Minutes of the Meeting of the Empowered Committee for Pmgsy
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Participating States: Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal
A regional review meeting of PMGSY for East Zone was held on 29th & 30th September, 2014 in Patna, Bihar under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary (RC) & DG, NRRDA. The list of participants is at Annexure-I.
On the first day, State-wise progress and item-wise review through presentation (Annexure II) was carried out. On the second day, the specific inputs from STAs, SQMs, SQCs and NQMs were discussed in the meeting. Representative from Zydex and BitChem presented a detailed presentation on “Zydex Nanotechnology” and “CRRI-Bitchem Cold Mix Technology” respectively to encourage the States to use these cost effective and “green technologies”, in the construction of PMGSY roads.
At the outset, Dr. S. Siddharth, Secretary, RWD, Govt of Bihar, welcomed Shri Shrawan Kumar, Hon’ble Minister, Rural Works, Bihar, Shri Rajesh Bhushan, Joint Secretary (RC) & DG, NRRDA, other officials from MoRD, NRRDA and State representatives and expressed gratitude on behalf of the State Government for having been given an opportunity to organize the Regional Review Meeting of PMGSY at Patna.
Joint Secretary (RC) & DG NRRDA welcomed Shri Shrawan Kumar, Hon’ble Minister of Rural Works, Bihar and other participants. He informed that the Regional Review Meeting (RRM) would discuss various issues relating to implementation of the PMGSY like pace of implementation, quality, maintenance, execution/ absorption capacity, OMMAS etc. The meeting would also provide platform for sharing the experiences of the best practices adopted by the States as well as problems faced by them during execution of works. He hoped that the meeting would be mutually beneficial for the Ministry and the States in ensuring smooth implementation of the programme. He emphasized the necessity of maintaining prescribed quality and the need for regular maintenance of the assets already created under PMGSY. He further advised all the States to review the pending PMGSY works on a case to case basis and ensure their physical completion and financial closure in a time-bound manner.
1 JS(RC) & DG, NRRDA underlined the fact that the 4 east zone States are of critical importance to the success of PMGSY, because:-
(i) Out of the total eligible habitations, 40.66% eligible habitations are in these 4 States.
(ii) These 4 States have so far achieved only 50.71% connectivity of eligible habitations.
(iii) 49 out of 88 IAP districts, are concentrated in these 4 States.
(iv) 44.19% of the total programme allocation for PMGSY in 2014-15 would flow to these 4 States.
(v) Out of total releases of Rs.8,305.12 crore made to States till August, 2014, Rs.3,797.05 crore have been released to 4 East Zone States (45.72%).
He asked the States to formulate and send the monthly completion plan for incomplete roads based on realistic assessment of field and other conditions. Slow pace of completion and less expenditure is a cause of concern in all the States. He requested the States to fix the targets of PIUs, contractors for achieving the progress in terms of no. of road works as well as length to be completed in each month and share the steps taken and progress achieved in this regards, with the Ministry/ NRRDA also. The PIUs must review progress with contractors on a regular basis and SEs must review progress with PIUs.
He further underlined the importance of maintenance and suggested that States should move towards having a dedicated Maintenance Policy for Rural Roads. Personnel in SRRDAs should be earmarked for maintenance functions like quality not below the level of Superintending Engineer. This would ensure that the high investment made in creation of road assets is protected over the entire designed life of such roads.
Joint Secretary (RC) informed all the participating States about “Swatch Bharat Abhiyan” to realize Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a clean India. A nationwide campaign has been initiated by all Ministries and Departments from 25th September, 2014 and special events would be organized on 2nd October, 2014. He further informed that under PMGSY, all States are constructing good quality rural roads with first five years maintenance built in the construction contract itself. Ministry has issued detailed Advisory on 24th September, 2014 to all States to keep PMGSY roads, road furniture and bridges/ culverts clean. He requested all the States to organize meetings at the level of SRRDA and / or PIUs with contractors responsible for
2 carrying out the maintenance so that necessary man and material are mobilized in a campaign mode. Comprehensive annual action plan of the State for maintaining these activities throughout the year should be finalised and shared with the Ministry. Contractors should also be encouraged to engage local community in such maintenance works.
Hon’ble Minister, Rural Works, Bihar thanked Ministry of Rural Development, GoI for organizing the Regional Review Meeting at Patna. He mentioned that in Bihar, rural roads have been constructed under PMGSY as well as other State Schemes. For better quality control mechanism, every PIU has been provided mobile phone, Tablets etc. Inspections are being uploaded on website. No. of PIUs has increased. He informed that all incomplete road works sanctioned prior 2011 to Bihar under PMGSY would be completed by December, 2014. He further informed that DPRs of 5000 km are ready with State and they are planning to submit it to MoRD. He also requested MoRD to release Programme as well as Administrative Fund to the State, for timely completion of road works.
Director (Technical) informed that inconsistency in unconnected eligible habitations and cleared habitations in respect of all the States were found and it was agreed that the State of Bihar will submit all the revised core network maps and tables including all habitations of 100-249 by end of November, 2014. Before submission of any further proposals already sanctioned habitations will also be mapped on relevant proposals by December, 2014 including those for NEAs. The relevant data in case of Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal will be corrected on OMMAS by 31st October, 2014 including habitations of 100-249. However, in case of West Bengal a response from MoRD would be sent to the State Government indicating that all habitations of 1000+ and 500+ have already been sanctioned in the last Phase to the State during 2013-14.
