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For Internal Use Only s1

Leadership Update

Date: August 2010 Subject: This is the latest in a series of regular briefings containing University- wide updates.


Briefing guidance: This briefing contains a summary of high-level, key messages to support you with your face-to-face communications with your direct reports.

Ideally, it should be communicated face-to-face to your direct reports by the end of the month – not circulated by email - and should provide an opportunity for your colleagues to give you feedback on the content.

It need not be presented verbatim. Please summarise where appropriate and deliver in a way you are most comfortable with to ensure that messages are authentic.

Please add your own content, which is relevant to your support division, faculty or area of expertise.

The briefing should enable your direct reports to brief their own people on some of the issues facing the University.

Please encourage your direct line reports to add more localised information which should still be delivered face-to-face at each stage of the cascade.

Allow at least an hour for the sharing of information and feedback.

Highlights this 1. Delivering the Strategy – new PVC Deans announced month: 2. New Executive Committee from 1 September 3. Preparations for arrival of new students underway 4. New student facing website is launched 5. Pensions update and presentations on changes 6. Carbon Management Board set up 7. Confirmation and Clearing 2010 8. ILS changes its name to The Library 9. New email system for students 10.VC’s Briefing on the future of higher education 11.Bullying and harassment advisors network launched 12.Election to Senate

1 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Our mission: Salford is an enterprising University which transforms individuals and communities through excellent teaching, research, innovation and engagement.

Our vision: The University of Salford will be, by 2017, an outstanding University renowned for the quality of its engagement, humanity, global reach and leadership in research, innovation and education.

Our values: We espouse and promote the following values and behaviours:  The highest academic, professional and ethical standards  Service to our stakeholders, clients and partners and, in particular, putting our students first  Supporting our people and recognising and rewarding excellence and leadership  Working together for the advancement of the University  Innovation, creativity, enterprise, courage  Diversity, humanity, fairness and respect  Pride in our heritage and the distinctive difference we make to the world  Investing passion in all that we do.

Our six goals and  Goal 1 – Transforming learning and teaching: Huw Morris their owners:  Goal 2 – Transforming research and innovation: Ghassan Aouad  Goal 3 – Transforming engagement: Keith Barnes  Goal 4 – Our people: Keith Watkinson  Goal 5 – Transforming infrastructure and services: Adrian Graves  Goal 6 – Internationalising our University: Cynthia Pine

Our six themes  Built and Human Environment: Khairy Kobbacy and their owners:  Energy: Steve Donnelly  Enterprise and Innovation: John Wilson  Health and Wellbeing: Cynthia Pine  Human Rights, Social Justice and Security: Ruth Wright  Media, Digital Technology and the Creative Economy: Brian Longhurst

Why we need The University acknowledges the need to keep its people informed. these briefings Employees perform better when they are involved and when they have an open and honest dialogue with their leaders.

Involvement creates good will and employees are prepared to go the “extra mile”. One of the targets for our People Goal 4 is to increase the number of employees engaged to at least 45 per cent by 2012 – placing us in the top quartile of UK organisation.

This briefing will help support you in addressing the issues above and will supplement our employee magazine, US, the Vice-Chancellor’s blog, Council Update, as well as US Online on the Staff Channel.

2 Business updates 1. Delivering the Strategy - new PVC Deans announced

The appointments of three Pro Vice-Chancellors and Deans of College have now been confirmed.

Professor Ghassan Aouad is appointed as Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation and Dean of the College of Science and Technology. This College will consist of three schools: Computing, Science and Engineering; Environment and Life Sciences; and the Built Environment.

Professor Huw Morris is appointed as Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic and Dean of the College of Arts and Social Sciences. This College will consist of six schools: Art and Design; English, Sociology, Politics and Contemporary History; Languages; Law; Media, Music and Performance; and Salford Business School.

Professor Cynthia Pine is appointed as Pro Vice-Chancellor International and Dean of the College of Health and Social Care. This College will consist of three schools: Health, Sport and Rehabilitation Sciences; Nursing and Midwifery and Social Work, Psychology and Public Health.

Ghassan, Huw and Cynthia will take up their new responsibilities with effect from 1 September, 2010.

