Directors:Peter Haigh (Director), Barry Woolford (Director)

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Directors:Peter Haigh (Director), Barry Woolford (Director)

Minutes of the Board Meeting of St. Mary’s Island Residents’ Association Ltd. (SMIRA) held at the Community Centre on Tuesday 8th August 2017 commencing at 7:00pm

Present: Chair: David Taylor

Directors: Peter Haigh (Director), Barry Woolford (Director),

Officers: Bob Muid (Secretary), Lily Leaver (Treasurer).

Visiting Members:

Brian Viney, Barrie Davis, Steve Gargano, Ian Hollingsworth, Zara Hollingsworth, Barbara Day, Mike Day, Geraldine Greenway, Stella-Maris Hopkins, Martine Pay, Jessica Pay, Steve Quayle, Colin Stevens, Les Parker, Carmel Parker, Andy Ducat, Gordon Blair, John Jones, Richard Roe, Alan Brockhurst, Kerry Cooper, Lily D’Hooghe and Adele Fairman.

CMT Representatives: Dean Marsh.

Moat Housing Representative: Yzanne Justice.

Medway Councillors: Cllr. Andrew Mackness.


Apologies for absence: Allan Sneller (Vice-Chair), Graham Wrightson (Director), Leslie James (Director), Grant Leathwhite (CMT), PCSO Chris Price, Cllr. Habib Tejan, Sam Rainbow and Tracey Bell.

Abbreviations: CMT – Chatham Maritime Trust, CML – Countryside Maritime Ltd. (developers), HCA – Homes and Communities Agency (SMI landowner), MDL – MDL Marinas, SMI – St. Mary’s Island.

Item 60/17: Minutes of the previous meeting Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of the 27th June 2017 were proposed by Brian Viney, seconded by Barry Woolford and unanimously adopted.

Item 61/17: Moat Housing David Taylor introduced Yzanne Justice from Moat Housing and asked if anyone had any issues that they wanted to raise with Moat.

Peter Haigh raised an issue that lots of people use Astor Drive as a cut through to the school and the grass verge has been worn away because a fence protecting the area has come off. The residents in the flats are now concerned that people are walking through this area. Yzanne said that she could see where the grass has been worn away. It’s not Moat residents who are doing this but the parents of school children, however Yzanne will see about blocking the ‘path’ off again.

Item 62/17: Chatham Maritime Trust Report Dean Marsh presented the report on behalf of CMT.

Basin 2

CMT have taken over Basin 2 from HCA and watersports activities have begun under control of Arethusa and Medway Water Sports. Some people think that the activities are only for children but they aren’t. If you’re interested in canoeing, sailing, paddle boarding etc. please go down to Basin 2 when either Arethusa or Medway Water Sports are there and enquire about joining in. You can also go to the Medway Water Sports webpage: to book courses.

Water testing has been undertaken by CMT specialists due to reports of red algae in Basin 2. The water quality report has confirmed it’s okay for water sport activities and water testing will continue throughout the water sports session, July to end of September. The aeration system will be activated in October to improve the water quality and will continue over the winter so that the basin is ready for the new water sports session 2018 in March.

Produced by Bob Muid Page 1 of 6 Adopted 19th September 2017 Rubbish

At the previous SMIRA meetings it was raised that rubbish was becoming a problem outside the Co-Op. Turfsoil are employed by Shepherd Neame to maintain the area during the working week (it’s not paid out of rent charge) and have worked hard in this area. However, a resident reported that the bins still overflow at the weekends.


At a previous SMIRA meeting, residents suggested that there should be some wild areas on the Island to encourage biodiversity. A wild meadow has been created on Finsborough Down, beyond the dog run up to the perimeter road. The area has been well received and at the end of September some wild flower seeds will be planted. Turfsoil will work with Kent Wildlife trust to identify the correct type of seed etc. The school has made some visits to the area.

The Trust wanted to thank the residents who worked with them on this very positive project. They also want to remind everyone that CMT are very receptive to suggestions on how to improve the Island.


