Appendix D. Projects and Associated Publications Included in the Study Along with Study
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Appendix D. Projects and associated publications included in the study along with study quality assessment results and the type of monitoring and outcome reported for each project (quant= quantitative, qual=qualitative, auth = author’s judgment). ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 1 Adhikari, B., Williams, F. and Lovett, J. Forest User High Attitudina N/A N/A C. (2007). Local benefits from Groups, Nepal l Quant Succ community forests in the middle hills of Behaviora Auth Succ Nepal, Forest Policy and Economics, l Quant Succ 9(5), 464-478. Ecological Economic 2 Ancrenaz, M., Dabek, L. and O'Neil, S. Tree Kangaroo High Attitudina Qual Lim (2007). The costs of exclusion: Conservation l Quant Succ Recognizing a role for local communities program, Behaviora Quant Succ in biodiversity conservation, Plos Papua New l Qual Succ Biology, 5(11), 2443-2448. Guinea Ecological Economic 3 Ancrenaz, M., Dabek, L. and O'Neil, S. Kinabantangan High Attitudina Qual Lim (2007). The costs of exclusion: Orangutan l Quant Succ Recognizing a role for local communities Conservation Behaviora Quant Succ in biodiversity conservation, Plos Project, l Qual Succ Biology, 5(11), 2443-2448. Malaysia Ecological Economic 4 Aswani, S., Albert, S., Sabetian, A. and Nusa-Hope High Attitudina Auth Succ Furusawa, T. (2007). Customary Heloro Marine l Quant Succ management as precautionary and Protected Area, Behaviora Quant Succ adaptive principles for protecting coral Western l Quant Succ reefs in Oceania, Coral Reefs, 26(4), Samoa Ecological 1009-1021. Economic 5 Baral, N. and Heinen, J. T. (2007). Bardia Mod Attitudina Quant Lim Resources use, conservation attitudes, National Park l N/A N/A management intervention and park-people Buffer Zone, Behaviora Auth Lim relations in the Western Terai landscape Nepal l Quant Succ of Nepal, Environmental Conservation, Ecological 34(01), 64-72. Economic 6 Bawa, K. S., G. Joseph & S. Setty (2007) ATREE High Attitudina N/A N/A Poverty, biodiversity and institutions in interventions, l Auth Lim forest-agriculture ecotones in the Western India Behaviora Quant Succ Ghats and Eastern Himalaya ranges of l Quant Succ India. Agriculture, Ecosystems ; Ecological Environment, 121, 287-295. Economic 7 Buch, A. and Dixon, A. B. (2009). South Working for High Attitudina Auth Lim Africa's Working for Water Programme: Water l Auth Succ Searching for Win-Win Outcomes for Programme, Behaviora Auth Succ People and the Environment, Sustainable South Africa l Qual Lim Development, 17(3), 129-141. Ecological Economic 8 Campbell, L. M., Haalboom, B. J. and Ostonial Egg Mod Attitudina Qual Succ Trow, J. (2007). Sustainability of Harvesting l Quant Lim Community Based conservation: sea Project, Costa Behaviora Quant Succ turtle egg harvesting in Ostional (Costa Rica l Quant Succ Rica) ten years later, Environmental Ecological Conservation, 34(2), 122-131. Economic ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 9 Collomb, J. G., Kanapaux, W., Mupeta, Wuparo High Attitudina Quant Lim P., Barnes, G., Saqui, J. and Child, B. Conservancy, l N/A N/A (2008). Assessing the success of Namibia Behaviora N/A N/A Community Based natural resources l Qual Fail management through the integration of Ecological governance, livelihood and conservation Economic attitude indicators: case studies from Caprivi, Namibia. In IASC Conference 2008. Governing shared resources: connecting local experience to global challenges, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK. 11 Durrant, M. B. and