Student Government Meeting Minutes

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Student Government Meeting Minutes

Student Government Meeting Minutes November 27, 2012

Call to order: 7:01 p.m. Attendance: Joseph Gibbons, Marc Tshimanyika, Spencer Brannon, Tiffany Fridley, Jennifer Barbadora, Abigail Galligan, Lauren Ouwerkerk, JB Saul, Matthew Harmon, Elizabeth Adebayo, Kenny Burr, Alexandra Williams, Isaiah Morales, Lindsey Hofmeyer, Matthew Burks, Brent Aebi, Jeremy Keller, Michael Nickels, Sukhmanjit Singh, Corban Robinson, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan, Jackie Kucirka, and Ryan Rushing. Minutes: Approved from November 13, 2012 Guest Speaker- Sarah Twill: After December 20, 2012, you will see changes to Pilot. The biggest change is that you can forward your Pilot emails to your Wright State email address. There is no longer a text heavy 3- columned page. There will be three tabs: Course info (course syllabus) Communication (discussion board), and Assessment (grades). The pilot system will be down at 2:00 p.m. on December 19th. It will be live in the afternoon on December 20th. All grades will roll over from the fall semester. If you need to contest a grade, by the latest on the 21st, you would be able to look at it. The dropped classes issue will hopefully be resolved in this new interface system. We apologize that this glitch did happen! If anyone still has a problem with this, please contact Sarah Twill (Email: [email protected]). Also, look for a short video on the new pilot. As a reminder, Course Studio will still be available to use. Public Safety Forum: It is important to have this open discussion due to past events on the campus: a student was hit by a car on a crosswalk and a student in the residence halls died of unknown causes. The student was taken to the hospital for head injuries.  In the House Legislation Committee, we recommend 4 different initiatives: high output LED lights at crosswalks, adding a half sign in the middle of the crosswalks (seen at the Greene etc), motion activated LED lights in the ground before the crosswalks & around pedestrian sign to the right of traffic (other campuses have used these—like JMU), and reflective piano patterns across the non- raised crosswalks (like the two by the Student Union).  Flashing light at crosswalk would grab the attention of drivers.  Safety in parking lots: Safety concern near Meadowrun pathway because it is blocked completely by trees. One suggestion is speed bumps at the Lot 4. Spencer suggests a vote on speed reducers on the far side of Lot 4. Rachel Fagan seconds this vote. All those in favor- unanimous As a Student government, we recommend speed reducers to be on the far side of Lot 4.  Further initiatives: o Collaboration with CSAC and USAC regarding our decision. o More speed reducing bumps in the Residential Areas o C-Store: Improvement of the speed bumps already there. o Considering more lighting where students walk on regular basis. o Educating first year students on safety. Looking to do a safety forum for all first year students. Maybe we can include this in orientation. o Increase the response to changing light bulbs on walkways o More wellness checks for residential students. . Remember that peer and networking groups cannot be always assumed. . Idea for an alert button for students that live by themselves.  Suicide Hotline System: Current system needs an update. This should be anonymous.  Safety within Classrooms: Severe health incident, please dial 911 and/or 2111 (campus police). We will look into changing the signs in classroom.

Sukhmanjit tables discussion. Spencer seconds. In favor (9 senators) : Brent Aebi, Jeremy Keller, Michael Nickels, Sukhmanjit Singh, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Rachel Fagan, Jackie Kucirka, and Ryan Rushing. Opposed: 0

