Unit 1: Structure and Properties of Matter/Chemical Reactions

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Unit 1: Structure and Properties of Matter/Chemical Reactions

Science Pacing Guide Time Frame: September – October Seventh Grade Unit 1: Structure and Properties of Matter/Chemical Reactions

Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards Developing and Using Models Structure and Function WHST.6-8.8 Gather relevant Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 and Structures can be designed to serve information from multiple print and progresses to developing, using and particular functions by taking into digital sources, using search terms revising models to describe, test, and account properties of different effectively; assess the credibility and predict more abstract phenomena and materials, and how materials can be accuracy of each source; and quote or design systems. shaped and used. (MS-PS1-3) paraphrase the data and conclusions of  Develop a model to describe others while avoiding plagiarism and unobservable mechanisms. (MS- Patterns following a standard format for PS1-5) Macroscopic patterns are related to the citation. (MS-PS1-3) nature of microscopic and atomic- Analyzing and Interpreting Data level structure. (MS-PS1-2) Analyzing data in 6–8 builds on K–5 and progresses to extending Energy and Matter quantitative analysis to investigations,  Matter is conserved because atoms distinguishing between correlation and are conserved in physical and causation, and basic statistical chemical processes. (MS-PS1-5) techniques of data and error analysis.  The transfer of energy can be  Analyze and interpret data to tracked as energy flows through a determine similarities and designed or natural system. (MS- differences in findings. (MS-PS1- PS1-6) 2) Connections to Engineering, Constructing Explanations and Technology, and Applications of Designing Science Solutions Constructing explanations and Interdependence of Science, designing solutions in 6–8 builds on Engineering, K–5 experiences and progresses to and Technology include constructing explanations and Engineering advances have led to designing solutions supported by important discoveries in virtually multiple sources of evidence every field of science, and scientific consistent with scientific knowledge, discoveries have led to the principles, and theories. development of entire industries and  Undertake a design project, engineered systems. (MS-PS1-3) 1 Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards engaging in the design cycle, to construct and/or implement a solution that meets specific design criteria and constraints. (MSPS1- 6)

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information in 6–8 builds on K–5 and progresses to evaluating the merit and validity of ideas and methods. Influence of Science, Engineering  Gather, read, and synthesize and Technology on Society and the information from multiple Natural World appropriate sources and assess the The uses of technologies and any credibility, accuracy, and possible limitations on their use are driven by bias of each publication and individual or societal needs, desires, methods used, and describe how and values; by the findings of they are supported or not scientific research; and by differences supported by evidence. (MS-PS1- in such factors as climate, natural 3) resources, and economic conditions. Thus technology use varies from Connections to Nature of Science region to region and over time. (MS- Scientific Knowledge is Based on PS1-3) Empirical Evidence Science knowledge is based upon logical and conceptual connections between evidence and explanations. (MS-PS1-2)

Science Models, Laws, Mechanisms, and Theories Explain Natural Phenomena Laws are regularities or mathematical descriptions of natural phenomena. (MS-PS1-5) 2 Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions Students who demonstrate PS1.B: Chemical MS-PS1-2 Before: Atom Websites / Lessons / Games: understanding can: Reactions What happens Unit Pretest (must Boiling point Use this site to find interactive/visual Substances react when new be the same as the Chemical explanations of physical and chemical MS-PS1-2 Analyze and interpret chemically in materials are final unit test) property reactions and changes. data on the properties of characteristic ways. formed? Chemical substances before and after the In a chemical KWL-chemical and reaction http://interactivesites.weebly.com/matt substances interact to determine process, the atoms MS-PS1-3 physical properties Conservation of er-chemical--physical.html if a chemical reaction has that make up the How would life be and changes energy occurred. [Clarification original substances different if there Conservation of Use this resource to show students Statement: Examples of reactions are regrouped into were no chemical During: mass lessons during class or provide the link could include burning sugar or different reactions? KWL-chemical and Density as a resource for students to view at steel wool, fat reacting with molecules, and physical properties Endothermic home. sodium hydroxide, and mixing these new MS-PS1-5 and changes reaction http://hippocampus.org/HippoCampus/ zinc with hydrogen chloride.] substances have How does the Exothermic Chemistry;jsessionid=3836ADB8B881 [Assessment Boundary: different properties conservation of Quizzes (used to reaction 5B97A3B6A664703E733C Assessment is limited to analysis from those of the mass relate to drive instruction, Flammability of the following properties: reactants. (MS- something else that what do the kids Melting point Scholastic Study Jams (videos) can be density, melting point, boiling PS1-2),(MS-PS1- is conserved in our understand, where Modification used to introduce or review material. point, solubility, flammability, 3),(MS-PS1-5) everyday lives? do they need more Natural Search for topics under “matter.” and odor.] help?) resources http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyj The total number MS-PS1-6 Physical ams/jams/science/index.htm MS-PS1-3 Gather and make of each type of How can Observations: property sense of information to describe atom is conserved, scientists/engineer Thumbs up/Thumbs Product that synthetic materials come and thus the mass s alter the amount down Property from natural resources and does not change. of energy released Qualitative impact society. [Clarification (MS-PS1-5) or absorbed (taken Quantitative Statement: Emphasis is on natural in)? After: Reactant resources that undergo a chemical Some chemical Use a model to Solubility process to form the synthetic reactions release describe Synthetic material. Examples of new energy, others store conservation of materials materials could include new energy. mass. medicine, foods, and alternative  Students are given fuels.] [Assessment Boundary: materials to build Assessment is limited to a model (students qualitative information.] should not use resources during MS-PS1-5 Develop and use a assessment) and 3 Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions model to describe how the total then give an number of atoms does not change explanation of in a chemical reaction and thus conservation of mass is conserved. [Clarification mass. Statement: Emphasis is on law of  Students may conservation of matter and on choose to give the physical models or drawings, explanation in including digital forms that writing or orally. represent atoms.] [Assessment  Students will be Boundary: Assessment does not evaluated using a include the use of atomic masses, rubric. (examples balancing symbolic equations, or of rubric topics: intermolecular forces.] Unit Test MS-PS1-6 Undertake a design project to construct, test, and modify a device that either releases or absorbs thermal energy by chemical processes.* [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on the design, controlling the transfer of energy to the environment, and modification of a device using factors such as type and concentration of a substance. Examples of designs could involve chemical reactions such as dissolving ammonium chloride or calcium chloride.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment is limited to the criteria of amount, time, and temperature of substance in testing the device.]