Grant Leathwhite, as the Residential Services Officer, is now dealing with all covenants matters across the Estate.

He has changed the way planning permissions are sought; previously planning applications were made to the Council before speaking to the Trust. Now Grant is offering an informal chat to residents or a visit to their house before they put in an application so that he can let them know if the proposal is something that the Trust would accept or not. This should save everybody time and money.

David Taylor emphasised that residents should talk to Grant before they put in a planning application at the Council.

Estates Officer Position

Interviews have concluded with the new Estates Officer starting on the 4th September due to the notice period in his current position. He is Carl Davis and his background is with the existing security team and knows the Island well.

Ward Security are still covering the duties of the Estates Officer (5-6 hours a day) and have been walking around the Island with their own dogs, checking on dog walkers and making sure that dogs are kept on their leads.


Helen Kristic our PCSO has left the position for a job with Kent police and we all wish her well in her new job. The CMT estate has a new PCSO, 58549 Chris Price, who has a lot of experience. He sent his apologies for not coming to the meeting tonight due to a family bereavement. He will be continuing the confidential surgery (that Helen instigated) before the SMIRA meetings. Tel: 07929 047260; he will only answer if on duty. Email: [email protected]


The Trust is installing two new CCTV cameras, one to view activities under HMS Chatham Bridge and one sited at the back of MHS homes on the river walk. Both cameras should be fully operation by middle of August, the Trust is waiting for parts to commission the cameras.

Two new bollards, one each side of the bridge, have be installed to prevent cars speeding under the bridge.


The Trust’s new website is currently being created with a view to going live in October 2017. CMT is currently working on a photo gallery and possible video footage to show the estate in its full light. With this in mind the Trust is having a photo competition for residents. There are four categories: family, architecture, adventure and nature and landscapes. The closing date is 29 September 2017 and you can enter by downloading an application form from the CMT website. The photographers of selected photos from the four categories will win prizes and have their photos on the new CMT website.

Produced by Bob Muid Page 2 of 6 Adopted 19th September 2017 Commemorative Service

There is to be a 100 years commemorative service for the servicemen who lost their lives during the bombing at the Drill Hall in Brompton on 10th September, between 11:00am and 12:00 noon. The event is from 9:30am to 2:00pm and the Royal Marines marching band from Portsmouth will attend.

Estate Walk

There will be another Estate Walk on Saturday 9th September, starting from the Community Centre at 10:00am. Dean apologised for the long wait but due to a minor operation he has not been able to undertake the walk. It is an opportunity for residents to tour the Island raising issues which they think need attention. Please take advantage of the walk to point out areas on the Island which you think could be improved. Dean will take the walk wherever the group wants; there is no set route. In addition to Dean he will ask the new Estate Officer to attend as it would be a good opportunity for him to meet the residents.

Grant Leathwhite is happy to visit specific areas with residents any day with a bit of notice, ring him on 07867 507187 or 01634 793942 during working hours.

Bulb Planting Day

Bulb planting day is scheduled for Saturday 7th October from 11:00am to 3:00pm. The planting will be in Central West Bund and yellow bulbs will be planted for the Marie Curie charity. All are welcome and it’s another chance to plant our spring and summer flowering bulbs for next year. Great fun for all the family under the expert eyes of Turfsoil who will provide the equipment: gloves, safety glasses, trowels as well as refreshments. Turfsoil supply the bulbs and heavy labour - we do the easy bit - planting. Meet at Central Walk near the noticeboard at 11:00am.

In addition, David Taylor has said that the Sunlight Rotary will be looking to plant purple crocuses on Stones roundabout; date to be confirmed.

Post Meeting Note: The planting will take place on Saturday 21st October

Christmas Fair at the Community Centre

The Christmas Fair at St. Mary's Island Community Centre will take place again this year; date to be confirmed. The format will be as last year with, Harmony ladies choir, the Salvation Army band and Father Christmas already booked. Children can visit Father Christmas free of charge and receive a modest present. There will be a carol service with the Salvation Army band around a new Christmas tree (as the old one has died) towards the end of the afternoon.

