1. Understanding and Managing Bears

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1. Understanding and Managing Bears

5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words 1. Understanding and Managing Bears adapted from the National Park Service

At one time, bears were widespread across the United States. However, threats such as habitat loss and unregulated hunting greatly reduced the areas where they can be found. Thanks to conservation efforts, brown bears and black bears are making a comeback. However, they remain limited by the availability of suitable habitat. The lack of suitable habitat continues to affect the polar bear, the grizzly bear in the lower 48 states, and the Louisiana black bear. All of these bears are considered threatened by the federal government. In many cases, national parks provide core habitat that is essential for bear populations. Park staff engage in bear management to ensure healthy and sustainable bear populations. Bear management activities range from wildlife protection to habitat restoration to conservation research. Decisions about how to manage bears require knowledge about many aspects of bear biology, behavior, and movement in a specific location. Bears are a vital part of natural ecosystems of national parks and other wild places. Bears are considered ecosystem engineers. This means they have the ability to change their environment. Through their foraging habits, bears spread plant and berry seeds in their droppings. They spread marine- derived nitrogen into the forest surrounding salmon streams.Bears are important links in food webs. They help maintain populations of deer and other prey species. Scientists from the National Park Service, along with people from other agencies and institutions, collect and analyze data about bears. Scientists now know more about conservation and management of bears. Not only are there differences between bear species, there are also differences between bears of the same species in different places. Bears adapt to their environments and can learn from experience. The behavior and survival strategy of a bear that has never encountered a human will be different from a bear that lives in close proximity to human developments. Science helps people understand specific biological and behavioral needs of bears. Management helps ensure that bears will be a part of the national park experience for many generations to come. Directions: Select the correct text in the dictionary entry. Read the following sentence from the passage. Bears are important links in food webs. Which dictionary definition best applies to the meaning of links as it is used in paragraph 3?

1 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words link \ˈliŋ(k)\ noun 1. a loop 2. a connection 3. a connecting rod with a hole 4. a torch to light the streets

2. Understanding and Managing Bears adapted from the National Park Service

At one time, bears were widespread across the United States. However, threats such as habitat loss and unregulated hunting greatly reduced the areas where they can be found. Thanks to conservation efforts, brown bears and black bears are making a comeback. However, they remain limited by the availability of suitable habitat. The lack of suitable habitat continues to affect the polar bear, the grizzly bear in the lower 48 states, and the Louisiana black bear. All of these bears are considered threatened by the federal government. In many cases, national parks provide core habitat that is essential for bear populations. Park staff engage in bear management to ensure healthy and sustainable bear populations. Bear management activities range from wildlife protection to habitat restoration to conservation research. Decisions about how to manage bears require knowledge about many aspects of bear biology, behavior, and movement in a specific location. Bears are a vital part of natural ecosystems of national parks and other wild places. Bears are considered ecosystem engineers. This means they have the ability to change their environment. Through their foraging habits, bears spread plant and berry seeds in their droppings. They spread marine- derived nitrogen into the forest surrounding salmon streams.Bears are important links in food webs. They help maintain populations of deer and other prey species. Scientists from the National Park Service, along with people from other agencies and institutions, collect and analyze data about bears. Scientists now know more about conservation and management of bears. Not only are there differences between bear species, there are also differences between bears of the same species in different places. Bears adapt to their environments and can learn from experience. The behavior and survival strategy of a bear that has never encountered a human will be different from a

2 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words bear that lives in close proximity to human developments. Science helps people understand specific biological and behavioral needs of bears. Management helps ensure that bears will be a part of the national park experience for many generations to come. Directions: Select the correct text in the dictionary entry. Read the following sentence from the passage. Bear management activities range from wildlife protection to habitat restoration to conservation research. Which dictionary definition best applies to the meaning of range as it is used in paragraph 2? range \ˈrānj \verb 1. to vary within limits 2. to move around in an area 3. to take a position 4. to grow in a particular area

