Burtonwood & Westbrook Parish Council s2

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Burtonwood & Westbrook Parish Council s2


Minutes of the Meeting held at the Kingswood Community Centre, Westbrook, on Wednesday 15 July 2009 at 7.30 pm

Present Chairman Ward

* J Guthrie (L) Westbrook

Vice Chairman

* K Burgess (IND) Burtonwood West

Council Members

* J Joyce (L) Burtonwood East * B Murdock (LD) Burtonwood East * J Davidson (L) Burtonwood East * J Higham (L) Burtonwood West * T O’Neill (L) Burtonwood West * T Cross (IND) Callands * P Jackson (IND) Callands B Long (LD) Callands * T Rogers-Smith (IND) Callands * S Smith (IND) Callands M Smith (LD) Old Hall D Earl (LD) Westbrook * A McLausland M.B.E. (IND) Westbrook * D Orr (IND) Westbrook

* Denotes Councillor present at Council

Also present Julie Pickles – Clerk to the Parish Chris Hennebry – CA Traffic Limited

C25 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Councillor B Long, Councillor M Smith and Councillor D Earl.

C26 Presentation by CA Traffic Limited – Speed Indication Display (SID)

Mr Chris Hennebry from CA Traffic Limited was in attendance to give a presentation / briefing on their speed indication display system (SID).

1 It was reported that the speed indication display was simple to use and extremely effective and that the devices were designed specifically for organisations involved in road safety.

The aids were non-confrontational and served as an aid to calming road traffic. Features of the sign include a ‘smiley face’ that rewards drivers for complying with a speed limit and a ‘sad face’ for those which are not.

It was noted that the system came in 2 forms, a simple SID and a clever SID. The clever SID collected speed data of individual vehicles which could be used as evidence in relation to traffic calming measures.

It was reported that the Clever Sid would cost £2995 + vat, with the added offer of a further 15% discount. Additionally the Parish Council was offered a free trial period of a month.

Mr Hennebry was thanked for his informative presentation and it was Resolved by Council that the offer for a free months trial of the system be accepted

C27 Community / Policing Issues

Police Issues

Nil – it was noted that the Police were not in attendance.

Councillor / Community Issues


C28 Minutes of the Meeting (17 June 2009)

Resolved that the minutes of the Council meeting of 17 June 2009 be agreed and signed as a correct record

C29 Matters Arising


C30 Report of the Finance Sub-Committee (15 July 2009)

The Clerk reported verbally on the Finance Sub-Committee meeting attended by Councillor J Guthrie, Councillor T Cross, Councillor P Jackson, Councillor J Joyce and Councillor T Rogers-Smith Resolved that the following recommendations of the Finance Sub- Committee be adopted as resolution of the Council

2 C30.1 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Councillor B Long.

C30.2 Declaration of Interest


C30.3 Applications for Grant/ Donations

Burtonwood Over 50’s Club – request for £550 – for day out, transport, crockery and an xmas meal Recommended by the Sub-Committee that a grant of £200 be awarded

Burtonwood Bulldogs ARLC – request for £500 - for Changing Room Development / Improvement Programme (Burtonwood Community Centre) Recommended by the Sub-committee that this application be considered by Council

Council discussed this application at some length, the matter was put to a vote, Councillor’s Orr, Jackson and Murdock voted against the application for grant and it was Resolved that the application of a grant of £500 be allowed

C30.4 Accounts Approved for Payment (Chairman using delegated powers between meetings)

Caretaker – Receipt of new tax code / tax refund £ 192.00

C30.5 Accounts Requiring and Authorised for Payment

HMRC Paye 1st Quarter £ 1441.72 K Tindall – Signage – Pavilion Centre £ 131.78 WBC – Play Area Inspections £ 110.40 Hitek – Slitting of Pavilion Field £ 747.50 Warrington Borough Council – Printing £ 66.70 Protec Fire Detection PLC - Kingswood £ 49.04 D Norris – Half Year Landscaping £ 2415.00 Pro-tect Safety Signs – Police Surgery Sign £ 74.18 Clerks Expenses – June / July 2009 £ 69.32 Recommended by the Sub-Committee that all payments be made

C30.6 Monthly Account – June 2009 The Clerk had produced a report detailing the payments and receipts account for the month of June 2009 and it was Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the report be accepted

3 C30.7 Bank Reconciliation June 2009

The Clerk had produced a report showing the bank reconciliation up to the end of June 2009 and it was Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the report be accepted

C30.8 Internal Audit 2008-2009

It was noted that the internal audit had taken place and a clean report had been received from the internal auditors with a recommendation in relation to grounds maintenance.

The internal audits recommendation stated that in future the Parish Council undertake some market testing by obtaining quotes for the work to demonstrate that best value is being gained.

C30.9 External Audit 2008-2009

The Clerk had reported that she was had sent the requested documents to the external auditor. It was noted that the audit commission had requested some further information and a full break down of variances.

The Clerk reported that this information would be forwarded to the audit commission as soon as possible.

C30.10Grant Application – Notes for Guidance

The Clerk reported that she would consult other local Parish Councils with regard to guidance notes.