Residents are invited to bring along or just ‘drop-in’ an unwrapped present for a child up to 16 years of age and these presents will be distributed by the Salvation Army to underprivileged children at Christmas. Residents have always been extremely generous in this regard in the past and can be assured that every present donated finds a home.

Redrow sector 3

Realistically it will be the autumn before the Trust takes over the maintenance of these areas. Redrow have promised a general tidy up and prune of the landscaping in this sector.

Once transferred to the Trust, they will send a letter out to all residents in the area explaining what is to happen with the landscaping in the future; the Trust will carry out extensive replanting before beginning routine maintenance. Once handed over to the Trust, they will be permanently responsible for maintaining the landscaping to the standard that they maintain throughout the Island.

Questions from Residents

Barry Woolford asked if it was the Trust’s responsibility to maintain the lifebuoys around the estate as there were some missing last night. Dean Marsh responded that the Trust does look after the safety equipment and that the missing lifebuoys were replaced this morning.

A resident asked who was responsible for Basin1 as there was an ongoing problem with rubbish accumulating in the corners by HMS Chatham Bridge. The basin is owned by the HCA and leased to MDL, who operate the marina. SMIRA used to have an arrangement whereby a resident in the Crescent would email the marina and let them know when rubbish was building up. MDL would then send out a boat to scoop up the rubbish. The resident has since moved and we now rely on residents letting us know so that we can contact the Marina. However, MDL’s boat that they use to remove the rubbish is currently out of action, although they hope to have it operational soon.

Produced by Bob Muid Page 3 of 6 Adopted 19th September 2017 However, SMIRA has been proactive regarding the rubbish in the basins and has persuaded the HCA and CMT to repair and install the mesh at the bottom of the railings around the dock to prevent rubbish blowing into the dock.

Post Meeting Note: Barry Woolford, a SMIRA Director, has agreed to monitor this matter in future.

Peter Haigh mentioned that the waste bins on the northern bullnose didn’t have lids on and when it’s windy the contents including the black sacks are sucked out. Dean Marsh said he would have them replaced.

Item 63/17: Chair’s Report David Taylor told the meeting that many residents have expressed concerns about the bike gangs and he has spoken to Cllr Mackness about setting up a meeting with the police to see what can be done about them. Dean Marsh said that he expected the new PCSO, Chris Price, to be as effective as Helen Kristic had been in dealing with such incidents and speaking to the parents of the children involved. David Taylor reminded everyone to ring both the Island ‘Security’ number 890292 and the police on 101 to report any incidents so that they are recorded with a crime number. PCSO Chris Price can follow up any recorded incidents and let the residents know what is happening.

The SMIRA AGM is on 1st December 2017 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the large hall of the Community Centre. All resident’s not just Members of SMIRA are welcome to attend. David has booked someone from Medway Council to talk about recycling and will try and get someone from the police to come and advise what can be done to resolve the increasing number of youth anti-social behaviour incidents currently occurring. Jonathan Sadler (CEO of the Trust) will also be in attendance. If anyone has any suggestions as to who they would like to make a third presentation, then please let David Taylor know through [email protected]. We usually have three 20 minute presentations with a 10 minutes Q&A after each.

Item 64/17: Secretary’s Report Bob Muid reported that we have had nine new members join since the last meeting; mainly from the new development. SMIRA is looking for two new directors to fill vacancies on the Board and we have had interest from Sam Rainbow who has lived on the Island for many years and has recently moved into a property on the new development.

Post Meeting Note: Both Sam Rainbow and Steve Gargano have now joined the Board

Item 65/17: Treasurer’s Report Lily Leaver reported that since the last meeting we have received our £4,000 grant from the Trust. We have given our accounts to Peter Hall, who works at CMT, to be audited and today we received our draft accounts. There has been no spending since the last meeting so, to date, £668.10 has been spent. Most of our expenditure is on the AGM documentation and the annual newsletter, which goes to all properties on the Island. Item 66/17: Social Media

Allan Sneller was unable to attend this evening’s meeting so Bob Muid reported on SMIRA’s social media. SMIRA has a website,, which since the last meeting has received 1,348 visitors. At the last meeting Allan Sneller launched the SMIRA Facebook group and it now has 300 members and has been reasonably active in disseminating information. It is a closed group so residents must apply to join it; no abuse or bad language will be allowed on the page. The name of the group is St.Mary's Island Residents Ass'n Official Gp. It is not in competition with the existing St. Mary’s Island Residents Social Facebook page run by Emma Richards.