The Public Safety Forum will be put under old business. Reports Executive Board  President- In the past two weeks I have met with several administrators. I met with Jackie McMillan and the Provost about the ‘Wright State Runaround’ (which should be fixed by Raider Connect.) I had a meeting with Dr. A about the Medical Sciences renaming. The past two days, I have had the pleasure of sitting on the Dining Services Committee. Next Thursday with RCA, there will be an open forum based on meal plans (see announcements for further details).  Vice President- The Sg polos have come in! We are short 3 Medium Ladies shirts. Make sure to sign off on the sheet after you have received yours. Also indicate if you have the right size. I am working with Reyes/Corbit on the DVD kiosk and ensuring its compatibility. I attended the Presidential Lecture Series and the Board of Trustees meetings. We will not have a senate meeting this week. We will have mandatory one- on- ones. Please fill out the ‘when is good’!  Chief of Staff- Joey. Isaiah and I have worked on a finalized Student government brochure and powerpoint. It is general and visionary. You can share these with anyone! I attended the Board of Trustees (academic, finance/audit, student affairs). I ordered the business cards at last! They should arrive sometime towards the end of this year, and before next semester. I wrote the article for The Guardian expressing our condolences and advertising our public forum on safety. Joey and I met with Dr. A and I met with Robert Sweeney regarding the renaming of Medical Sciences. These new suggestions should be discussed on the Feb 2nd Board of Trustees meeting and will be in time for our signage initiatives. I met with Robert Hickey about the I-675 Bridge. He appreciated the Student government feedback and will pass it on to the appropriate people. The projected construction date is the end of 2013.  Chief Justice- I am currently working with Ryan Rushing to solidify the intern program and to determine where the changes in the bylaws need to be made. We are writing a resolution to lower the number of signatures necessary from 100 to 50 signatures. Hopefully this will get more people involved and interested in the position. I am working on setting up a meeting with Gary with regard to changes to the constitution and bylaws. Be on the lookout for a resolution soon!  Director of Internal Affairs- I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are ready to finish out this school year! Thanks to everyone for diligently clocking their hours! This week is reports week, so please send these if you have yet to do so. The past week, I have worked with Ryan on interviewing for the University College Advisory Council. I am very excited with the potential this council has after some awesome interviews. I will continue to help with this as I can. I will also be working on the budget this week, as well as minutes and reports. I am continuing the work on the office organization of resolutions, agendas, and minutes.  Speaker of the House- We have been working on performers, catering, and snacks for the House Party. Tomorrow at 5:00 pm is the deadline for organizations to register for the House Party (January 16th from 11-2 p.m.). Please do it under “Student Government” if you are registering your DSAB/DSAC. We attended a meeting about OES (Ohio Entertainment Services) about the security at events and issues people are having with security guards/costs. We are working on a safety resolution for this semester and making recommendations to a committee on the progress on all of this. I have also been working on applications for next year’s Speaker and Assistant Speaker of the House. Cabinet  Asst. Speaker of the House- We are updating the budget with SFC. I am also updating the printing request budget. Printing services recently changed their form for printing. We are in the process of updating attendance for HOR too.  Secretary of the House- I am currently putting the safety resolution together for the House Legislative Committee (see initiatives in public safety forum).  Director of Academic Affairs- With the pilot issue, they do not know if it will be resolved in the update. I plan on holding a semester forum. If you have any ideas, please email me. I am also going to look at an associate application, also. I attended the Board of Trustees meeting. The provost search is on full swing. Dr. Sudkamp wants to have upperclassmen mentor first year students/second year students in program. There is a new scholarship program for new applicants where they are automatically considered for all of the scholarships. Raider Connect is successful so far!  Director of Disability Affairs- I attended the committee meeting regarding the bathroom location for unisex bathrooms. We are discussing a new PA center also. I am looking at past resolutions regarding this initiative and contacting the past Director of Disability Affairs.  Director of Campus Culture- Last week I spoke with Dr. Baird about some projects. One of my projects is a ‘White T-shirt Affirmation Day’, where everyone wears shirts and people write affirmations on them. I am currently working on the diversity video also. We are starting to record next week. If you are interested, contact Lola. The plan is to have this presented next semester, over a week long time period. The purpose is to learn more about each other.  Director of International Affairs- I have the interview set up for the associates. We should have a candidate very soon. I have edited the guides; they are almost done. We are still in contact with Zip Car and getting some answers on the program. As a further point, if you have groups interested, Ice skating at Riverscape is opening up this weekend! A great idea!  Director of Public Relations- We do have a Student government powerpoint and brochure now! I am working with Kyle on logos for his Commuter student events. I want to start updating the Facebook page daily. It would be nice if everyone would share statuses every once and a while. It would be nice to get a new Sg picture as well!  Director of Student Affairs- An update on Raidersgiving is that 22 people showed up for this. Everyone that attended also went home with breakfast for the next day. Many students were very gracious for this event! This was a huge success! The replacement event for the Bus to Butler event is the “Raider Roundup.” We have DJ 4 Seasons, a blow up maze, sumo wrestlers, and a blow up obstacle course! We are using the first hour as a team bonding with the Rowdies (4:00 pm for us!). We are still in the process of recruiting the cheerleaders, Rowdies, etc. to come out!  