Secretary, RWD, Govt of Bihar informed that DPRs of 5000 km are already ready with the State and the State is planning to submit in three lots to MoRD for clearance after scrutiny by STAs (1st lot by November, 2014, 2nd lot by December, 2014 and 3rd lot by March, 2015). Director (Technical) advised the State that before sending the DPRs for clearance to MoRD, State must update habitation master / core network data including mapping of roads on OMMAS, Secretary, Bihar assured that this activity will be completed by end October, 2014. He further informed that the target of the State is that by March 2015, all new connectivity works under PMGSY-I be got sanctioned and therefore, from 1st April 2015 benefits of PMGSY-II can be availed.
3 Director (Projects-I) requested all the participating States to review the pending PMGSY works to ensure their physical completion and financial closure. The States agreed to concentrate on the clearance of pending final bills of the contractors and financially closing the works on the OMMAS, which have been physically completed.
Director (Projects-I) underlined that execution capacities of States needed to be enhanced by filling up all vacant positions in PIUs and by providing necessary trainings to PIU engineers and contractor’s engineers, OMMAS reporting should be on real time basis and timelines fixed for completion of road works should be adhered to. He emphasized the need to take adequate and prompt follow-up action on the PMGSY implementation issues, public grievances and complaints particularly those relating to quality and maintenance of road works, in the States.
Regarding Pavement Condition Survey (PCI), Director (Projects-I) advised all the participating States to complete the survey and upload it on OMMAS on regular basis. He further advised atleast 10% of PCI survey data must be cross verified by the STAs. States should conduct PCI survey once in two years for all roads in DRRP. PCI would help the States to plan in a scientific manner the upgradation and the maintenance of road works. Joint Secretary (RC) advised that the States can implement this activity through outsourcing, if required. They can also procure necessary equipments for this purpose from World Bank funding under RRP-II (T.A. Component). Assistance is being provided to all the States, for “Procurement of Survey and Laboratory Equipments” for strengthening of labs, from the funds available under TA component of World Bank Rural Roads II Project. Secretary, RWD, Govt of Bihar informed that they are planning to procure PCI survey equipments from CRRI.
Director (Projects-I) reminded all the participating States regarding releases of the required maintenance funds as per the signed contracts to SRRDA bank a/c and also its full and timely expenditure. States are required to ensure timely release of maintenance funds to SRRDA and full expenditure on this account. States should ensure that the roads constructed under the PMGSY are maintained properly. Adequate funds for this purpose must be provided in the budget of the State Govt. The real benefit of roads starts after 2 to 3 years of construction and if the serviceable road is not available at that stage, it will defeat the whole purpose of providing connectivity. It was also emphasized that a Nodal person should be designated under each PIU to monitor maintenance activities.
4 Director (Technical) presented State-wise status of Clearances since inception of PMGSY till August, 2014. He advised all the States to correct the online data such as year of sanction and for each Phase, Value in Crores, No. of Roads, No. of Bridges and Length etc on OMMAS. The States should reconcile the year of sanction for all road works, as it appears that year of sanction reported on OMMAS is not in accordance with the year mentioned in the clearance letter issued by the Ministry. Engineer-in-Chief, RWD, Bihar, Chief Engineer of Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal assured that the activity will be completed by 31st October, 2014.
All States were advised by Director (Projects-III) regarding the importance of proper planning for SQM’s inspections of work (twice at least during construction, and once after completion). He further requested all States to co-operate and create an authentic road list of all roads in the State in the prescribed format to enable better analysis on Maintenance Management System and also creation of a GIS. They were advised to reconcile the road list with the figures given in Indian Statistical Abstract (ISA). States were also advised to crash the time-limit for Action Taken Report (ATR) period to about 1 month, as the corrective actions on road works cannot be afforded to be delayed beyond a month. States should designate an officer not below the rank of Superintending Engineer as SQC.
Director (Projects-III) further informed that NQMs are reporting very high percentage of unsatisfactory works whereas the SQMs are grading the same works as satisfactory. States were asked to make their SQMs more quality conscious and also suggested the State to go in for institutionalised quality monitoring of the roads.
Director (Projects-III) also informed that if completed roads are graded unsatisfactory by NQM/ SQM then it is structurally unsafe. Hence, the full cost of such roads should be borne by the State and the sanctioned cost of the corresponding phase/ batch shall be reduced accordingly.
Director (Projects-II) discussed Training Programmes conducted during the years 2013-14 and 2014-15 (upto August’ 14). He advised all the States to nominate the requisite officers for the training programmes conducted through IAHE, CRRI, STAs etc. He further suggested that if the nominated officers are not in a position to attend the training programmes, State may nominate alternate officers for the training programmes, so that funds involved in these programmes can be fully utilized.
5 Joint Secretary (RC) requested all the States to send the Training requirements / needs for 2014-15 indicating number of engineers required to be trained, topics, duration etc to NRRDA. He also advised the STAs present in the meeting, to arrange training programmes for PIUs engineers / Contractor’s engineers once a year.
Engineer-in-Chief, SRRDA, Bihar and Chief Engineer, Jharkhand requested to arrange Training programme for their officials on R&P Module on OMMAS, within the State at Patna and Ranchi. JS(RC) agreed for organizing Training programmes accordingly.
Director (Technical) informed that coordination among the States and the State Technical Agencies (STAs) appears to be inadequate as the States informed that the STAs are not clearing the proposals on time, whereas the STAs informed that the proposals are not cleared as they are not as per the design specification and largely of poor quality. Some STAs raised the issue of not being given adequate time for DPRs scrutiny by the PIU staff, as they submit DPRs in bulk. JS(RC) suggested that there should be a pre-DPR-meeting (as specified in Operations Manual) at the level of CEO / Chief Engineer with PIUs / STAs/ PTA to plan the calendar of preparation and submission of DPRs for scrutiny to STA.