C30.11Kingswood Community Centre

The Clerk reported that the caretaker had raised concerns regarding his schedule for the month of August and requested that the user be given keys for access/exiting

It was noted that the group would be using the centre for a month on weekdays except for Wednesdays (9.00.am – 4.00pm) and that this would be an inconvenience to the caretaker. Recommended by the Sub-committee that this matter be considered by Council

The matter of centre key holders was discussed at great length and it was

4 Resolved that the Clerk request that all non essential keyholders/keys be returned to her and that the caretaker open and close for daily casual users

C30.12Pavilion Centre

The Clerk reported that the store room had not yet been cleared by the Burtonwood Albion Teams as per requested.

C30.13Play Area - Pavilion

The Clerk reported that vandalism to a safety surface pad had been reported to her, upon inspection it was found that the pad needed urgent attention as the perpetrators had caused the pad to become unsafe. As the need for repair was urgent the Clerk reported that an order for repair had been placed and this would be completed over the next couple of days.

C30.14Play Area Collins Green

The Clerk reported that a complaint had been received, relating to the play areas general condition and that glass and debris was littering the area.

It was noted that the Clerk had been down to inspect the site on two occasions and did not find the debris as the complainant had described above, the Clerk agreed that the site was in need of revamping, unfortunately this could not be done at this time due to financial constraints.

C30.15Play Area Inspections

The Clerk reported on the received inspection reports from the Borough Council.

Clay Lane Loose nuts on swings The Carousel does not have enough ground clearance to satisfy EN:1176 Wetpour has wore thin and in places has broken up

The Clerk reported that she had ordered immediate repairs in relation to the swings and would request quotes for the wet pour repair and the digging out of the safety surface surrounding the carousel.

Penny Lane The Tractor Slide heavily corroded and replacing had been advised Timber picnic table – one side well rotted

5 Broken glass and a small amount of debris scattered on park

The Clerk reported that she would gain further assessment in relation to the tractor and picnic table and would place an order to have the play area cleaned.

C30.16Fir Tree Lane – Community Ground



The Clerk reported that she had placed an order to have the pitch markings burnt in.

C30.18Quotation(s) Received


C30.19Skateboard Park




C30.21Conduct of Business During Summer Recess (August 2009)

Recommended that the Chairman’s discretion to make payments be £500 during the recess and until the September 2009 meeting

C31 Report of the Planning Sub-Committee (15 July 2009)

Councillor T O’Neill reported verbally on the Planning Sub-Committee meeting attended by himself Councillor J Higham, Councillor S Smith and Councillor A McLausland Resolved that the following recommendations of the Planning Sub- Committee be adopted as resolution of the Council

C31.1 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Councillor D Earl.

C30.2 Declarations of Interest Nil


C30.3 Documents Received

1 General Correspondence Item 0 Domestic Planning Applications 2 Non Domestic Planning Applications 0 Prior Notification under Schedule 2, Part 24 of the Town and Country Planning – (General Permitted Development Order) 1995 (1) 0 Notice of Withdrawal of Planning Application 0 Notice of Decision – Permission Granted 0 Notice of Decision – Permission Refused 0 Notice of Certificate of Lawful Use 0 Notice of Permitted Development 0 Notice of Decision – Approved 0 The Planning Inspectorate 0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Informal Hearing 0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Written Representations 0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Public Inquiry 1 WBC Development Control Agenda 1 WBC Cat D Lists 4 Ward Lists Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the documents received be noted

C30.4 Bewsey Old Hall

Councillor T O’Neil reported on the amended planning application currently under appeal.

C30.5 Warrington Borough Council – Parish Council Referral Scheme

Councillor T O’Neil reported on the consultation regarding the Parish Council referral system. Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the Clerk writes to the Borough Council to convey that although the Parish Council agrees in principal, the Parish Council does not wish to loose its voice with special regard to non domestic applications and to matters surrounding the Omega site

C31 Correspondence

1. Wicksteed Playscapes – Annual Safety Inspection 2. Cheshire Constabulary – News Letter June 2009 3. Cheshire Constabulary – News Letter June 2009 4. Warrington CVS – General Update 5. Land Registry – Fylde Office – A Guide for Parish Councils

7 6. Counters and Accessories Ltd – SID Speed Indication Display 7. Clerks and Councils Direct 8. CVS Training Bulletin – 30 June 2009 9. Warrington Borough Council – Parish Council Referral Scheme Survey 10. Warrington Borough Council – Play Scheme 11. The Clerk 12. J Parker – Wholesale Catalogue 13. Local Council Update 14. Warrington Borough Council – HMS Turbulent Buffet Reception 15. PCSO D Brownlee – Horses 16. H Jones MP – Mr L Kay, 20 Penkford Lane 17. Parish Council Liaison Meeting 14/07/09 18. Warrington Borough Council - K Poolton – Burtonwood Library Resolved by the Council that the Correspondence list be noted

C32 Any Other Business

C32.1 Councillor T O’Neill reported on the current economic down turn with reference to the Omega site, and how further involvement for the future vision was essential and it was Resolved by the Council that the Clerks writes to the Borough Council to request that they be included and involved with the future vision for the site C33.2 Councillor T Rogers-Smith reported on the need for additional midday assistants at St Paul of the Cross RC School, and that if anyone was interested to contact the school directly. C33.3 Councillor J Joyce reported on the Doctors surgery at Earlstown, it was noted that patients were being referred to the Cottage Hospital. C34 Resolved that the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be considered

C35.1 Kingswood – Caretaker Leave Entitlement

The Clerk again reported that the caretakers leave had been clarified in an appropriate manner.

The meeting closed at 9.10 pm

8 Signed as a true record……..…………………Councillor Judith Guthrie (Chairman) 21 October 2009


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