3. Understanding and Managing Bears adapted from the National Park Service

At one time, bears were widespread across the United States. However, threats such as habitat loss and unregulated hunting greatly reduced the areas where they can be found. Thanks to conservation efforts, brown bears and black bears are making a comeback. However, they remain limited by the availability of suitable habitat. The lack of suitable habitat continues to affect the polar bear, the grizzly bear in the lower 48 states, and the Louisiana black bear. All of these bears are considered threatened by the federal government. In many cases, national parks provide core habitat that is essential for bear populations. Park staff engage in bear management to ensure healthy and sustainable bear populations. Bear management activities range from wildlife protection to habitat restoration to conservation research. Decisions about how to manage bears require knowledge about many aspects of bear biology, behavior, and movement in a specific location. Bears are a vital part of natural ecosystems of national parks and other wild places. Bears are considered ecosystem engineers. This means they have the ability to change their environment. Through their foraging habits, bears spread plant and berry seeds in their droppings. They spread marine-

3 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words derived nitrogen into the forest surrounding salmon streams.Bears are important links in food webs. They help maintain populations of deer and other prey species. Scientists from the National Park Service, along with people from other agencies and institutions, collect and analyze data about bears. Scientists now know more about conservation and management of bears. Not only are there differences between bear species, there are also differences between bears of the same species in different places. Bears adapt to their environments and can learn from experience. The behavior and survival strategy of a bear that has never encountered a human will be different from a bear that lives in close proximity to human developments. Science helps people understand specific biological and behavioral needs of bears. Management helps ensure that bears will be a part of the national park experience for many generations to come. Directions: Select the correct text in the dictionary entry. Read the following sentence from the passage. In many cases, national parks provide core habitat that is essential for bear populations. Which dictionary definition best applies to the meaning of core as it is used in paragraph 1? core \ˈkor\ noun 1. the most important part 2. the innermost part 3. a set of subjects 4. a vertical space

4. bass /'bas/ n. a: a type of edible spiny-finned marine or freshwater fishes bass /'bAs/ n. a: the lowest voice part in a 4-part chorus b: the lower half of the whole vocal or instrumental tonal range c: the lowest adult male singing voice; also, a person having this voice d: a member of a family of instruments having the lowest range

4 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words bass /'bas/ n. 1: a coarse tough fiber from palm trees or plants

Which sentence uses the noun bass as it is defined in the first dictionary entry? A. The bass only has four strings compared to the guitar which has six strings. B. Barry was given the honor of singing bass at the recital. C. The limit set by the game warden was two bass per boat. D. Doug has played bass for over ten years and is an excellent musician.


I wish I could see what is in the safe, but I don't know how to open it.

Which sentence uses the same definition of the word safe? A. The umpire called the runner safe at home plate. B. My family locks the doors at night to feel safe. C. Helmets and pads keep the football players safe. D. The robbers wanted the money in the safe.


Jack rose to the top of his class through hard work, lots of studying, and patience.

What is the meaning of the word rose in the sentence above? A. to want to be good B. a flower C. to rise or to become D. to do well


When you get your first job, someone will train you to do the work correctly.

5 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words

In the sentence above, the word train means A. shout. B. teach. C. money. D. locomotive.


When the teacher gave out the exam, he told the students not to tear the seal and begin until he had read them the instructions.

What is the meaning of the word tear in the sentence above? A. to run fast B. to open C. to be sad D. to cry


The trip was taking too long, and Yancy was eager to get out of the car and soak up some sun.

What is the meaning of the word trip in the sentence above? A. to fall down B. a journey C. a person who is clumsy D. to move fast


The hunter pulled an arrow quickly from the quiver on his back.

6 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words

In this sentence, the word quiver means A. to move quickly and quietly in the woods. B. to shake or move with trembling motions. C. a camping pack filled with extra water. D. a case for holding objects shot with a bow.


After running five miles, Joy lumbered up the stairs to rest.