Durrant, J. (2008). Mount Mod Attitudina Quant Lim The Influence of Location on Local Kilimanjaro l Quant Fail Attitudes Toward Community Community Behaviora N/A N/A Conservation on Mount Kilimanjaro, Conservation, l Quant Lim Society and Natural Resources, 21(5), Tanzania Ecological 371-386. Economic 12 Fritz-Vietta, N. V. M. and Stoll- Mananara- High Attitudina Qual Lim Kleemann, S. (2008). How to foster Nord l Auth Lim organisational capacity for integrated Biosphere Behaviora N/A N/A biosphere reserve management - The Reserve, l Auth N/A biosphere reserve Mananara-Nord, Madagascar Ecological Madagascar, Gaia-Ecological Economic Perspectives for Science and Society, 17, 169-176. 13 Frost, P. G. H. and Bond, I. (2008). The CAMPFIRE, High Attitudina N/A N/A CAMPFIRE programme in Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe l Auth Fail Payments for wildlife services, Behaviora Quant Lim Ecological Economics, 65(4), 776-787. l Quant Lim Ecological Economic 15 Groom, R. and Harris, S. (2008). Predator Mod Attitudina Quant Succ Conservation on community lands: the Conservation l N/A N/A importance of equitable revenue sharing, Fud, Kenya Behaviora N/A N/A Environmental Conservation, 35(3), 242- l Quant Lim 251. Ecological Economic 16 Gubbi, S., Linkie, M. and Leader- Periyar Tiger Mod Attitudina Quant Fail Williams, N. (2008). Evaluating the Reserve, India l N/A N/A legacy of an integrated conservation and Behaviora N/A N/A development project around a tiger l Quant Lim reserve in India, Environmental Ecological Conservation, 35(4), 331-339. Economic 17 Haller, T., Galvin, M., Meroka, P., Alca, Amarikari High Attitudina Auth Lim J. and Alvarez, A. (2008). Who gains Communal l Qual Fail from community conservation? Intended Reserve, Peru Behaviora N/A N/A and unintended costs and benefits of l N/A N/A participative approaches in Peru and Ecological Tanzania, Journal of Environment & Economic Development, 17(2), 118-144. 18 Haque, C. E., Deb, A. K. and Medeiros, Mandera High Attitudina N/A N/A D. (2009). Integrating conservation with Reserve l Auth Succ livelihood improvement for sustainable Association, Behaviora Qual Succ development: The experiment of an Brazil l Quant Succ oyster producers' cooperative in Southeast Ecological Brazil, Society & Natural Resources: An Economic International Journal, 22(6), 554-570. ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 20 Hausser, Y., Weber, H. and Meyer, B. Ugalla project. High Attitudina N/A N/A (2008). Bees, farmers, tourists and Tanzania l Auth Fail hunters: conflict dynamics around Behaviora N/A N/A Western Tanzania protected areas. l Quant Succ Springer, Niamey, NIGER, pp. 2679- Ecological 2703. Economic 21 Hausser, Y., Weber, H. and Meyer, B. Inyonga High Attitudina N/A N/A (2008). Bees, farmers, tourists and project, l Auth Fail hunters: conflict dynamics around Tanzania Behaviora N/A N/A Western Tanzania protected areas. l Quant Succ Springer, Niamey, NIGER, pp. 2679- Ecological 2703. Economic 22 Igoe, J. and Croucher, B. (2007). Burunge High Attitudina Qual Fail Conservation, commerce, and Wildlife l N/A N/A communities: The story of Community Management Behaviora N/A N/A Based wildlife management areas in Area, Tanzania l Auth Fail Tanzania's northern tourist circuit, Ecological Conservation & Society, 5, 534-561. Economic 23 Jones, S. (2007) Tigers, trees and Tharu: Buffer Zone Mod Attitudina Auth Succ An analysis of community forestry in the Community l Qual Lim buffer zone of the Royal Chitwan Forests of Behaviora N/A N/A National Park, Nepal. Geoforum, 38, 558- Chitwan l Quant Succ 575. (Barandadar Ecological buffer zone Economic comm forests), Nepal 25 