Professor Brian Longhurst, currently Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Media and Social Sciences will become Pro Vice-Chancellor Media and Digital Futures. He also continues as the Theme Lead for our Media, Digital Technology and the Creative Economy Theme.

Professor Khairy Kobbacy, currently the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Business, Law and the Built Environment will continue as Theme Lead for our Built and Human Environment Theme.

Professor Steve Donnelly, currently Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Environment, will continue as the Theme Lead for our Energy Theme.

An announcement will be made soon on the transitional administrative arrangements for the Colleges and Schools over the next 12 months.

2. New Executive Committee from 1 September

Following the University Council’s approval of the Lauwerys’ Report, the following new management arrangements will replace the Strategic Leadership Team and related management groups from the 1 September 2010.  Executive Committee The Executive Committee replaces the Strategic Leadership Team. Under the authority of the Council, the Executive Committee provides strategic leadership and management to the University, assuring it is a solvent and academically successful enterprise. Its membership consists of the Vice-Chancellor (Chair), Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and Secretary, the four

3 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Pro Vice-Chancellors, the Director of Finance and the Executive Director of Human Resources. Other senior officers may attend the Executive Committee from time to time.

 Academic Council (Deans and Heads Advisory Group) The Academic Council (Deans and Heads Advisory Group) will act as a consultative forum, advising the Vice-Chancellor on issues relating to the University’s academic activities. It will comprise the Vice-Chancellor (Chair) and the Deputy Vice- Chancellor, Registrar and Secretary, along with the Pro Vice- Chancellors and Deans of College and Heads of School.

 Professional Services Group The Professional Services Group will act as a consultative forum, advising the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Registrar and Secretary on matters relating to the operations of the University’s professional services, including the articulation of central services with those provided through the Colleges and Schools. Chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Registrar and Secretary, the Group will comprise all Executive Directors and Directors of Professional Services who report to him.

The Executive Committee, Academic Council (Deans and Advisory Group) and the Professional Services Group will meet together on two separate occasions during the year, normally in September (to discuss the University’s strategic plan) and normally in February (to discuss the University’s financial plan in preparation for the budget process).

A wider Management Group including the members of the Executive Committee, the Academic Council (Deans and Advisory Group), the Professional Services Group, School Directors and Associate Directors of Professional Services will meet from time to time throughout the year as part of the University’s Leadership and Management Programme.

These developments are an integral part of the transformation programme and are designed to create greater coherency in the University’s management structures and to give a voice on critical matters to the wider management group.

There will be further developments of our transformation programme throughout September of which I will keep you informed as decisions are made. Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to continue to share your thinking with us by emailing [email protected]. We will continue to respond to your comments and questions.

3. Preparations for arrival of new students underway

The Student Life Directorate has been working with the University of Salford Students’ Union (USSU) and other partners across the University to get everything in place for the start of term, for when the latest cohort of undergraduates and postgraduates arrive.

An 18-minute video walkabout of the campus has been produced on DVD by Student Life which includes interviews with students and which is available for staff to incorporate into their own School student induction plans. In addition, Student Life will be providing student host support to

4 Student Information Directorate (SID) and Finance during check- in/registration. Similar support in the form of stewarding and guidance will also be provided for Schools during the first few days of induction, with an average of four student hosts - with local knowledge - for each School. A series of 20-minute presentations on safety and security will be scheduled from 20 to 22 September on campus.

The main Student Welcome activity will take place in the large marquee on the lawn outside University from 13 September. There will be Welcome events specifically aimed at international students from 15 to 17 September which will include a welcome buffet, social activities, visits and tours and talks on culture, employment, safety, living and shopping in the UK.

Students will be able to book online for an airport welcome, taxi transfers and to secure their places at events during the international strand of Welcome 2010. Student Life teams are working together to make the weekend of 18-19 September an Open Campus, with the library, Students’ Union shop, University House and some catering outlets open for business during that time.

From 20 September, the Student Expo will be open to all students with the Welcome Marquee housing a range of information stands, and with presentations from all services in Student Life. Outside agencies, including the Fire and Police Services and Salford City Council will provide drop-in services.

