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Great Basin College s31

Great Basin College JOUR 290 Internship in Journalism Spring, 2010 Syllabus – 3 Credits

Course Call Number: 14036

Instructor: Wyoming Rossett

Class Meets: 12 hours per week. Hours to be mutually arranged by student and work supervisor. Any hours missed, must be made up in a following week.

Location: TBD

Instructor Phone: 753-2119

Instructor Fax: 777-7758

Instructor Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Mon: 11:00 – 1:00 Mon: 4:00 – 5:00 Tues: 2:30 – 4:30 Other times by appointment

Catalog Description: Limited to students interested in a career in broadcast journalism. To participate, students must fill out an internship application, meet with an intern advisor, and interview with internship sponsor and instructors. Interns will not be compensated and hours will be determined by enrollment credits. (12 hours per week will earn 3 credits.)

Course Format: Students enrolled in this course will be working at a non-television broadcast, journalism or broadcast journalism facility or company. (Students interested in a television internship should enroll under COM 196.) They will meet with the Internship Advisor (a GBC faculty member) at least three times during the semester. They will document their learning experiences and compile a portfolio of items developed during their work that will later be essential in securing employment in the broadcasting or journalism industries. Goals/Objectives/Learner Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student will: 1. Have fundamental work experience in Broadcast Technology or Journalism. 2. Have a portfolio of at least three items commonly submitted with a resume when seeking employment in Broadcasting or Journalism. These items may be any combination of the following: o A demo reel of the intern’s announcing or news reporting skills o A demo reel of the intern’s radio production skills o Broadcast news or commercial production scripts authored by the intern o Press releases, flyers, brochures, photos, data-sheets or other materials created as assigned work 3. Have a general understanding of the day-to-day operations of a radio station. 4. Be competent and confident working independently using the skills developed during the internship.

Measurements of Learner Outcomes: Students will keep a log, writing a paragraph about their workplace activities and reflections once a week. These will be turned into the Internship Advisor at the specified times in the Course Schedule on page 4 of this syllabus.

The intern’s work supervisor will complete a mid-term evaluation form and a final evaluation form and send them to the Internship Advisor.

The intern will also complete a mid-term evaluation form with questions designed to elicit progress towards goals, evaluate satisfaction and correct any problems the student may be having for the second half of the internship.

The student will write a double-spaced 3 page paper before the end of the semester describing issues such as the working conditions of the job, a narrative summary of responsibilities that bring events mentioned in the logs to life, factors that were appealing or unappealing about the internship, areas of concern for their host organization and whether they will still consider this type of work after graduation. This will be submitted and evaluated by the Internship Advisor.

At the end of the internship, the intern must submit a portfolio to the Internship Advisor containing at least three items demonstrating work accomplished during the internship. (For more details see the previous section, “Goals/Objectives/Learner Outcomes: Item #2.)

Assessment Method Learner Outcomes Student Log 1, 3 Student Mid-term Evaluation 1, 3 Supervisor Mid-term Evaluation 1, 3 Supervisor Final Evaluation 1, 2, 3, 4 Final Paper 1, 3, 4

2 Portfolio 2, 4

Instructional Methods: The intern will be mentored and instructed by their work supervisor and will learn to carry out work assignments, work independently, contribute to the host organization, adhere to an established work schedule and complete duties in the shortest practical time. The Internship Advisor will serve as an ombudsman to the intern and make recommendations to the student for succeeding in obtaining a fulfilling occupational experience. The student and Internship Advisor will meet a minimum of three times during the semester. More meetings will be arranged if desired. The student will turn in a copy of their logs at these meetings and other times specified in the Course Schedule on page 4 of this syllabus.

Required Materials: There is no required textbook this for course. The student will be required to keep a logbook to record weekly activities and reflections. They may also wish to purchase a suitable portfolio container to keep their original work in to present to the internship supervisor at the end of the semester and to prospective employers.

Grading Criteria: Grades will be computed according to the following formula:

Student Log 20% Student Mid-term Evaluation 10% Supervisor Mid-Term Evaluation 10% Supervisor Final Evaluation 20% Final Paper 20% Portfolio 20% 100% Attendance Policy: Students will work a minimum of 12 hours per week at their host organization in order to earn 3 credits. The proposed work schedule will be agreed upon by the work supervisor and the intern at the beginning of the semester and the intern must strictly adhere to it as any professional employee would. Excessive lateness or absenteeism cannot be tolerated. Interns are responsible for calling their supervisor when being late or absent is unavoidable and must make up the hours in a subsequent week. Weekly time sheets must be filled out by the intern, signed by the supervisor and submitted to the Internship Advisor with the logs that the intern writes.

