Cam Vale Parish Council & Glanvilles Wootton Parish

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Cam Vale Parish Council & Glanvilles Wootton Parish


The Annual Holnest Parish Meeting held on Thursday 17th April 2014 at 7.30 p.m. in Glanvilles Wootton Village Hall


Present: Clive Jesty (Chairman), Bridget Travers, Lorna Powell, Roy Powell, Martin Preston, Hugh Taylor, Jenny Jesty, Nikki Coffin, Allan Coffin, Richard Clarke.

1. Apologies for absence – Dawn Preston.

2. Election of Officers for ensuing year: 2.1 It was resolved that Clive Jesty would stand as Chairman, Alan Coffin as Vice Chairman, Dawn Preston as Treasurer and Angela Sargent as Village Hall representative. Proposed: Bridget Travers, 2nd: Roy Powell, Voted For: Unanimous.

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 17/4/13 and Matters Arising The minutes of the last meeting in 2013 were read out and unanimously agreed as a true record. Cllr Jesty signed the minutes.

4. Officers’ Reports Cllr Jesty reported that not much of interest had happened over the last year. The only contentious planning application that had been passed against the recommendation of Council was that at Pound. Other applications included the retrospective application at Rylands which had been approved. Berkeleys Farm had raised some concern at applicants residential status which appeared to conflict with the facts, however this application had since been withdrawn. Boyshill Farm application had been approved by Council with conditions but had been refused by WDDC. The White Hart Lodge application was approved as was 7 Ash Farm.

Martin Preston, Treasurer, reported that there had been expenses of £93.49 for Cllr Taylors retirement present and land registry enquiry and photo copying re. The Pound planning application. The yearly income from Berkeleys Field was £369.60. This left a balance of £2722.14 in the account.

Thanks were given to Cllr Taylor for his hard work and years of contribution to the council. It was felt that his role had not been fully appreciated by the other parishes of Cam Vale.

The new Clerk raised concerns at the audit process for the Parish of Holnest account. It appeared that the money held in this account was not included in the annual external audit of the Parish Council. This may leave the signatures and the Parish in legal difficulties with regard to the forthcoming audit. It was agreed that the Clerk would liaise with Martin Preston to review the audit process.

Holnest did not receive the grant of £200 to pay High Stoy as payment was not appropriate as the contractor did not actually remove any snow from Holnest.

5. Matters of Interest It was resolved that in principal 2 new notice boards should be purchased, one for each end of the village. Roy Powell agreed to review costings. Proposed: Bridget Travers, 2nd: Roy Powell, Voted For: Unanimous.

There was discussion with regards to the phone box. Cllr Jesty explained that he had previously tired to get it removed but there were legalities involved in BT providing telephone access, therefore it had to stay.

Meeting closed at 8.00pm.

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