Vice-Chancellor Martin Hall will host a Q and A session at 12 noon on 22 September and the Students’ Union Activities Fair and Trade Fair will take place later that week. A refreshed Get Ready website, giving access to key information for new starters, will be also be promoted.

For more information visit

4. New student facing website is launched

A new student facing website - making valuable student information and resources accessible from one single source - has been launched by the Student Information Directorate (SID). Employees are asked to promote this site and its services to all students.

The site is and holds a wealth of information to guide students through important University processes. The site is split into four areas: registration and check in, exams, assessment and beyond, teaching and timetables and admin and letters.

Students will be able to make online requests for letters (including proof of study and council tax), buy transcripts and replacement certificates via the online shop and update address and telephone details via an improved user-friendly interface. The website forms a hub for all student information needs and has been built with feedback from employees and students.

5. Pension update and presentations on changes

5 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Last month, the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) Board of Trustees approved the Employers Pension Forum’s (EPF) proposals for reforms of the scheme. This is the latest development in more than two years of negotiations between the employers and the Universities and Colleges Union (UCU).

Before changes can be implemented, USS employers are required by law to consult with all active and prospective members – more than 130,000 people. The 400 individual employers in membership of USS – including Salford – will be responsible for carryout this consultation. The consultation period is expected to run from late September to early December.

Following the end of the consultation period, the outcome will be considered by the USS board and any resulting changes to the reform proposals will then be considered by the JNC, which, in turn, will approve the rule changes necessary to ensure that changes will be implemented from 1 April 2011.

The proposals include:  A normal pension age of 65 will be introduced for each new entrant and for future service of existing members  Existing members over the age of 55 will be exempt from the changes to the normal pension age  The normal pension age will be linked to increases to the state pension age  A flexible retirement scheme will be introduced which will be available to members from age 55  The employee contribution rate for members of the final salary scheme will increase to 7.5 per cent  Pension increases (for pensions in payment) will be inflation proofed in line with increases in the retail price index (RPI) subject to a five per cent inflation cap  Pensions in deferment will be increased by RPT or 2.5 per cent (whichever is the lower)

Two presentations by the USS will be held at the University in the Humphrey Booth Lecture Theatre on Wednesday, 15 September, 2010, which will include an update about the proposed changes with time for questions and answers. The presentation will last an hour and does not form part of the statutory consultation.

Anyone wanting to attend should confirm by emailing [email protected] with Salford 11.00 or Salford 2.00 in the subject bar, depending on what time you wish to attend.

Or complete the form at _sept2010 and return it directly to Eifion Morris, USS, FREEPOST LV7039, Royal Liver Building, Liverpool, L3 0BR.

For more information visit: USS website - EPF website - UCU website -

6 If you have any further queries, please contact Rachel Nield, the University’s Pensions Officer on [email protected] or extension 52101. 6. Carbon Management Board established

The University has recently signed up to the Higher Education Carbon Management programme delivered by the Carbon Trust, which will run from April 2010 to March 2011. The aim of the programme is for the University to analyse its carbon footprint, identify opportunities for reducing carbon emissions and set up a carbon reduction target. The outcome of this programme will be a fully costed Carbon Management Plan.

The University has set up a Carbon Management Programme Board which met for the first time last month. The Board’s terms of reference cover carbon emissions, waste management, transport and sustainable procurement. The University has agreed as its target a 30 per cent reduction in carbon emissions over the next five years – against a 2005/6 baseline.

The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has made a commitment to achieve a reduction of 48 per cent in carbon emissions across all publicly funded higher education institutions by 2020. In implementing this all universities are required to have a carbon management plan designed and approved by the end of March 2011 - and the submission of an acceptable planning strategy will be a condition of any future capital funding.

In addition, the University has recently employed an Environment and Sustainability Officer and is in the process of setting up a Sustainability Team to lead on developing and delivering a Sustainability Strategy.

7. Confirmation and Clearing 2010

Preparation for Clearing 2010 has been extensive with unprecedented demand for places combined with a substantial fine for exceeding the HEFCE recruitment cap. This year the volume of calls received on the first day was over 2,800 which is twice the number received on the opening day last year.

Confirmation and Clearing 2010 began on 15 August when the SID Conversion team received the download of this year’s ‘A’ level results from UCAS.

