International Trade Fair for Travel and Tourism

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International Trade Fair for Travel and Tourism

March 18th – 21st MOSCOW 2007 IEC “CROCUS-EXPO”



From March 18th to 21st 2007 the 2nd Anelia Krushkova – Chairman of State International Specialized Trade Fair Agency for Tourism of Republic of Bulgaria “Intourmarket-2007” was held in Pavilion 2 of IEC Lapicus Tatiana – Deputy Minister for “Crocus Expo”. Culture and Tourism of Republic of Moldova The Trade Fair was organized by the Overall exposition area totaled to 23.000 “Expotour” LLC jointly with JSC “EUROEXPO”. The square meters. The Trade Fair grew by 30% in Trade Fair enjoyed the support of the Federal comparison with the last year. Government of RF, Presidential Plenipotentiary 850 companies from 75 regions of Russia Envoy to the Central Federal District, Federal and 50 countries took part in “Intourmarket”. Agency for Tourism of RF, Administrative Board of “Intourmarket” Trade Fair was held with the the President of Russian Federation, Federal aim to facilitate development and establishing of Service of Supervision in the Sphere of Transport, the new business contacts of the tourist market Federal Agency of the Air Transport, JSC “Russian participants by means of organizing the meetings of Railways”, Association of Tourist Operators of foreign and Russian exhibitors with the tourist Russia, Russian Union of the Tourist Industry business representatives, to exchange the know- Enterprises (RUT) , Russian Hotel Association how and to determine new price policy of (RHA) , which indicates profound interest of the spring/summer season. The Trade Fair permitted all state in development of the tourist industry. the interested parties to present opportunities of The following took part in the formal their companies in the tourist sphere. opening ceremony: “ Intourmarket” work was oriented at Gryzlov Boris - State Duma Chairman professionals of the tourist business. For three days Poltavchenko Georguiy – Presidential the Trade Fair was opened only for specialists. Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Central Federal More than 78 thousands visitors and District, Organizing Committee Chairman exhibitioners took part in the Trade Fair work. Gromov Boris – Governor-Chairman of For the second time the program “Hosted Moscow Oblast Government, Organizing Buyers – Professional Buyer” was carried out to Committee Deputy Chairman become one of the most significant steps towards Strzhalkovsky Vladimir – Head of the the European standards of the tourist trade fairs Federal Agency for Tourism of RF, Organizing organization. Committee Deputy Chairman 1263 companies took part in the program, Yakunin Vladimir – JSC “Russian 953 companies from 88 Russian cities thereof Railways”, President became the winners. Okulov V. – JSC “Aeroflot – Russian “ Intourmarket-2007” Trade Fair widely Airways”, C.E.O. represented related sectors of the tourist industry – Cabrini Luigi – Regional Representative of railways, ail lines, hotels, health resorts, UNWTO for Europe professional training, language courses, etc., all this Shao Si Wei - Head of Central giving a more comprehensive picture of the Administrative Board for Tourism in China industry. Hoang Tuan An – Head of Vietnam “ Intourmarket-2007’ vividly showed the National Administration for Tourism unfailingly growing level of the country’s tourist Hadgeme Isidu – Deputy Minister of State industry. Practically all the nooks of Russia Lands, Infrastructure and Transport of Japan participated: Vladimir, Leningrad, Moscow oblasts, Primorskiy region, Pskov, Rostov, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula, Tyumen, Khabarovsk and (UNWTO), was held on March 21st 2007 at the Yaroslavl oblasts, Krasnodar Territory, closing day of Trade Fair “Intourmarket” work. Kavkazskiye Mineralniye Vody stands, the joint Besides, International Science-Practical stand “Siberian Federal Okrug”, Chukotka conference “Tourism: Manpower Development, Autonomus Okrug. All in all 75 regions took part at Problems and Prospects” took place within the “Intourmarket-2007”. framework of Trade Fair. The foreign section of the Trade Fair Days of the countries – Trade Fair “honorary included national tourist representations and guests” as well as those of the Russian Federation tourism offices of Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, regions with the most developed tourist Germany, Greece, Dubai, Spain, Italy, Catalonia, infrastructure were organized during the Exhibition. China, Lithuania, Morocco, Norway, Pakistan, To be more particular, Days of Moscow and Irkutsk Poland, Romania, France, Croatia and other