5 Science Pacing Guide Time Frame: October – November Seventh Grade Unit 2: Forces and Interactions

Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards Asking Questions and Defining Cause and Effect RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual MP.2 Reason abstractly and Problems Cause and effect relationships may be evidence to support analysis of science quantitatively. (MS-PS2-1),(MS-PS2- Asking questions and defining used to predict phenomena in natural and technical texts, attending to the 2),(MS-PS2-3) problems in grades 6–8 builds from or designed systems. (MS-PS2-3), precise details of explanations or grades K–5 experiences and (MS-PS2-5) descriptions (MS-PS2-1),(MSPS2-3) progresses to specifying relationships between variables, and clarifying Systems and System Models RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a arguments and models. Models can be used to represent multistep procedure when carrying out  Ask questions that can be systems and their interactions—such experiments, taking measurements, or investigated within the scope of as inputs, processes and outputs—and performing technical tasks. (MS-PS2- the classroom, outdoor energy and matter flows within 1),(MS-PS2-2),(MS-PS2-5) environment, and museums and systems. (MS-PS2-1),(MS-PS2-4) other public facilities with WHST.6-8.1 Write arguments available resources and, when focused on discipline-specific content. appropriate, frame a hypothesis (MS-PS2-4) based on observations and scientific principles. (MS-PS2-3) WHST.6-8.7 Conduct short research projects to answer a question Planning and Carrying Out (including a self-generated question), Investigations drawing on several sources and Planning and carrying out generating additional related, focused investigations to answer questions or questions that allow for multiple test solutions to problems in 6–8 avenues of exploration. (MS-PS2-1), builds on K–5 experiences and (MS-PS2-2),(MS-PS2-5) progresses to include investigations that use multiple variables and provide evidence to support explanations or design solutions.  Conduct an investigation and evaluate the experimental design to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence that can meet the goals of the investigation. (MS-PS2-5) 6 Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards

Engaging in Argument from Evidence Engaging in argument from evidence in 6–8 builds from K–5 experiences and progresses to constructing a convincing argument that supports or refutes claims for either explanations or solutions about the natural and designed world.  Construct and present oral and written arguments supported by empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support or refute an explanation or a model for a phenomenon or a solution to a problem. (MS-PS2-4)

Connections to Nature of Science Scientific Knowledge is Based on Empirical Evidence Science knowledge is based upon logical and conceptual connections between evidence and explanations. (MS-PS2-2),(MS-PS2-4)

Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions Students who demonstrate PS2.B: Types of MS-PS2-3 Before: Attract Websites / Lessons / Games: understanding can: Interactions Why are some Pretest (must be Charge Use this site to find interactive/visual Electric and materials the same as the Current explanations of magnetism and energy. MS-PS2-3 Ask questions about data magnetic attracted to each end of unit test) Electric forces http://interactivesites.weebly.com/electri to determine the factors that affect (electromagnetic) other while others Electric motors city-and-energy.html the strength of electric and magnetic forces can be are not? Brainstorm the Electromagnets forces. [Clarification Statement: attractive or idea of Field Scholastic Study Jams (videos) can be Examples of devices that use electric repulsive, and their MS-PS2-4 magnetism. Force used to introduce or review material. and magnetic forces could include sizes depend on the How can Create a class Generator Search for topics under “force and 7 Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions electromagnets, electric motors, or magnitudes of the gravitational graphic organizer Gravity motion.” generators. Examples of data could charges, currents, force exist including Gravitational http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyja include the effect of the number of or magnetic between any two everything they force ms/jams/science/index.htm turns of wire on the strength of an strengths involved object? know about Magnetic forces electromagnet, or the effect of and on the magnets/magneti Mass Interactive online activity that shows increasing the number or strength of distances between sm before they Repulse Earth’s magnetic field. magnets on the speed of an electric the interacting learn anything http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link= motor.] [Assessment Boundary: objects.(MS-PS2-3) about the unit. /physical_science/magnetism/earth_mag Assessment about questions that net_dipole_interactive.html require quantitative answers is Gravitational forces During: limited to proportional reasoning and are always Brainstorm the Engineering Interact.org algebraic thinking.] attractive. There is idea of http://www.engineeringinteract.org/reso a gravitational magnetism. urces/parkworldplot/flash/concepts/mag MS-PS2-4 Construct and present force between any Create a class neticforces.htm arguments using evidence to support two masses, but it graphic organizer the claim that gravitational is very small except including http://www.engineeringinteract.org/reso interactions are attractive and depend when one or both everything they urces.htm on the masses of interacting objects. of the objects have know about [Clarification Statement: Examples large mass—e.g., magnets/magneti of evidence for arguments could Earth and the sun. sm at different include data generated from (MS-PS2-4) point during the simulations or digital tools; and unit. charts displaying mass, strength of Forces that act at a interaction, distance from the Sun, distance (electric, Quizzes (used to and orbital periods of objects within magnetic, and drive instruction, the solar system.] [Assessment gravitational) can what do the kids Boundary: Assessment does not be explained by understand, include Newton’s Law of Gravitation fields that extend where do they or Kepler’s Laws.] through space and need more help?) can be mapped by MS-PS2-5 Conduct an investigation their effect on a test Observations: and evaluate the experimental design object (a charged Thumbs to provide evidence that fields exist object, or a ball, up/Thumbs down between objects exerting forces on respectively). (MS- each other even though the objects PS2-5) After: are not in contact. [Clarification Create a graphic Statement: Examples of this organizer on phenomenon could include the magnetism 8 Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions interactions of magnets, electrically- including charged strips of tape, and everything they electrically-charged pith balls. know about Examples of investigations could magnets/magneti include first-hand experiences or sm at the end of simulations.] [Assessment Boundary: the unit. Assessment is limited to electric and magnetic fields, and limited to Essay: Construct qualitative evidence for the existence an argument of fields.] using evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions are attractive and depend on the masses of interacting objects. Create a rubric to evaluate their claim.

