2016 School Annual Implementation Plan Template

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2016 School Annual Implementation Plan Template

2016 Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

5005 Ballam Park Primary School


Based on Strategic Plan 2013-2016


Signed… Endorsement by School Principal

Name: John Mace

Date: 18/4/16


Endorsement by School Council Name: Tamara McDonald

Date: 18/4/16 Guide to developing the Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes To focus effort where it is most needed, four priorities have been identified for the entire Victorian government school system. The four priorities are:

 Excellence in teaching and learning

Signed:  Professional leadership Endorsement by Senior Advisor Name: Dennis Pratt  Positive climate for learning

rd Date: March 23 2016  Community engagement in learning.

Six evidence-based initiatives assist schools to identify and utilise the most effective, relevant and evidence-based strategies that when implemented with consistency and depth help drive improved student outcomes. The initiatives are associated with the four state-wide priorities, in the following way (please refer to the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes: Guidelines for schools): Priority Initiatives Priority Initiatives

Excellence in teaching and Building practice excellence: Teachers, principals and schools will work engagement of all students learning together Community engagement in Building communities: Schools will strengthen their capacity to build Curriculum planning and assessment: School will embed a culture of learning relationships with the broader community by partnering curriculum planning, and assess the impact of learning programs, adjusting them to suit individual student needs To guide the development of the 2016 Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Professional leadership Building leadership teams: Schools will strengthen their succession planning, Outcomes (AIP) schools will work with support from Senior Education Improvement Leaders (SEIL) develop the capabilities of their leadership teams in using evidence to conduct an annual evaluation of student outcomes data against the targets set in their School Strategic Plan. Schools then diagnose the issues requiring particular attention and select one or more initiative. Positive climate for learning Empowering students and building school pride: Schools will develop approaches that give students a greater say Principal and teacher performance and development plans include explicit links with the AIP and the School Strategic Plan. This ensures a line of sight from school improvement priorities and initiatives Setting expectations and promoting inclusion: Schools will work across their to each individual’s plan. The Guidelines provide further context and detailed information to support communities to implement support to health, wellbeing, inclusion and this work. Summary page: the school’s priorities and initiatives

Tick the initiative/s that the school will address in its Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes.

Priorities Initiatives 

Building practice excellence Excellence in teaching and learning Curriculum planning and assessment

Professional leadership Building leadership teams

Empowering students and building school pride Positive climate for learning Setting expectations and promoting inclusion

Community engagement in learning Building communities

Initiatives Rationale: Explain why the school, in consultation with the SEIL, has selected this initiative/s. Please make reference to the evaluation of school data, the progress against SSP targets, and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. As a school we have been through a great process of change. During 2015 Ballam Park Primary School has had 2 acting principals with a substantive principal starting at the beginning of term 4. As a result of this our focus during 2016, the final year of our strategic plan, is to review all areas to determine which achievement milestones have been reached and those that still need to be actioned. The whole school staff worked to identify the achievement milestones that have not yet been actioned or completed. This means that our focus will be on Building Practice Excellence, Building Leadership Teams, Building School Pride and Setting Expectations and promoting inclusion

Key Improvement Strategies (KIS) List the KIS that are linked to this initiative/s and will be scaled up. This could include existing KIS from your SSP or new ones identified through the evaluation of student outcomes against SSP targets and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. KIS may be specific to one outcome area or applicable across several areas. Initiative: KIS

Building Practice Excellence  Build teacher capacity to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes, through personalised learning Building Leadership Teams  Build the capacity of the school leaders to develop and implement strategies for transformation  To further improve student awareness and ownership as learners, as they progress through the school Empowering Students and Building School Pride  Strengthen students’ interpersonal skills. Setting Expectations and Promoting Inclusion  Improved student pathways and transitions Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes ACHIEVEMENT Goals Targets NAPLAN targets To achieve high levels of student achievement in By 2015, for both Reading and Number:- literacy and numeracy.  To reduce the percentage of students below band 3 at Year 3 and below band 5 at Year 5.  At year 3 and 5, at least 40% of students in top 2 bands. Teacher assessments VELS teacher judgements from Prep to Year 6. Increase the proportion of students assessed at Band B and above to 35% for Reading, 30% for Number and 20% for all other areas. For all scores in the Teaching and Learning Index to be at 4.6 or above by the end of the strategic plan. . Using the Parent Opinion Survey

