For Consultancy Services for Raising of Wala Dam

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For Consultancy Services for Raising of Wala Dam


Central Tender NO (204/2013) For Consultancy Services For Raising of Wala Dam ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

Dear Sirs,

Kindly find attached here with 10 pages of clarification for inquiries submitted by interested bidders in participating in the above mentioned Tender. This addendum can be downloaded from GTD website (

This addendum shall be considered as an integral part to the tender documents.

Eng. Mohammad AL-Zoubi Chairman of Central Tenders Committee Acting Director General copy: HE Jordan Valley Authority Secretary General Biddings Director Water Head Section Monitoring Unit Director Secretary Unit Director Tender File No(204/2013)

Tenderers Queries Consultancy Engineering Services for Raising of Wala Dam

Central Tender No. 204/2013

Q 1: Please indicate a tentative start date for the services.

A 1: The Employer shall issue the first notice to proceed within (30) start days from the date of signing the Agreement (Item 1.4.5 “Beginning of the Agreement & Notice to Proceed” Page 10 of Contract Document .

Q2: The TOR mentions dam heightening as a means to raise the full supply level (FSL), thus increasing storage of surface water for groundwater recharge. However, within certain limits the rise of FSL might not require dam heightening. Since the TOR mention “the dam was built considering a future rising of about 15” please clarify:

- Are the 15m to be considered the upper bound of dam heightening for analysis?

- What is the minimum FSL level rise that we should consider for analysis?

A2: It is mentioned in the design & Contract documents of the existing Wala Dam that, the height of the existing Wala Dam could be raised by 15m up to FSL 535 m.a.s.l., The duty of the Consultant of the awarded Offer is to carry out all required Investigations, analysis, design....ext, to verify the possible safe height for raising which could be 15m, more or less then the FSL should be determined.

Q3: The TOR indicated that reservoir retain only 8.3MCM at EL.520 m.asl not 9.3 MCM. Why?

A3: Because of sediment accumulation.

Q4: Please provide a list of data that will be supplied by the client.

A4: All the available data, documents and drawings for the existing Wala Dam construction stages and for the operation and& maintenance period will at the disposal of the awarded Offer.

2 Q5: Appendix A-A3-The scope of works does not foresee any resident team on site. Please clarify what do you intend by “site organization chart”.

A5: The Site Organization chart means the Consultant staff Names & positions which will work at the Site or at the home office.

Q6: Appendix C-Criteria for Technical Evaluation: What is the minimum acceptable score for items I, II and III respectively?

A6:The acceptable minimum score will be fixed by the Central Technical committee of (GTD), the acceptable minimum score for Item 1 is to have at least applicable experience in design and feasibility study for (one large earth fill dam & one large RCC dam), refer to Appendix C page 44 last paragraph.

Q7: Please provide a few as built drawings of existing dam, for offer preparation.

A7: Refer to the answer of Q4.

Phase A: Q8- Task2 Field reconnaissance: will JVA facilitate to the Consultant any eventual River Basin Master Plan data and GIS databases for the Wala dam catchment? A8- JVA will provide the awarded Offer with all available River Basin Master Plan data and GIS databases for the Wala dam catchment (if any).

Q9- Shall the consultant receive from JVA any available GIS database of the existing water resources, to be used as a starting point for this task? A9- The available data will be provided to the awarded Offer (if any).

Q10- Item c- Will any topographic or bathymetric surveys carried out in the reservoir be available? A10- The topographic surveys included in the tender documents for the construction of the existing Wala dam will be provided to the awarded Offer.

Q11- Item f –how many Wadi diversions are there and how many should be considered? A11- This is within the scope of work of the Consultant.

Item g- storage curves Q12- Is this for the complete reservoir from dam foundation, or just for the new reservoir range between the present and the future dam crest levels? A12- The Consultant should verify the reservoir curves for area & capacity which are included in the tender documents for the construction of the existing Wala dam and to extend them up to the targeted FSL.

3 Q13- Please confirm the requirement of “at 1 cm intervals”. A13- “at 1 cm intervals” confirmed.

Q14- Task 15- in which coordinate system does JVA require the deliverables? A14- The coordinate system will be (PG) Palestinian Grid .

Q15- Task 16- will the cadastral data be provided by JVA in digital editable format? A15- ALL available survey data included in the tender documents of the existing Wala dam will provided to the awarded offer.

Q16- Task 19- Has a dam- break study been performed in the past for the original Wala dam? A16- No.

