Book Report Requirements
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Book Report Requirements:
A- B- C D F Formatting All Formatting Requirements 1-2 Formatting errors 2-3 formatting More than 3 Formatting No Attempt at Requirements Met issues errors Formatting -Cover Page -Double-Spaced -12 Point, Times New Roman Font -1” margins -Stapled Length of Paper 3-5 pages in length In between 2- 2 ½ 1-1 ½ pages Less than 1 page Little more than 1- pages 2 paragraphs Quality of Book Book is on or above student’s Book is on a lower reading reading level, and is approved by level, and was not approved the instructor by the instructor. Thesis Statement Thesis statement is clearly stated Thesis statement is Attempt at thesis Attempt at a thesis statement, No Thesis in the introduction of the paper. written in the statement, but it but it does not contain main Statement The thesis describes the main introduction, but needs does not outline idea or purpose of the paper, idea or purpose of the paper. to be revised to clearly main idea or AND is not written in the state the purpose or purpose of the introduction main idea of the paper. paper, OR is written somewhere else than the introduction. Structure of the Paper Paper has a clear structure, with Paper has a clear Paper is missing No attempt at creating a Student made no an introduction, body, and structure, with an an introduction, structure for the paper. attempt to create a conclusion. introduction, body, and body, or AND structured paper or conclusion. conclusion. Paper fails to follow a main to write in Paper follows a main idea or Paper follows a main OR idea or theme as outlined in paragraph form. theme, as outlined in the thesis. idea or theme, as Paper fails to the thesis. outlined in the thesis. follows a main Little to no paragraph Paper’s main points follow a Paragraph development idea or theme as development logical sequence through well- present but not outlined in the developed paragraphs; perfected. thesis. transitions between paragraphs Paragraph are used to enhance development organization present but not perfected. Content of the Paper Content of the paper shows a Content of the paper Content of the Content of the paper show Content shows the complete mastery of the book. shows a strong paper shows the student made only a student has no understanding of the only a cursory minor attempt to understand understanding of book. understanding of the book. the book, and likely the book. did not read it. In Text Citations Six or more in text citations Five in text citations 3-4 in text Three in text citations Two or less in text citations citations