Biwabik Public Utilities Commission

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Biwabik Public Utilities Commission


The Biwabik City Council met for their Regular Meeting on Monday, June 8, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers.

Roll call Mayor Weikum, Councilors Setnicker, Ekern, Jackson, Skelton Present:


Others Present: Administrator J. Jacobson, Deputy City Clerk S. Mackey, City Attorney Larry Minton, City Engineer Matt Reid, Chief Techar

Audience: Darlene Jackson, John Plesha, Lucas Maish, Pat Holmstrom, Gina Brascugli, Patty Wallert, Pat Holmstrom, Dave Sherek,

Moved by Councilor Setnicker, supported by Councilor Jackson to approve the agenda as amended adding item 8J discussion about donation request from Miss Biwabik. Motion carried on a 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Moved by Councilor Ekern, supported by Councilor Setnicker to approve the consent agenda; A) City Council Minutes –Regular meeting 5/11/2015 B) Biwabik Public Utilities Commission Minutes – Regular Meetings 5/14/2015 C) Biwabik Board of Recreation Minutes – Regular Meeting no meeting; D) Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes – Regular Meeting no meeting; E) City of Biwabik & Utility Combined Financial Statement –April 2015; F) Bills and Payroll Approval – 5/1/2015 check numbers 12832 – 12846, 121156 - 121186, $71,383.17; Bills and Payroll Approval – 5/15/2015 check numbers 12847 – 12856, 121187 - 121237, $130,385.11; Bills and Payroll Approval – 5/29/2015 check numbers 12857 – 12882, 121238 – 121279, $159,163.17 G) Monthly Building Inspections Report – January - May 2015 H) Parks Committee Minutes – Regular Meetings – 5/19/2015; I) Daily Projects Report – NA J) East Range Joint Powers Board Minutes – Regular meeting 4/28/2015. Motion carried on a 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Department Reports:

Fire Chief L. Maish reported that there was 19 calls for the ambulance, there was a Lucas 2 training held at the fire hall. The fire hall is cleaned and the department is working on inventory now. Councilor Ekern stated that there was a question brought up at Voyageurs Retreat about a dual page with Aurora, Chief Maish is working on it.

Police Chief Techar reported that May was a busy month, there are 38 blight properties – 2 have been cited. Warrant is out for one of the citation owners. Grass has been a big complaint. Councilor Skelton asked if he thinks the spring clean up was successful, Chief Techar said yes that he believes it absolutely did.

Councilor Ekern wants a property by narrows reviewed with a letter. Also asked with the blight letter if it is letting property owners know that they have a right to a public hearing? Chief Techar stated that he talked to City Attorney Minton about drafting a letter so property owners know their rights once they receive a blight letter. Councilor Ekern stated that the City Council will need to make a decision on an ordinance or not. Councilor Setnicker asked what will be done with the properties that have been blighted for years. City Attorney Minton spoke about eminent domain and how it is a long and pricey process, the City would then have to take on that responsibility. Administrator Jacobson will put together information about different statutes/ordinances on and about blight, nuisance, dilapidated buildings, will be long and drawn out.

Public works received class 5 gravel, crew started on alleys running east and west. Calcium chloride will be coming from the county, cold patch has been put into holes.

Public Utilities Commissioner Sherek stated that they will be moving the barge on June 11, if people could conserve water from around 7:00 am until 3:00 pm. Lights in city hall will be replaced towards the beginning of next year, should be able to get a grant for labor.

Parks reported that volunteers have been cleaning parks and will plant flowers at 9:00 am on Thursday.

Administrator Jacobson stated that the campground will be installing a new shower house this summer.

City Engineer Matt Reid spoke about the 2nd street project they are working to get the final pavement on the road. Trying to get confirmation, Woodlands will be patched too.

Gina Brascugli brought up about a neighbor being partially on their property. Thinks a system needs to be put into place so that buildings or fences cannot be put up without a proper surveying certificate.

John Plesha asked about the siren in town. Everything is set up through DSC, Dan Furry with Aurora Electric will energize it and it should be set up and good to go. Also asked about the pot hole in front of U-Save should be patched and a hole in front of Lucky 7 and Little Brown Jug should be patched.