Q17- Task 28-Who is the international Donor? A17- UNCC

Q18- Irrigation project- please clarify the degree of accuracy of the survey of 16000 Dunums. A18- The survey of the 16000 dunums must be accurate to the level required to produce a design which meets the International Standards for such irrigation projects. Q19- II.7.3 Contract price: a provisional sum for Geotechnical Site Investigations and laboratory testing is given as 120000 JD on page 4 and 100000 JD on page 7. Please clarify which value must be considered. A19- The value of 120000 JD to be considered.

Phase B: Q20- III.2 Scope: the TOR mentions “Final Design “but also “Detailed final Design”. It is not clear. A detailed design (for construction) is normally done only after all construction and equipment supply contracts are awarded and these stakeholders are mobilised, so the Engineer can detail the final design (previous stage, for public permits and launching of tenders) based on the effective geological conditions found on site, as well as on equipment loads and dimensions given by suppliers and not on estimates. Please clarify the degree of detail required for phase B deliverables. A20- The required final design & the detailed final design are the same, which means the deliveries of (detailed design criteria, detailed construction drawings) for all components of the structure which is the essential part of the Tender Documents.

Q21- III.2.1.1 notes –the TOR often mentions the use of RCC although this is not explicitly requested. It might not be cost effective to mobilize an RCC batching plant for the given RCC volume if the dam rising is of 15 m or less. This remains to be studied. Please confirm that CVC could be an option.

4 A21- RCC or CVC option could be adopted subject to the design which must guarantee safety, stability and integrity of the structure in accordance to the International Standards, taking into consideration the cost and construction time.

Q22- III.2.1.1 notes- Has the existing spillway been studied in hydraulic model tests in laboratory? Will the Consultant receive the key reports of such tests as part of the basic data set transmitted by JVA at start of the contract? A22- Yes.

Q23- Item 23- is there are public database of the sources 0f potential contaminants (waste disposals, industry, agriculture, etc,)? Is this information available in sort of River Basin Master Plan? In GIS? Will the consultant receive such information from JVA? A23- “Delineation of Surface Water Protection Zones for the Existing Wala Dam” carried out by MWI & BGR in January 2009 will be provided.

Q24- Following the pre-bid meeting and the site visits held last Thursday and Sunday respectively and in the best interest of the project, we would like to ask for an extension of the offer submittal deadline, until the 28th February 2014. A24- Refer to addendum No.2.

Q25- Since The Southern Ghor Pipe line will be involved in the irrigation project which is part of the required TOR , kindly provide us with the data such as the design, lay out or any relevant information . A25- The available data will be provided to the awarded Offer (if any).

Q26- Please furnish us with more details regarding the scope of the design of irrigation. A26- Refer to page (26) of the TOR “The works comprises the following”.

Q27- Please clarify if the design of the irrigation includes full development of the farming land, or the design is already developed and hence, irrigation network only needed. A27- The scope of work included full development of the farming land & irrigation network.

Q28- Page 26 of the TOR-Table 1, the total area for irrigation fodder is mentioned 16000 dunums, while the total area of A1,A2,B1,B2&B3 is greater than 21 dunums, please clarify. A28- The area required for irrigation fodder is best suitable 16000 dunums of 21000 dunums.

Q29- What is the required category for the RCC Specialist/Dam Specialist? A29- RCC Specialist/Dam Specialist category I.

Q30- Details(Maps in suitable scale) for the location of Wadi Wala and Wadi Heidan as referred in TOR. A30- All maps which are available during the construction of the existing Wala Dam will be provided to the awarded Offer.

Q31- Time Extension (3 weeks). 5 A31- Refer to addendum No.2.

Q32- Would it be possible to extend the submission due date specified in the addendum with additional two weeks? A32- Refer to addendum No.2.

Q33- Please confirm the amount of the Provisional Sum allocated for the geotechnical investigations and laboratory tests ,since in page 7 of the RFP ,the amount is 100000 JD, whilst in page 30, the amount is 120000 JD. A33- The value of the provisional sum is 120000 JD.

Q34- Please confirm the area of irrigated land to be designed ,since in item 3 of “The works comprises the following “ page 26 of the RFP, the area is specified at 16000 dunums, whilst the summation 0f area In Table 1 of the same page is 21725 dunums. A34- Refer to A28.

Q35- Please specify the contour intervals for the surveys requested for the irrigated area, as well as the extent of survey scope of work. A35- Refer to Q 18.

Q36- Since the irrigation engineer will be responsible of full design for irrigation system for the area, please reconsider the man-month allocated for the said expert ( 2 man-month for Phase A&1 Man-Month for Phase B). A36- The allocated MM for both phases is enough.

Q37- Would it be possible to provide us with the available GIS data (shape files )such as coordinates ,pipe line, land use ,soil type,...etc A37- The available data will be provided to the awarded Offer (if any).