King, B. H. (2007). Conservation and Community Mod Attitudina Quant Lim community in the new South Africa: A conservation l Lim N/A case study of the Mahushe Shongwe project at Behaviora N/A N/A Game Reserve, Geoforum, 38(1), 207- Mzinti, South l Quant Lim 219. Africa Ecological Economic 26 Klein, J., Reau, B., Kalland, I. and Ambohitantely High Attitudina Auth Fail Edwards, M. (2007). Conservation, Special l Auth Fail development, and a heterogeneous Reserve, Behaviora N/A N/A community: The case of Ambohitantely Madagascar l Auth Fail Special Reserve, Madagascar, Society & Ecological Natural Resources, 20(5), 451-467. Economic 27 Linkie, M., Smith, R. J., Zhu, Y., Martyr, Kerinci Seblat Mod Attitudina N/A N/A D. J., Suedmeyer, B., Pramono, J. and Integrated l Auth Fail Leader-Williams, N. (2008). Evaluating Conservation Behaviora Quant Fail biodiversity conservation around a large and l N/A N/A Sumatran protected area, Conservation Development Ecological Biology, 22(3), 683-690. Project, Economic Indonesia 28 Lund, J. F. and Treue, T. (2008). Are we Myfone VLFR, Mod Attitudina N/A N/A getting there? Evidence of decentralized Tanzania l Qual Lim forest management from the Tanzanian Behaviora Quant Succ Miombo woodlands, World Development, l Qual Succ 36(12), 2780-2800. Ecological Economic 30 McAlpin, M. (2008). Conservation and Mapa Lahual High Attitudina N/A N/A Community Based development through Network of l Qual Succ ecotourism in the temperate rainforest of Indigenous Behaviora N/A N/A southern Chile, Policy Sciences, 41(1), Parks RML, l Qual Lim 51-69. Chile Ecological Economic ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 31 Musumali, M. M., Larsen, T. S. and Community High Attitudina Quant Lim Kaltenborn, B. P. (2007). An impasse in Trusts near to l N/A N/A community based natural resource Chobe Behaviora N/A N/A management implementation: the case of National Park, l Quant Fail Zambia and Botswana, Oryx, 41(3), 306- Botswana Ecological 313. Economic 32 Musumali, M. M., Larsen, T. S. and Community High Attitudina Quant Lim Kaltenborn, B. P. (2007). An impasse in Resource l N/A N/A community based natural resource Boards near Behaviora N/A N/A management implementation: the case of South Luanga l Quant Fail Zambia and Botswana, Oryx, 41(3), 306- National Park, Ecological 313. Zambia Economic 33 Ogra, M. and Badola, R. (2008). Compensation High Attitudina Auth Fail Compensating Human–Wildlife Conflict for human- l N/A N/A in Protected Area Communities: Ground- wildlife Behaviora N/A N/A Level Perspectives from Uttarakhand, conflict near to l Quant Fail India, Human Ecology, 36(5), 717-729. Rajaji National Ecological Park, India Economic 35 Raik, D. B. and Decker, D. J. (2007). A Gestion High Attitudina Auth Lim multisector framework for assessing Contractualisee l Qual Fail Community Based forest management: des Forts Behaviora N/A N/A Lessons from Madagascar, Ecology and (GCF) at l Qual Fail Society, 12(1), 14. Menabe, Ecological Madagascar Economic 36 Saunders, F., Mohammed, S., Jiddawi, N. Kisakisaka High Attitudina N/A N/A and Sjöling, S. (2008). An Examination mangrove l Qual Fail of Governance Arrangements at forest, Behaviora Qual Fail Kisakasaka Mangrove Reserve in Tanzania l N/A N/A Zanzibar, Environmental Management, Ecological 41(5), 663-675. Economic 37 Scanlon, L. and Kull, C. (2009). Torra High Attitudina Qual Succ Untangling the links between wildlife Conservancy, l Qual Succ benefits and Community Based Namibia Behaviora N/A N/A conservation at Torra Conservancy, l Qual Succ Namibia, Development Southern Africa, Ecological 26(1), 75-93. Economic 38 Sebele, L. S. (2010). Community Based Khama Rhino High