It was clarified by Director (Technical) and agreed upon by the States that as per the provisions of Operations Manual, State Quality Coordinator of the concerned State will organize a meeting of all the PIUs, STAs and SEs for discussion on the preparation of DPRs. All the issues related to the provisions to be made in DPRs the generic defects seen by STAs in previous DPRs and timeline for scrutiny etc. would be discussed in this meeting. It was agreed by all the States, that this will be followed from the upcoming batch of proposals.
Director (Technical) suggested that in place of submission of DPRs in bulk, 3 to 4 sample DPR may be submitted initially for scrutiny to STAs. If any mistake is found in the sample DPR the same would be rectified and accordingly informed to the SRRDA so that same mistakes may not occur in the subsequent DPRs. Mostly CBR and traffic data related defects are seen in DPRs. He further suggested that PIU engineers should be trained in small groups before preparation of DPRs.
STAs should organize special training programmes solely focusing on testing of materials in the laboratories for the staff of DPIUs and the contractors’ staff as well. For such programmes
6 funds may be provided by SRRDA from administrative expenses fund of PMGSY or alternatively such proposals may be directly forwarded to NRRDA by respective STAs, seeking financial assistance. Such programmes should be organized in a manner that every new entrant of PMGSY undergoes at least one such training. The programme details should be shared with NRRDA even if the funds are provided by SRRDA.
State Technical Agencies (STAs) needs to encourage and guide the State officials on the use of new materials/ techniques, by suggesting the best possible methods / techniques to be used on Pilot basis under R&D.
All the STAs present during the meeting informed that the DPRs were being prepared by the Consultants without much involvement of departmental officers. The soil test and traffic data being presented in the DPRs appears to be incorrect as there is no correlation among the various properties. It was agreed by all the four States that henceforth atleast 5 to 10% of the sample will be tested in the laboratories of STAs as a 3 rd party check. The STA of NIT, Patna and Bengal Engineering College, Shibpur informed that the training on stabilization of soil and R&D Technologies can be organized at their institutes for the officers of PIUs and Contractors. A provision of uploading the photographs of Core Network Road with Hand-held device by PIUs should be must.
Director (Projects-I) informed that Chhattisgarh State issued circular for CC road testing by Core Cutter after 28 days and payment to contractor is done only after core test results are obtained. This gives assurance about depth as well as quality assurance of concrete. Joint Secretary (RC) appreciated this and advised the States to follow this best practice.
NQMs raised the issue regarding lack of technical knowledge of PIU engineers. Training should is must for PIU engineer and contractor engineer preferably on site. Maintenance not upto the mark, no communication from PIU to contractor has been seen. Quality Control Registers are not properly maintained especially Quality Control Part II Register. In Part I, number of tests required are not entered. Cross Drainage working drawing not properly prepared.
SQMs also raised the issue regarding non-availability of required testing equipments at site. Depth of CC road kept less in centre. Use of standard CBR value in DPR, Grading of WBM metal etc.
7 Shri A S Raju, General Manager, Zydex Industries, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh made a presentation on Zycosil Nano Technology, indicating that the technology can be used for Stabilization and water proofing of pavements. He explained the Design & Life Cycle benefits like Lower concrete thickness is possible, Use less aggregates and bitumen by flipping strength, Improved Life Cycle etc. (Annexure III).
Presentation on Cold Mix Technology was given by representative of BitChem. He informed that this technology has been used as pilot in the State of Assam, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal and Karnataka. CRRI-BITCHEM Cold Mix is the simple process of mixing unheated mineral graded aggregates with suitable grade of cold mix binder, maintaining the proper moisture and Binder content, with proper workability. Cold Mix Technology is environment friendly and energy efficient, construction feasible in rains/ wet and cold weather, 4-5 times faster construction as compared to hot mix and Labour Friendly Technology (Health, Safety).
8 Summary of the main issues to be addressed by the States
1. States to regularly review the pending road works sanctioned upto March 2011 in detail with the relevant PIUs, SRRDA officials and prepare a realistic monthly completion plan for ensuring the achievement of the target within the stipulated period without compromising on quality.
2. States should participate in the PMGSY II after getting all sanctions under all new connectivity of PMGSY I.
3. States may attract local contractors by packaging the works as per their capacity especially in IAP districts. MoRD has already given special dispensation in awarding of PMGSY works where repeated tenders have not elicited any response on a “Nomination basis”.
4. States have to prepare a comprehensive State specific Rural Roads Maintenance Policy to ensure that the assets created under PMGSY are maintained upto prescribed standards.
5. One Nodal officer should be earmarked for supervision of maintenance of rural roads.
6. States may organize meetings at the level of SRRDA and / or PIUs with contractors responsible for carrying out the maintenance in a campaign mode for “Swatch Bharat” and also prepare comprehensive action plan of the State.
7. State of Bihar will submit all the revised core network maps and tables including all habitations of 100-249 by end of November, 2014 and before submission of any further proposals already sanctioned habitations will also be mapped on relevant proposals by December 2014 including those for NEAs.
8. State of Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal may correct all relevant habitation data on OMMAS by 31st October, 2014 including habitations of 100-249.
9. State of Bihar will submit proposals of 5000 km in three lots to MoRD (1st lot by November, 2014, 2nd lot by December, 2014 and 3rd lot by March 2015).
10. States should correct the online data such as year of sanction, value in crore, no. of roads, no. of bridges and length etc on OMMAS as per clearance by MoRD by 31st October, 2014.
11. States may organize a pre-DPR meeting at the level of CEO/ Chief Engineer with PIUs/ STAs/ PTAs to plan the calendar of preparation and submission of DPRs for scrutiny to STA.
12. States should send the Training requirements / needs for 2014-15 indicating number of engineers to be trained, topics, duration etc to NRRDA.