?Q38- Which kinds of location maps are available for the project area (Reservoir area (complete - Properties downstream of Wala Dam - Location of recharge wells - Location of groundwater observation wells - .A38- Refer to addendum No.2

Q39- Please indicate scales, accuracies, instates and dates of establishment, other .particulars as relevant .A39- Refer to addendum No.2

?Q40- Which kinds of topographic maps area Regional maps covering western border at Dead Sea and reservoir area ---Reservoir - (complete and up to at least 550m ASL Maps covering the area between Wala Dam and Heidan well field-

6 Detailed maps for Wala Dam area including abutments and up and down stream - .(reaches(up to at least 550 m ASL .A40-- Refer to addendum No.2

Q41- Pleas indicate scales accuracies institutes and dates of establishment, link to .which global topographic grid, other particulars relevant .A41- Refer to addendum No.2

Q42- We assume that as- built drawings are available for existing Wala Dam Reservoir .A42- Refer to addendum No.2

?Q43-Which kind of hydrological data are available for existing Wala Dam Reservoir Reservoir inflow- (Precipitation on reservoir (if any - Withdrawal to recharge wells - Release via spillway - (Infiltration from reservoir (as estimated - (Data concerning reservoir sedimentation (inflow rates, levels, etc - .A43- Refer to addendum No.2

Q44-Please indicate measuring frequency or intervals, accuracy. Start/end of .mentoring periods, completeness of data series, and other particulars as relevant .A44- Refer to addendum No.2

?Q45- which kinds of data are available for observation wells Groundwater levels- (Parameters for water quality (please specify, if any- Any other parameter monitored- .A45- The available data will be provided to the awarded Offer

Q46- please indicate types of measuring devices, measuring frequency or intervals, accuracy, start/end of monitoring periods, completeness of data series, other particulars as relevant. A46- The available data will be provided to the awarded Offer.

Q47- which kinds of data are available for usage in the cost estimate and economic analysis? -Civil works unit rates (including rates for RCC) -Rates to estimate the value of costs benefits (value of water used for various purposes) A47- The cost of the construction of the Existing Dam (2002 year) is available, the duty of the Consultant is to seek and collect value of water used for various purposes from concerned parties.

Q48- please indicate source, accuracy, possible limitation, other particulars as relevant.

7 A48- It is the duty of the Consultant.

?Q49- Hydraulic calculation available for the spillway- for the bottom outlet- for the pipeline and recharge wells- .A49- Existing Dam Design Report will be provided to the awarded Offer

Q50- As -built documentation available? -Grout curtain  Long section with geology

 Grout take per m

-Rock fill abutment sections  Type of rock fill, grading ,zoning ,compaction

 Settlements during construction

 Other monitoring- piezometers, earth pressure cells etc.

-RCC central section

 Zoning of RCC ,inc ,facing concrete

 Mix designs and actually achieved parameters(strength/deformation)

-Geology  Sections

 Layout WPT

 Bore-logs

 Geological and Hydro geological 3Dmodel

-Hydraulic steel structure A50- All the available (data, quality reports & tests, monitoring of the instruments, as built drawings) for all components of the Existing Dam will be provided to the awarded Offer.

Q51- Post construction documents available? - Additional investigation

 At/near dam site

 Of aquifers

-Monitoring of dam  Measured earthquake accelerations 8  Settlements/ deformation of rock fill and RCC dam

 Piezometers

 Seepage

- Estimates for measurements of water infiltration at the dam /reservoir

- Underground water flow, quantity, direction

- Pumping of water from the aquifer(amount ,location ,depth..)

- Functioning of hydraulic steel structure .esp. .bottom outlet

A51- All available data pre, during and post the construction of the existing Wala dam will be provided to the awarded Offer.

Q52- As the bid document requires that the JV agreement be signed and Notarized at the time of tender, we need to know if it is possible to sign the JV form (provided in TOR) after award as the registration of the form in the Jordanian Notary requires NOVEC’s representative to travel to Jordan before the tender. Please advice. A52-You have to abide with the requirements of Tender.

Q53- We understand from the TOR that the requirement is a JV that is registered in Jordan but not a registered JV company. Please advice and clarify. A53- The Joint Venture of the (International Consultant Firm, or the Joint Venture of International Consultant Firms) with a Jordanian Consulting Engineering Firm should be registered in Jordan as a Joint Venture Company.

Q54- We kindly requested a 2 –week extension for the submission the proposal so as to prepare the JV agreement and arrange for submission. A54- Refer to addendum No.2.

Q55- The Southern Ghor conveyor will be involved in the irrigation project which is part of the scope of work, Kindly provide us with the southern conveyor design report , layout or any relevant information. A55- The available data will be provided to the awarded Offer (if any).