Director of Web and Communications- While we were discussing the dual monitors in the office and the budget allocations, all of the good monitors were sold out of ESPM. We will be considering their options over the next few weeks. Some students approached me about the search engine for I contacted Marc Anderson at Communications and Marketing. There are no plans to work on this currently. Hopefully this will update eventually in the future. I have met with Lola to work on promoting student orgs. Org Sync is listed on the Student Activities page. We would like Org Sync to be advertized on WINGS. JB will bring this to the attention of Student Activities. Senators  Boonshoft School of Medicine- I would like to thank President Gibbons on his help during our loss of computer labs at the School of Medicine. We discussed professionalism in the medical field in a committee meeting. I am also working on collecting feedback on a recent course we have finished. I will be working with Riyad regarding the committee on a Student Curriculum Focus Group to see if there is an interest in this.  College of Education and Human Services- The estimate for the printing center still in the works. We are still determining whether all of the costs are covered by their estimate.  College of Engineering and Computer Science- I submitted a report for the coffee station issue. An ADA compliance issue is being worked on in our college. Wednesday, November 28th in 292 Joshi from 6-7 an engineering program will be taking place.  College of Liberal Arts- I attended the Board of Trustees as well as the Dining Services meeting. I have been gathering data for students that are locked out of classes. We are working with our new dean as well.  College of Nursing and Health- The DSAB has finally been brought together and we have welcomed some new students as well! We are hoping to get ready for next semester and hit the ground running. Great improvements in communication have been seen as a whole in the Nursing School. Many administrators have considered student suggestions on courses as well as suggestions to the Dean. I am seeing a ripple effect from other students coming together on a coalition to present their own case on coursework/tests. Student input as a whole has increased.  College of Science and Mathematics- I have worked on editing a letter Spencer sent me for the Blood Drive to get food. As a college, we are working on the Bagel Drop for Faculty and staff. I will be meeting with advisors and co-chair regarding the next semester. I have talked to COSM students about resolution for technology in classrooms.  Commuter Senator: I am still working on Finals Survival. I am working on food for this event. We are doing a questionnaire for this as well that I am working on. I have sent emails regarding the piano stripes on crosswalks and will hear back on this soon.  Graduate School Senator: I am still in contact with Rob Kreutzer regarding GA/TA parking. I have talked to Lindsey regarding the retention forums. I am interested in partaking in these. I have contacted other Graduate senators of various universities to see what they have been working on/their issues.  Raj Soin College of Business- Thanks to Joey for coming to our meeting for our fashion show! He had wonderful ideas for us! We are still working out the kinks for that. We are having a case competition that is open to student participation, where students can decorate cases to win scholarships. I will update you on an application for this. I am also working on a Business School calendar to place outside/inside of classrooms.  Residential Senator- I was able to meet with Dan Bertos and Lola to discuss her ideas to spread diversity awareness for the residents. Due to the change in RCA meeting times for the next semester, the associate for Residential Life is no longer necessary.  University College- The past week or so, I have held many interviews for the UC Student Advisory Council. I have one more applicant to interview this week. I met with Gary to discuss the details of the internship program. Gary is working on the internal issues for the most part. I am working with Tiffany on the wording for the internship application and University College senator requirements. I have also sent some emails regarding speaking at Admission events. Committee Reports:  Enrollment Management (Kyle): Springfield Learning Café- Some member would be assigned to increase literacy. “How do I apply/When do I apply?/How do I survive college?  Woods Commons Building (Jackie/Joseph): All of the funding is paid for regarding the Woods Commons Building. We have been sitting in meetings over the past two days regarding the new building. This is something the companies are going to bring in and design for us. Keep open minded!  Board of Trustees (Spencer): Lola was brave enough to attend Finance/Audit committee of Board of Trustees. Students were able to listen to bonds as they were issued. Dr. Politiko allowed students to share in the University’s Investment Portfolio. Great learning experience! We discussed changes to the formula for state funding. A university like Wright State would be based on course completion, not graduation rates (considering our large number of non-traditional students).  UC Lead Advising Committee (Ryan): We are looking to keep advising open on Fridays. The Provost wants it to be under appointment only. This will be addressed in the University College Student Advisory Council.  UCAP (Matthew H.): This committee has drafted direct admission standards for each college. For those of you that sit on an academic committee, please send me any academic updates! It is difficult to meet with the overall committee and not know about the other subcommittees below.  Academic Petitions Committee (Joseph): I was very disappointed in how students were treated and how the faculty’s word was taken over the students’ in many circumstances. Report Discussion:  Matt: Please look into buying computers.  Raider Roundup Wed, January 9th (5-7 pm) Please come at 4!  Meal Plan Forum next Thursday at E163  292 Joshi 6-7 p.m. Wednesday: Engineering Panel Public Forum:  Please bring Gifts/Toys/Hygiene products by Saturday. Please put them in a box in the Sg office labeled Donations!  Academic Petitions: generally grade decisions/make final decisions.  Committees: Committees of faculty and staff allow Student government representatives to sit on the committees. Feel free to voice opinions before our students attend meetings. Rowdy Bobblehead Award: Brent Aebi to Ryan Rushing. I have been impressed with his can-do attitude even before he was a Student government member. New Business: Matt Harmon limits discussion to 5 minutes. Ryan Rushing seconds.  Resolution 12-06: Many professors prohibit laptops, graphing calculators. Does this inhibit learning?