13. States will concentrate on the clearance of pending final bills of the contractors and financially closing the physically completed works on the OMMAS.
9 14. States may atleast 5 to 10% of the Sample will be tested in the laboratories of STAs as a 3rd party check.
15. States should provide training to PIU engineers as well as Contractors engineers either in SRRDA level or by STAs. For such programmes funds may be provided by SRRDA from Administrative expenses fund of PMGSY or alternatively such proposals may be directly forwarded to NRRDA by respective STAs.
16. Proper monitoring of ATRs by SQMs and SQC on the observations of the NQMs to be carried out before submission to NRRDA.
17. State Technical Agencies (STAs) to encourage and guide the State officials on the use of new materials/ techniques, by suggesting the best possible methods / techniques to be used on pilot basis under R&D. Assistance to be obtained from NRRDA also.
18. The State needs to put in place an appropriate contract management system and analyze the package-wise delay and liquidated damages should be levied on contractors as per provision.
19. The 2nd tier quality monitoring mechanism should be strengthened in order to ensure independent quality inspections. The State may formulate appropriate plan for SQM inspections to ensure at least three inspections during construction. Also it will reconcile the data of inspection done w.r.t. OMMAS.
20. State of Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal will submit the Balance Sheet of Programme Fund and Admin. Expenses Fund for the year 2013-14 by 15th of October, 2014.
21. All participating States will submit Internal Audit Report to NRRDA within 15 day’s time.
The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks to the Chair.
10 State-wise Summary of Review Meeting
State: Bihar (RWD)
1. Physical Progress
The Physical and Financial progress of works as discussed in meeting was as under:-
Total Total Total Works Total Total Total No. Of Total length of Total No. length of length of complet Balanc No. of No. of No. of Road No. of Road of Road Road LSB ed upto e for Road LSB LSB works Year (s) Droppe Works Works Works Works Last Financi Works Works Works yet to d (in Km) complet (in Km) (in Mts.) Review al sanctio sanctio comple comple Works sanction ed construc construc Meeting closing ned ned ted te ed ted ted (Nov. 13) 2000-01 298 0 0 861.87 280 812.32 0 0 243 18 154 2001-02 670 1 0 1531.8 594 1369.65 0 0 479 77 365 2007-08 271 0 1 1225.97 209 970.86 0 0 1 62 120 2008-09 4576 0 0 15670.9 3472 11435.7 0 0 2340 1104 1592 2011-12 647 23 0 1899.06 284 689.56 0 0 19 386 214 2012-13 1350 75 0 3846.08 432 1050.72 4 228.4 5 993 304 2013-14 4253 210 0 9152.78 8 12.28 0 0 0 4455 8 Total 12065 309 1 34188.5 5279 16341.1 4 228.4 3087 7095 2757
The State has reported that out of 12,065 works sanctioned, 5,279 works were completed and remaining works are in progress stage. Out of 7,095 road works/ bridges, 1,261 road works/ bridge which were sanctioned prior to March 2011, are still incomplete, which is a matter of serious concern, since PMGSY works are required to be completed within 24 months. State was requested to give realistic completion plan phase-wise, so that in-complete works have been completed in time. Under World Bank RRP-II, out of total 956 road works including bridges, 582 works have been awarded comprising length 1,411 km.
The Physical progress of NEAs was also discussed during the review meeting. The details are as under:- Name of Works awarded Works completed as Works pending as on Remarks Agency on 31.8.14 31.8.12 No. Length No. Length No. Length (in km) (in km) (in km) NHPC 758 3228.75 735 3109.16 23 119.59 5 road works are under termination process and remaining 18 road works 11 would be completed by Dec. 14. NBCC 620 4191.92 597 4036.41 23 155.51 Only 2 road are in progress. CPWD 317 1824.99 305 1797.75 12 27.24 Out of 10 bridges, 6 bridges have been completed. 4 bridges and 7 roads in progress and would be completed by Dec. 14 IRCON 461 2531.81 458 2513.35 3 18.46 2 roads (length 7.20 km) in Gaya district pending for forest clearance and 1 road pending in Siwan district (would be completed by Dec. 14) NPCC 692 3749.67 630 3399.62 62 350.05 -
Joint Secretary (RC) advised all the NEAs to drop the works which are pending for forest clearance and re-submit the proposals with new Schedule of Rates. It was observed that though the NEAs have spent maintenance funds, they did not maintain rural road infrastructure as per the requirement on maintenance of roads constructed under PMGSY. The details of maintenance fund are as below:- S.No. Name of Agency Amount given Amount utilised % unutilized (Rs. In Cr.) (Rs. In Cr.) 1 NHPC 52.75 31.47 40% 2. NBCC 80.26 47.36 41% 3. CPWD 29.37 18.05 39% 4. IRCON 44.48 28.76 35% 5. NPCC 47.17 17.06 64%
12 Dropping of roads by NEAs was also discussed during the meeting, as per details given below:-
S.No. Name of Agency Total No. of No. of works Drop sanctioned awarded by works Agency 1 NHPC 832 758 74 2. NBCC 1000 620 380 3. CPWD 345 317 28 4. IRCON 567 461 106 5. NPCC 847 692 155 Total: 3591 2848 743
In view of above, all NEAs were requested to update OMMAS module accordingly.
Regarding submission of ATRs, out of total pending 43 ATRs with all NEAs, 41 ATRs only pending with NBCC. Joint Secretary (RC) asked the NEAs to concentrate on the pending ATRs. NBCC representative informed that 26 ATRs out of 41 ATRs would be submitted shortly.
