Jefferson County Human Resource Management Association

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Jefferson County Human Resource Management Association

Jefferson County Human Resource Management Association Board Minutes Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Present: Jon Emerick, Tiffany Groffy, Ashley Lutterman, Bob Gregg, Julie Rusch

Absent: Melissa Reinwald, Craig Schmidt, Monica Saalsaa, Jenny Emann, Ann Lueth, Maria Gonzalez, Pati Hall, Jennifer Jirsa

Approval of Minutes: Ashley motioned to approve, Tiffany seconded, all in favor.

President Update

 Job Descriptions Jon is working on defining clearer roles and responsibility for board members. This was simply an exercise to promote accountability and empowerment. They still can be done to satisfy the board, however, the next item captures a clearer path to the goal.

 Back to the Basics Goal is to create value for existing members through programming, certification, continuing education, information sharing.

We are falling short in the areas of our website, program execution, board involvement, and ambassadorship. We had a recent inquiry from new member with comments on website not being updated.

 Board Member Accountability Roles & responsibility at programs and events - all board members need to be responsible for a job at each event. If you cannot attend, let the president know, and also find someone to cover for you.

What are the roles and responsibility of programming – what is needed at the breakfast meetings?

Have relied on students at the breakfast meetings which is a great option for helping with check-in and introducing speakers, but need to know in advance who is attending and who is assigned a task.

Board members need to sign up for new member orientation after the breakfast meeting. This will be offered each month.

Update website immediately with current information and develop plan to keep it current. Ashley has set time aside tomorrow to work on updating the website. On going updates need to be planned and this will become part of the Communication Committee.

 September Meeting The speaker requires a $400 payment for the September meeting and $84.99 for hotel plus tax. Jon booked the hotel and will hand the payment to the speaker at the meeting.

 Announcements at the September Meeting All board members will take an active role in announcements. Julie will prepare a handout and make copies to hand out. Ashley will send out by email to membership. Julie will email the list of announcements out to the board to get a summary of each announcement for the handout.

 Who will be at the September meeting? – What board members will be at the September meeting?

 Marketing Committee – Jon will be kicking off this committee. Tiffany and Ashley are asked to be part of this committee. The focus of this committee will be to create materials and messages, exploration and proposal to developing and building a new website.  Sponsorship – Need sponsors for upcoming year. Jon will go back to the sponsors last year and will introduce Tiffany as the new Sponsorship Chair. Need stronger messaging to the value of sponsoring a meeting.

 Joint Chapter meeting – Blackhawk is taking the lead on the joint chapter meeting. Melissa has a phone call scheduled with Anne Pesik from Blackhawk to answer her questions. Anne is the student liaison and it is her primary responsibility to coordinate this year. Anne will let us know what we need to do. Date has not yet been confirmed.

 State Conference Motion to be made by email for voting - JCHRMA members who have been of service by board, committee or otherwise to the chapter, in need of financial assistance to attend the State Conference, a stipend of up to $200 to offset costs related to conference attendance. All in attendance agreed to a pre vote of an electronic vote. Jon will send the vote out.

Stipend approved through voting by email on 9-6-12.

If you are active in the chapter, this is a benefit of volunteering.

 Board Meeting Days Alternate Tuesday and Wednesday through end of year. Discuss further for 2013. October – Proposed meeting date - Monday the 1st of October, due to the SHRM conference this November - Wed. the 7th December - Board Meeting will be a Social Meeting – Bob is volunteering his house for this meeting. Date to be determined.

 Gift Basket for State Conference Fireside – not interested in helping out. Trek – need request prior to the first of the year Hi-Way Harry’s / Outlet Mall – Maria

Tiffany has notified the board that Lewis Station Winery in Lake Mills will supply a basket. Jon will pick it up when it is ready and bring it to the conference.

 Nametags for Members Pati will be taking over the nametags.

 Nametags for Board Members Ashley will order new name tags through opportunities.

Chair Updates

Treasurer CDs are valued at, $20,201.32 and $5,528.54 Savings Account $23, 658 Checking $2,625

Legal Update Went out today. There is nothing legislative that will happen with the election coming. Bob is doing the pre conference legal update session and also doing a session on personal liability at the WI SHRM State Conference.

Vice President  Follow up from last meeting. Julie was able to obtain info on SHRM sponsored websites from Nancy Conway. Julie will forward to Ashley.

 PP New Orientation – Julie needs to connect with Pati for her feedback on the PP. Will save to a drive and bring to the meeting.

 One Day to Make a Difference – Big success with the school supplies. Our chapter will continue to do this day even though SHRM is discontinuing this option. Programming 1. September Chapter Meeting a. Tuesday 9/11/12 at the Workforce Development Center in Jefferson b. Speaker is Matt Steinkamp from Midwest EAP Solutions – we’ve agreed to pay a $400 honorarium plus a hotel stay the night before since he’s coming from Minneapolis. c. Topic is But I’m Not Comfortable With Conflict, preapproved for HRCI credit, just waiting for program number d. Breakout session will be a webcast on Managers Behaving Badly, already approved for HRCI credit e. We’ll be using Bonton Bakery for breakfast items f. No sponsor g. Will there be students attending? h. Also have special promotion with GMA chapter for “The Oz Principle” program on 9/18/12 – will mention as part of announcements and bring flyer to chapter meeting. All JCHRMA members can attend their ½ day program for $49.

2. October Chapter Meeting a. Tuesday 10/9/12 b. Location is confirmed at WFD Center in Jefferson c. Speaker is confirmed – Jeff Russell from Russell Consulting will be presenting on Fearless Reviews, already approved for HRCI credit d. Breakout session of a performance appraisal comparison/panel will take place after the main program, being submitted for HRCI credit e. Do we have a sponsor?

3. November/Joint Program a. Have a phone call scheduled with Anne Pesik from Blackhawk to answer her questions about the last few year’s planning efforts.

4. December Chapter Meeting a. Speaker will most likely be Nancy Conway, who is the Field Services Director for our region. She will be presenting on the Future of HR.

5. March Chapter Meeting a. Working to confirm Cassy Van Dyke, who will speak on coaching.

6. General Programming a. Was any decision made on using Google Docs or a similar web-based storage site? Due to a small turn out at the meeting, this was not discussed. b. Got an email from Habitat for Humanity…there are 4 volunteer opportunities if we’re still interested: September 22 & 29, October 20 & 27. Are we interested? After discussion, it was decided that we have met our volunteer commitment for the year.

Membership Bring handout for members on the punch card initiative. About half of our members from last year have renewed. There are 4 new members so far. Any members that indicate they would like to volunteer on their renewal form will be personally called and asked where they would like to volunteer. Julie is keeping a list of volunteer opportunities. Jon and Pati will make the calls.

Student Liason – No update

Certification – no Update

Secretary – Monica is working on a list of ideas to use for recertification.

Workforce Readiness and Diversity – No Update

Bob motioned to adjourn the meeting, Tiffany seconded, all in favor. Next meeting will be on Monday October 1st, Hi-Way Harry’s, 4:45.

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