Attitudina Auth Fail tourism ventures, benefits and challenges: Sanctuary l N/A N/A Khama Rhino Sanctuary Trust, Central Trust (KRST), Behaviora Qual Succ District, Botswana, Tourism Botswana l Qual Lim Management, 31(1), 136-146. Ecological Economic 40 Stringer, L. C., Twyman, C. and Thomas, Community High Attitudina Quant Succ D. S. G. (2007). Combating Land grazing land l Qual Lim Degradation through Participatory Means: rehabilitation Behaviora Qual Fail The Case of Swaziland, AMBIO: A project in l N/A N/A Journal of the Human Environment, Engcayini, Ecological 36(5), 387-393. Swaziland Economic 41 Sultana, P. and Thompson, P. (2007). Community Mod Attitudina N/A N/A Community Based Fisheries Management Based fisheries l Qual Lim and Fisher Livelihoods: Bangladesh Case management Behaviora Quant Lim Studies, Human Ecology, 35(5), 527-546. project, l Quant Lim Bangladesh Ecological Economic 43 Tai, H. S. (2007). Development through Shan-Mei High Attitudina N/A N/A conservation: An institutional analysis of Community l Qual Succ indigenous Community Based Based Behaviora Auth Succ conservation in Taiwan, World Conservation, l Qual Succ Development, 35(7), 1186-1203. Taiwan Ecological Economic ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 44 Tai, H. S. (2007). Development through Li-Chia High Attitudina N/A N/A conservation: An institutional analysis of Community l Qual Succ indigenous Community Based Based Behaviora Auth Succ conservation in Taiwan, World Conservation, l Qual Lim Development, 35(7), 1186-1203. Taiwan Ecological Economic 45 Tai, H. S. (2007). Development through Ata High Attitudina N/A N/A conservation: An institutional analysis of Community l Qual Lim indigenous Community Based Based Behaviora Auth Fail conservation in Taiwan, World Conservation, l Qual Fail Development, 35(7), 1186-1203. Taiwan Ecological Economic 47 Thoms, C. A. (2008) Community control DFID's Mod Attitudina N/A N/A of resources and the challenge of livelihood and l N/A N/A improving local livelihoods: A critical forestry Behaviora Auth Succ examination of community forestry in programme l Qual Lim Nepal. Geoforum, 39, 1452-1465. (LFP), Nepal Ecological Economic 48 Fay, D. (2007). Struggles over resources Dwesa-Cwebe High Attitudina Qual Succ and community formation at Dwesa- Land Trust, l Qual Lim Cwebe, South Africa, The International South Africa Behaviora N/A N/A Journal of Biodiversity Science and l N/A N/A Management, 3(2), 88-101. Ecological Economic 50 Watson, R. T., René de Roland, L. A., Manamboloma High Attitudina Auth Succ Rabearivony, J. and Thorstrom, R. ty Lakes l Qual Succ (2007). Community Based wetland Community Behaviora Qual Succ conservation protects endangered species Based l Qual Succ in Madagascar: Lessons from science and Conservation, Ecological conservation, Banwa, 4(1), 83-97. Madagascar Economic 51 Webber, A. D., Hill, C. M. and Reynolds, Budongo High Attitudina Auth Fail V. (2007). Assessing the failure of a Forest Project l Qual Fail Community Based human-wildlife support for live Behaviora N/A N/A conflict mitigation project in Budongo traps, Uganda l Auth Fail Forest Reserve, Uganda, Oryx, 41(2), Ecological 177-184. Economic 52 Wilder, L. and Walpole, M. (2008). Cambodian High Attitudina Qual Succ Measuring social impacts in conservation: Elephant l Qual Succ experience of using the Most Significant Conservation Behaviora N/A N/A Change method, Oryx, 42(04), 529-538. Group l Qual Succ (CEGC), Ecological Cambodia Economic 53 Zulu, L. C. (2008). Community Forest Blantyre City High Attitudina Auth Fail Management in Southern Malawi: Fuelwood l Qual Fail Solution or Part of the Problem?, Society Project