. For all scores in the School Climate Index to be at 6.0 or above by the end of the strategic plan. 12 month targets . Focus on student engagement and classroom management- staff meetings, curriculum days- revisit alignment between teaching and learning and student connectedness. . Equip students to better manage their learning.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: HOW ACTIONS: WHO WHEN Markers of success reflecting KIS the school will do it what the school will do has responsibility timeframe for completion observable changes in practice, (including financial and human resources) behaviour, and measures of progress

Build teacher capacity . Implement whole school Literacy and . Staff demonstrating use of . PLT members . Reviewed progress at the end of . Year & Term Planners to reflect to improve literacy and Numeracy programs throughout the school. student self-reporting and goal each term to be shared with evidence of whole school Literacy setting. . & Specialist teachers and Numeracy programs numeracy outcomes, Improvement team. through personalised . Develop a holistic approach to Assessment . Implement quality programs . Maths Leader & PLT leaders throughout the school learning- Well-being and Reporting. that support high quality teaching . P-2 teachers . Classroom displays reflect same as focus practice. above . To increase intervention opportunities . Expand online data base to . All teachers’ performance plans English leader and 1-4 teachers throughout the school track student progress . show(ing) application of student engagement initiatives in practice. . Leadership Team . Teachers demonstrate the use of literacy and numeracy coaching ideas in their classroom. . PLTs meet regularly with discussion on teaching and learning practices and peer feedback sessions are established. . Each team planning session has a link to student performance data. . Teacher performance plans demonstrate the use of performance data for class planning. . Documented eLearning Plan . Curriculum/Staff meeting emphasis on student engagement

To further improve . To further extend student ownership of learning . Through PLTs, improve student . Parent Teacher Meetings . Evidence in classrooms of student student awareness . Continue to inform and share with parents current ownership of learning and assist . Ongoing throughout the year goal setting and reflection and ownership as teaching and learning practices students to set engaging and strategies. PLT meetings learners, as they challenging goals. . . Staff demonstrating use of student progress through the self-reporting and goal setting. school . Staff meetings . Increased involvement of parents in our school via Parent teacher . Student forums meeting and online means. . All classroom teachers to have . Whole School Assemblies and made contact with all parents of students in their grade each newsletter/website information semester. . All classroom teachers to have made contact with all parents of students in their grade each semester. . Connections and partnership with parents is evident in the school. ` Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

ENGAGEMENT Goals To enhance student engagement and ownership of Targets  Specific targets will be set in consultation with the FO, taking careful account of the current outcomes and learning. desired areas for improvement. They may include targets relating to the Attitudes to School Survey e.g.

