Administrative Review Off-Site Assessment Tool

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Administrative Review Off-Site Assessment Tool

Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section II: Meal Access and Reimbursement

300. Does the SFA use an electronic or manual system to count and Manual/ Electronic Combination consolidate reimbursable meals?

Electronic System means meal counts are generated by an automated Point of Service (POS) system that may connect to the claim for reimbursement. Electronic systems have the ability to identify a student’s benefit category, tally daily meal counts, transfer daily meal counts to the SFA, consolidate meal counts for the SFA, and/or submit the claim for reimbursement. The system is limited to virtually NO MANUAL data entry at the POS. Meal counts are kept electronically.

Manual System means meal counts are generated by a manual Point of Service system. Meal counts are manually tallied, consolidated, and transferred to the SFA. Consolidation of meal counts by the SFA is completed manually. Hard copy records are kept on file.

If the SFA has implemented an electronic system, but one or more aspect of the benefit issuance process is conducted manually (e.g., the SFA has an electronic POS, but utilizes a roster at an alternate service location and SFA staff manually enters meal counts from the alternate service location), the reviewer will consider it a manual/combination system.

301. How does the SFA’s point of service system identify a student’s eligibility? Include all types of distinct counting methods (e.g., check-off list for grades 1-3, tickets for grades 4-8).


302. Does the SFA have a backup system to their primary meal YES NO counting and claiming system should the primary system fail/not operate? If YES, describe backup system. Comments:

303. How often are cashiers and substitute cashiers trained on the meal counting and claiming system (including the backup system)?

Comments: Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section II: Meal Access and Reimbursement

304. At the end of meal service, how does the SFA obtain the daily meal counts by category from each school’s point(s) of service? Comments:

305. What are the SFA’s meal counting and claiming policies and procedures for the following situations :

N/A a) Offer vs. Serve? c) Incomplete/Non-Reimbursable Meals?

N/A d) Second Meals?

N/A f) Visiting student meals?

N/A h) Adult and non-student meals?

N/A j) Student worker meals?

N/A l) A la carte?

N/A n) Field trips? p) Lost, stolen, misused, forgotten or N/A destroyed tickets, tokens, IDs, and PINS? Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section II: Meal Access and Reimbursement

N/A r) Charged and/or pre-billed/prepaid meals?

N/A t) Students without funds to pay for meals? v) New students without approved N/A certification of free or reduced- price benefits?

306. What procedures are used as internal controls to ensure the meal counts do not exceed enrollment or attendance adjusted enrollment?


307. Electronic Systems Only: YES NO N/A Are meal counts automatically consolidated? If YES, does the software program contain edits and internal controls? If NO, when and how are edit checks and internal controls completed? Comments:

308. YES NO N/A Have alternate points of service been approved by the SA?


309. Describe the number and types of alternate points of service operating during each meal service (e.g., meals in classrooms, bus).

Comments: Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section II: Meal Access and Reimbursement

310. If a school has more than one meal service line, how does the point of service system prevent duplicate or second meals from being claimed?


311. At the site level, how are the total daily meal counts by category submitted to the SFA for consolidation?


312. Describe the SFA’s procedures for consolidating daily meal counts by category for each site to process the claim for reimbursement, if applicable.


Module: Civil Rights

800. What is the non-discrimination statement used for appropriate Program materials? Please provide exact language.


801. Provide a copy of the School Food Authority’s public release. 802. Is there a need for services for Limited English Proficient (LEP) households? If so, what services does the SFA provide? Comments: Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section II: Meal Access and Reimbursement

803. What is the SFA’s procedure for receiving and processing complaints alleging discrimination within FNS School Meal Programs? If procedures are written, provide a copy. Comments:

804. Has the School Food Authority received any written or verbal YES NO complaints alleging discrimination in FNS Programs in the current or prior school year? If yes, please provide the following information: date, nature of complaint, and agency complaint was reported to. Comments:

805. How are students with special dietary needs accommodated?


806. When was the SFA’s most recent civil rights training for staff who interact with program applicants or participants (e.g., cafeteria staff, F/R application approval staff) and their supervisors? Who attended these trainings? What topics were covered by the training? Provide supporting documentation for the responses. Comments: You do not need to answer this question. The Level 1 training you provided to your staff this year included Civil Rights training. Documentation of this is on file at KDE (with Lisa Hatton). 807. How does the SFA collect racial/ethnic data? How often is this information collected? Provide documentation to support the response. Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section II: Meal Access and Reimbursement

Comments: You do not need to answer this question. This information is collected via Infinite Campus and is already on file with KDE.

Module: SFA On-site Monitoring 900. How does the SFA ensure that all schools are meeting program requirements? For example, how and when is monitoring conducted? Comments:

Module: Local School Wellness Policy 1000 Provide a copy of the current Local School Wellness Policy. . 1001 How does the public know about the Local School Wellness Policy? . Provide documentation to support the response (or appropriate web address(es)). Comments:

1002 When and how does the review and update of the Local School Wellness Policy occur? . Provide documentation to support the response (or appropriate web address(es)). Comments:

1003 Who is involved in reviewing and updating the Local School Wellness Policy? . What is their relationship with the SFA? Comments:

1004 How are potential stakeholders made aware of their ability to participate in the . development, review, update, and implementation of the Local School Wellness Policy? Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section II: Meal Access and Reimbursement

Provide documentation to support the response (or appropriate web address(es)).


1005 Provide a copy of the most recent assessment on the implementation of the Local . School Wellness Policy. 1006 How does the public know about the results of the most recent assessment on the . implementation of the Local School Wellness Policy? Provide documentation to support the response (or appropriate web address(es)). Comments:

Module: Smart Snacks

1100. What are the SFA’s food sale policies? List all types of sales to include the selling of non- food items in combination with food items.


1101. What is the SFA’s process for determining compliance with non-packaged or recipe (combination foods that do not label) food items?


1102. How does the SFA account for accompaniments when determining whether food items meet the Smart Snack standards? Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section II: Meal Access and Reimbursement


Module: School Breakfast and Summer Food Service Program Outreach

1600 How did the SFA inform households of the availability of the School Breakfast Program . prior to (or at the beginning) of the school year and provide reminders about the availability of the School Breakfast Program throughout the school year?


1601 How did the SFA inform eligible households about the availability and location of free . meals for students via the Summer Food Service Program?

Comments: Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section II: Meal Access and Reimbursement Administrative Review Off-site Assessment Tool Section IX: Special Provision Options

** For Community Eligibility Provision ONLY **

2109. Are non-federal funds being properly allocated to account for the YES NO difference of offering all meals to students at no cost? 

Comments: You don’t have to answer this question. Fund 51 is used districtwide to offset offering meals at no cost and funding is provided by the General Fund if the food service account has a negative balance.

2110. What procedures are used to apply the established ISPs to the current School Year’s claims for reimbursement? (Documentation supporting establishment of ISP and corresponding claiming percentages will be verified during completion of the On-site Review Assessment Tool)

If applicable, were adjustments made to the ISP and corresponding claiming percentages being utilized in the current SY? If yes, describe the procedure used for the adjustment.

Comments: You don’t have to answer this question. CNIPS automatically completes this for you. April reporting and/or the previous year claiming percentage in the CEP tool will indicate if an adjustment was made.

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