Behaviora Quant Fail & Natural Resources, 21(8), 687 - 703. (BCFP), l N/A N/A Malawi Ecological Economic 54 Abbot, J. I. O., Thomas, D. H. L., Kilum-Ijum High Attitudina Quant Succ Gardner, A. A., Neba, S. E. and Khen, M. Forest Project, l Qual Succ W. (2001). Understanding the links Cameroon Behaviora Auth Succ between conservation and development in l Auth Succ the bamenda highlands, Cameroon, Ecological World Development, 29(7), 1115-1136. Economic ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 55 Bajracharya, S. B., Furley, P. A. and Annapurna Mod Attitudina Quant Quant Newton, A. C. (2005). Effectiveness of Conservation l Quant Succ community involvement in delivering Area Project, Behaviora Quant Succ conservation benefits to the Annapurna Nepal l N/A N/A Conservation Area, Nepal, Ecological Environmental Conservation, 32(3), 239- Economic 247. 56 Balint, P. J. (2006). Authroving El Authossible High Attitudina Qual Lim Community Based conservation near National Park l Auth Lim protected areas: The importance of buffer zone Behaviora N/A N/A development variables, Environmental community l Qual Lim Management, 38(1), 137-148. outreach, El Ecological Salvador Economic 57 Bawa Village Community (1997). Tchuma Tchata High Attitudina N/A N/A Mozambique's Tchuma Tchato initiative Initiative, l Auth Succ of resource management on the Zambezi: Mozambique Behaviora Auth Succ A community perspective, Society & l N/A Lim Natural Resources, 10(4), 409-413. Ecological Economic 58 Becker, C. D., Agreda, A., Astudillo, E., Loma Alto Fog High Attitudina Quant Succ Costantino, M. and Torres, P. (2005). Monitoring l N/A N/A Community Based monitoring of fog Project, Behaviora N/A N/A capture and biodiversity at Loma Alta, Ecuador l Quant Succ Ecuador enhance social capital and Ecological institutional cooperation, Biodiversity and Economic Conservation, 14(11), 2695-2707. 59 Schafer, J. & R. Bell (2002) The state and Moribane High Attitudina Auth Fail Community Based natural resource Forest Reserve, l Qual Lim management: the case of the Moribane Mozambique Behaviora Auth Fail Forest Reserve, Mozambique. Journal of l N/A N/A Southern African Studies, 28, 401-420. Ecological Economic 60 Boonzaier, E. (1996). Local responses to Richtersveld High Attitudina Qual Succ conservation in the Richtersveld National National Park, l Qual Succ Park, South Africa, Biodiversity and South Africa Behaviora N/A N/A Conservation, 5(3), 307-314. l Qual Fail Ecological Economic 61 Browder, J. O. (2002). Conservation and Rondonia High Attitudina N/A N/A development projects in the Brazilian Community l Auth Fail Amazon: Lessons from the community Initiative Behaviora Quant Lim initiative program in Rondonia, Program, l Qual Lim Environmental Management, 29(6), 750- Brazil Ecological 762. Economic 62 Caputo, F. P., Canestrelli, D. and Boitani, Terecay Mod Attitudina N/A N/A L. (2005). Conserving the terecay Community l Quant Succ (Podocnemis uinifilis, Testudines : Based turtle Behaviora Quant Succ Pelomedusidae) through a Community management l Auth Succ Based sustainable harvest of its eggs, project, Ecological Biological Conservation, 126(1), 84-92. Ecuador Economic 63 Dressler, W. H., Kull, C. A. and Puerto High Attitudina Qual Fail Meredith, T. C. (2006). The politics of Princessa l N/A N/A decentralizing national parks management National Park Behaviora Auth Fail in the Philippines, Political Geography, buffer zone l Qual Fail 25(7), 789-816. project, Ecological Philippines Economic ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 64 Daniels, R. and Bassett, T. J. (2002). The Conservation High Attitudina N/A N/A spaces of conservation and