Unit Test

9 Science Pacing Guide Time Frame: November – December Seventh Grade Unit 3: Energy

Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards Developing and Using Models Scale, Proportion, and Quantity RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual MP.2 Reason abstractly and Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 and Proportional relationships (e.g. speed evidence to support analysis of science quantitatively. (MS-PS3-1),(MS-PS3- progresses to developing, using and as the ratio of distance traveled to time and technical texts, attending to the 4),(MS-PS3-5) revising models to describe, test, and taken) among different types of precise details of explanations or predict more abstract phenomena and quantities provide information about descriptions (MS-PS3-1),(MSPS3-5) 6.RP.A.1 Understand the concept of design systems. the magnitude of properties and ratio and use ratio language to  Develop a model to describe processes. (MS-PS3-1),(MS-PS3-4) RST.6-8.3 Follow precisely a describe a ratio relationship between unobservable mechanisms. (MS- multistep procedure when carrying out two quantities. (MS-PS3-1),(MS-PS3- PS3-2) Systems and System Models experiments, taking measurements, or 5) Models can be used to represent performing technical tasks. (MS-PS3- Planning and Carrying Out systems and their interactions – such 3),(MS-PS3-4) 7.RP.A.2 Recognize and represent Investigations as inputs, processes, and outputs – and proportional relationships between Planning and carrying out energy and matter flows within WHST.6-8.1 Write arguments quantities. (MS-PS3-1),(MS-PS3-5) investigations to answer questions or systems. (MS-PS3-2) focused on discipline content. (MS- test solutions to problems in 6–8 PS3-5) 8.F.A.3 Interpret the equation y = mx builds on K–5 experiences and Energy and Matter + b as defining a linear function, progresses to include investigations  Energy may take different forms WHST.6-8.7 Conduct short research whose graph is a straight line; give that use multiple variables and provide (e.g. energy in fields, thermal projects to answer a question examples of functions that are not evidence to support explanations or energy, energy of motion). (MS- (including a self-generated question), linear. (MS-PS3-1),(MSPS3-5) design solutions. PS3-5) drawing on several sources and  Plan an investigation individually  The transfer of energy can be generating additional related, focused 6.SP.B.5 Summarize numerical data and collaboratively, and in the tracked as energy flows through a questions that allow for multiple sets in relation to their context. (MS- design: identify independent and designed or natural system. avenues of exploration. (MS-PS3-3), PS3-4) dependent variables and controls, (MSPS3-3) (MS-PS3-4) what tools are needed to do the gathering, how measurements will SL.8.5 Integrate multimedia and be recorded, and how many data visual displays into presentations to are needed to support a claim. clarify information, strengthen claims (MS-PS3-4) and evidence, and add interest. (MS- PS3-2) Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 6–8 builds on 10 Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards K–5 experiences and progresses to include constructing explanations and designing solutions supported by multiple sources of evidence consistent with scientific ideas, principles, and theories.  Apply scientific ideas or principles to design, construct, and test a design of an object, tool, process or system. (MS-PS3-3)

Engaging in Argument from Evidence Engaging in argument from evidence in 6–8 builds on K–5 experiences and progresses to constructing a convincing argument that supports or refutes claims for either explanations or solutions about the natural and designed worlds.  Construct, use, and present oral and written arguments supported by empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support or refute an explanation or a model for a phenomenon. (MS-PS3-5)

Connections to Nature of Science Scientific Knowledge is Based on Empirical Evidence Science knowledge is based upon logical and conceptual connections between evidence and explanations. (MS-PS3-4),(MS-PS3-5)

