2-3 text Reading and draw inferences about the elements of plot, of information presented, stay on topic, character, and setting in literary pieces, poems, complexity band independently and proficiently. Standards and plays. Continued 1.2.a.iv Explain their own ideas and 2.3.a Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis understanding in light of the discussion. 2.1.a.v Use key ideas and details to: Describe skills in decoding words. characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions 1.2.a.v Use eye contact, volume, and tone contribute to the 2.3.a.ii Decode words with common Latin suffixes. appropriate to audience and purpose. sequence of events. 2.3.a.iv Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. Use different types of complete 2.1.b.iv Use craft and structure to: Distinguish sentences to share information, give their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters. 2.3.c Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and directions,or request information. multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 2.1.c.ii Use integration of knowledge and ideas to: reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range 2.2.a.ii Use key ideas and details to: Determine Summarize central ideas and important details of strategies. the main idea of a text; recount the from literary text. understanding of a text, referring explicitly to 2.3.c.ii Determine the meaning of the new word formed when the text as the basis for the answers. 2.2.a.iii Use key ideas and details to: Describe the a new affix is added to a known word (e.g., relationship between a series of historical events, agreeable/disagreeable, comfortable/uncomfortable, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical 2.1.b.i Use craft and structure to: Determine the procedures in a text, using language that pertains care/careless, heat/preheat). meaning of words and phrases as they are to time, sequence, and cause/effect. used in a text, distinguishing literal from 2.3.c.iv Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of nonliteral language. 2.2.b.i Use craft and structure to: Determine the an unknown words with the same root (e.g., company, meaning of general academic and domain-specific companion). 2.1.b.ii Use craft and structure to: Use signal words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area. words (such as before, after, next) and text 2.3.c.v Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print structure (narrative, chronology) to determine 2.2.b.iii Use craft and structure to: Distinguish their and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of the sequence of major events. own point of view from that of the author of a text. keywords and phrases.

2.1.c.i Use integration of knowledge and ideas 2.2.b.iv Use craft and structure to: Use semantic 2.3.e Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate to: Explain how specific aspects of a text’s cues and signal words (because, although) to conversational, general academic, and domain-specific illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by identify cause/effect and compare/contrast relationships. words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and the words in a story (e.g., create mood, temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went emphasize aspects of character or setting. looking 2.2.c.ii Use integration of knowledge and ideas to: Describe the logical connection between particular for them). 2.2.a.i Use key ideas and details to: Ask and sentences and paragraphs in a text (e.g., answer questions to demonstrate comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a 4.1.d Develop supporting visual information (charts, maps, sequence). 3rd Grade understanding of a text, referring explicitly to illustrations, models). the text as the basis for the answers. Reading 2.2.c.iii Use integration of knowledge and ideas to: Standards Compare and contrast the most important points 4.2.a Recognize that different sources may have different 2.2.a.ii Use key ideas and details to: Determine Continued and key details presented in two texts on the points of view. the main idea of a text; recount the key details same topic. and explain how they support the main idea. 4.2.b Assess points of view using fairness, relevance, and 2.3.a Know and apply grade-level phonics and breadth. 2.2.b.ii Use craft and structure to: Use text word analysis skills in decoding words. features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information 2.3.a.iii Decode multisyllable words. relevant to a given topic efficiently. 2.3.b Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to 2.2.c.i Use integration of knowledge and ideas support comprehension. to: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a 2.3.b.i Read grade-level text with purpose and text to demonstrate understanding of the text understanding. (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur). 2.3.c Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly 2.2.d.ii Adjust reading rate according to type of from a range of strategies. text and purpose for reading. 2.3.c.i Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. 2.3.b Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. 2.3.c.v Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the 2.3.b.iii Use context to confirm or self-correct precise meaning of keywords and phrases. word recognition and understanding, 2.3.d Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word 2.3.d Demonstrate understanding of figurative meanings. language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings. 2.3.d.iii Distinguish shades of meaning among related words that describe states of mind of 2.3.d.i Distinguish the literal and nonliteral degrees of certainty (e.g., knew, believed, meanings of words and phrases in context suspected, heard, wondered). (e.g., take steps). 4.1.c Interpret and communicate the information learned by developing a brief summary with 2.3.d.ii Identify real-life connections between supporting details. words and their use (e.g., describe people who are friendly or helpful). 4.2.d Recognize that all thinking contains 4.2.e Assess inference for accuracy and inferences from which we draw conclusions and fairness. give meaning to data and situations.