development and l Qual Fail around Lake Nakuru National Park, development Behaviora Qual Fail Kenya, Professional Geographer, 54(4), project at Lake l N/A N/A 481-490. Nakura Ecological National Park, Economic Kenya 66 Durbin, J. C. and Ratrimoarisaona, S. N. Isalo National High Attitudina Qual Succ (1996). Can tourism make a major Park l N/A N/A contribution to the conservation of ecotourism, Behaviora N/A N/A protected areas in Madagascar?, Madagascar l Qual Succ Biodiversity and Conservation, 5(3), 345- Ecological 353. Economic 67 Durbin, J. C. and Ratrimoarisaona, S. N. Amber High Attitudina Qual Succ (1996). Can tourism make a major Mountain l N/A N/A contribution to the conservation of National Park Behaviora N/A N/A protected areas in Madagascar?, ecotourism, l Qual Succ Biodiversity and Conservation, 5(3), 345- Madagscar Ecological 353. Economic 68 Gibson, C. C. and Marks, S. A. (1995). ADMADE, Mod Attitudina Auth Fail Transforming rural hunters into Zambia l Quant Fail conservationists: An assessment of Behaviora N/A N/A Community Based wildlife management l Quant Lim programs in Africa, World Development, Ecological 23(6), 941-957. Economic 69 Gould, K., Howard, A. F. and Rodriguez, Gatherings High Attitudina Auth Lim G. (1998). Sustainable production of Integrated l Auth Fail non-timber forest products: Natural dye Conservation Behaviora Quant Fail extraction from El Cruce Dos Aaguadas, and l Quant Lim Peten, Guatemala, Forest Ecology and Development Ecological Management, 111(1), 69-82. Project, Economic Guetemala 70 Hartup, B. K. (1994). Community Community High Attitudina Quant Succ Conservation in Belize – Demography, Baboon l Quant Succ resource use, and attitudes of Sanctuary, Behaviora Auth Succ participating landowners, Biological Belize l Qual Lim Conservation, 69(3), 235-241. Ecological Economic 71 Holmern, T., Roskaft, E., Mbaruka, J., Serengeti High Attitudina N/A N/A Mkama, S. Y. and Muya, J. (2002). Regional l Quant Fail Uneconomical game cropping in a Conservation Behaviora N/A N/A Community Based conservation project Project, l Quant Fail outside the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania Ecological Tanzania, Oryx, 36(4), 364-372. Economic 72 Horowitz, L. S. (1998). Integrating Integrated High Attitudina Auth Lim indigenous resource management with Conservation l Qual Succ wildlife conservation: A case study of and Behaviora N/A N/A Batang Ai National Park, Sarawak, Development l Qual Fail Malaysia, Human Ecology, 26(3), 371- Project at Ecological 403. Batang Ai, Economic Malaysia 73 Ite, U. E. (1996). Community Support zone High Attitudina Quant Lim perceptions of the Cross River National development l Auth Fail Park, Nigeria, Environmental project of Behaviora N/A N/A Conservation, 23(4), 351-357. Cross River l Quant Lim National Park, Ecological Nigeria Economic ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 74 Kingston, D. G. I., Abdel-Kader, M., Suriname High Attitudina N/A N/A Zhou, B. N., Yang, S. W., Berger, J. M., International l N/A N/A van der Werff, H., Miller, J. S., Evans, R., Cooperative Behaviora Auth Succ Mittermeier, R., Famolare, L., Guerin- Biodiversity l Qual Succ McManus, M., Malone, S., Nelson, R., Group, Ecological Moniz, E., Wisse, J. H., Vyas, D. M., Suriname Economic Wright, J. J. K. and Aboikonie, S. (1999). The Suriname International Cooperative Biodiversity Group program: Lessons from the first five years, Pharmaceutical Biology, 37, 22-34. 