11 Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions Students who demonstrate PS3.C: Relationship MS-PS3-2 Before: Conservation of Websites / Lessons / Games: understanding can: Between Energy and What keeps a Unit Pretest (must be energy What is the best insulator? Forces roller coaster the same as the final Energy Hands-on-activity where MS-PS3-2 Develop a model to When two objects moving if it unit test) Energy transfer students design a cooler to describe that when the arrangement interact, each one doesn’t have a Gravitational make the best insulator. of objects interacting at a distance exerts a force on the motor? Prewrite: How do you Interactions http://www.teachengineering. changes, different amounts of other that can cause think a roller coaster Kinetic energy org/view_activity.php? potential energy are stored in the energy to be MS-PS3-3 works? Mass url=collection/wpi_/activities/ system. [Clarification Statement: transferred to or from If I put an ice cube Matter wpi_the_best_insulator/the_b Emphasis is on relative amounts of the object. (MS-PS3- on my hand; is the During: Potential energy est_insulator.xml potential energy, not on calculations 2) ice cube getting Investigation: Students Static electricity of potential energy. Examples of hotter or my hand design a device that will Thermal energy Use this site to find objects within systems interacting at PS3.B: getting colder? either prevent the interactive/visual thermal varying distances could include: the Conservation of transfer of thermal energy transfer. Earth and either a roller coaster cart Energy and Energy MS-PS3-4 energy (keep and object http://www.harcourtschool.co at varying positions on a hill or Transfer What is the cold) or support the m/activity/science_up_close/6 objects at varying heights on Energy is relationship transfer of thermal 15/deploy/interface.swf shelves, changing the spontaneously between amount energy (increase the direction/orientation of a magnet, transferred out of of energy needed temperature of an Scholastic Study Jams and a balloon with static electrical hotter regions or and the type of object). Students can (videos) can be used to charge being brought closer to a objects and into matter? create arguments that introduce or review material. classmate’s hair. Examples of colder ones. (MS- support the success of Search for topics under models could include PS3-3) MS-PS3-4 their object. “matter.” representations, diagrams, pictures, How is energy Tests/competition http://studyjams.scholastic.co and written descriptions of The amount of transfer and would be run at the end m/studyjams/jams/science/ind systems.] [Assessment Boundary: energy transfer temperature of the project. ex.htm Assessment is limited to two objects needed to change the related to matter? and electric, magnetic, and temperature of a Quizzes (used to drive gravitational interactions.] matter sample by a instruction, what do the given amount kids understand, where MS-PS3-3 Apply scientific depends on the nature do they need more principles to design, construct, and of the matter, the size help?) test a device that either minimizes of the sample, and the or maximizes thermal energy environment. (MS- transfer.* [Clarification Statement: PS3-4) After: Examples of devices could include Use a model to describe an insulated box, a solar cooker, and When the motion the arrangements of a Styrofoam cup.] [Assessment energy of an object objects interacting at a 12 Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions Boundary: Assessment does not changes, there is distance and how include calculating the total amount inevitably some other different amounts of of thermal energy transferred.] change in energy at potential energy are the same time. (MS- stored in the system. MS-PS3-4 Plan an investigation to PS3-5)  Students are given determine the relationships among materials to build a the energy transferred, the type of model (students matter, the mass, and the change in should not use the average kinetic energy of the resources during particles as measured by the assessment) and then temperature of the sample. give an explanation [Clarification Statement: Examples of potential. of experiments could include  Students may choose comparing final water temperatures to give the after different masses of ice melted explanation in in the same volume of water with writing or orally. the same initial temperature, the  Students will be temperature change of samples of evaluated using a different materials with the same rubric. mass as they cool or heat in the environment, or the same material Unit Test with different masses when a specific amount of energy is added.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include calculating the total amount of thermal energy transferred.]

MS-PS3-5 Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object. [Clarification Statement: Examples of empirical evidence used in arguments could include an inventory or other representation of the energy before and after the 13 Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions transfer in the form of temperature changes or motion of object.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include calculations of energy.]

14 Science Pacing Guide Time Frame: January – February Seventh Grade Unit 4: Waves and Electromagnetic Radiation

Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards Developing and Using Models Patterns RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual MP.2 Reason abstractly and Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 and Graphs and charts can be used to evidence to support analysis of science quantitatively. (MS-PS4-1) progresses to developing, using, and identify patterns in data. (MS-PS4-1) and technical texts. (MS-PS4-3) revising models to describe, test, and MP.4 Model with mathematics. (MS- predict more abstract phenomena and Structure and Function RST.6-8.2 Determine the central ideas PS4-1) design systems.  Structures can be designed to or conclusions of a text; provide an  Develop and use a model to serve particular functions by accurate summary of the text distinct 6.RP.A.1 Understand the concept of a describe phenomena. (MS-PS4-2) taking into account properties of from prior knowledge or opinions. ratio and use ratio language to different materials, and how (MS-PS4-3) describe a ratio relationship between Using Mathematics and materials can be shaped and used. two quantities. (MS-PS4-1) Computational Thinking (MS-PS4-2) RST.6-8.9 Compare and contrast the Mathematical and computational  Structures can be designed to information gained from experiments, 6.RP.A.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning thinking at the 6–8 level builds on serve particular functions. (MS- simulations, video, or multimedia to solve real-world and mathematical K–5 and progresses to identifying PS4-3) sources with that gained from reading problems. (MS-PS4-1) patterns in large data sets and using a text on the same topic. (MS-PS4-3) mathematical concepts to support Connections to Engineering, 7.RP.A.2 Recognize and represent explanations and arguments. Technology, and Applications of WHST.6-8.9 Draw evidence from proportional relationships between  Use mathematical representations Science informational texts to support analysis, quantities. (MS-PS4-1) to describe and/or support reflection, and research. (MS-PS4-3) scientific conclusions and design Influence of Science, Engineering, 8.F.A.3 Interpret the equation y = mx solutions. (MS-PS4-1) and Technology on Society and the SL.8.5 Integrate multimedia and + b as defining a linear function, Natural World visual displays into presentations to whose graph is a straight line; give Obtaining, Evaluating, and Technologies extend the clarify information, strengthen claims examples of functions that are not Communicating Information measurement, exploration, modeling, and evidence, and add interest. (MS- linear. (MS-PS4-1) Obtaining, evaluating, and and computational capacity of PS4-1),(MS-PS4-2) communicating information in 6-8 scientific investigations. builds on K-5 and progresses to (MS-PS4-3) evaluating the merit and validity of ideas and methods. Connections to Nature of Science  Integrate qualitative scientific and technical information in written Science is a Human Endeavor text with that contained in media Advances in technology influence the and visual displays to clarify progress of science and science has claims and findings. (MS-PS4-3) influenced advances in technology. 15 Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards

