Pre-K Curriculum Map

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Pre-K Curriculum Map

Pre-k Curriculum Map Month: August Theme: All About Me

Content Area: Language and Literacy Development LD1a Listens to and follows spoken directions LD1b Responds to questions Listens to recordings and shows understanding through body language or by LD1c interacting appropriately Listens to stories read aloud and shows understanding through body language LD1d or by interacting appropriately LD1e Begins to distinguish fact from fiction in a read aloud text LD1f Makes predictions from pictures and titles Becomes increasingly familiar with the structure of stories (characters, events, LD1g plot, resolution of story)

LD2b Repeats rhymes, poems and finger plays

LD3a Increases vocabulary through everyday communication Uses new vocabulary words correctly with the context of play or other LD3b classroom experiences

LD3c Connects new vocabulary with prior educational experiences

LD4a Uses language for a variety of purposes

LD4b Engages in conversations with adults and children

LD4c Uses complete sentences of increasing length in conversation

LD4d Uses language to pretend or create

LD5a Demonstrates an interest in books or stories

LD5b Discusses books or stories read aloud

LD5c Exhibits book-handling skills

LD5d Associates symbols with objects, concepts and functions

LD5e Recognizes that print represents spoken words

LD5f Dramatizes, tells and retells poems and stories

LD5g Identifies some individual letters of the alphabet

LD5h Shares books and engages in pretend-reading with other children

LD5i Recognizes books as a source of information

LD5j Connects information and events in books to real-life experiences

LD5k Participates in oral reading activities

LD5l Recognizes that sentences are composed of separate words LD5m Uses pictures or symbols to identify concepts

LD6a Experiments with a variety of writing tools, materials and surfaces

LD6b Uses scribbles, shapes, pictures and letters or other forms of writing Understands that print is used to communicate ideas and information (writing LD6c for a purpose)

LD6d Begins to dictate words, phrases, sentences to an adult recording on paper

LD6e Uses left-to-right patterns

Content Area: Mathematical Development MD1d Compares sets of objects using language MD3a Matches like objects MD3b Sorts objects using one characteristic MD3c Classifies objects using more than one characteristic MD3d Sorts and classifies objects using self-selected criteria MD3e Explains sorting or classifying strategy Participates in creating and using real and pictorial graphs or other simple MD3f representations of data MD5d Measures the length of objects using non-standard or standard measures Measures and compares the weight of objects using non-standard or standard MD5f measures MD5g Orders two or more objects by size (seriation)

Content Area: Social Studies Development SS1a Begins to understand family structures and roles SS1d Becomes aware of family and community celebrations and events SS2a Identifies similarities and differences among people SS2b Demonstrates an emerging awareness and respect for culture and ethnicity SS2c Demonstrates emerging awareness and respect for abilities SS3a Identifies common features in the home and school environment SS3b Creates simple representations of home, school or community SS3d Develops awareness of the community, city and state in which he/she lives SS3e Recognizes characteristics of other geographic regions and cultures

Content Area: Scientific Development SD1a Asks questions about objects, organisms or events in environment SD1b Uses senses to observe and learn about objects SD1c Uses language to describe observations SD1d Uses simple equipment to experiment, observe and increase understanding Records observations through dictating to an adult, drawing pictures or using SD1e other forms of writing SD1f Predicts what will happen next based on previous experience SD2a Observes, explores and describes a wide variety of animals and plants SD2b Recognizes there are basic requirements for all common life forms SD2d Understands that plants and animals have varying life cycles SD3b Describes objects by their physical properties Content Area: Creative Development Experiments with a variety of materials and activities for sensory experience CD1a and exploration CD1b Uses materials to create original work and for self-expression Shares details about personal creations (paintings, drawings, 3-D sculptures, CD1c block structures) CD1d Expresses interest in and shows appreciation for the creative work of others CD2a Uses music and movement to express thoughts, feelings and energy CD2b Participates in group singing or other musical activities CD2c Participates in creative movement and dance Explores various music types, musical instruments, and music from various CD2d cultures Participates in dramatic play to express feelings, dramatize stories, reenact CD3a real-life roles and experiences CD3b Recreates a story or poem through drama Participates in activities using symbolic materials and gestures to represent CD3c real objects and situations

Content Area: Health and Physical Development HPD1a Develops coordination and balance HPD1b Coordinates movements to perform tasks Participates in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities that increase strength, HPD1c endurance, and flexibility

HPD2a Performs fine-motor tasks that require small-muscle strength and control

HPD2b Uses eye-hand coordination to perform fine-motor tasks HPD2c Exhibits manual coordination HPD3a Participates in activities related to health and personal care routine HPD3b Participates in activities related to nutrition HPD3c Discusses and utilizes appropriate safety procedures

Content Area: Social and Emotional Development SE1a Demonstrates knowledge of personal information Recognizes self as a unique individual and becomes aware of uniqueness of SE1b others Demonstrates confidence in his/her range of abilities and expresses pride in SE1c accomplishments SE1d Develops personal preferences SE2a Shows interest in learning new concepts and trying new experiences SE2b Initiates interactions with others SE2c Demonstrates self-direction in use of materials SE2d Develops independence during activities, routines, play SE2e Sustains attention to a task or activity appropriate for age SE3a Helps to establish classroom rules and routines SE3b Follows rules and routines within the learning environment SE3c Uses classroom materials purposefully and respectfully SE3d Manages transitions and adapts to changes in routine SE3e Expresses feelings through appropriate gestures, actions and language SE4a Interacts appropriately with peers and familiar adults SE4b Begins to recognize the needs and rights of others SE4c Shows empathy and understanding to others SE4d Participates successfully as a member of a group SE4e Participates in resolving conflicts and disagreements with others

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