3rd Grade Making connections, asking questions, vowels, Fix-Up strategies, determine importance, Prefixes, classify & categorize, science fiction, strategic consonants, blends, word families,monitor synonyms, antonyms, multiple-meaning words, reading, create images, revise & review, classify/categorize Reading understanding, synthesize, expository, poem, personal narrative, adventure, fantasy, information, interview, fable, procedural, adverbs, suffixes, Academic biography, photo essay, adventure, diphthongs, homonyms, observation log, folktale, diary, songs, contractions, genre, literary elements, decoding, word Vocabulary create images, historical fiction, article, realistic nouns, pronouns, asking questions, author’s analysis, create images, purpose for reading, journals, fiction, interview, silent consonants, main idea purpose, procedural, fairytale, questions & songs, answer, infer, conclusions, encyclopedia,

3rd Grade Develop, celebrate, protect, decision, comfort, Anticipate, realize, favorite, surface, volcano, pressure, immense, occupation, astronaut, avoid, launch, arrive, establish, appeal, household, lifestyle, demolish, repair, alert, earthquake, landslide, process, atmosphere, astronomy, debate, granting, officials, Reading landform, breathe, anxiously, location, warning, curiosity, flight, caution, concern, representation, legal, justice, govern, candidate, politics, Content architecture, distinguish, popular, coast, accurate, evaluate, aid, forecast, advantage, authority, encourage, protest, speech, civic, crowd, Vocabulary voyage, creek, diversity, languages, territory, abundant, halt, scrap, production, distribution, announce, opportunity, approximate, approve, deadline, neighboring, settlement, expand, shift, timeline, import, industry, scarcity, goods, site, strategy, cultivate, mystery, preserve, privilege, irrigation, renewable, appreciate, factory, frontier, transit, elegant, decorate, income, payment, errand, fee, invest, diminish, damage, achieve, adequate, dispose, reusable, technology, construction, agriculture, explore, personal, borrow, budget, crater, speck, perceive, enormous, recycle, future, bin, litter, assortment, pollution, fuel, adventure, aviation planet, telescope, expert, appear, asteroid, image, conservation satellite, challenge

Reading i-Ready Assessment i-Ready Assessment i-Ready Assessment Assessments Galileo Reading Assessment Galileo Reading Assessment Galileo Reading Assessment Running Records Running Records Running Records Available AIMSweb Oral Reading Assessment AIMSweb Oral Reading Assessment AIMSweb Oral Reading Assessment AiMSweb Comprehension Assessment AiMSweb Comprehension Assessment AiMSweb Comprehension Assessment

Reading *Rigby Literacy by Design - Themes *Rigby Literacy by Design - Themes *Rigby Literacy by Design - Themes 12,13,14, 15, and Resources 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 7,8,9,10,and 11 16 *Lexia Core 5 Reading *Lexia Core 5 Reading *Lexia Core 5 Reading Available * - * - - *Common Core Exemplar Reading List - *Common Core Exemplar Reading List - *Common Core Exemplar Reading List - dix_B.pdf *Reading Rockets - ndix_B.pdf *Reading Rockets - Common Core Lesson Plans - *Reading Rockets - Common Core Lesson Plans - Common Core Lesson Plans - Writing - 1st Trimester Writing - 2nd Trimester Writing - 3rd Trimester

Trimesters August 19th - November 13th November 16th - February 25th February 29th - May 19th Writing 1 and 2 3 and 4 5 and 6 Units