Connections to Nature of Science Scientific Knowledge is Based on Empirical Evidence  Science knowledge is based upon (MS-PS4-3) logical and conceptual connections between evidence and explanations. (MS-PS4-1)

Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions Students who demonstrate PS4.A: Wave MS-PS4-1 Before: Absorb Websites / Lessons / Games: understanding can: Properties Are all waves Unit Pretest (must be Amplitude Use this site to find A simple wave has a alike? If so, justify the same as the final Analog signals interactive/visual explanations MS-PS4-1 Use mathematical repeating pattern with a your reasoning. unit test) Digital signal of waves. representations to describe a specific wavelength, Encode http://interactivesites.weebly.c simple model for waves that frequency, and MS-PS4-1 Quick write: What do Frequency om/light.html includes how the amplitude of a amplitude. (MS-PS4-1) If a tree falls in the you know about waves? Light waves wave is related to the energy in woods and no one Matter wave Scholastic Study Jams a wave. [Clarification A sound wave needs a is there to hear it, During: Mechanical wave (videos) can be used to Statement: Emphasis is on medium through which does it make a Investigation: Students Medium (media) introduce or review material. describing waves with both it is transmitted. sound? use a rope to compare Reflect Search for topics under, qualitative and quantitative the relationship between Sound waves “energy, light, and sound.” thinking.] [Assessment PS4.B: MS-PS4-2 energy and amplitude. Space http://studyjams.scholastic.co Boundary: Assessment does not Electromagnetic Are sound waves Data will be recorded Transmit m/studyjams/jams/science/ind include electromagnetic waves Radiation and light waves on a graph. Transparent ex.htm and is limited to standard When light shines on an alike or different? Vacuum repeating waves.] object, it is reflected, Quizzes (used to drive Wavelength absorbed, or transmitted MS-PS4-2 instruction, what do the Wave pulse MS-PS4-2 Develop and use a through the object, Why do objects kids understand, where model to describe that waves depending on the appear to change do they need more are reflected, absorbed, or object’s material and the colors at different help?) transmitted through various frequency (color) of the times of the day? materials. [Clarification light. (MS-PS4-2) Statement: Emphasis is on both MS-PS4-2 light and mechanical waves. The path that light What distinguishes After: Examples of models could travels can be traced as how light travels? Students create a 16 Next Generation Science Disciplinary Core Essential Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Ideas Questions include drawings, simulations, straight lines, except at diagram showing how and written descriptions.] surfaces between MS-PS4-2 waves interact with [Assessment Boundary: different transparent How would life be matter. They will use Assessment is limited to materials (e.g., air and different if light arrows to show if the qualitative applications water, air and glass) needed a medium waves are reflected, pertaining to light and where the light path to travel? absorbed, or mechanical waves.] bends. transmitted. (MS-PS4-2) MS-PS4-3 Integrate qualitative Unit Test scientific and technical A wave model of light is information to support the claim useful for explaining that digitized signals are a more brightness, color, and reliable way to encode and the frequency-dependent transmit information than bending of light at a analog signals. [Clarification surface between media. Statement: Emphasis is on a (MS-PS4-2) basic understanding that waves can be used for communication However, because light purposes. Examples could can travel through space, include using fiber optic cable it cannot be a matter to transmit light pulses, radio wave, like sound or wave pulses in Wi-Fi devices, water waves. (MS-PS4- and conversion of stored binary 2) patterns to make sound or text on a computer screen.] PS4.C: Information [Assessment Boundary: Technologies and Assessment does not include Instrumentation binary counting. Assessment Digitized signals (sent as does not include the specific wave pulses) are a more mechanism of any given reliable way to encode device.] and transmit information. (MS-PS4- 3)

17 Science Pacing Guide Time Frame: February – March Seventh Grade Unit 5: Structure, Function, and Information Processing

Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards Developing and Using Models Scale, Proportion, and Quantity RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual 6.EE.C.9 Use variables to represent Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 Phenomena that can be observed at evidence to support analysis of science two quantities in a real-world problem experiences and progresses to one scale may not be observable at and technical texts. (MS-LS1-3) that change in relationship to one developing, using, and revising another scale. (MS-LS1-1) another; write an equation to express models to describe, test, and predict RI.6.8 Trace and evaluate the one quantity, thought of as the more abstract phenomena and design Systems and System Models argument and specific claims in a text, dependent variable, in terms of the systems. Systems may interact with other distinguishing claims that are other quantity, thought of as the  Develop and use a model to systems; they may have sub-systems supported by reasons and evidence independent variable. Analyze the describe phenomena. (MS-LS1-2) and be a part of larger complex from claims that are not. (MSLS1- relationship between the dependent  Develop a model to describe systems. (MS-LS1-3) 3) and independent variables using unobservable mechanisms. (MS- graphs and tables, and relate these to LS1-7) Energy and Matter WHST.6-8.1 Write arguments the equation. (MS-LS1-1),(MS-LS1-  Matter is conserved because atoms focused on discipline content. (MS- 2),(MS-LS1-3) Planning and Carrying Out are conserved in physical and LS1-3) Investigations chemical processes. (MS-LS1-7) Planning and carrying out  Within a natural system, the WHST.6-8.7 Conduct short research investigations in 6-8 builds on K-5 transfer of energy drives the projects to answer a question experiences and progresses to include motion and/or cycling of matter. (including a self-generated question), investigations that use multiple (MS-LS1-6) drawing on several sources and variables and provide evidence to generating additional related, focused support explanations or solutions. Structure and Function questions that allow for multiple  Conduct an investigation to Complex and microscopic structures avenues of exploration. (MS-LS1-1) produce data to serve as the basis and systems can be visualized, for evidence that meet the goals of modeled, and used to describe how SL.8.5 Integrate multimedia and an investigation. (MS-LS1-1) their function depends on the visual displays into presentations to relationships among its parts, therefore clarify information, strengthen claims Engaging in Argument from complex natural structures/systems and evidence, and add interest. (MS- Evidence can be analyzed to determine how LS1-2) Engaging in argument from evidence they function. (MS-LS1-2) in 6–8 builds on K–5 experiences and progresses to constructing a Connections to Engineering, convincing argument that supports or Technology, refutes claims for either explanations and Applications of Science or solutions about the natural and 18 Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards Interdependence of Science, Engineering, and Technology Engineering advances have led to designed world(s). important discoveries in virtually  Use an oral and written argument every field of science, and scientific supported by evidence to support discoveries have led to the or refute an explanation or a development of entire industries and model for a phenomenon. (MS- engineered systems. (MS-LS1-1) LS1-3) Connections to Nature of Science

Science is a Human Endeavor Scientists and engineers are guided by habits of mind such as intellectual honesty, tolerance of ambiguity, skepticism, and openness to new ideas. (MS-LS1-3)

Next Generation Science Essential Disciplinary Core Ideas Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Questions Students who demonstrate LS1.A: Structure and MS-LS1-1 Before: Cell Websites / Lessons / Games: understanding can: Function Which organism Unit Pretest (must be Cell wall Use this site to find cells All living things are made is better, an the same as the final Cell membrane thttp://interactivesites.weebly.co MS-LS1-1 Conduct an up of cells, which is the organism made of unit test) Circulatory m/light.html investigation to provide smallest unit that can be one cell or an system evidence that living things are said to be alive. An organism made of Draw a cell and tell Chloroplasts Cell Models made of cells; either one cell or organism may consist of many cells? what you think a cell is. Digestive Students can explore cell models many different numbers and one single cell system http://cellsalive.com/cells/3dcell. types of cells. [Clarification (unicellular) or many MS-LS1-1 During: Excretory htm Statement: Emphasis is on different numbers and What makes Quizzes (used to drive system developing evidence that living types of cells something living instruction, what do the Mitochondria Study Jams things are made of cells, (multicellular). (MS-LS1- verses something kids understand, where Multicellular Students can view the videos on distinguishing between living 1) that is not? do they need more organism animal and plant cells. and non-living things, and help?) Multicellular http://studyjams.scholastic.com/s understanding that living things Within cells, special MS-LS1-2 Muscular tudyjams/jams/science/animals/a may be made of one cell or structures are responsible What is a cell Lab: View samples of system nimal-cells.htm many and varied cells.] for particular functions, made up of? living and nonliving Nervous http://studyjams.scholastic.com/s 19 Next Generation Science Essential Disciplinary Core Ideas Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Questions and the cell membrane things. system tudyjams/jams/science/plants/pla MS-LS1-2 Develop and use a forms the boundary that MS-LS1-2 Nucleus nt-cells.htm model to describe the function controls what enters and Compare the Diagrams/models: Have Organism of a cell as a whole and ways leaves the cell. function of a cell students create Organ parts of cells contribute to the (MS-LS1-2) and its parts to diagrams and models of Organelles function. [Clarification something else in plant and animal cells. Organ system Statement: Emphasis is on the In multicellular the real world. Respiratory cell functioning as a whole organisms, the body is a Organ system project system system and the primary role of system of multiple MS-LS1-3 (students create life size Tissue identified parts of the cell, interacting subsystems. Which is more models of the organ Unicellular specifically the nucleus, These subsystems are important a cell or systems, one organ organism chloroplasts, mitochondria, cell groups of cells that work an organ? systems is built by each membrane, and cell wall.] together to form tissues group all groups come [Assessment Boundary: and organs that are MS-LS1-3 together at the end to Assessment of organelle specialized for particular Which body show how they need to structure/function relationships body functions. system is the most work together) on is limited to the cell wall and (MS-LS1-3) important to our circulatory, excretory, cell membrane. Assessment of survival? digestive, respiratory, the function of the other muscular, and nervous organelles is limited to their systems) relationship to the whole cell. Assessment does not include the Research organs biochemical function of cells or systems; specifically cell parts.] how the body is a system of subsystems MS-LS1-3 Use argument composed of groups supported by evidence for how and cells (students will the body is a system of be provided with interacting subsystems articles and resources composed of groups of cells. on how body systems [Clarification Statement: interact) Emphasis is on the conceptual understanding that cells form After tissues and tissues form organs Essay: Students us their specialized for particular body research to support the functions. Examples could idea that the body is a include the interaction of system of subsystems subsystems within a system and composed of groups 20 Next Generation Science Essential Disciplinary Core Ideas Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Questions the normal functioning of those and cells systems.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not Draw a diagram include the mechanism of one (students will be given a body system independent of word bank with others. Assessment is limited to nucleus, chloroplasts, the circulatory, excretory, mitochondria, cell digestive, respiratory, muscular, membrane, and cell and nervous systems.] wall; from the word bank students will have to draw and label a cell) and write an essay describing how the cell parts work together.

