May 2016


№ Issue Where/contact person/comments Who 1 Coordinate the cooperation with Askhobiddin Zebo Muhabbat va oila: [email protected]  Approve the monthly 2 385242 articles  Make the 2nd tranche payment by November 2016 2 Follow up on the letter (sent Supreme Court-the executor is not yet defined. Zebo 13.05.16) to the Supreme Court on the launch of the Public Court Cases 3 Follow up on the establishment of Zebo the coordination platform.  Email was sent to various INGOs and UN agencies. 4 SMS Notification: Jurat-TCELL for any technical questions: Olamafruz  Send out monthly 937820707 Zebo reminders to partners for Our number used for SMS-notifications: 939900405 sending the numbers of Website: their clients. Login: Helvetas  Update the database PW: Helvetas123456 electronically and save the consent forms in the folder under each PO.  Send out the 10 messages + the intro message to the new numbers.  Make sure to send out the messages to the undelivered/expired numbers again

1 May 2016

 Purchase sms-packages as per necessity  Follow up on the contract with TCELL 5 Monitor Registry Offices every The list of contact details is attached Zebo three months and try to eliminate problems. 6 Update HELVETAS website User: [email protected] Zebo whenever necessary PW: zebonazhmedinova Login through

7 Media Impact study: Zebo Follow up on the advertisement team ending on June 1.2016 8 Follow up on the letter sent to MoJ 2273879 Farangis Zebo for promoting our legal videos Zafar Muhiddinov –her boss through Tajik Air and Somon Air 935021890 airplanes  MoJ sent an official request with our CDs to the Ministry of Transport 9 Semi-annual report: info is ready. Zebo  Select photos from the Project Archive 2016: Comp/D:/Photos 2016 10 Translate the short article on Family /Youth Day events from Eng to Russ and TJ 11 Follow up the Plan of Zebo Implementation (attached) 12 Pamoja Update whenever [email protected] Zebo necessary 13 Domain and hosting of Регистратор доменов GET.TJ [email protected] Zebo Anastasiya

2 May 2016

14 NWRM Project: prepare Zebo information boards.  More info from Marian/Shoira 15 Information materials for Jamilya Yusupova Zebo AgroMarkets Project: Jamilya Mirsaidova  Leaflets, etc  Editing the Information Bulletins 16 Update Organigram whenever necessary

3 May 2016

Main Contact Details 1 Printing House Contrast Nigina, Manager, 918463232 LLC_Contrast 2 Printing House Promotion Firdavs, Manager, 936000606 3 PDV Nigina, Communication Officer, 918152441 [email protected] 4 Total Advertising Group/Usto-Design Firuz, Director 900713535 [email protected] 5 KTM Daler, Director 919190082 Daler Mamadalibekov 6 TV Safina Dilshod, Manager 901806556 935390018 [email protected] 7 TV Khatlon The right guy 918508704 8322231182 Ziyodullo Rahimov [[email protected]] 8 TV Badakhshon Sarafmo, Director 919262657 n/a 9 TV SM-1 Akram, Director 927778950 Акрам Урунов

4 May 2016

1 Radio Sadoi Dushanbe Surayo Shujoat, Radio-journalist 0 935136404 Сурайё Шуджоат 1 Newspaper Muhabbat va oila Askhobiddin, Editor 1 919036315 [email protected] 1 Ziyo Operator, 917688584 2 'Зиё Восихов' 1 HELVETAS FB Account E-mail Account [email protected] 3 password: helvetaspassword

1 Printing House Farozmand [email protected] 4  They owe us 1500TJS to be used for Nazarbek 918613711 AgroMarkets Project in the near future. BJ, JY, UK are informed.

Список ЗАГС-ов 1 УАГС Чалоллидин Рахимов 907820072 УАГС Директор 2231371 2 Сектор ЗАГС-а района Шохмансур Шаходат Акбаровна 918485455 3 Сектор ЗАГС-а района Турсунзаде Лайло Абдуллоева 951940630 4 Сектор ЗАГС-а района Гиссар Нисо Чумахонова 918503334 5 Сектор ЗАГС-а района Сино Курбонова 917040477/2373546 6 Сектор ЗАГС-а района Фирдавси Адиба 915038732

5 May 2016

7 Сектор ЗАГС-а г. Курган-тюбе Саодат 917753535 8 Сектор ЗАГС-а г. Куляб Зиннатбиби 918634565 9 Сектор ЗАГС-а Истаравшан

1 Сектор ЗАГС-а Исфары 0 1 Сектор ЗАГС-а района И. Сомони города Душанбе Сайфулло 1 1 Сектор ЗАГС-а Шугнанского района Рухсора 2 934403734 1 Сектор ЗАГС-а города Хорог Зарина Имроншоева 3 935877447 1 Сектор ЗАГС-а района Рудаки Асадов Умед 4 904020522 1 Сектор ЗАГС-а Хатлонской области 5 .