oblasts, Krasnodar territory, Republics of the countries. Southern Federal District of Russia (Karachaevo- “ Intourmarket” was a complex event with Cherkessia, Dagestan, Northern Osetia, Kabardino- comprehensive business program. Balkaria), China, Japan and Bulgaria were held. Several events of state-level importance Scientific and practical conferences, took place at “Intourmarket”: On March 19th the seminars, presentations, press-briefings, etc., took Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of place within the Trade Fair framework. Business tourism was signed between the Federal agency program was dedicated to the most vital problems for Tourism (Russian Federation) and Ministry for of the tourist business. Thus, JSC “Russian Culture and Tourism (Republic of Moldova). The Railways” presentation and conference “Russian same day the regular sitting of the CIS Council for Railways – New Opportunities for Cooperation” were Tourism was held. K. Asoian, Commercial held, Summer Charter Programs were presented by representative in Russian Federation of Republic “Vnukovo” Airport and etc. of Armenia, Z. Aliev, Division head of Ministry for Presentation of tourist potential pertaining to Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic, Ch. several regions of Russia and foreign countries took Shulga, Deputy Minister of Sport and Tourism of place in the framework of the Trade Fair: China, Republic of Belarus, K. Uulu, Head of Krasnodar Territory, Moscow oblast, Bulgaria, Administrative Board for Tourism of Ministry for Croatia, Buryatiya, Tyumen, and etc. Industry, Trade and Tourism of Kyrgyzstan and N. Organizers did their utmost to provide Ernesova, chief executive of Kirgizian Association maximum opportunities for its target group (tourist of tourist operators, T. Lapicus, Deputy Minister companies’ heads, top managers, employees of the of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Moldova and air lines, hotels and hotel networks, presentation V. Zlachevskiy, Representative of Republic of technologies’ suppliers, etc.) to exchange the know- Moldova Embassy, F. Faizullaev, Representative how, to replenish the data banks, to establish of Tajikistan Association of Development business contacts, to conclude agreements. Assistance Organizations, A. Pahlia, Chairman of Corporate clients, - tourist product potential buyers, State Service for Tourism and Resorts of Ukraine were also invited to participate in conferences. Ministry for Culture and Tourism, members of On March 19th during the reception on the Standing Committee of Union State, MIA of Russia occasion of the Trade Fair opening Head of the representatives took part in the sitting. Federal Agency for Tourism of RF Vladimir The meeting of Russian-Greek working Strzhalkovsky presented diplomas “For Active group for tourism, and also united Russian- Participation In International Tourist Trade Fair Japanese conference for tourism were held within “Intourmarket” to Ministry for Culture and Tourism the framework of the Trade Fair. of Republic of Dagestan, Kavkazskiye Mineralniye The working meetings of Vladimir Vody Administration, Moscow Region Strjalkovsky, Head of Rostourism, with Hoang Administration, Rostov Oblast Administration, Tuan An, Head of State Administrative Board for Krasnodar Territory Administration, JSC “Russian Tourism of Vietnam, with Bernardo Trindade, Railways”, JSC “Aeroflot – Russian Airways”, Ministry State Secretary for Tourism of Portugal, with for Health Resorts and Tourism of Kabardino- Anelia Krushkova, Chairman of State Agency for Balkarian Republic, Ministry for Physical Culture, Tourism of Republic of Bulgaria, with Gediminas Sports and Tourism of Karachaevo-Cherkessk Mishkinisom, State-Secretary for Tourism of Republic, Department of Strategic Development of Republic of Lithuania, with Rostislav Vodrushka, Tyumen Oblast, International Exhibition Center Director of Czech Tourism were organized within “Crocus Expo”, National Tourist Administration of the framework of Trade Fair. Vietnam, National Tourist Organization of Japan, The seminar “Tourist marketing in modern National Tourist Office of China, Ministry for Tourism competitive sphere”, organized by Federal Agency of Greece (EOT), State Administration for Tourism of for Tourism and World Tourist Organization Bulgaria, Poland Tourist Association. Organizers are sure that the Trade Fair III International Trade Fair for Tourism made a significant contribution to the tourist “Intourmarket” will take place from March 15th to business development and became a pledge for 18th 2008 in IEC “Crocus – Expo”. its successful edition in 2008.

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