Unit Test

21 Science Pacing Guide Time Frame: April – May Seventh Grade Unit 6: Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems

Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards Developing and Using Models Energy and Matter RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual 6.EE.C.9 Use variables to represent Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5  Matter is conserved because atoms evidence to support analysis of science two quantities in a real-world problem experiences and progresses to are conserved in physical and and technical texts. (MS-LS1-6),(MS- that change in relationship to one developing, using, and revising chemical processes. (MS-LS1-7) LS2-1),(MS-LS2-4) another; write an equation to express models to describe, test, and predict  Within a natural system, the one quantity, thought of as the more abstract phenomena and design transfer of energy drives the RST.6-8.2 Determine the central ideas dependent variable, in terms of the systems. motion and/or cycling of matter. or conclusions of a text; provide an other quantity, thought of as the  Develop a model to describe (MS-LS1-6) accurate summary of the text distinct independent variable. Analyze the unobservable mechanisms. (MS- from prior knowledge or opinions. relationship between the dependent LS1-7) (MS-LS1-6) and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to Constructing Explanations and WHST.6-8.2 Write the equation. (MS-LS1-6),(MS-LS2-3) Designing Solutions informative/explanatory texts to Constructing explanations and examine a topic and convey ideas, designing solutions in 6–8 builds on concepts, and information through the K–5 experiences and progresses to selection, organization, and analysis of include constructing explanations and relevant content. (MS-LS1-6) designing solutions supported by multiple sources of evidence WHST.6-8.9 Draw evidence from consistent with scientific knowledge, informational texts to support analysis, principles, and theories. reflection, and research. (MS-LS1-6),  Construct a scientific explanation (MS-LS2-4) based on valid and reliable evidence obtained from sources SL.8.5 Integrate multimedia and (including the students’ own visual displays into presentations to experiments) and the assumption clarify information, strengthen claims that theories and laws that and evidence, and add interest. (MS- describe the natural world operate LS1-7),(MS-LS2-3) today as they did in the past and will continue to do so in the future. (MS-LS1-5),(MS-LS1-6)

Connections to Nature of Science

22 Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards Scientific Knowledge is Based on Empirical Evidence Science knowledge is based upon logical connections between evidence and explanations. (MS-LS1-6)

Next Generation Science Essential Disciplinary Core Ideas Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Questions Students who demonstrate LS1.C: Organization for MS-LS1-6 Before: Algae Chemical Reactions understanding can: Matter and Energy Where do living Unit Pretest (must be the Carbon This resource can be used to Flow in Organisms things get their same as the final unit Cellular get examples of the chemical MS-LS1-6 Construct a scientific Plants, algae (including energy from? test) respiration reactions that take place. explanation based on evidence for phytoplankton), and Microorganism http://www.csun.edu/~jk323 the role of photosynthesis in the many microorganisms use MS-LS1-7 Prewrite: How do Organic 784/subjects/chemistry/notes cycling of matter and flow of the energy from light to How would life on organisms get their molecules /chem_rxns.pdf energy into and out of organisms. make sugars (food) from Earth be different energy? Photosynthesis [Clarification Statement: carbon dioxide from the if plants did not Websites / Lessons / Emphasis is on tracing movement atmosphere and water produce their own During: Games: of matter and flow of energy.] through the process of food? Quizzes (used to drive Use this site to find [Assessment Boundary: photosynthesis, which instruction, what do the interactive/visual Assessment does not include the also releases oxygen. MS-LS1-7 kids understand, where explanations of biochemical mechanisms of These sugars can be used If you could only do they need more photosynthesis photosynthesis.] immediately or stored for pick one process, help?) http://interactivesites.weebly growth or later use. (MS- photosynthesis or .com/science.html MS-LS1-7 Develop a model to LS1-6) cellular Create a flow describe how food is rearranged respiration, which map/diagram of how Scholastic Study Jams through chemical reactions PS3.D Energy in is more important energy flows from the (videos) can be used to forming new molecules that Chemical Processes and to a plant? What sun to organisms. introduce or review material. support growth and/or release Everyday Life about for a Search for topics under energy as this matter moves The chemical reaction by human? After “plants” through an organism. which plants produce Essay: Use evidence to http://studyjams.scholastic.c [Clarification Statement: complex food molecules explain how organisms om/studyjams/jams/science/i Emphasis is on describing that (sugars) requires an get their energy. ndex.htm molecules are broken apart and energy input (i.e., from put back together and that in this sunlight) to occur. In this Develop a model process, energy is released.] reaction, carbon dioxide describing how food is [Assessment Boundary: and water combine to rearranged and broken 23 Next Generation Science Essential Disciplinary Core Ideas Assessments Vocabulary Resources Standards Questions Assessment does not include form carbon-based down to support growth details of the chemical reactions organic molecules and or release energy as it for photosynthesis or respiration.] release oxygen. moves through an (secondary to MS-LS1-6) organism.