Ryan Rushing moves to approve discussion. Samantha Young seconds discussion.  The more and more I am talking to students, they think it should still be faculty discussion. There is a professor that takes 10 points off per cellphone/ failure for a laptop. Many disciplines vary widely.  Woods Commons Building- I had a meeting with Dr. A. He requested that we have a discussion regarding both Food services/common spaces (12-15000 square area like 2 gymnasiums; 8000 square feet left over after offices).  Food services/ Commons Space: Some ideas were a Starbucks and Subway on campus. A buffet was suggested as well. The Sports Bar idea went over very well. Woody’s Bar and Grill is a great idea. There is no place like this for students on campus for students. On base, there is an arcade. Rachel closes speaker list. Brent seconds.

Rachel moves to table. Corban seconds. Senators in favor (8): Brent Aebi, Michael Nickels, Sukhmanjit Singh, Corban Robinson, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan, and Ryan Rushing. 0 Senators: Opposed  Please email Jackie ideas for New Business  Board of Trustees Attendance: o Lola, Sukhmanjit, Marc, Spencer, Joey, Matthew H.  Presidential Lecture Series o Lola, Rachel, Marc, Sukhmanjit, Joey, Isaiah, Kyle Advisor Reports: none Announcements:  Student Leadership Recognition Reception: opening Org Sync nomination. You can nominate people for these awards.  Student Legal Services: Thursday at 4:00 pm.  Friday: 12-5 p.m. World Aids Event (Sig Ep) in Atrium—pizza, HIV awareness, HIV testing on Monday. Video currently circulating on Facebook. Check it out!  Monday: 10:00 a.m. Undergraduate Building and Grounds Committee  December 14th: Board of Trustees meeting  Any upcoming events: send to Isaiah and Spencer  Fill out when is good links!  Group Me is emergency only.  Meal Plan Discussion--E 153 next Thursday (6-7 p.m.)  Madrigal Dinner—13th to the 16th. You can buy your tickets in the Student Box Office.

Jeremy moves to end meeting. Samantha seconded. . All in favor (11 senators): Brent Aebi, Jeremy Keller, Michael Nickels, Sukhmanjit Singh, Corban Robinson, Samantha Young, Kyle Powell, Josh Hilgefort, Rachel Fagan, Jackie Kucirka, and Ryan Rushing. All opposing: 0 senators Adjournment: 9:07 p.m.

Student Government 2012- 2013 Members: Executive Board o President- Joseph Gibbons o Vice-President- Marc Tshimanyika o Chief of Staff- Spencer Brannon o Chief Justice- Tiffany Fridley o Director of Internal Affairs- Jennifer Barbadora o Speaker of the House- Abigail Galligan Cabinet o Assistant Speaker of the House- Lauren Ouwerkerk o Secretary of the House- JB Saul o Director of Academic Affairs- Matthew Harmon o Director of Campus Culture- Elizabeth Adebayo o Director of Disability Affairs- Kenny Burr o Director of International Affairs- Alexandra Williams o Director of Public Relations- Isaiah Morales o Director of Student Affairs- Lindsey Hofmeyer o Director of Web and Communications- Matthew Burks Senate o Boonshoft School of Medicine Senator- Brent Aebi o College of Education and Human Services Senator- Jeremy Keller o College of Engineering and Computer Science Senator- Michael Nickels o College of Liberal Arts Senator- Sukhmanjit Singh o College of Nursing and Health Senator- Corban Robinson o College of Science and Mathematics Senator- Samantha Young o Commuter Senator- Kyle Powell o Graduate School Senator- Josh Hilgefort o Raj Soin College of Business Senator- Rachel Fagan o Residential Senator- Jackie Kucirka o University College Senator- Ryan Rushing

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