2. Quality Monitoring Mechanism
Total 37 district laboratories are established out of 38 (except Arwal). Total 2,250 On-going works, 74 works less than 2 months, 166 works 2-6 months, 917 works 6-12 months and 1,093 works more than 12 months not yet inspected by the SQMs. Whereas, in Completed works, 305 works completed during 2012-13 and 472 works completed during 2013-14 not inspected by the SQMs. Director (Projects-III) advised the Engineer-in-Chief to instruct the SQMs for immediately inspect these works without further delay and in future all works inspected during construction at different stages.
Joint Secretary (RC) advised SQC should prepare calendar for inspection of SQM. As per PMGSY guidelines, each work should be inspected atleast three times by SQMs, but on average, it is being inspected only once. He further informed that a Hyperlink will be given in the Table showing list of works not inspected by SQMs. He assured that this activity would be completed within one month’s time.
The details of pendency of ATRs on NQM reports are as follows:-
Pending ATRs after re-grading No.
Completed works Inspections 61
13 Ongoing works Inspections 293
State was advised pending ATR should be disposed off immediately.
Director (Projects-III) informed that the NQMs deputed to inspect the roads have reported 44% of the completed works and 34% of on-going works as Unsatisfactory which is alarmingly very high. JS (RC) advised the State that CE/SEs should regularly visit the roads in progress to improve the quality. It was observed during the meeting, the number of inspections uploaded by NQMs/ SQMs using mobile application is comparatively less. Joint Secretary (RC) advised to increase the no. of inspections using Mobile application.
3. Maintenance :
The details of maintenance funds required, released to SRRDA and utilized by them during the last three years and the current financial year are given below:-
Expenditure by Maintenance % Expenditure w.r.t Financial Actual Fund SRRDA during Funds Required maintenance funds Year Release to SRRDA the Financial (As per Contracts) required Year 2011-12 62.22 33.00 22.39 36% 2012-13 94.33 56.25 91.60 97%
2013-14 121.23 121.23 102.92 85% 2014-15 133.22 0.00 23.07 17% (Upto August, 14) Total: 411.00 210.48 239.98
It is observed that State has not released amount on maintenance of roads constructed under PMGSY during the financial year 2014-15 to SRRDA. State was requested to deposit adequate funds to SRRDA account for maintenance works.
4. Habitations Status
The Director (Technical) presented the status of habitation Eligibility and Data Entry on OMMAS.
Data entry on Category Eligible habitations OMMS 1000+ 13048 14248 500+ 6504 18119
14 250+ 5250 6142 Total 24804 38509
5. Execution / Absorption Capacity of the State:
As per the capacity assessment study (based on ongoing works excluding works proposed to be dropped, number of SQMs, average expenditure and no. Of PIUs), the State has adequate execution capacity.
6. Financial / Accounting Issues:
Joint Director (F&A) brought out the accounts issues. The State agreed to address these issues. The State also agreed to concentrate on the clearance of pending final bills of the contractors and financially close the works on the OMMAS. Engineer-in-Chief informed that the Audited Balance Sheet for the financial year 2013-14 would be submitted before 15th October, 2014 to NRRDA. It was also agreed by the State all finance related issues would be reviewed by Secretary, RWD in monthly review meeting.
15 State: Jharkhand
1. Physical Progress
The Physical and financial progress of works discussed and analysed in meeting was as under as per OMMAS: Works Total Total Total No. Total Total Total comple Total Total No. No. length Of No. length of length of ted No. of No. of of of of LSB Road Balance of Road Road upto Road LSB Road LSB Works work for Year (s) Drop Works Works Last Works Works Work Work (in s yet Financial ped (in Km) (in Km) Review sanctio sanctio s s Mts) to closing Work sanction construc Meetin ned ned comp comp constru comp s ed ted g (Nov. leted leted cted lete 13) 2000-01 167 0 0 897.66 167 897.66 0 0 167 0 7 2001-02 202 0 0 1202.81 201 1192.66 0 0 201 1 25 2003-04 131 0 0 647.24 127 613.55 0 0 127 4 17 2005-06 102 0 0 479.19 90 383.5 0 0 90 12 12 2007-08 353 0 0 1679.78 294 1381.95 0 0 291 59 35 2008-09 669 0 0 3111.75 530 2283.46 0 0 517 139 52 2009-10 935 0 0 3282.53 577 1815.3 0 0 510 363 51 2011-12 365 49 0 1388.21 35 117.71 0 0 26 379 17 2012-13 61 10 0 316.44 1 4.55 0 0 0 70 1 2013-14 19 91 0 56.075 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 Total 3004 150 0 13061.7 2022 8690.35 0 0 1929 1046 217 World Bank RRP-I Works Total Total Total Total Total Total Total complet No. Of Total length of length of length No. of No. of No. of No. of ed upto Road Balance No. of Road Road of LSB Road LSB Road LSB Last works for Year Dropp Works (in Works (in Works Works Works Works Works Review yet to Financial ed Km) Km) (in Mts) sanctio sanction compl compl Meeting compl closing Works sanctione construct constru ned ed eted eted (Nov. ete d ed cted 13) 2003-04 26 0 0 125.96 26 125.96 0 0 26 0 0 Total 26 0 0 125.96 26 125.96 0 0 26 0 0 World Bank RRP-II Works Total Total Total No. Total Total Total comple Total Total No. No. length Of No. length of length of ted No. of No. of of of of LSB Road Balance of Road Road upto Road LSB Road LSB Works work for Year (s) Drop Works Works Last Works Works Work Work (in s yet Financial ped (in Km) (in Km) Review sanctio sanctio s s Mts) to closing Work sanction construc Meetin ned ned comp comp constru comp s ed ted g (Nov. leted leted cted lete 13) 2011-12 177 0 0 721.449 13 47.025 0 0 9 164 3 2012-13 762 102 0 2418.99 43 115.87 0 0 3 821 27 Total 939 102 0 3140.44 56 162.9 0 0 12 985 30
16 The State has reported that out of 3,969 works sanctioned under normal PMGSY as well as World Bank RRP I & RRP II, 2,104 works were completed and remaining works are in progress stage. Out of 2,031 road works, 578 road works which were sanctioned prior to March 2011, are still incomplete, which is a matter of serious concern. This indicates that completion progress of previous phases is very slow. Joint Secretary (RC) underlined the concern over the non- completion of the projects sanctioned in old Phases particularly in the IAP districts. Chief Engineer apprised that the State is already taking various measures to complete the balance works of the old phases on a priority basis.