What is the meaning of the word lumbered in the sentence above? A. logs that are used for fire B. to walk heavily and slowly C. to saw logs for the market D. to pile together in disorder

12. close /'klOz/ v. a: to block against entry or passage b: to bring to an end or period c: to conclude discussion or negotiation about close /'klOz/ n. a: an enclosed area b: narrow passage leading from a street to a court and the houses within or to the common stairway of tenements c: a road closed at one end close /'klOs/ adj. a : being near in position or time

Which sentence uses the adjective close as it is defined in the third dictionary entry?

7 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words A. Please close the refrigerator door after you get your food. B. The city had to close the street to finish the construction. C. I always hear sirens because I live close to the fire station. D. I wanted to close the conversation, but she kept talking.


My teacher's icy stare told all of the students to be quiet.

Which sentence uses the same definition of the word icy as the sentence above? A. His icy manner made people stay far away. B. The streets were icy after the snowstorm. C. The vegetables froze in the icy refrigerator. D. It was a very icy day on November 24th.

14. Directions: Select the correct text in the passage. Choose the word in the passage that also means "to make a fake copy in order to deceive." Middle Ages Fair Last weekend I went to a Middle Ages fair. People were dressed in old- fashioned clothing. The fabrics had a silvery gloss to them.There were horses decorated in royal colors and knights in suits of armor. I bought a big turkey leg to snack on; it was such a bargain at just $2.00! At the end of the day, I watched a silversmith forge a ring. It was an interesting way to spend the weekend. But, honestly, I'm glad I live in modern times!


Dena and Ron were a good match because they both liked the same kind of movies.

What is the meaning of the word match as used in the sentence above? A. a contest B. a type of theater

8 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words C. a similar pair D. a stick used to start a fire


Before Josh left his grandmother's house, he gave her a peck on her cheek.

What is the meaning of the word peck in the sentence above? A. a quick, light kiss B. to strike with a bill C. a large, round hole D. to eat in small bites


Sam had to present a lecture to the rest of the class, but he was nervous.

What is the meaning of the word present in the sentence above? A. later B. to give C. now D. a gift


The substitute teacher had to call the roll and make sure all the students were present.

What is the meaning of the word roll in the sentence above? A. a list of names B. a special song C. a type of bread D. a turning motion

9 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words


All the books in Gigi's backpack made it as heavy as lead.

Which sentence uses the same definition of the word lead as the sentence above? A. Campers have guides to lead them. B. These roads lead to New Orleans. C. The men lead in the popular vote. D. The cannonball was made of lead.


I almost lost the check that my parents gave me to pay for the book sale.

Which sentence uses the same definition of the word check? A. The students switched papers, so they could check each other's answers. B. My dad looked sad when he wrote a check to pay the electric bill. C. After you sweep the patio, you can check that chore off your list. D. The teacher was able to check the homework quickly and give out the grades.


Zoey sat on the left side of her best friend, who sat beside Doug.

Which sentence uses the same definition of the word left as the sentence above? A. There was nothing left inside the house. B. Claire left her room clean and spotless. C. The magician held a coin in his left hand. D. Early morning, Jack left for his vacation.


10 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words

I learned to tie many kinds of knots when I was in Girl Scouts.

Which sentence uses the same definition of the word tie? A. My dad's colorful tie looked funny with his black suit. B. I wish there was a winner for the game, but it was a tie. C. Be sure to tie the dog's leash to the fence, so it won't run away. D. The runners finished the race so close together that it was called a tie.

23. Directions: Select the correct text in the passage. Choose the word in the passage that also means "to skip over." Middle Ages Fair Last weekend I went to a Middle Ages fair. People were dressed in old- fashioned clothing. The fabrics had a silvery gloss to them.There were horses decorated in royal colors and knights in suits of armor. I bought a big turkey leg to snack on; it was such a bargain at just $2.00! At the end of the day, I watched a silversmith forge a ring. It was an interesting way to spend the weekend. But, honestly, I'm glad I live in modern times!


The creek wound around the forest.