3rd Grade 3.1.b Write narratives to develop real or 3.1.a Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, 3.1.c Write descriptive poems using figurative language Writing imagined experiences or events using effective supporting a point of view with reasons. technique, descriptive details, and clear event 3.2.a Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic Standards 3.1.a.i Introduce the topic or text they are writing sequences. and convey ideas and information clearly. about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons. 3.1.b.ii Use dialogue and descriptions of 3.2.a.i Introduce a topic and group related information actions, thoughts, and feeling to develop 3.1.a.ii Provide reasons that support the opinion. together; include illustrations when useful to aiding experiences and events or show the response comprehension. of characters to situations. 3.1.a.iii Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for example) to connect 3.2.a.ii State main ideas and include sufficient details or opinion and reasons. 3.1.b.iii Use temporal words and phrases to facts for appropriate depth of information (naming, signal event order. describing, explaining, comparing, use of visual images). 3.1.a.iv Provide a concluding statement or section. 3.1.b.iv Provide a sense of closure 3.1.a.v Brainstorm ideas for writing. 3.2.a.iii Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.

3.3.a With guidance and support from adults, 3.1.b Write narratives to develop real or imagined 3.2.a.iv Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, produce writing in which the development and experiences or events using effective technique, and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of organization are appropriate to task and descriptive details, and clear events sequences. information. purpose. 3.1.b.i Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event 3.2.a.v Provide a concluding statement or section. 3.3.b With guidance and support from peers sequence that unfolds naturally. and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing. 3.3.c With guidance and support from adults, use technology 3.3.e.ii Form and use regular and irregular plural to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as nouns. well as to interact and collaborate with others. 3.3.d Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or 3.3.e.viii Use coordinating and subordinating listening. conjunctions. 3.3.d Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

3.3.d. i Choose words and phrases for effect. 3.3.f Demonstrate command of the conventions 3rd Grade of standard English capitalization, punctuation, 3.3.d.ii Recognize and observe differences between and spelling when writing. conventions of spoken and written standard English. Writing 3.3.d.v Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; Standards I walk; I will walk) verb tenses. 3.3.f.iii Use comma and quotation marks in Continued dialogue. 3.3.e Demonstrate commands of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or 3.3.e Demonstrate commands of the speaking. conventions of standard English grammar and 3.3.f.vii Consult reference materials, including beginning dictionaries, as needed to check and usage when writing or speaking. correct spellings. 3.3.e.i Explain the functions of nouns, pronouns verbs, Ensure subject-verb and pronoun- adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in antecedent agreement. 3.3.f.iv Form and use possessives. particular sentences.

3.3.e.ix Produce simple, compound, and 3.3.e.iii Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood). complex sentences. 3.3.e.iv Form and use regular and irregular verbs. 3.3.e.x Vary sentence beginnings, and use long and short sentences to create sentence 3.3.e.vii Form and use comparative and superlative fluency in longer texts. adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified. 3.3.f Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, 3.3.f Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard and spelling when writing. English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

3.3.f.i Capitalize appropriate words in titles. 3.3.f.ii Use commas in addresses.

3.3.f.v Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other studied words and for adding suffixes to base words (e.g., sitting, smiled, cries, happiness). Use spelling patterns and generalizations (e.g., word families, position-based spellings, syllable patterns, ending rules, meaningful word parts) in writing words.

Writing writing workshop, writing process (collecting, writing workshop, writing process (collecting, writing workshop, writing process (collecting, drafting, Academic drafting, revising, editing, publishing), drafting, revising, editing, publishing), revising, editing, publishing), conferencing Vocabulary conferencing conferencing

essay, non-narrative, boxes and bullets, thesis 3rd Grade narrative, story mountain, seed idea, event, essay, non-narrative, boxes and bullets, thesis, Writing fiction, character, setting, scenes Content lead, ending, small moment Vocabulary