State was requested to give realistic completion plan phase-wise, so that in-complete works have been completed in time.
2. Quality Monitoring Mechanism
Under On-going works, 18 works less than 2 months, 9 works between 2-6 months, 201 works in the range of 6-12 month and 576 works more than 12 months are not yet inspected by the SQMs. Whereas, in Completed works, 25 works completed during 2012-13 and 39 works completed during 2013-14 also not inspected by the SQMs. Director (Projects-III) advised the Chief Engineer to instruct the SQMs for immediately inspect these works and in future all works inspected during construction at different stages.
The details of pendency of ATRs on NQM reports are as follows:-
Pending ATRs after re- No. grading Completed works Inspections 19 Ongoing works Inspections 156
State was advised pending ATR, particularly in respect of on-going works should be disposed off immediately.
A comparative statement of quality inspections made by NQM and SQM is also discussed during the meeting.
Period Completed Work Ongoing Work T U U% T U U% Apr’13- NQM 14 4 29% 150 44 29% Mar’14 SQM 120 3 3% 688 35 5% Apr’14- NQM 6 1 17% 41 5 12% August’14 SQM 18 2 11% 347 11 3%
It is also pointed out that there is a gap between SQM and NQM inspections as far as “U” categories are concerned. The State was advised to review the SQM system and the reports of SQMs and NQMs may be analyzed critically to identify the problems. Joint Secretary (RC) reiterated the need to organize joint interactions/ training of SQMs and NQMs to bring harmony to their inspections. It was observed during the meeting, the number of inspections uploaded by NQMs/ SQMs using mobile application is comparatively less. Joint Secretary (RC) advised to increase the no. of inspections using Mobile application. 17 3. Maintenance:
The details of maintenance funds required, released to SRRDA and utilized by them during the last three years and the current financial year are given below:-
Funds Required for Actual Expenditure % Financial works under 5 Fund by SRRDA as Expenditure Year year Release to per contracts w.r.t maintenance SRRDA contracts
2011-12 14.21 50.00 0.09 1% 2012-13 20.58 52.00 0.96 5% 2013-14 25.12 0.00 6.14 24% 2014-15 (Upto 26.97 0.00 4.79 18% August, 14) Total: 86.88 102.00 11.98
It is observed that State has not credited any amount on maintenance of roads constructed under PMGSY during the financial years 2014-15. State was requested to deposit adequate funds to SRRDA account for maintenance works.
4. Habitations Status
The Director (Technical) presented the status of eligible unconnected habitations as per data entered on OMMAS:
Data entry on Category Eligible habitations OMMS 1000+ 1876 1386 500+ 4479 3719 250+ 5258 3963 Total 11613 9068
Director (Technical) asked the State to rectify all the habitations details on OMMAS. The State agreed to send the reconciled details of habitations latest by 31st October, 2014 and also upload on OMMAS.
5. Execution / Absorption Capacity of the State:
As per the capacity assessment study (based on ongoing works excluding works proposed to be dropped, number of SQMs, average expenditure and no. of PIUs), the State have adequate execution capacity.
6. Financial / Accounting Issues:
18 Joint Director (F&A) brought out the accounts issues. The State agreed to address these issues. The State also agreed to concentrate on the clearance of pending final bills of the contractors and financially close the works on the OMMAS. Chief Engineer informed that the Audited Balance Sheet for the financial year 2013-14 would be submitted before 15th October, 2014 to NRRDA.