Services for Students with Disabilities Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Students with Disabilities Office, located in Berg Hall, will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. For more information or for further assistance, please call 775-753-2271.

3 Academic Honesty Misconduct Misconduct, as defined and established in NSHE Code, Title 2, Chapter 6, Section 6.2.2 (q) is as follows:  Acts of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, falsifying research data or results, or assisting others to do the same. Plagiarism Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words, ideas, or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references, and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the student will acknowledge the source whenever: • Another person’s actual words are quoted. • Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words. • Facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge. A nationally recognized plagiarism software may be used to check student work. Cheating Some examples of cheating are: • Recycling (using material generated for one class in another class). • Using electronic devices inappropriately. • Using unapproved notes. • Unapproved discussion between classmates. • Having others represent you in class—attend class for you, do work in your place, take exams. • Having others do your work.

4 Course Schedule:

Week of Topic Jan. 25 Internship Advisor Meeting Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Internship Advisor Meeting Logs and Time Sheets Due Mar. 1 Mar. 8 Mar. 15 Supervisor Midterm Evaluation Due Mar. 22 Spring Break – Interning Optional Mar. 29 Internship Advisor Meeting Logs and Time Sheets Due Student Midterm Self-Evaluation Due Apr. 5 Apr. 12 Apr. 19 Apr. 26 Logs and Time Sheets Due May 3 May 10 Supervisor Final Evaluation Due The day of Logs and Time Sheets Due May 19 Final Paper Turned In Portfolio Turned In

5 Great Basin College Broadcast Technology JOUR 290: Internship in Journalism Application

Name: ______Student ID # or SS #: ______

Address: ______


Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

E-Mail: ______

Emergency Contact: Name: ______Relationship: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______

Proposed Internship Semester:  Fall  Spring  Summer Year: 20______

Education (include Great Basin College if currently enrolled):

Name/Location Dates Major Graduate? Degree or GPA # Credits High Y or N School College Y or N

College Y or N

Work/Volunteer Experience (list last job first):

Organization Address Phone Dates Job Title Name

6 High School or College Courses in Broadcasting, Communication, Journalism, Media or a Related Field:

Course Title: Hours/Credits: Grade:




An intern must work a minimum of 12 hours per week at their host organization. Please list all the days and all the hours you are available (more than 12) so a mutually agreeable schedule can be worked out between the organization and different intern applicants.




Honors and Awards: ______



Extra Curricular Activities/Hobbies: ______



What are your career aspirations? ______


Do you have any special skills related to this internship? ______



7 Student Signature: ______Date: ______

8 Great Basin College JOUR 290: Internship in Journalism Supervisor’s Mid-Term Evaluation Due the Week of March 15, 2010

Student ______Phone:______

Supervisor/Mentor: ______Organization: ______Phone: ______

Your assessment of the intern’s performance and progress up to this point in the semester will be used in discussions between the student and the faculty internship advisor. We also encourage the mentor to have a full discussion with the intern about each rating on the form and to seek the intern’s views as to how the experience with the mentor and the host organization is working for the intern. This is an opportunity to exchange valuable feedback and ensure that the second half of the internship is a valuable experience for both.

Area Rating Comments 1. Attendance □ Beyond the call of duty □ Regular □ Some excused absences □ Sporadic, unprofessional 2. Productivity □ Produces more than expected □ Produces average amount of work □ Produces just enough to get by □ Insufficient for duties 3. Promptness □ Always prompt with assignments □ Generally prompt with assignments □ Often late with assignments □ Usually late with assignments 4. Accuracy □ Work is always accurate and complete □ Work sometimes contains errors □ Work frequently contains errors or is incomplete □ Accuracy or completeness of work is unsatisfactory 5. Neatness □ Work is extremely neat □ Neatness is satisfactory □ Neatness is below standards and needs improvement □ Neatness is unsatisfactory for a professional work environment 6. Technical Skills □ Has excellent grasp of technical skills needed □ Lacks a grasp of some skills, but is working to improve □ Much more work is needed in improving technical skills □ Technical skills are unacceptable for this job 7. Comprehension/ □ Quick and eager to understand new Willingness to Learn ideas □ Average comprehension of new ideas and methods, accepts direction □ Slow to comprehend new ideas; needs improvement in willingness to learn new concepts. □ Does not show interesting willingness to learn new concepts 8. Teamwork □ Good team worker, cooperative with others □ Average team worker □ Difficult to work with, but makes attempts □ Does not work well with others 9. Client Relations □ Deals well external clients or sources □ Deals acceptably with others □ Deals poorly with others □ Does not attempt to work with external clients or sources 10. Attitude □ Welcomes criticism, uses it to improve □ Accepts criticism, but doesn’t heed it □ Doesn’t accept criticism well □ Rejects criticism, becomes defensive 11. Appearance □ Outstanding and neat in appearance □ Meets standards of job □ Needs to improve dress and grooming □ Unprofessional for job 12. Overall □ Excellent Evaluation □ Good/Above Average □ Average □ Below Average □ Poor