The meaning of the word wound in this sentence is A. lost. B. hurt. C. cut. D. turned.


On the balcony, Jules used a fan to cool herself down.

Which sentence uses the same definition of the word fan as the sentence above?

11 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words A. The fan luckily found a way to meet the celebrity. B. Luckily, she had a fan in her purse for hot days. C. The singer had to fight through the crowd of fans. D. Fans lined up and down the street for autographs.


We drank so much lemonade that I had to refill the pitcher 4 times.

What is the meaning of the word pitcher in the sentence above? A. a photograph or drawing B. a person who throws a baseball C. a container for drinks D. a type of lemon


Basil was stunned by the rock and felt lightheaded.

In this sentence, the word stunned means A. to shock with loud noise. B. causing great disbelief. C. to make dizzy with a blow. D. something that is excellent.


Yvette was so bright that everyone wanted to study with her for the test.

In the sentence above, the word bright means A. clean. B. intelligent.

12 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words C. shiny. D. polished.


The book was mine even though I let Terry borrow it.

The word mine in this sentence means A. a way of speaking without talking. B. an explosive in the ground. C. belonging to me. D. to listen.


At the ball, all the couples danced to classical music.

In this sentence, the word ball means A. a part of the foot. B. a social dance. C. a round object. D. a smart person.

31. present /'pre-z&nt/ n. a: something given, as a gift present /'pre-z&nt/ adj. a: now existing or in progress b: being in view or at hand present /pri-'zent/ v.

13 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words a: to bring or introduce b: to introduce socially c: to bring (as a play) before the public d: to make a gift to; to bestow formally

Which sentence uses the verb present as it is defined in the third dictionary entry? A. I worked many hours making a special present for my dad for Father's Day. B. Please understand that I cannot answer your questions at the present time. C. The present was wrapped in shiny paper and large colorful ribbons. D. In this speech, I will present some facts that I found during my research.


Gerald was a sharp kid and raised his hand before anyone else.

The meaning of the word sharp in this sentence is A. cutting. B. easy. C. hard. D. smart.


All the fruit was on sale at the grocery store, so I bought a pound of apples.

Which sentence uses the same definition of the word pound? A. My family rescued our new dog from the city pound. B. The builder has spent a long time trying to pound a nail in with a hammer. C. The hungry kids pound their utensils on the table. D. According to the scale, I have gained only one pound since last month.


14 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words wind /'wind/ n. a: a natural movement of air of any velocity, especially the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally b: an artificially produced movement of air c: musical wind instruments, especially as distinguished from strings and percussion

wind /'wInd/ v. a: turn completely or repeatedly about an object b: to encircle or cover with something pliable; bind with loops or layers

c: to cause to move in a curving line or path

Which sentence uses the verb wind as it is defined in the second dictionary entry? A. Once the kite caught the wind, it flew higher in the sky. B. Jodie was a great musician with wind instruments like the flute. C. The wind blew off Craig's hat, and it tumbled down the driveway. D. If you wind the music box, it will play a beautiful song.


Jam covered the entire top layer of the pancakes.

In this sentence, the word jam means A. to join in a music session. B. to block a new message. C. a food with fruit and sugar. D. a very difficult situation.


When I came to a fork in the road, I wasn't sure which path to follow, but I chose the one that went north.

What is the meaning of the word fork in the sentence above?

15 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words A. an eating utensil B. a community C. a division D. a sign


He thought the content of the story was clear, but he read it again anyway.

What is the meaning of the word content in the sentence above? A. happiness B. calm C. ideas D. affection


At my birthday party, my parents gave the guests cake, ice cream, and fruit punch.