State: Odisha
1. Physical Progress
As per OMMAS out of 11,649 works sanctioned under PMGSY as well as ADB scheme, 7,655 works were reported as completed till date. 870 works, which were sanctioned prior to March 2011 are still incomplete (out of which 637 road works are more than 5 years old), which is a matter of serious concern. Director (Projects-I) advised that State should prepare and submit a realistic phase-wise monthly completion plan in consultation with all the PIUs. The status of phase-wise / year wise completion of road works as per OMMAS is given below:-
Normal PMGSY Total No. Bala Total Total Works Total Total Total length Of nce Total length of Total No. length of complet No. of No. of No. of of LSB Road for No. of Road of Road Road ed upto Road LSB LSB Works work Fina Year (s) Droppe Works Works Works Last Works Works Works (in s yet ncia d (in Km) complet (in Km) Review sanctio sanctio comple Mts) to l Works sanction ed construc Meeting ned ned ted constru comp clos ed ted (Nov. 13) cted lete ing 2000-01 521 0 0 1069.43 519 1064.64 0 0 519 2 9 2001-02 571 0 0 1692.78 571 1692.78 0 0 571 0 9 2003-04 630 0 0 2010.36 616 1939.35 0 0 614 16 19 2004-05 418 0 0 1646.94 401 1571.66 0 0 399 19 8 2005-06 486 0 0 1916.88 460 1766.64 0 0 453 33 29 2006-07 443 0 0 1411.3 408 1282.52 0 0 403 40 20 2007-08 1689 0 0 6616.51 1521 5682.92 0 0 1514 175 101 2008-09 1432 74 0 7116.6 1224 5896.54 23 0 1187 319 78 2009-10 122 60 0 585.69 77 291.63 8 381.07 59 123 21 2011-12 1283 0 0 5143.67 487 1550.91 0 0 124 1159 324 2012-13 1334 0 0 5189.41 181 514.2 0 0 0 1334 144 2013-14 0 141 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 0 Total 8929 275 0 34399.6 6465 23253.8 31 381.07 5843 3361 762
19 ADB Total Total Total Works Bala Total Total Total Total No. Of length of length of length of complete nce No. of No. of Total No. No. of No. of Road Road Road LSB d upto for Road LSB of Road LSB works Year (s) Works (in Works (in Works (in Last Fina Works Works Dropped Works Works yet to Km) Km) Mts) Review ncial sanctio sanction Works complet compl complet sanctione construct construct Meeting closi ned ed ed eted e d ed ed (Nov. 13) ng
2005-06 261 0 0 1189.01 247 1090.69 0 0 246 14 12 2006-07 400 0 0 1612.65 370 1437.59 0 0 370 30 15 2008-09 644 0 0 3010.46 545 2456.23 0 0 536 99 34 2011-12 284 0 0 1052.27 28 76.77 0 0 1 256 21 2013-14 1131 17 0 3924.65 0 0 0 0 0 1148 0 Total: 2720 17 0 10789 1190 5061.28 0 0 1153 1547 82
Chief Engineer, informed that these incomplete works are basically in the LWE districts and the contractors have either left the work incomplete or not responding to the tenders. Director (Projects-I) advised the State to explore the possibility in LWE blocks of providing gravel road along with cross drainage works (Stage A construction) wherever it is not possible to provide black top road. Whenever the situation improves, the State may come with the proposal for black topping (Stage B construction) in near future.
2. Quality Monitoring Mechanism
Total 17 districts laboratories were established out of 30 districts. State was asked to make adequate arrangements for establishing the remaining district labs. Under On-going works, 46 works less than 2 months, 31 works between 2-6 months, 507 works in the range of 6-12 month and 470 works more than 12 months are not yet inspected by the SQMs. Whereas, in Completed works, 20 works completed during 2012-13 and 68 works completed during 2013- 14 also not inspected by the SQMs. Director (Projects-III) advised the Chief Engineer to instruct the SQMs for immediately inspect these works and in future all works inspected during construction at different stages.
The details of year-wise pendency of ATRs on NQM reports are as follows:-
Pending ATRs No. Break -up after re-grading 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Completed works 27 3 9 6 5 4 Inspections
Ongoing works 209 9 32 59 69 40 Inspections
State was advised pending ATR, particularly in respect of on-going works should be disposed off immediately.
A comparative statement of quality inspections made by NQM and SQM is also discussed during the meeting.
Period Completed Work Ongoing Work 20 T U U% T U U% NQM 18 3 17% 242 32 13% Apr’13-Mar’14 SQM 469 0 0% 2093 226 11% Apr’14- NQM 7 1 14% 66 12 18% August’14 SQM 145 2 1% 701 71 10%
It is also pointed out that there is a gap between SQM and NQM inspections as far as “U” categories are concerned. The State was advised to review the SQM system and the reports of SQMs and NQMs may be analyzed critically to identify the problems. It was observed during the meeting, the number of inspections uploaded by NQMs/ SQMs using mobile application is comparatively less. Joint Secretary (RC) advised to increase the no. of inspections using Mobile application.
3. Maintenance of Rural Roads
The details of maintenance funds required, released to SRRDA and utilized are given below:-
Maintenance Actual Expenditure by % Expenditure Financial Funds Required Fund SRRDA during w.r.t Year (s) (As per Release to the Financial maintenance Contracts) SRRDA Year funds required
2011-12 30.00 30.00 27.80 93% 2012-13 40.00 40.00 35.48 89% 2013-14 59.61 41.40 37.15 62% 2014-15 (Upto 67.77 48.00 7.39 11% August, 14) Total: 197.38 159.40 107.82
It is observed that State has not credited any amount on maintenance of roads constructed under PMGSY during the financial years 2014-15. State was requested to deposit adequate funds to SRRDA account for maintenance works. Chief Engineer informed that by November, 14 full required amount will be credited to SRRDA for maintenance.
4. Habitations Status
The Director (Technical) presented the status of eligible unconnected habitations as per data entered on OMMAS:
Data entry on Category Eligible habitations OMMS
21 1000+ 617 619 500+ 1,113 1,062 250+ 2,175 2,011 Total 3,905 3,692
Director (Technical) asked the State to rectify all the habitations details on OMMAS. The State agreed to send the reconciled details of habitations to NRRDA and also upload on OMMAS.
5. Execution / Absorption Capacity of the State:
As per the capacity assessment study (based on ongoing works excluding works proposed to be dropped, number of SQMs, average expenditure and no. of PIUs), the State have adequate execution capacity.
6. Financial / Accounting Issues:
Joint Director (F&A) brought out the accounts issues. The State agreed to address these issues. The State also agreed to concentrate on the clearance of pending final bills of the contractors and financially close the works on the OMMAS. Chief Engineer informed that the Audited Balance Sheet for the financial year 2013-14 has already been submitted to NRRDA.