Writing ● Published personal narrative piece scored● Published essay scored on 6-Traits ● Published literary essay scored on 6-Traits (essential- Assessments on 6-Traits (essential- ideas and (essential- ideas, organization, sentence ideas, organization, sentence fluency) Available organization) fluency)

● Published second personal narrative piece● Published fiction piece scored on 6-Traits ● AIMSWEB Spelling, Words Written, and Correct Word scored on 6-Traits (essential- ideas, (essential- voice, word choice, conventions, Sequence Assessments organization, word choice, sentence organization) fluency) ● AIMSWEB Spelling, Words Written, and ● AIMSWEB Spelling, Words Written, and Correct Word Sequence Assessments Correct Word Sequence Assessments Writing ● Shortcut by Donald Crews Breathing Life into Essays by Lucy Calkins Literary Essays: Writing About Reading by Lucy Resources Calkins Available ● Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats (3.3.e.viii.) Spotlight on Grammar Theme 5, Lesson 4 and 7 (3.3.e.v.ii) Spotlight on Grammar Theme 11, Lesson 7 ● Fireflies by Julie Brinckloe Writing Fiction: Big Dreams, Tall Ambitions (3.3.e.iv.) Spotlight on Grammar Theme 13, Lesson 4 ● Launching the Writing Workshop by Lucy by Lucy Calkins and 7, and Theme 15, Lesson 4 Calkins Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack Keats (3.3.f.v.) Spotlight on Grammar Theme 14, Lesson 8, ● ( Spotlight on Grammar Theme 1, Theme 15, Lesson 8 Lesson 7 (3.3.f.vii.) Spotlight on Grammar Theme 10, Lesson 3 ● Eleven by Sandra Cisneros (3.3.e.ii.) Spotlight on Grammar Theme 8, ● Raising the Quality of Narrative Writing by Lesson 4 Lucy Calkins

Math - 1st Trimester Math - 2nd Trimester Math - 3rd Trimester Trimesters August 19th - November 13th November 16th - February 25th February 29th - May 19th Math Units 1, 2, and beginning of 3 Ending of 3, 4, 5 6, 7 3rd Grade Fluently add and subtract within 1000 (1.1.a.ii) Describe a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 4.2.a.i Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and Math part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; apply concepts of area Understands vocabulary: place value, describe a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a Standards expanded form, standard form, grouping, parts of size 1/b. 4.2.a.ii Find area of rectangles with whole number side ungrouping. lengths using a variety of methods 1.2.a.ii Describe & represent a fraction as a Use place value to round whole numbers to the number on the number line 4.2.a.iii Relate area to the operations of multiplication and nearest 10 or 100. (1.1.a.i) addition and recognize area as additive. 1.2.a.iii. Identify and generate simple equivalent Solve two-step word problems using the four fractions. 4.2.b Describe perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and operations (addition and subtraction) (1.3.d.i) distinguish between linear and area measures. 1.2.a.iii.3 Express whole numbers as fractions, Represent two-step (addition and subtraction) and recognize fractions that are whole numbers 4.2.c.i Find the perimeter given the side lengths. word problems using equations with a letter by reasoning their size standing for the unknown quantity. (1.3.d.ii) 4.2.c.ii Find an unknown side length given the perimeter. 1.2.a.iii.6 Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the answer Assess the reasonableness of (addition and 4.2.c.iii Find rectangles with the same perimeter and different subtraction) answers using mental computation areas or with the same area and different perimeters. and rounding. (1.3.d.iii) 4.1.a.ii Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fractions 4.1.a.i.1 Identify rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar examples of quadrilaterals, and graph to represent a data set (3.1.a.i ) Generate measurement data by measuring draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of lengths using rulers marked with halves and these subcategories. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a line “how many less” problems using information plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in presented in scaled bar graphs. 3.1.a.ii units— whole numbers, halves, or quarters.

4.3.a.i Tell and write time to the nearest minute.

4.3.a.ii Measure time intervals in minutes.

4.3.a.iii Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes

4.3.a.iv Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard (and customary) units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l).

