Nabet-Cwa Local 31

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Nabet-Cwa Local 31


Executive Board and General Membership Meeting

February 8, 2014


Meeting was called to order by President McDermott at 9:48 AM, at the BECO Conference Center. A quorum was present. In Attendance: Richard McDermott-President Alton Morris-Vice President Darryl Moment-Treasurer Maurice Thomas-Secretary Rich Guastadisegni-WJLA John Evanko-SRS Eric Connolly-HOP Judy Washington-PBS Rory Reese-ABC Scott Riess-WRC/NBC

Approval of Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting held on December 7, 2013. MOTION 2013-02-01 to approve the December 7, 2013 minutes, as amended. MAKER: Mills SECOND: Opiotennio APPROVED.

President’s Agenda 1. Swearing in New Executive Board Member: Bantu Opiotenniode representing NBC was sworn as Executive Board Representative. 2. Venuto Petition Withdrawal – the petition to decertify at WHUT has been withdrawn by Mr. Venuto. 3. Executive Board Elections- On February 5, 2014, nomination petition forms for the election of Executive Board Members were sent to all contract units for posting. Candidates must submit a form to the Local Secretary no later than 1pm on Wednesday February 26th. 4. Ricoh Copier - The President has elected to purchase a Ricoh copier and software. The copier is to be delivered next week. 5. New Smart TV System – The new system has been selected and installed. This should make an excellent addition to the union’s ability to train and reach out to the members. 6. Brian Powers Resolution – In light of the many years of dedicated and professional service to the union, the following resolution was offered:

MOTION 2013-02-02 to approve resolution of thanks for Brian Powers.

MW opeiu153aflcio-clc Whereas Mr. Brian Powers, ESQ. has accepted an appointment with the International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO and;

Whereas he has represented NABET-CWA Local 31 in numerous legal battles:

Whereas he has served this Union faithfully and professionally in numerous cases before the NLRB and in Courts of Law;

Whereas he fought long, hard and successfully to secure a just decision for our members in the CNN case;

Now therefore be it resolved that the NABET-CWA Local 31 Executive Board hereby adopts this resolution thanking Brian Powers for his legal acumen, tenacity and dedication in his work for our members.

MAKER: McDermott, President Second: Mayers, President Emeritus


7. Sick Members Fund Resolution

MOTION 2013-02-03 to appropriate $500 from the Sick Members Fund.

Whereas NABET-CWA Local 31 member, Tyrone Riggs has been recently hospitalized and accrued large medical bills. Whereas he has not been working regularly due to his illness, Whereas he was one of the original CNN litigants and has been one of the leading advocates for justice in the CNN case, Therefore be it resolved that Local 31 will provide him a payment from the Sick Members fund of $500 to help him with his medical expenses.

MAKER: Moment, Treasurer SECOND: Thomas, Secretary APPROVED.

Vice President’s Agenda 1.

MW opeiu153aflcio-clc

Treasurers Agenda 1. Financial Reports for December 2013 and January 2014

Financial Report for December 2013

Below are the accounts that were considerably higher or lower than the normal budgeted amount for December 2013. INCOME: 4001: Total Rebate: $46,237.70 was 3,762.30 under the monthly budgeted amount of $50,000.00. The Local’s December 2013 Total income of $58,579.12 was $8,579.12 above the monthly budgeted amount of $50,000.00. EXPENSES: 5002: ABC: $180.0 for the month was $80.00 over the monthly budgeted amount of $100.00. This was some of the cost for Rich to attend the Cumulus Negotiations in New York. 5014: OPEIU WAGES: $12,425.00 was $2,225.00 over the monthly budgeted amount of $10,200.00 The office had three pay periods in December 2013. 5015: OFFICERS WAGES: $11,208.42 was $2,808.42 over the $8,400.00 monthly budgeted amount. The office had three pay periods in December 2013. This amount covers three pay periods for the President. 5027: FINANCIAL EXPENSES: $4,168.52 was $3,368.52 over the monthly budgeted amount of $800.00. The Local paid $3,975.00 for the audit review. Copies are available at the February Executive Board meeting. 5028: MEMBERS BENEFITS/TRAINING: $1,000.00 was $600.00 above the monthly budgeted amount of $400.00. The Local gave the Office staff a Bonus and $500.00 was given to a member from the Sicj Members Fund. The Auditor has finished the 2012-2013 Audit Review. The LM2 was also completed and submitted. Most of the other accounts were under budget. The Local was $1,397.09 under the monthly budgeted amount of $48,219.91 for total expenses. The net income for the month of December 2013 was $10,359.21. KR/opeiu153afl-cio

January 2014 Financial Report

Below are the accounts that were considerably higher or lower than the normal budgeted amount for January 2014.