State: West Bengal
1. Physical Progress
As per OMMAS out of 4,905 works sanctioned under normal PMGSY as well as ADB scheme, 3,008 works were reported as completed. 372 works, which were sanctioned prior to March 2011 are still incomplete (out of which221 road works are more than 5 years old), which is a matter of serious concern. Director (Projects-I) advised that State should prepare and submit a realistic phase-wise monthly completion plan in consultation with all the PIUs. The status of phase-wise / year wise completion of road works as per OMMAS is given below:-
Normal PMGSY
Works No. Total Total Total comple Total Total Total Total Of Balan Total length of length of length of ted No. of No. of No. of No. of Road ce for No. of Road Road LSB upto Road LSB Road LSB work Finan Year (s) Droppe Works Works Works Last Works Works Works Works s yet cial d (in Km) (in Km) (in Mts) Review sancti sanctio comple comple to closin Works sanction construc construc Meetin oned ned ted ted comp g ed ted ted g (Nov. lete 13) 2000-01 170 0 4 808.9 170 808.9 0 0 170 0 1 2001-02 212 0 1 1124.6 212 1124.6 0 0 212 0 8 2003-04 363 0 4 2004.88 363 2004.88 0 0 363 0 4 2004-05 149 0 5 952.5 149 952.5 0 0 148 0 2 2005-06 230 0 3 1645.8 225 1624.44 0 0 225 5 3 22 2006-07 335 0 0 2127.76 297 1847.11 0 0 289 38 23 2007-08 482 0 0 2195.25 408 1893.5 0 0 398 74 27 2008-09 280 0 0 1039.93 198 717.836 0 0 177 82 19 2009-10 231 0 0 1186.75 95 465.071 0 0 35 136 25 2012-13 1411 0 0 6059.39 483 1911.24 0 0 4 928 239 2013-14 467 0 0 1636.51 0 0 0 0 0 467 0 Total 4330 0 17 20782.3 2600 13350.1 0 0 2021 1730 351
ADB Works No. Total Total Total comple Total Total Total Total Of Balan Total length of length of length of ted No. of No. of No. of No. of Road ce for No. of Road Road LSB upto Road LSB Road LSB work Finan Year (s) Droppe Works Works Works Last Works Works Works Works s yet cial d (in Km) (in Km) (in Mts) Review sanctio sanctio comple comple to closin Works sanction construc construc Meetin ned ned ted ted comp g ed ted ted g (Nov. lete 13) 2005-06 104 0 25 792.72 104 792.72 0 0 104 0 1 2006-07 109 0 0 908.099 100 807.569 0 0 100 9 2 2007-08 127 0 0 695.729 119 641.62 0 0 114 8 7 2008-09 76 0 0 443.496 71 418.411 0 0 59 5 6 2009-10 15 0 0 82.262 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 2012-13 14 0 0 84.175 9 57.776 0 0 0 5 9 2013-14 130 0 0 930.087 5 22.27 0 0 0 125 3 Total 575 0 25 3936.57 408 2740.37 0 0 377 167 28
2. Quality Monitoring Mechanism
Under On-going works, 3 works less than 2 months, 4 works between 2-6 months, 52 works in the range of 6-12 month and 687 works more than 12 months are not yet inspected by the SQMs. Whereas, in Completed works, 13 works completed during 2012-13 and 25 works completed during 2013-14 also not inspected by the SQMs. Director (Projects-III) advised the Chief Engineer to instruct the SQMs for immediately inspect these works and in future all works inspected during construction at different stages.
The details of pendency of ATRs on NQM reports are as follows:-
Pending ATRs after re-grading No.
Completed works Inspections 43 Ongoing works Inspections 240
State was advised pending ATR, particularly in respect of on-going works should be disposed off immediately.
23 A comparative statement of quality inspections made by NQM and SQM is also discussed during the meeting.
Period Completed Work Ongoing Work T U U% T U U% NQM 16 2 13% 204 28 14% Apr’13-Mar’14 SQM 141 0 0% 1076 54 5% Apr’14- NQM 20 7 35% 81 8 10% August’14 SQM 178 3 2% 342 22 6%
It is also pointed out that there is a gap between SQM and NQM inspections as far as “U” categories of On-going works during Apri-14 – August, 14. State was advised to review the SQM system and the reports of SQMs and NQMs may be analyzed critically to identify the problems. It was observed during the meeting, the number of inspections uploaded by NQMs/ SQMs using mobile application is comparatively less. Joint Secretary (RC) advised to increase the no. of inspections using Mobile application.
3. Maintenance of Rural Roads
The details of maintenance funds required, released to SRRDA and utilized are given below:-
Expenditure % Maintenance Actual Financial by SRRDA Expenditure Funds release to Year during the w.r.t fund Required SRRDA Financial Year required
2011-12 16.62 22.99 6.22 37% 2012-13 27.35 83.59 81.14 100% 2013-14 81.31 29.67 22.66 28% 2014-15 (Upto 40.66 23.71 9.34 23% August, 14) Total: 165.94 159.96 119.36
It is observed that State has deposited amount to SRRDA maintenance account, but pace of expenditure is less. State was requested to expedite the expenditure.
4. Habitations Status
The Director (Technical) presented the status of eligible unconnected habitations as per data entered on OMMAS:
Category Eligible habitations Data entry on 24 OMMS 1000+ 8051 15491 500+ 5485 12589 250+ 286 2857 Total 13822 30938
Director (Technical) asked the State to rectify all the habitations details on OMMAS. The State agreed to send the reconciled details of habitations to NRRDA and also upload on OMMAS.
5. Execution / Absorption Capacity of the State:
As per the capacity assessment study (based on ongoing works excluding works proposed to be dropped, number of SQMs, average expenditure and no. of PIUs), the State have adequate execution capacity.
6. Financial / Accounting Issues:
Joint Director (F&A) brought out the accounts issues. The State agreed to address these issues. The State also agreed to concentrate on the clearance of pending final bills of the contractors and financially close the works on the OMMAS. Chief Engineer assured that the Audited Balance Sheet for the financial year 2013-14 would be submitted within 15 days. He also informed that Internal Auditor has already been appointed for 2014-15.