PLA Board of Directors s1

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PLA Board of Directors s1

PLA Board of Directors Spring 2017 Meeting 2017.61 TO: PLA Board of Directors RE: Singer Group Helping Communities Come Together Award (NEW) DATE: March 27, 2017

ACTION REQUESTED/INFORMATION/REPORT: Action Requested ACTION REQUESTED BY: Barb Macikas, Executive Director Scott Allen, Deputy Director DRAFT OF MOTION:

The PLA Board of Directors hereby approves the creation of the Singer Group Helping Communities Come Together Award, with criteria as presented below, to be presented each year in 2018, 2019 and 2020 and to be continued in perpetuity as long as PLA is able to secure funding to support the award. The PLA Board of Dierctors also hereby approves the establishment of the new Helping Communities Come Together Award Jury, to consist of a chair and up to 6 members.

BACKGROUND In late 2016, Paula singer of The Singer Group contacted PLA with the offer to provide sponsorship of an activity that recognizes public libraries for their role in healing communities and encouraging community dialogue, particularly after the 2016 Presidential election. PLA and The Singer Group agreed to use the $5,000 donation to establish a new award.

DESCRIPTION The award’s purpose, criteria, and process was drafted and has been shared with the award sponsor, who expressed support. The draft is attached for review.

RECOMMENDATION FOR BOARD ACTION The PLA Board is asked to approve the creation of the Singer Group Helping Communities Come Together Award, to first be presented in 2018. Current funding will allow the presentation of the award three times, so the award will be presented through 2020. PLA will request continuation funding and continue to present the award as long as sponsorship is available. In order to review applications and select recipients, a new jury is needed, so the PLA Board is also asked to approve the creation of this jury. The jury’s charge and composition is attached. If approved, this jury will be appointed in the summer of 2017, with 4 members including the chair serving 2-year terms and 3 members serving 1- year terms, beginning July 1, 2017.


Purpose and Criteria During difficult times, the nation’s 9,000+ public libraries are invaluable allies to their communities, inspiring understanding across boundaries and supporting their communities to heal. In times of crises, public libraries are at the forefront of helping affected community members, whether through programming, partnering with community agencies to deliver relief, or using their physical space for critical service delivery. Public libraries take what’s in national and local headlines and use their unparalleled ability to bring people and knowledge together in safe spaces for learning and discussions that move us forward. The award was inspired by how libraries and helped communities come together – to promote inclusion and diversity, address information literacy and “fake news,” and more – after the contentious 2016 Presidential election.

The Helping Communities Come Together Award, sponsored by The Singer Group, recognizes a public library’s ability to identify community needs specifically in times of crisis and division, and respond in creative and exemplary ways. This focus allows libraries to nominate themselves or others for recognition when a library helped a community through broad and diverse challenges. Challenges may be community specific, or the result of national events that strain communities. These can include divisive political events such as elections or political scandals; community violence such as mass shootings or ongoing hostility; divisions between racial, ethnic or other groups; weather-related disasters such as floods, fires or storms; and more.

The winner of this award will receive a check in the amount of $1,000 and a plaque.


Public libraries of any size or serving any community type are eligible for this award. Applicants should identify if they are applying to recognize a specific library building/branch or a library system, either of which is permitted. Nominations may be submitted by community partners, such as city/county managers or other government officials. The award will be presented at the ALA Annual Conference. You must agree to allow PLA to publicize your program if it is selected as the winner.

Selection Criteria

Candidates must complete the online application form, describing the public library's achievement in identifying and responding effectively to a community crisis or challenge that occurred within the last 12 months. Applications will be reviewed in part on the following criteria:  Extend of the collaborative efforts between the library staff and the larger community in the planning and implementation;  Measurements of success;  Lessons learned to either prevent or better address similar situations in the future;  How other libraries might learn from the applicant library’s experience, if faced with similar situations; and  Quality of the materials submitted in terms of telling the community’s story and highlighting the library’s contribution to the crisis or situation.

Application Form

2 PLA Board of Directors Spring 2017 Meeting 2017.61 Nominee (Library) Contact Person (at Nominated Library) Library Address, City, State, Zip, Phone Branch or System Population of Service Area

Nominator Nominator’s Organization/Affiliation Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Email Contact phone

1. Please provide a one paragraph summary of the application. 2. Identify the time period during which the situation and the library’s response occurred. 3. Describe the situation in the community that moved the library to respond. Why was it considered a crisis or significant challenge? 4. Describe the library's innovative achievement in responding to the community crisis or challenge. Be sure to include 1) the basic details of the library’s initiative; 2) the involvement of community members and other community groups, if any, in planning and implementing the response; 2) what happened in the community because of the library’s work; 4) how the library and the community measured success; and 5) what if any lasting impacts the library’s actions will have, to prevent future situations or improve responses to future situations. 5. Upload up to two supporting materials (newspaper articles, flyers, program materials, etc.) to help the award jury understand and appreciate the library’s actions.

Committee Charge and Composition

 COMMITTEE: Helping Communities Come Together Award Jury [sponsored by The Singer Group] (PLA-to be determined)  CHARGE: To select annually the recipient of the Helping Communities Come Together Award. The recipient shall be a public library which demonstrated the ability to identify community needs, specifically in times of crisis and division, and respond in creative and exemplary ways.  COMPOSITION: Seven (7) appointees, including a chair, with staggered two-year terms.


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