Cellular respiration in Unit Test plants and animals involve chemical reactions with oxygen that release stored energy. In these processes, complex molecules containing carbon react with oxygen to produce carbon.

24 Science Pacing Guide Time Frame: May – June Seventh Grade Unit 7: Growth, Development, and Reproduction of Organisms

Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards Constructing Explanations and Cause and Effect RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual MP.4 Model with mathematics. (MS- Designing Solutions Phenomena may have more than one evidence to support analysis of science LS3-2) Constructing explanations and cause, and some cause and effect and technical texts. (MS-LS1-4),(MS- designing solutions in 6–8 builds on relationships in systems can only be LS1-5),(MS-LS3-1),(MS-LS3-2),(MS- 6.SP.A.2 Understand that a set of data K–5 experiences and progresses to described using probability. (MS-LS1- LS4-5) collected to answer a statistical include constructing explanations and 4),(MSLS1-5) question has a distribution which can designing solutions supported by RST.6-8.2 Determine the central ideas be described by its center, spread, and multiple sources of evidence or conclusions of a text; provide an overall shape. (MSLS1- consistent with scientific knowledge, accurate summary of the text distinct 4),(MS-LS1-5) principles, and theories. from prior knowledge or opinions.  Construct a scientific explanation (MS-LS1-5) 6.SP.B.4 Summarize numerical data based on valid and reliable sets in relation to their context. (MS- evidence obtained from sources RST.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of LS1-4),(MS-LS1-5) (including the students’ own symbols, key terms, and other domain- experiments) and the assumption specific words and phrases as they are that theories and laws that used in a specific scientific or describe the natural world operate technical context relevant to grades today as they did in the past and 6–8 texts and topics. will continue to do so in the future. (MS-LS1-5),(MS-LS1-6) RI.6.8 Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, Engaging in Argument from distinguishing claims that are Evidence supported by reasons and evidence Engaging in argument from evidence from claims that are not. (MSLS1- in 6–8 builds on K–5 experiences and 4) progresses to constructing a convincing argument that supports or WHST.6-8.1 Write arguments refutes claims for either explanations focused on discipline content. (MS- or solutions about the natural and LS1-4) designed world(s).  Use an oral and written argument WHST.6-8.2 Write supported by empirical evidence informative/explanatory texts to and scientific reasoning to support examine a topic and convey ideas, or refute an explanation or a concepts, and information through the 25 Science & Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Literacy Standards Mathematics Standards selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. (MS-LS1-5) model for a phenomenon or a solution to a problem. (MS-LS1- WHST.6-8.9 Draw evidence from 4) informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (MS-LS1-5)

Disciplinary Core Essential Next Generation Science Standards Assessments Vocabulary Resources Ideas Questions Students who demonstrate LS1.B: Growth and MS-LS1-4 Before: Asexual Websites / Lessons / Games: understanding can: Development of What is more Unit Pretest (must be reproduction Use this site to find Organisms effective for the the same as the final Behavior interactive/visual explanations MS-LS1-4 Use argument based on Animals engage in continuation of a unit test) Environmental of photosynthesis, plants, and empirical evidence and scientific characteristic species, sexual factor animal adaptations reasoning to support an explanation for behaviors that reproduction or Quick write: Do plants Genetic factor http://interactivesites.weebly.c how characteristic animal behaviors increase the odds of asexual reproduce and if so Germinate om/science.html and specialized plant structures affect reproduction. (MS- reproduction? how? Probability the probability of successful LS1-4) Reproduction Scholastic Study Jams (videos) reproduction of animals and plants MS-LS1-4 During: Structure can be used to introduce or respectively. [Clarification Statement: Plants reproduce in a How can animal Quizzes (used to drive Sexual review material. Search for Examples of behaviors that affect the variety of ways, behavior affect the instruction, what do reproduction topics under “plants” probability of animal reproduction sometimes survival of a the kids understand, Specialized http://studyjams.scholastic.co could include nest building to protect depending on animal species? where do they need m/studyjams/jams/science/inde young from cold, herding of animals to behavior and more help?) x.htm protect young from predators, and specialized features MS-LS1-5 vocalization of animals and colorful for reproduction. Which has a Thumbs up/thumbs Biology of Plants plumage to attract mates for breeding. (MS-LS1-4) greater effect on down questioning Use this site to describe plant Examples of animal behaviors that the growth of adaptations to students. affect the probability of plant Genetic factors as organisms, Concept map http://www.mbgnet.net/bioplan reproduction could include transferring well as local environmental or ts/adapt.html pollen or seeds, and creating conditions conditions affect the genetic factors? After: for seed germination and growth. growth of the adult Create and present a Examples of plant structures could plant. (MS-LS1-5) poster that explains include bright flowers attracting how environmental butterflies that transfer pollen, flower and genetic factors nectar and odors that attract insects that influence the growth transfer pollen, and hard shells on nuts of organisms. 26 Disciplinary Core Essential Next Generation Science Standards Assessments Vocabulary Resources Ideas Questions that squirrels bury.] Unit Test MS-LS1-5 Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. [Clarification Statement: Examples of local environmental conditions could include availability of food, light, space, and water. Examples of genetic factors could include large breed cattle and species of grass affecting growth of organisms. Examples of evidence could include drought decreasing plant growth, fertilizer increasing plant growth, different varieties of plant seeds growing at different rates in different conditions, and fish growing larger in large ponds than they do in small ponds.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include genetic mechanisms, gene regulation, or biochemical processes.]


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