MW opeiu153aflcio-clc INCOME:

4001: Total Rebate: $39,227.85 was $10,772.15 under the monthly budgeted amount of $50,000.00. A couple of our units rebates were behind for the month and the Local didn’t receive a rebate for PBS. This was probably due to the holidays.

The Local’s January 2014 income of $31,027.66 was $18,972.34 under the monthly budgeted amount of $50,000.00. The Local had a loss in investments of 14,306.40


5018: 401K EMPLOYEE: $2,435.31 was $535.31 over the monthly budgeted amount of $1,900.00. Since the Local had three pay periods in December, the Local then had three weeks of contributions to the 401K plan in January.

5025: PURCHASE FURNITURE/MACHIN: $9,332.59 was $9,032.59 over the monthly budgeted amount of $300.00. This amount reflects the $1,429.99 for the Smart TV approved by the Executive Board in December 2013. The Local received a refund of $269.99 for problems with delivery and installation. $8,172.60 was the cost of the copier approved by the Executive Board in October 2013.

5026: COMPUTER/PRINTING EXP: $7,608.65 was $6,466.65 above the monthly budgeted amount of $1,142.00. $7,144.40 was the cost of the software for the new copier also approved at the October 2013 Executive Board meeting. (A total of $16,000.00 was approved for a new copier and software in October 2013)

5027: FINANCIAL EXPENSES: $2,526.00 was $1,726.00 above the monthly budgeted amount of $800.00. $2,288.51 was charged by Merrill Lynch for consulting Fees.

5035: PREVIOUS UNION LEAVE EXP: $3,125.00 was $2,075.00 above the monthly budgeted amount of $1,050.00.

The Local was $9,080.60 above the monthly budgeted amount of $49,617.00 for total expenses. The net income for the month of January 2014 was -$27,669.94.

The Locals LM2 was filed on time in December 2013. The Locals 990 was filed on time in January 2014. The 2012-2013 Audit has been completed. All three are available at the Local office if any member wishes to review them.


MOTION 2013-02-04 to approve the December 2013 and January 2014 financial reports. MAKER: Moment SECOND: Mills APPROVED.

2. New Members: MOTION 2013-02-05 to approve new members as presented.

MW opeiu153aflcio-clc ABC - Paul Nevel, Robah Peacock MCT - Anne Marie Hainer, Marcie Povitsky NBC - Thomas Hahn NPR - Matthew Walther WHUT – Hamilton Riley, Anthony Venuto


3. Review of the member transfer reversal by the President: With regard to the Denise Royal transfer from Local 31 to Local 11, the President clarified that this was a staff transfer matter and that this local had no legitimate claim to dues owed. Under the transfer rules for staff, her transfer was immediate and retroactive to the beginning of her work in New York. Therefore, the local had no valid claim to withhold her transfer. 4. Review of document center purchase and contract: The President acknowledged that the purchase of such a significant capital purchase with union funds, although approved by the Executive Board, should have been in close consultation with all the local officers, and particularly the Local Treasurer before purchase. The President pledged that in the future, such purchases will be in consultation with the local officers and the Executive Board. 5. Review of the computer service contract: In review, the contract with CCEX seems to be adequately addressing our needs cost-effectively. 6. Acknowledgement of lack signed contract of conduct – not discussed. 7. Computer committee membership and activity – [see attached report]

Staff Reports 1. Union Leave Report 2. Member Packages

Secretary’s Agenda 1. Computer Committee Report – 2. SEC Meeting – In San Francisco March 3 to 7. Needs inputs or agenda items from Executive Board members and the membership at large.

Committee Reports 1. Outreach Committee – Old Business

New Business 1. Date of the April Executive Board Meeting, Saturday, April 5, 2014 – without objection. 2. HRS Affairs 3. MCM Affairs 4. ABC/ESPN Affairs 5. NBC Affairs

MW opeiu153aflcio-clc 6. NPR Affairs 7. PBS Affairs 8. SRS Affairs 9. TVS/CNN Affairs 10. WHUT Affairs 11. WJLA Affairs 12. WRC Affairs 13. WSVN Affairs 14. WITF Affairs 14. HOP Affairs

MW opeiu153aflcio-clc

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