To further improve student awareness and  For all scores in the Teaching and Learning Index to be at 4.6 or above by the end of the strategic plan. ownership as learners, as they progress through the school. 12 month targets  Focus on student engagement and classroom management- staff meetings, curriculum days- revisit alignment between teaching and learning and student connectedness.  Equip students to better manage their learning. SUCCESS CRITERIA: HOW Markers of success reflecting ACTIONS: the school will do it WHO WHEN KIS observable changes in practice, what the school will do (including financial and human has responsibility timeframe for completion behaviour, and measures of resources) progress Build teacher capacity . Improve student behaviour and engagement. . Staff demonstrating use of student . PLT members & Specialist . Reviewed progress at the end of Evidence of improved student safety & to improve literacy and self-reporting and goal setting. teachers each term to be shared with engagement . Implement quality programs that . Via surveys and also reduced numeracy outcomes, . Maths Leader & PLT leaders Leadership team. through personalised support high quality teaching suspensions, and RJ sessions. learning. practice. . P-2 teachers . Improved results in Surveys in . Expand online data base to track . English leader and 1-4 areas of student safety- student progress teachers . Documented programme of lunch time activities. Leadership Team . Evidence in planning that caters . for different learning styles. Strengthen students’ . Investigate and trial possible strategies to use ICT . Coaching/Mentoring partnership in . Improvement Team  Accreditation for health promoting interpersonal skills to further develop parent partnerships & increase term 2 & 3 which focus on Teacher . Leadership Team . Ongoing throughout the year schools student awareness of learning. engagement strategies/techniques . Classroom teachers  Parent opinion survey- evidence of . Continue to enhance ICT use in the classroom. . Purchase additional Yoga Laptops . Student Wellbeing team improved scores with an aim to be . Improve student behaviour and engagement . Whole School Assemblies and in the 2nd & 3rd quartile. . Investigate and explore ‘Play is the Way’ programme as newsletter/website information  Teacher planning will provide part of a whole school approach. . PD for teachers in using XOs (Year 3-6) evidence that all milestones in the . Timetabled and organised activities- such as Clubs which and other digital technology. language programme have been could involve parents and volunteers. delivered. . Continue to monitor data from parent and student sources . Parent Teacher Meetings in the areas of student safety and teaching and learning. . Staff meetings . Review student behaviour management programmes. . Student forums . Strengthen Parent involvement at the school by promoting . Through PLTs, improve student ‘classroom helpers’ programme’, visits to classrooms and ownership of learning and assist Working Bees. students to set engaging and challenging goals. Equip students to . Extend the use of ICT as a means of . Establish student groups for better manage their communicating and sharing with parents.as a consultation and feedback . Parent Teacher Meetings . Throughout the year . Improved Parent Opinion survey learning. means of increasing student awareness of purposes . results and greater parental involvement learning. . All students to be involved in goal . PLT meetings in the school. . Positive movement of students into, across and out setting and self-assessment of the school. . At Year 5 & 6 student goals and Staff meetings . Data on Parent helpers and . Effective Transition program embedded in current reflections are included in reports, . attendance at Parent teacher meetings practice. and participate in Student led . Guidelines on Parent Communication and to conferences. . student forums explore and extend communicating with parents- . Other year levels include self – e.g. email, Smart phone apps. assessment comments by . Whole School Assemblies and students included in reports newsletter/website information . Involving parents in the student learning via classroom visits, communication and newsletter/website and special events. and Assemblies . Work with Secondary College to streamline the transition and assessment program for Year 6. Documented guidelines for Parent Communication Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes WELLBEING Targets Goals For all scores in the Teaching and Learning Index to be at 4.6 or above by the end of the strategic plan. To enhance student wellbeing 12 month targets Focus on student wellbeing and classroom management-

SUCCESS CRITERIA: HOW ACTIONS: WHO WHEN Markers of success reflecting KIS the school will do it what the school will do has responsibility timeframe for completion observable changes in practice, (including financial and human resources) behaviour, and measures of progress

Strengthen students’ . Develop a whole school structured approach to student wellbeing. . Professional Reading for all staff . All Staff . Throughout the year. . Decreased student behaviour interpersonal (Play is the Way) management issues. skills. . ‘Setting the Climate’ at the beginning of . Review student behaviour management programs. each term . Improved Student opinion survey results. . Professional Development (Play is the Way)  Establish a team to plan a series of staff activities to focus . Leadership Team . Continued focus on pro-social skills attention and discussion on student engagement and their . Analysis and review of opinion data by . Throughout the year program in the school. learning. the Leadership Team . Class councils established *and  Review student opinion data trends related to student . Distribute the findings to School Council, feeding into school decisions engagement and conduct issues forums with student staff, and community (Whole school and classroom groups. level).  Review parent opinion data trends related to student . Introduction of a resilience engagement and conduct issue* forums with parents. programme and a continued focus  Strengthen students’ interpersonal and personal skills. on Pro Social skills in the school  Explore activities that link boys with learning, involving staff, parents and students.

Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes PRODUCTIVITY Goals Increase the capacity of the school to function as Targets Surveys a strategic organisation . Perception of school

. Communication

. Capacity of a school as a strategic organisation

. Fundraising

. Networks and partnerships

. P & D culture- Self assessment

. School information Portal-Financial Health, asset health, workforce health, OH & S

. School Staff Survey

. Student Opinion Survey

. Parent Opinion Survey

12 month targets Establish a Distributed Leadership Model Establish meaningful, achievable & accountable Roles and Responsibilities (Portfolios) for all staff.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: HOW ACTIONS: WHO WHEN Markers of success reflecting KIS the school will do it what the school will do has responsibility timeframe for completion observable changes in practice, (including financial and human resources) behaviour, and measures of progress

Build the capacity of . Extend strong distributed leadership, to build . Through management of the . Improvement Team . Documented common the school leaders to and sustain professional learning teams. Leadership team . By the end of term 1 Roles and understanding of leadership and develop and implement Responsibilities will be established and the roles and responsibilities of strategies for will be regularly reviewed throughout the each staff member. transformation year. . Document refinements to . Review leadership roles across the school- leadership roles as well as and composition, roles & responsibilities the roles and responsibilities of . Documented roles and . Improvement Team each staff member. responsibilities

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