At the last meeting Allan said that he’d put some information together regarding what to do about dogs causing "fear, alarm or distress". This is now on the SMIRA website both on the News and Contact pages.

If residents encounter a dog (that can be any breed, it doesn't need to be a Section 1 listed dog) causing fear, alarm or distress then it's a dangerous dog and needs to be reported to the police (phone 101) under the Dangerous Dogs Act Section 3.

Remember that on St. Mary's Island there is a dog run area on Finsborough Down where dogs can be let off their leads. Please use it and encourage your children who are taking the dog out to use it too. In all other areas on St. Mary's Island dogs must be kept on a lead (as part of the Island Regulations).

Produced by Bob Muid Page 4 of 6 Adopted 19th September 2017 On our website, we’ve also added a link to a document from DEFRA designed to help residents work with their neighbours to sort out any problems caused by barking dogs without having to involve the authorities. It's normal and natural for dogs to bark but when barking happens a lot, or goes on for a long time, it can be annoying and upsetting for your neighbours. If you're out a lot, or you're just used to the noise, you might not realise just how bad it is.

Dean Marsh said that the new Estate Officer will be working flexible hours so that he can patrol during the times which residents have reported are when people walk the dogs off a lead (e.g. on the Lower East Bund).

A resident said that the SMIRA Facebook page was very good at giving him the information he needed.

Item 67/17: Roads and Associated Matters Every six weeks, David Taylor and Allan Sneller meet with the Council, the developers, the Trust and our councillors to keep pushing for the adoption of all the roads on the Island. There is now a program of adoption virtually agreed for all roads, excluding those in the new development, to be adopted by the end of 2018.

At the junction of Phalarope Way and Dunlin Drive, people were unsafely parking right up to the junction. The Council have now painted a white line in front of the dropped curb (where the crossing is) and, at the moment, drivers are respecting the white line and not parking there, making the junction safer.

Residents have reported that there are many weeds coming through the block pavements which are now under Council control.

The adoption includes the street lighting so, if you see a lamp out and it has a number on it (it is adopted) ring Russell Taylor on 333333 and the lamp will be replaced within 5 working days. Other roads which haven’t been adopted are still maintained by Countryside, along with the lighting in those areas. David Taylor asked residents to let him know if they are experiencing problems in their roads.

Zebra Crossings

Peter Haigh asked why no work has begun on the two zebra crossings. David Taylor said that he had checked to see if a consultation period was required as frequently SMIRA get complaints from residents that something is being done without consulting them. This has delayed the project.

The two zebra crossings will be installed on the ring road: one outside the Community Centre near Partridge Drive to give safer access now that this has become busier as a result of the additional traffic associated with the Island ‘build-out’ and one near the bus stop on Island Way West to help elderly people crossing from the assisted housing scheme to the Community Centre and Doctor’s surgery. It can also be used by parents with children using the dedicated parking spaces for ‘school drop-off’ to be available in the final phase ‘build-out’ of the Island.


A resident asked what was happening about the parking consultation. Cllr. Andrew Mackness said that a proposal for the CPZ (Controlled Parking Zone) will be drawn up by Ruth Du-Lieu (Assistant Director Frontline Services & Director) and this will be consulted on, but we’re not sure when.

Item 68/17: Buses Barrie Davis reported that there were currently no problems with the buses. There is a new Medway bus map available for those that need one. The meeting thanked Barrie for his work regarding the buses.