Additional Comments: (optional)

Supervisor/Mentor Signature:______Date: ______

Student/Intern Signature: ______Date: ______

Faculty Internship Advisor Signature:______Date: ______10 Great Basin College JOUR 290: internship in Journalism Mid-Term Self Evaluation Due the Week of March 29, 2010

Student: ______Date: ______Host Firm/Supervisor: ______

1. What classes or skills and concepts acquired through your education have been the most benefit to you so far during this internship?

2. What are some additional classes that might have better prepared you for this internship?

3. Describe any specific projects you are working on. Are any of these projects substantially different from what you expected to be doing?

4. How do you believe the host organization is benefiting from your involvement?

5. How are you benefiting from the internship experience?

6. Is there anything that you would like to be learning/doing at your internship experience that you are not being given the opportunity to try?

7. Please describe any problems that you would like assistance from either your work supervisor or internship advisor.

11 Great Basin College JOUR 290: Internship in Journalism Supervisor’s Final Evaluation Due the Week of May 10, 2010

Student ______Date: ______

Supervisor/Mentor: ______Organization: ______Date: ______

Your assessment of the intern’s performance and progress during this internship is needed to assist us in determining the intern’s final grade for this course. Factors that will influence grade determination include: improvement between the student’s Midterm Evaluation and this Final Evaluation; the student’s Midterm Self-Evaluation; the intern’s weekly logs; and the intern’s report paper and portfolio. We ask that you, the mentor, have a full discussion with the intern about each rating on the form and to seek the intern’s views as to how this internship experience was successful or could have been improved.

Area Rating Comments 1. Attendance □ Beyond the call of duty □ Regular □ Some excused absences □ Sporadic, unprofessional 2. Productivity □ Produces more than expected □ Produces average amount of work □ Produces just enough to get by □ Insufficient for duties 3. Promptness □ Always prompt with assignments □ Generally prompt with assignments □ Often late with assignments □ Usually late with assignments 4. Accuracy □ Work is always accurate and complete □ Work sometimes contains errors □ Work frequently contains errors or is incomplete □ Accuracy or completeness of work is unsatisfactory 5. Neatness □ Work is extremely neat □ Neatness is satisfactory □ Neatness is below standards and needs improvement □ Neatness is unsatisfactory for a professional work environment 6. Technical Skills □ Has excellent grasp of technical skills needed □ Lacks a grasp of some skills, but is working to improve □ Much more work is needed in 12 improving technical skills □ Tech. skills are unacceptable for this job 7. Comprehension/ □ Quick and eager to understand new Willingness to Learn ideas □ Average comprehension of new ideas and methods, accepts direction □ Slow to comprehend new ideas; needs improvement in willingness to learn new concepts. □ Does not show interesting willingness to learn new concepts 8. Teamwork □ Good team worker, cooperative with others □ Average team worker □ Difficult to work with, but makes attempts □ Does not work well with others 9. Client Relations □ Deals well external clients or sources □ Deals acceptably with others □ Deals poorly with others □ Does not attempt to work with external clients or sources 10. Attitude □ Welcomes criticism, uses it to improve □ Accepts criticism, but doesn’t heed it □ Doesn’t accept criticism well □ Rejects criticism, becomes defensive 11. Appearance □ Outstanding and neat in appearance □ Meets standards of job □ Needs to improve dress and grooming □ Unprofessional for job 12. Overall □ Excellent Evaluation □ Good/Above Average □ Average □ Below Average □ Poor

13. What were the intern’s greatest strengths?

14. In what area could the intern improve?

13 15. Did the intern meet your expectations? If not, please, comment.

16. In your opinion, did the intern have the training and skills necessary to succeed in this experience? If not, how could GBC have better prepared the intern?

17. Please use this space for any additional comments you have as an internship supervisor/mentor.

18. This space is for any comments from the intern about the internship itself or any ratings on this form. (optional)

Supervisor/Mentor Signature:______Date: ______

Student/Intern Signature: ______Date: ______

Faculty Internship Advisor Signature:______Date: ______

14 Great Basin College Intern Time Sheet

Intern Name: Supervisor: Week of:

Date Start End Time Total Any Hrs. Date Time Hrs. Needed to Makeup Makeup Hours Completed


Intern Signature:______Date: ______

Supervisor Signature:______Date: ______


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