Q56- Since The Southern Ghor pipe line will be involved in the irrigation project which is part of the required TOR, kindly provide us with data such as the design ,lay out or any relevant information. A56- The available data will be provided to the awarded Offer (if any).

9 Q57-Regarding the Staff Requirements: In the Appendix B Classification of Staff, it is established that for Category I personnel must have AT LEAST 25 years of general experience. In page 46, NOTE 2, it is said that 30% of the marks for these positions will be directly related to the Qualifications and General Experience. The question is if a profile with less general experience than 25 years would be acceptable, loosing part of that 30% of the marks corresponding to his position, or if this could mean the rejection of the proposal.

A57- If the general experience less than 25 years, the proposed staff will be rejected.

Q58-A fixed amount of 120000 JD is established for geotechnical works and laboratory tests. If the final budget of these works is higher than this figure, we would like to know if JVA will take charge of the difference.

A58-This amount is provisional sum with sealing amount 120000 JD and the expenditure from this provisional sum is subject to JVA approval.

Q59-Could you explain us what costs must be considered in the column 8 "Overseas Allowances" of the Table (B-4) "Breakdown of costs"? Should it be considered as costs of non Jordanian staff (as per diem and flights) to develop tasks in Jordan, or as costs of non Jordanian people, different from those assigned in columns 3, 4, and 6, to be paid in their home country?

A59-The overseas allowance is the allowances paid extra for the member of the staff in addition to his salary in his country to work outside the country (if it paid by the firm) not what stated above in the question.

Q60-In order to have time to prepare the proposal with our usual level of quality, we would like to ask for an additional deadline extension of two weeks, complementary to the extension informed in Addendum 1.

A61- Refer to addendum No.2.

Q62-Due to the complexity of the project, we ask you to kindly extend the proposal preparation period and postpone the last date for submission of tenders (TOR, Section I.1) to 28th February 2014. We would highly appreciate to receive your positive answer by 27th January 2014. A62- Refer to addendum No.2.

Q63-In order to enable the Jordanian Firms (qualified as first grade, Class A in the field of roads, Water & Wastewater Sewerage) to affiliate with international firms, you are kindly requested to extend the submittal date for the a/m project by two additional calendar weeks, e.g. 26th Feb., 2014 instead of 12th Feb., 2014. A63- Refer to addendum No.2. Q64-Please furnish us with more details regarding the scope of work for the design of Irrigation.

10 A64-Refer to Q.26.

Q65-Please clarify If the design of the irrigation includes full development of the farming land, or the design is already developed and hence, irrigation network is only needed. A65-Refer to Q.27.

Q66-Page 26 of the TOR-Table 1, the total area for irrigation fodder is mentioned as 16000 dunums, while the total area of A1, A2, B1, B2 & B3 is greater than 21 dunums, please clarify. A66-The best suitable 16000 dunums should be developed.

Q67-What is the required category for the RCC Specialist /Dam Specialist? A67- Category I.

Q68- The qualification requested for ”Economist”, “Contract Engineer” & “Electromechanical Engineer” personnel from the local team as per Category II are a big challenge to find, especially the request of “at least 6 similar studies”. Would you please advice the possibility to reconsider this condition because the similar studies on dams are very limited in Jordan? A68- You have to abide with the Tender requirements.

Q69- With respect to the TOR. Section 1.3 Form of Performance Guarantee (Page 9); what is the level of the performance pond (in% of the Contract Value)? A69- Refer to page (10) Item 1.4.4- Performance Guarantee.

Q70- In the TOR, Special Conditions of the Agreement, reference is made on paragraphs 12b and 12f, these paragraphs cannot be found in the documents. Should the reference instead be to paragraphs 10b and 10f respectively? A70- Yes.

Q71- Since the date of the last submission of proposals has through Addendum 2 been postponed by 17 days. Dose this apply to the last date of submission inquiries? A71- The last submission of proposals has through Addendum 2 been postponed by 12 days, not 17days, and this is does not apply to the last date of submission inquiries.

Q72- Regarding the Insurance Policy. A72- The Insurance Policy should with a local Jordanian Insurance company.

Q73- Having in account that the Consultant could be a Joint Venture, will it be enough with each member providing their own Insurance Policy or will it be necessary to obtain a unique Policy in the name of the Joint Venture? A73- It is necessary to obtain a unique Policy in the name of the Joint Venture. 11 Q74- Since the Consultant will be a Joint Venture formed by both foreign and national companies, we kindly ask the Client to clarify who will invoice the Client, If (i) the leading member; (ii) each member for its own input in the Joint Venture; or (iii) the Joint Venture itself. A74- The Joint Venture itself who will invoice the Client.


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