Item 69/17: Chatham Docks The Chatham Waters phase 1 development has started construction. There will also be a restaurant/pub opening shortly. Cllr. Andrew Mackness said that detailed planning applications have been received for two of the large private rented initiative blocks (15-16 storeys). Peel are engaging with Medway Council on further residential development at Chatham Waters and they are looking to turn parts of Basin 3 into more leisure facilities with the possibility of the Medway Queen being moored there. It was always Peel’s plan to make Basin 3 more leisure and less working dock.

Item 70/17: Youth Club David Taylor was delighted to report that the Youth Club starts again on the 8th September and they had over 50 Year 5 children come to the taster evening. The £500 grant from our Councillors, Andrew Mackness and Habib Tejan, is about to be received and the youth club has been awarded a grant of over £400 from the StreetCops

Produced by Bob Muid Page 5 of 6 Adopted 19th September 2017 Trust for a new snooker table and some electronic games and there will be a proper presentation on the 8th September.

Post Meeting Note: Residents and parents are reminded that existing members of the Youth Club (last year’s Year 6 children) are still very welcome to attend and that provisional plans are underway to add a one hour session after 9:00 p.m. for older members to attend.

Item 71/17: Planning Matters Cllr. Andrew Mackness reported that the expansion of the school was finally approved today including the nursery and building will start sometime around October. The nursery is already oversubscribed. The school is to increase to an extra form entry by September 2018.

Any Other Business: David Taylor reported that Sam Rainbow has offered to become a Director of SMIRA and all the Directors have agreed the appointment and thanked Sam for her interest. Sam has lived on the Island for many years and has recently moved into the new development. We are still looking for another Director, preferably someone living in the Causeway area.

Jess Pay wanted to thank David Taylor for his work with the Youth Club; it’s been really good on Friday nights. David thanked Jess, who runs the tuckshop and organises all the fundraising for Red Nose Day and Children in Need. The meeting gave Jess a round of applause.

A resident asked about Machine Shop No.8. The planning application is due to be determined in August. The person who has made the application already runs the Outlet Centre and would not introduce anything which would have a detrimental effect on their trading. The proposed green cladding has been changed to white to match the Outlet Centre.

Post Meeting Note: This application has now been approved but with restricting “Conditions”

Peter Haigh said that it had been reported in the press that the Outlet Centre was to be enlarged. M&S Food have shown an interest in the Centre and there is a discussion taking place to see where that could be accommodated.

Cllr. Andrew Mackness said that the hoarding that has gone up is for the new cafe pod which is sited between the Outlet Centre on one side and the restaurants on the other. He also said that the owner of the Outlet Centre has stated that he would like to purchase the remainder of the development from Schroders (i.e. Dickens World).

Colonial House is to be demolished in the autumn.

The doctor’s surgery was revisited by the CQC and given a good rating. However, it is up to Dr Lawrence to decide whether or not to take on another doctor to cope with the expanding population on the Island as it is his own business. A discussion was had at the meeting about trying to persuade Dr Lawrence to expand the practice to reflect the enlarged population. Cllr. Mackness said that he would provide the next meeting with the contact details for Caroline Selkirk, who heads the body residents need to lobby. A lot of work is going on in Medway to create confederations of individually run surgeries so that they work together.

At the last meeting, a resident asked if there are any buildings on the Estate that have flammable cladding. David Taylor has been in touch with Countryside and is waiting to get something in writing, however, he believes that it is not an issue as he believed the cladding used on the buildings to be cementitious board, which is inert.

Barry Woolford asked the attendees if they thought that there was room for a drama or light entertainment group. The Island has the facilities and there is likely to be enough talent to put together an amateur dramatic group. If any residents are interested please email [email protected] and we’ll pass your details onto Barry.

A new resident in Haven View raised the issue of non-resident car parking in her area. It was explained that such concerns were what started the controlled parking zone consultation.

The meeting ended at 20:25.

Date and time of next meeting: Tuesday 19th September 2017 commencing at 7:00pm.

A Pre-Meeting Surgery, where residents can report issues or seek advice from CMT, our Ward Councillors, Moat Housing and SMIRA is held at 6:00pm (one hour before the meeting).

Produced by Bob Muid Page 6 of 6 Adopted 19th September 2017

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