What does the word punch mean in the sentence above? A. a type of drink B. a blow with a fist C. to stamp like paper D. to give a gift

39. tear /'tir/ n. a: a drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion tear /'ter/ v. a: to separate parts of or pull apart by force

16 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words b: to divide or disrupt by the pull of different forces c: to remove by force tear /'ter/ n. a: damage from being torn; especially a hole or flaw made by tearing

Which sentence uses the verb tear as it is defined in the second dictionary entry? A. You have to tear your eyes in order to put the contacts in. B. The new shirt that Linda bought had a tear under the arm. C. Rodrigo couldn't tear himself away from his work long enough to pay attention. D. There were so many tears shed when Hank finally left, but they were tears of joy.

40. Read the dictionary entry below for the word mine. mine /'mIn/ 1: pronoun that which belongs to me 2: n. a pit in the earth from which mineral substances are taken 3: n. an encased explosive that is placed in the ground or in water and set to explode when disturbed 4: v. to get (as ore) from the earth 5: v. to dig into for ore or metal

Which definition represents the meaning of mine as used in the sentence below?

I know you forgot to bring your markers, but you can use mine.

A. definition 2 B. definition 1 C. definition 5 D. definition 4


I will have to read the sign next to the door in order to know whose room this is.

Which sentence uses the same definition of the word sign?

17 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words A. You should always sign your name at the bottom of a friendly letter. B. The students talked loudly even though a sign in the hall said “Quiet please.” C. My aunt knows how to sign, which lets her talk to deaf people. D. Get your parents to sign the permission form, so you can go on the field trip.


The painter uses the little brush to make his final strokes.

In this sentence, the word brush means A. a quick and light touch. B. a device with short hairs. C. a feather worn on a hat. D. an area with little growth.

43. Read the dictionary entry below for the word bow. bow /'bau/ 1: v. to stop resisting; submit; yield 2: v. to bend or curve downward 3: v. to incline the head or body to acknowledge applause bow /'bO/ 4: n. a weapon used to propel an arrow 5: n. a knot formed by doubling a ribbon or string into two or more loops

Which definition represents the meaning of bow as used in the sentence below?

Kenna likes to bow to the audience after the play is over.

A. definition 1 B. definition 2 C. definition 5 D. definition 3

44. Which meaning of the word pinch is used in the following sentence?

18 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words

My grandfather told me to pinch my pennies just to be safe.

A. to limit the spending of money B. to press between two objects C. to squeeze something painfully D. to cause to appear very thin


Derrick was so tall, he had to duck or else he would hit his head on the door frame.

What is the meaning of the word duck in the sentence above? A. an animal found in water B. a game where people gather in a circle C. to target something moving D. to get out of the way

46. lead /'lEd/ v. a: to guide on a way especially by going in advance b: to direct on a course or in a direction c: to serve as a channel for lead /'led/ n. a: a heavy, soft, bluish-white metallic element found mostly in combination and used especially in pipes, cable sheaths, batteries, solder, and shields against radioactivity b: a thin stick of marking substance in or for a pencil

Which sentence uses the noun lead as it is defined in the second dictionary entry? A. The lead in the pencil had been worn down to the eraser. B. Felix wanted to lead the tour but was too sick to do so. C. Grant took lead of the expedition.

19 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words D. Great leaders always lead the way.

47. Read the dictionary entry below for the word fair. fair /'fer/ 1: adj. pleasing to the eye or mind, especially because of a fresh, charming, or flawless quality 2: adj. not stormy, as weather 3: adj. free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism 4: adv. in a just or honest manner; by the rules 5: n. an exhibition with entertainment and amusements

Which definition represents the meaning of fair as used in the sentence below?

If you do not play fair, then you will be thrown out of the game.

A. definition 1 B. definition 3 C. definition 5 D. definition 4


The cowboy spurred the horse to chase after the stray cows.

In this sentence, the word spurred means A. a pointed device. B. to urge into action. C. to put spurs on. D. a railroad branch. Answers 1. -- 2. -- 3. -- 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. B

20 5 Language and Vocabulary Multiple Meaning of Words 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. -- 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. -- 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. D 33. D 34. D 35. C 36. C 37. C 38. A 39. C 40. B 41. B 42. B 43. D 44. A 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. B


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