75 Klooster, D. (1999). Community Based Community High Attitudina Auth Fail forestry in Mexico: Can it reverse based Forestry l Qual Fail processes of degradation?, Land in San Martin Behaviora N/A N/A Degradation & Development, 10(4), 365- Ocotlan, l Quant Succ 381. Mexico Ecological Economic 76 Langholz, J., Lassoie, J. and Schelhas, J. Private High Attitudina Quant Succ (2000). Incentives for biological Wildlife l Auth Succ conservation: Costa Rica's Private Refuge Behaviora Auth Succ Wildlife Refuge Program, Conservation Program, Costa l Qual Succ Biology, 14(6), 1735-1743. Rica Ecological Economic 77 Lehmkuhl, J. F., Upreti, R. K. and Royal Chitwan High Attitudina Auth Succ Sharma, U. R. (1988). National-parks National Park, l Auth Fail and local development – grasses and Nepal Behaviora Auth Succ people in Royal Chitwan National Park, l Quant Succ Nepal, Environmental Conservation, Ecological 15(2), 143-148. Economic 78 Malleson, R. (2002). Changing Korup Project, High Attitudina Auth Fail perspectives on forests, people and Cameroon l Qual Fail 'development': Reflections on the case of Behaviora N/A N/A the Korup Forest, IDS Bulletin-Institute l Qual Fail of Development Studies, 33(1), 94-101. Ecological Economic 79 Marcovaldi, M. A. and dei Marcovaldi, Projeto High Attitudina Auth Succ G. G. (1999). Marine turtles of Brazil: TAMAR- l Quant Succ the history and structure of Projeto IBAMA, Brazil Behaviora Qual Succ TAMAR-IBAMA, Biological l Qual Succ Conservation, 91(1), 35-41. Ecological Economic 80 Marcus, R. R. (2001). Seeing the forest Ranomafana Mod Attitudina Quant Lim for the trees: Integrated conservation and Integrated l Quant Succ development projects and local Conservation Behaviora N/A N/A perceptions of conservation in and l Quant Succ Madagascar, Human Ecology, 29(4), 381- Development Ecological 397. Project, Economic Madagascar 81 Mehta, J. N. and Kellert, S. R. (1998). Makalu-Barun Mod Attitudina Quant Lim Local attitudes toward Community Based National Park l N/A N/A conservation policy and programmes in and Behaviora N/A N/A Nepal: a case study in the Makalu-Barun Conservation l Qual Lim Conservation Area, Environmental Area, Nepal Ecological Conservation, 25(4), 320-333. Economic 82 Herrold-Menzies, M. (2006). Integrating Conservation High Attitudina Quant Succ Conservation and Development. What and l Qual Lim we can learn from Caohai, China, The Development Behaviora Auth Lim Journal of Environment and Projects and l Quant Succ Development, 15(4), 382-406. Caohai Nature Ecological Reserve, China Economic ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 83 Myers, G. A. (2002). Local communities Jozani-Chwaka High Attitudina Quant Fail and the new environmental planning: a Bay l Auth Fail case study from Zanzibar, Area, 34(2), Conservation Behaviora Auth Fail 149-159. Area, Tanzania l Auth Fail Ecological Economic 84 Ross, S. and Wall, G. (1999). Evaluating Bunaken High Attitudina Qual Lim ecotourism: The case of North Sulawesi, National l Auth Fail Indonesia, Tourism Management, 20(6), Marine Park, Behaviora Qual Fail 673-682. Indonesia l Qual Fail Ecological Economic 85 Ross, S. and Wall, G. (1999). Evaluating Bogani Nani High Attitudina Qual Lim ecotourism: The case of North Sulawesi, Wartabone l Auth Fail Indonesia, Tourism Management, 20(6), National Park, Behaviora Qual Fail 673-682. Indonesia l Qual Fail Ecological Economic 86 Ross, S. and Wall, G. (1999). Evaluating Tangkoko High Attitudina N/A N/A ecotourism: The case of North Sulawesi, Duasudara l Auth Fail Indonesia, Tourism Management, 20(6), Nature Behaviora Qual Fail 673-682. Reserve, l Qual Fail Indonesia Ecological Economic 87 Ramangason, G. S. (1993). The Mananara- High Attitudina N/A N/A Mananara-Nord Biosphere Reserve, Nord l Auth Lim Nature & Resources, 29(1-4), 17-23. Biosphere Behaviora Quant Succ Reserve, l Qual Lim Madagascar Ecological Economic 88 Ruiz-Pérez, M., Almeida, M., Dewi, S., Alto Jura High Attitudina Auth Succ Lozano Costa, E. M., Ciavatta Pantoja, Extracgtive l N/A N/A M., Puntodewo, A., de Arruda Postigo, A. Reserve, Brazil Behaviora Quant Succ and Goulart de Andrade, A. (2005). l Auth Succ Conservation and Development in Ecological Amazonian Extractive Reserves: The Economic Case of Alto Juruá, Ambio, 34(3), 218– 223. 