Councilor Setnicker went to the Minnesota Rural Arts and Cultural Summit, will have a report in July for the Council. Brought up possibly being a part of the Center for Small Towns.

Councilor Ekern thanked Councilors for supporting Voyageurs Retreat trail project.

Mayor Weikum complimented music in park and all involved.

Discussion of proposed planning commission ordinance. Councilor Skelton thinks this ordinance makes much more sense than before. Consensus from Council to move this for 1st reading at July meeting.

Discussion of proposed storm water ordinance, this will be pending on what the PUC passes at their meeting on Thursday June 11, 2015.

Moved by Councilor Jackson, supported by Councilor Ekern to hold the 1st reading of Ordinance 111 – repealing several ordinances. City Administrator Jacobson is moving forwards with changing some of the ordinances. Removing some ordinances to make it easier. Moved by Councilor Ekern, supported by Councilor Setnicker to dispense with the reading of ordinance 111. Motion carried on a 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Moved by Councilor Jackson, supported by Councilor Ekern to adopt Resolution 2015-14 adopting the 2016 budget development process and capital improvement plan policy.. Roll Call with 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote. Resolution adopted on 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Moved by Councilor Ekern, supported by Councilor Skelton to adopt Resolution 2015-15 approving a cooperative fire protection agreement between the MN Department of Natural resources “DNR” and the City of Biwabik. Roll Call with 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote. Resolution adopted on 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote. Moved by Councilor Ekern, supported by Councilor Skelton to adopt Resolution 2015-16 in support of a formal study of the water, sanitary sewer, and potential stormwater rates. Councilor Skelton suggested sharing cost with PUC, Councilor Ekern suggested utilizing the $4,500 cost and share it with the PUC. Roll call with 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote. Resolution adopted on 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Moved by Councilor Skelton, supported by Councilor Ekern to adopt Resolution 2015-17 authorizing application for a staffing hardship variance for the Biwabik Ambulance Department. Roll call with 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote. Resolution adopted on 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Moved by Councilor Skelton, supported by Councilor Jackson to approve Resolution 2015-18 approving fire department mutual aid agreements. Roll call with 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote. Resolution adopted on 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Moved by Councilor Jackson, supported by Councilor Setnicker to approve the summer help hires for public works. Motion carried on a 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Council discussed a potential excavation permit regulations, right now currently the City doesn’t ask for anything when there is excavation at a private residency. City Attorney Larry Minton asked what the baseline for excavation would be? Would one only be needed for city property, the issue has been with private utility contractors coming in and then not restoring the area to original. Council’s consensus is for City Administrator Jacobson to move forward with pursuing an ordinance for July’s council meeting.

Moved by Councilor Jackson, supported by Councilor Skelton to approve the request to place the Music in the Park banner on the City park gazebo. Motion carried on a 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote. Pat Holmstrom asked about keeping the banner on the former Package Liquors up, as this is not in compliance with the ordinance. Moved by Councilor Setnicker, supported by Councilor Ekern to allow banner to stay up on former Package Liquor building through the remainder of Music in the Park. Motion not carried on a 1 – ayes, 4 – nays, 0 – absent vote. Moved by Councilor Ekern, supported by Councilor Jackson to allow signage in park for recognition for of the BACA. Motion carried on a 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Council discussed a donation request for Miss Biwabik coronation for $500.00. No support from the City Council for a donation.

Work Plan Updates:

July 30th was the next meeting scheduled for the City Wide Reconstruction, will need to discuss a different date as to not interfere with the possible use of the Pavilion for Music in the Park.

Budget development: will come back with an overall budget process

Comprehensive plan: RFP will be on next Joint Powers Board meeting agenda set for June 23, 2015.

Moved by Councilor Jackson, supported by Councilor Setnicker to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM. Motion carried on 5 – ayes, 0 – nays, 0 – absent vote.

Mayor Jim Weikum


City Administrator, Jeff Jacobson

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