4.3.a.v Use models to add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units. 3rd Grade Place value, expanded form, standard form, Associative Property of Multiplication, Identity Perimeter, area, square unit, base, height, line, line segment, Math grouping, ungrouping, equation, total, sum, Property of Multiplication, Zero Property of endpoint, parallel, perpendicular, opposite, adjacent, Vocabulary addend, expression, difference, estimate, Multiplication, equation, variable, fraction, parallelogram, rectangle, square, rhombus, vertex (vertices), round, equal to, greater than, less than, table, numerator, denominator, unit fraction, equivalent ray, angle, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle Associative Property of Addition, Commutative fractions, simplify, quarter-hour, half-hour, elapsed Property of Addition, Identity Property of time, capacity, cup, pint, quart, gallon, liter, Addition, pictograph, bar graph (horizontal & milliliter, pound, ounce, gram, kilogram vertical), axes, scale, multiplication, factor, product, array, Commutative Property of Multiplication, division, dividend, divisor, quotient Math Math Expressions Assessments for Unit 1, Math Expressions Assessments for Unit 9, ● Math Expressions Assessments for Unit 8, Unit 2, and Assessments Unit 3 and Unit 5, and Unit 7 and Unit 11, Unit 10, Unit 13 Unit 4 Available Galileo Math Assessment Galileo Math Assessment ● Galileo Math Assessment New Zealand Math Assessment - New Zealand Math Assessment - ● New Zealand Math Assessment - AIMSweb Math Fluency Assessment AIMSweb Math Fluency Assessment ● AIMSweb Math Fluency Assessment AIMSweb Math Concepts & Applications AIMSweb Math Concepts & Applications ● AIMSweb Math Concepts & Applications Assessment Assessment Assessment Math Math Expressions Unit 1 (Lessons 1-15) Math Expressions Unit 9 (Lessons 1-13) Math Expressions Unit 8 (Lessons 1 [Activities 1-3], 2, Resources (Incorporate Basic Fact Fluency, as Investigate & make connections between 3) Available needed, as part of Units 1 & 2 and patterns in addition or multiplication tables Suggested supplementary resources to address throughout the year; the Basic Fact and how those patterns relate to the 4.2.c.ii Fluency is not intended to be a unit by operations of addition, subtraction, and Finding an Unknown Side Length Given the Perimeter itself) multiplication to address 1.3.d.iv. Guided Practice - Math Expressions Unit 3 (Lessons 1-4, 6 Math Expressions Unit 11 (Lessons 1-5, 9- 3/perimeter-find-the-missing-side-length [Activities 1-3], 7 [Activity 1], 8) 13, 16 [Activities 1 & 2]) Area and Perimeter worksheets - Math Expressions Unit 5 (Lessons 1-7, 13, Extend Lesson 1, Activities 2 & 3 (TE Pg. 14, 15 [Activities 1-3], 16) 784-787) to address 1.2.a.iii.3 Additional or supplemental - instructional resources Math Expressions Unit 7 (Lessons 1-16) Math Expressions Unit 10 (Lessons 1 & 2 for this Unit Plan - [Activity 2]) Math Expressions Unit 13 (Lessons 5, 6, 9) DLnRNFZ4N1ZOSzZTanlhMWdKc0F4cmNYZw Extend Unit 10, Lesson 1 to include Math Expressions Unit 2 (Lessons 1 [Activity 2], 2 measuring time intervals in minutes, using a [Activities 1 & 2], 3-5) Math number line as a way to measure time Math Expressions Unit 4 (Lessons 2 [Activity 1] & 3 Resources intervals given a word problem or situation to [Activity 1]) Continued address 4.3.a.ii and 4.3.a.iii Additional or supplemental instructional resources for this Unit Plan- 9LvEq75DLnRNFpRZlU2STVTMXVyRlc0O GxjZVBBdw Addition and Multiplication Tables- anip.html