89 Schwartzman, S. and Zimmerman, B. Xingu Lands High Attitudina N/A N/A (2005). Conservation Alliances with Indigenous l Auth Succ Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon, Association Behaviora N/A N/A Conservation Biology, 19(3), 721-727. ATIX, Brazil l Quant Succ Ecological Economic 90 Stem, C. J., Lassoie, J. P., Lee, D. R., Ecotourism at Mod Attitudina Quant Lim Deshler, D. D. and Schelhas, J. W. Corcovado and l Quant Succ (2003). Community participation in Piedras Behaviora N/A N/A ecotourism benefits: The link to Blancas l Quant Lim conservation practices and perspectives, National Park, Ecological Society & Natural Resources, 16(5), 387- Costa Rica Economic 413. 91 Stocking, M. and Perkin, S. (1992). East Usambara High Attitudina Auth Lim Conservation-with-development - an Mountains l Qual Fail application of the concept in the Agricultural Behaviora N/A N/A Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, Development l Qual Fail Transactions of the Institute of British and Ecological Geographers, 17(3), 337-349. Environmental Economic Conservation, Tanzania ID Study reference Project name, Study quality Outcomes Monitoring Type Country Risk of bias 92 Thomas, D. H. L., Anders, S. and Penn, Kilum-Ijin High Attitudina N/A N/A N. J. (2000). Conservation in the Forest Project, l Qual Succ community: the Kilum-Ijim Forest Cameroon Behaviora Auth Succ Project, Cameroon, Ostrich, 71(1-2), 157- l N/A N/A 161. Ecological Economic 93 Tobey, J. and Torell, E. (2006). Coastal Mafia Island Mod Attitudina Quant Lim poverty and Marine Protected Area Marine Park, l Qual Succ management in mainland Tanzania and Tanzania Behaviora Qual Succ Zanzibar, Ocean & Coastal Management, l N/A N/A 49(11), 834-854. Ecological Economic 94 Topp-Jørgensen, E., Poulsen, M. K., Participatory High Attitudina N/A N/A Lund, J. F. and Massao, J. F. (2005). Forest l Quant Succ Community Based Monitoring of Natural Management in Behaviora Auth Succ Resource Use and Forest Quality in Iringa District l Qual Lim Montane Forests and Miombo Woodlands (MEMA Ecological of Tanzania, Biodiversity and projects), Economic conservation, 14(11), 2653-2677. Tanzania 96 Wainwright, C. and Wehrmeyer, W. Luangwa High Attitudina Quant Fail (1998). Success in integrating Integrated l Qual Lim conservation and development? A study Resource Behaviora Auth Fail from Zambia, World Development, 26(6), Development l Quant Lim 933-944. Project, Ecological Zambia Economic 97 Zhang, L. and Wang, N. (2003). An IFAW human High Attitudina Qual Succ initial study on habitat conservation of elephant l Qual Succ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), with project, China Behaviora N/A N/A a focus on human elephant conflict in l Quant Lim Simao, China, Biological Conservation, Ecological 112(3), 453-459. Economic 98 Zimmerman, B., Peres, C. A., Malcolm, J. Pinakati High Attitudina N/A N/A R. and Turner, T. (2001). Conservation Research l Auth Succ and development alliances with the Station, Brazil Behaviora Quant Succ Kayapo of south-eastern Amazonia, a l Qual Succ tropical forest indigenous people, Ecological Environmental Conservation, 28(1), 10- Economic 22. 99 Alcala, A. C. and Russ, G. R. (2006). 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