Applicants received their results in the mail on 19 August and the phones began ringing at the new Clearing Centre in Peel Building, where staff from across the University had gathered to answer enquiries.

Salford went into Clearing this year with roughly half as many places available as last year. The number of applications received by us prior to Clearing had increased by around 20 per cent against a national figure of around 12 per cent.

The Clearing exercise will continue over the next few weeks in the run up to the Registration period. By close of business 20 August, the University had made around 300 offers with many more to follow in the next few weeks.

The challenge this year is to accommodate as many capable students as possible without exceeding the recruitment cap imposed by HEFCE. With this in mind the Admissions Sub Group has been meeting each day to monitor progress and to target recruitment at key areas.

7 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY The University received very positive coverage in the media with Liz Bromley, Director of Student Life being interviewed on BBC Radio Manchester and for ITV. 8. ILS changes its name to The Library

Information and Learning Services (ILS) has changed its name to The Library this month, following the separation of library-related services from IT Services in November 2009. The Library is now moving forward to create a more focused division and will continue to work closely with its customers to find out how they can further improve their services and better meet their needs.

The Library is currently responsible for providing a range of library and ICT related services including: three physical libraries and collections; a range of PC suites across the University; virtual/digital knowledge and resources on e-Library; the Institutional Repository (USIR); the reading list system (LaSU), University print and copy services, as well as information literacy and ICT skills development for staff, students and partners.

In addition to acquiring a new name, Library staff are working hard to develop and introduce new services and ways of working. Phase one of the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is close to completion in the Clifford Whitworth Library.

This will speed up the circulation of stock, improve management of the print collections and enhance self-service facilities. Further extensions to opening hours are planned across all sites. New ways of interacting with customers, including the introduction of online chat as part of enquiry services, is also being put in place. To visit The Library website go to:

9. New email service for students

The University has introduced a new improved email service for students to replace the old Student Webmail service. The system is supplied to us by Microsoft Corporation and those students who use Hotmail are likely to find their new account very familiar.

All students are being advised to use the new service from this month, August, which provides greatly increased storage, enhanced address book and calendar facilities, online services to store, share and edit documents, plus an enhanced student online and mobile experience.

Full details on the benefits of the new service, an in depth user guide and Q and A section can be found at

10. VC’s Briefing on the future of higher education

VC Martin Hall is holding a VC Briefing for both staff and students on higher education – both the national and regional situation. He will give an overview of the current climate and outline the University’s response to issues such as cuts in public funding.

The Briefing takes place on 8 October from 12.00 to 1.00pm in Maxwell Hall and will include a question and answer session.

Both staff and students are invited to submit questions online beforehand by no later than 29 September to the [email protected]

8 11. Bullying and harassment advisors network launched

A new network of bullying and harassment advisors has now been set up to support both staff and students who feel they are being bullied or harassed. The advisors - 10 in all - have been fully trained and are supported by a new robust governance structure. For more information please go to:

The bullying and harassment service is also supported by a mediation service with some 11 fully trained mediators. If anyone is in a personal conflict situation at work and they need to know more about what the service can do to help they can contact the University’s external organisation Total Conflict Management (TCM) on freephone helpline: 0800 294 9787. For more information go to:

12. Election to Senate

There is to be an election to Senate to fill two scheduled vacancies for members elected by and from academic staff.

The Nomination period will start Monday, 6 September, 2010 until 9am Monday, 20 September, 2010. Should there be more than one candidate, the voting period will run from Monday, 4 October, 2010 until Monday, 11 October, 2010. The successful candidates’ term of office is until 31 August, 2013.

Academic colleagues will receive an email on 6 September from [email protected] asking for nominations, and at the same time the Electoral Register will be posted online. If there is to be an election, voting papers will be sent out from Electoral Reform Services (ERS), an independent supplier of ballot and election services, who are running the election on the University’s behalf.

Information on the election has been posted online on the Governance website at The Rules Governing the Election and Appointment of Staff to Senate may also be viewed on that website. The election process and the website are fully accessible to colleagues who are off campus.

For further details please contact Richard Clemens, Governance Services Unit or email [email protected]

9 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Faculty/Divisional communications

10 Record of notes and feedback from briefing session:


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