Social Studies - 1st Trimester Social Studies - 2nd Trimester Social Studies - 3rd Trimester Trimesters August 19th - November 13th November 16th - February 25th February 29th - May 19th Social 1 and 2 2 and 3 4 and 5 Studies Units Social 2.1.a Read and interpret information from 4.2.a Identify the origins, structure and functions 4.1.a Identify and apply the elements of civil discourse Studies geographic tools and formulate geographic of local government. including but not limited to listening with respect for questions. understanding and speaking in a respectful manner. Standards 4.2.b Identify and explain the services local governments provide and how those services are 4.1.b Identify important economic and personal rights and funded. how they relate to others. Cross 2.1.b Find oceans and continents, major Curriculum countries, bodies of water, mountains, and 4.2.c Identify and explain a variety of roles, 4.1.c Give examples of the relationship between rights and urban areas, the sate of Colorado, and leaders, citizens, and others play in local responsibilities. neighboring states on maps government. 3.2.a Identify sources of income including gifts, allowances, 3.1.a Describe the difference between producers and earnings. 2.1.c Locate the community on a map and and consumers and explain how they need each describe its natural and human features. other.

3.1.b Describe and give examples of forms of 2.1.d Identify geography-based problems and exchange including but not limited to trade and examine the ways that people have tried to barter. solve them. 3.1.c Describe how the exchange of goods and services between businesses and consumers 2.2.a Observe and describe the physical affect all parties. characteristics and the cultural and human features of a region 3.1.d Recognize that different currencies and forms of exchange that exist and list the functions of money to include but not limited to such topics as medium of exchange, store of value, and 2.2.b Identify the factors that make a region measure of value. unique including cultural diversity, industry and agriculture, and land forms. 3.1.e Give examples of how trade benefits individuals and communities and increases 2.2.c Give examples of places that are similar interdependencies. and different from a local region. 2.2.d Characterize regions using different types of features such as physical, political, cultural, urban and rural.

3rd Grade Map, globe, region, continent, oceans, country, origin, structure, function, role, responsibility, civil discourse, rights, views, respect, discourse, Social state, city, landform, urban, suburban, feature, local, government, county, city, municipal, school responsibilities, conflict, personal advocacy, democratic Studies legend, culture, physical, political, geography, board, special districts, taxes, society, citizen, society, compromise, civic,finance, goal-setting, borrowing, Vocabulary community, agriculture, neighboring, mayor, city council, county commissioner, philanthropic, term, short-term, long-term, earnings, income, boundaries, characteristics, mountains, plains, coroner, services, producer, consumer, goods, costs, benefits, money, purchase, and needs river, valley, mesa, diversity, industry, cardinal services, markets, exchange, currency, trade, direction, compass rose, scale, atlas, history, barter, and value colony, fact, opinion, artifact, historical sources, documents, authentic, migrate, economic development, community, chronological, compare, sequence, and contrast Social ● Geography and Mapping Test - Citizenship Performance Assessment Studies Assessments 3rd Grade Economics and Personal Financial Literacy B2XhME5fsp7gLWk3Y3YwWjRDckE Available Performance Assessment ● Becoming a Town: Exploring Early Life in Longmont - aHROOG5RRGM/edit LDC Writing Task (1.1.b, 1.1.c, 1.2.c, 1.2.d) Social MapMaker Interactive - National A Dangerous Street and Civic Action: What Responsibilities Accompany Our Rights? Studies Geographic Education -This is a wonderful Lesson plan based on the book, James Ale Lesson Plan from The Center for Civic Education is a Resources site for exploring the world of maps and all from Lessons on Local Government nonprofit, nonpartisan educational corporation Available their different uses. It allows students to dedicated to promoting an enlightened and interact with different types of maps and Longmont City Council - - responsible citizenry committed to democratic their features. (2.1.a, 2.1.b, 2.1.c, 2.1.d, Information about current local government principles and actively engaged in the practice of 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c, 2.2.d) of Longmont. This is the city's website, and democracy in the United States and other countries. includes biographical information on the (4.1.c) Map Maker - mayor and city council members, as well as contact information. (4.2.a, 4.2.b, 4.2.c) Geocube - The world of Geography - An Local History: Mapping my Spot. Primary excellent resource with well-written text and great source lesson plan. (2.1.a, 2.1.b, 2.1.c, Lessons on Local Government - supporting photos. Geographical and human 2.2.a) - Lessons interaction topics. It has an easy-to-use interface and and resources on local government created This is a great place to explore different is available in English, Spanish, German, and Italian! specifically for Colorado teachers. (4.2.a, (2.1.a, 2.1.b, 2.1.c, 2.1.d, 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c, 2.2.d, types of maps and their features. Students 4.2.b, 4.2.c) can get a good sense of how maps work 4.1.a, 4.1.b, 4.1.c) and how to use them. (2.1.a,2.1.b, 2.1.c, Longmont Offical Governement Website - Ben's Guide: Grades 3-5 - This site has many useful 2.2.c, 2.2.d) - City of Longmont links concerning government and citizenship website providing information on Colorado Geography | Worksheet | government structure, services and events. PFL unit and lesson plans focused on each evidence (4.2.a, 4.2.b, 4.2.c) outcome

A worksheet for colorado geography that State your Claim: How do we Gather and Wise Pockets Clubhouse | Library - A will assist in helping students locate their use Evidence to Support a Claim? Unit series of interactive stories that demonstrate how town or region within the state. (2.1.a, created by CDE with lesson ideas, money is earned, how to save for a specific goal, and 2.1.b, 2.1.c) resources, and assessment the basics of lending and borrowing. (3.2.a, 3.2.b, Geocube - The world of Geography - geo- Goods And Services - 3.2.c, 3.2.d, 3.2.e) An excellent resource with well- Students explore the goods and services written text and great supporting photos. available in their community and determine Geographical and human interaction that some are privately produced and topics. It has an easy-to-use interface and governments provides others. Students is available in English, Spanish, German, learn that taxes, fees, and loans pay for and Italian! (2.1.a, 2.1.b, 2.1.c, 2.1.d, government goods and services. (3.1.c) 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c, 2.2.d, 4.1.a, 4.1.b, 4.1.c) Online Activities Federal Reserve - Lots of games and Native American Indian by History Link activities will help students learn about a 101 - This site has wide variety of economic and personal links to much useful information about finance topics, including barter and trade Plains Indians that originally lived in and making financial choices. (All) Colorado and surrounding areas. (1.2.a, 1.2.b, 1.2.c, 1.2.d)

Timeline history of Longmont Colorado - A timeline of events in the history of the St. Vrain Valley and Longmont. It is provided through the Longmont Museum website, and seems to give an easy-to-follow overview. (1.2.a,1.2.b.,1.2.c,1.2.d)

History of Longmont Colorado - This is a written history of Longmont. It is a little long for an overview, but could be presented and discussed in chunks. Includes many interesting and relevant details. (1.1.b, 1.1.c, 1.2.a, 1.2.b, 1.2.c, 1.2.d) Science - 1st Trimester Science - 2nd Trimester Science - 3rd Trimester Trimesters August 19th - November 13th November 16th - February 25th February 29th - May 19th Earth, physical, and life science Earth, physical, and life science may Earth, physical, and life science may be Science may be taught in any semester or be taught in any semester or order taught in any semester or order Units order 3rd Grade Earth Science Physical Science Life Science Science 3.1.a Investigate and identify two or more Standards ways that Earth’s materials can be broken 1.1.a Analyze and interpret observations 2.1.a Use evidence to develop a scientific down and/or combined in different ways about matter as it freezes and melts, and explanation regarding the stages of how organisms such as minerals into rocks, rock cycle, boils and condenses. develop and change over time Cross formation of soil, and sand. Curriculum 2.1.b Analyze and interpret data to generate 1.1.b Use evidence to develop a scientific evidence that different organisms develop differently explanation around how heating and cooling over time (Please note 3.1.b Use evidence to develop a scientific affects states of matter that earth, explanation about one or more processes. that break down and/or combine Earth 1.1.c Identify the state of any sample of 2.1.c Use a variety of media to collect and analyze physical, and materials data regarding how organisms develop life science matter. may be taught 3.1.c Utilize a variety of media sources to in any order) collect and analyze data around Earth’s materials and the processes by which they are formed. 3rd Grade Investigation 1 (Mock Rocks): Balance, Activity 1 (Living and Nonliving): Characteristic, dead, life circumference, crystal, depth, diameter, Investigation 3 (Matter and Balance): Balance, cycle, living, nonliving Science dissolve, evaporate (evaporation), geologist, capacity, gas, graduated cylinder, gram, kilogram, Activity 2 (Plant Life Cycle Begins): Seed, seedling Vocabulary geology, mass, meter tape, mineral, mock rock, liquid, liter, mass, matter, metric system, milliliter, Activity 3 (Germinating Seeds): Germinate, leaves, root, outcrop, property, rock, rock-forming mineral prediction, solid, state seed, coat, seed halves, sprout, stem, tiny plant Investigation 3 (Calcite Quest): Acid, acid Investigation 4 (Changing Matter): Carbon Activity 4 (Meet the Fruit Fly): Adult, fruit fly rain, basalt, chalk, chemical weathering, dioxide, degree Celsius, evaporation, melting, Activity 5 (Observing the Fruit Fly): Egg, larva, pupa evidence, igneous, limestone, marble, particle, reaction, substance, temperature, Activity 6 (Plant Growth): Growth metamorphic, sandstone, sediment, thermometer Activity 7 (Seeds and More Seeds): Population sedimentary, travertine, tufa, vinegar Activity 8 (Inside a Flower): Flower, petal, pistil , pollen, Investigation 4 (Take it for Granite): Water Kit stamen Cleavage, crust, feldspar, granite, hardness, Activity 9 (Plant Life Cycle): Seed pod hornblende, luster, magma, magnetism, mantle, Investigation 1 (Water Observations): Absorb, Activity 10 (Fruit Fly Life Cycle): Generation, metallic, mica, nonmetallic, rock cycle, bead, dome, flow, property, slope, surface metamorphosis sediment, sediment, streak, weathering tension, water Activity 11 (Plants and Animals): Animal, plant Investigation 5 (Landforms): Abrasion, acid Investigation 2 (Hot Water, Cold Water): Activity 12 (Death of Organisms): Bacteria, decay, mold, rain, basin, canyon, channel, chemical Contract, denser, expand, float, less dense, sink nutrients weathering, delta, deposition, earthquake, erosion, fault, flood, floodplain, freeze, Investigation 3 (Water Vapor): Condense, landform, landslide, meander, physical evaporate, seriate, surface area, thermometer, weathering, plateau, river mouth, sediment, water cycle, water vapor slope, stream table, valley, volcano, weathering Science FOSS Kit Solid Earth-End-Of-Module FOSS Kits Matter and Energy (and/or) Plant and Animal Life Cycles Delta Science Assessments Assessment Water -End-Of-Module Assessment Assessments by Chapter/Unit Available Science Notebooks Science Notebooks Science Notebooks

Performance Assessments Performance Assessments

Science FOSS Kit Solid Earth Investigations FOSS Kit Matter and Energy: Plant and Animal Life Cycle- Delta Science Module Resources 1,3,4,5 Investigations 3 and 4 Available Science-To-Go Kit: Wisconsin Fast Plants (SK FOSS Web Geology FOSS Kit Water: Investigations 1-3 0083) 6/SolidEarth/index.html 6/index.html FOSS Science Resource Books- school library FOSS Water Planet books in building library Solid Earth LA-2386 (Assorted book set)- District Media Services Getting the Water We Need (book set) from District Media Services

Assorted book set LA-2384 Water, LA- 2404 Sound) from District Media Services

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