The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, September 19, 2017. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Avis Anderson, Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Betsey Hedrick, Clyde Mitchell and Gerald Reichert. Department heads present included: Jake Feist, Jack Rice, Kevin Dorwart, George Lane and Dean Svenvold. Rhett Coon and Mike Dryden were absent.

Mayor Jimison opened the Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

L. Baker moved to approve the minutes of the September 5, 2017 public hearing for preliminary budget; second by Reichert and the motion carried.

Mitchell moved to approve the minutes of the September 5, public hearing for premium contributions for group benefits; second by Hedrick and the motion carried.

D. Baker moved to approve the minutes of the September 5, 2017 regular Council meeting; second by L. Baker and the motion carried.

Committee Minutes Street Committee-Wednesday September 13, 2017 4 p.m. Acting chair: Avis Anderson Attending: Avis Anderson, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Mayor Jerry Jimison, Dean Svenvold (Rec Department), George Lane (Fire Chief), Kevin Dorwart (City Works), Kevin Pena (public), Jason Stuart (Ranger Review) Agenda:

1.FYI - Update on Meade sewer and water project. Kevin Dorwart speaking for Jack Rice. Crews are completing paving. Today (Wednesday) there was a small soft spot on Meade to check on. Still a great deal of paperwork to do. Crews wanted to finish today (Wednesday). Comments from George Lane. There will be an overlay on that street in the future.

2. Easement/legal agreement — Terry Woodyard (Rosser and Mann). Mayor Jimison provided information in the absence of Mr. Rice. Mr. Woodyard lives at the end of an undeveloped street (Mann). Some years ago, Mr. Woodyard asked the city if we would grade and level a portion of the area in the rear of his property. He supplied the road material and the project was completed. Now (2017) Mr. Woodyard has expanded the property to include more land at the end of Mann Street. He would like to develop and maintain this property by installing an underground sprinkler system, and planting grass. The property is owned by the city. The question is if a legal agreement or easement is needed for him to put in a sprinkler system, grass and maintain. Jack Rice suggested that if there is a legal agreement, Mr. Woodyard would pay $1.00 per year. The sprinkler system would be on both city and private land. Terry Woodyard wants us to give him something to guarantee City will not move in if he invests his time and money. The committee recommends Jack proceed with owner and see where it goes. The Council will need to improve any easement or a legal agreement if one is completed.

3. Street committee recommends approving a 5 year lease with Brook Ceane for $1.00 per year for a 100 x 100 foot section of land adjacent to Windham Hills Subdivision located on City Land. Meeting closed at 4:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Avis R. Anderson, acting chair

Committee Minutes FUPR Committee Wednesday September 13, 2017 4:16-5:08 Mayor: Jerry Jimison Council Members: Chair Mike Dryden, Avis Anderson, Rhett Coon Dept. Reps.: Rice, Public Works; Dorwart, Operations; Lane, Fire; Svenvold Recreation Media: Jason Stuart, Ranger Review Visitors: Kevin Pena, County Sanitarian

1. Pigeon Control: County Sanitarian Kevin Pena brought a proposal for pigeon control to the FUPR Committee. The County is entering a contract to compensate a contractor $2 per removed pigeon. Pena was inquiring if the City was interested in donating to the pigeon removal. The City budgeted $1000 for pigeon removal. a. ACTION: Committee recommends Council approval of $1000 donation to County pigeon program.

2. Bridger Pipeline Donation: Director Dorwart presented a letter from Bridger Pipeline Company that notices the City that Bridger is donating $615,000 for design and engineering renovations to the City’s water treatment plant. a. ACTION: FYI

3. Surplus City Property: Public Works Director Rice presented a list of City assets for the Council to declare surplus property. Once approved this surplus property will be included in the online auction with the County later this month. a. ACTION: FUPR Committee recommends the Council declare the list of City assets surplus property.

4. Grant Permission: Fire Chief Lane requested permission to apply for a $10,000 MDU Resources Foundation Grant to purchase turnouts for the fire department personnel. a. ACTION: FUPR recommends Council permission for Chief Lane to apply for the grant.

5. Whipkey Park Lights: The Glendive Babe Ruth Association is denying the City’s soccer program the use of the lights on Whipkey Field. The City will look to assist the GBRA in addressing the problems with the lights on Whipkey Field but the lights will be used for the Fall soccer season.

6. Engineering RFP’s: Director Dorwart discussed the City’s proposal for soliciting engineering RFP’s. under the provisions of SB 273. FYI

7. No public comment.

Meeting adjourned 5:08. Respectfully submitted Councilman Dryden Ward III

PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Jimison asked twice there was no public comment. NEW BUSINESS Approve Resolution #2998 authorizing contracted city attorney to take part in City health insurance program. L. Baker moved to approve Resolution #2998 authorizing contracted city attorney to take part in City health insurance program, second by Mitchell and the motion carried. Dorwart added this resolution is a requirement by our insurance provider MMIA.

Approve five-year lease for City property for Brook Ceane. D. Baker moved to approve a five-year lease for City property with Brooke Ceane, second by Anderson. The motion passed with a 5 to 1 vote with Hedrick voting against it. Rice explained that the previous owners of the property had leased the city land years ago as a buffer between them and the landfill. This is just a new lease with the new owners for the same terms.

Approve $1,000.00 donation to County Sanitarian for use in pigeon control. Anderson moved to approve the $1000 donation to the County Sanitarian for the use of pigeon control, second by Hedrick and the motion carried.

Declare listed City property as surplus for purpose of disposal. L. Baker moved to approve declared listed City property as surplus for purpose of disposal, second by Mitchell and the motion carried.

Approval of Glendive Fire Department applying for MDU Resources Grant for $10,000.00. Anderson moved to approve Glendive Fire Department applying for MDU Resources grant for $10,000.00, second by D. Baker and the motion carried. Lane stated this will be used to purchase new fire turnouts which are about $2,000 per set. This will not cover the cost of replacing all of them but will be an annual thing.

Award contract with EHC, LLC. Contracting for Schedule I curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements for City of Glendive for listed unit prices. Hedrick moved to award contract with EHC, LLC. Contracting for Schedule I curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements for City of Glendive for listed unit prices, second by Reichert and the motion carried. Rice explained schedule I & II to the council.

Award contract with EHC, LLC. Contracting for Schedule II curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements for City of Glendive for listed unit prices. L. Baker moved to award contract with EHC, LLC. Contracting for Schedule II curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements for City of Glendive for listed unit prices, second by Hedrick and the motion carried.

Amend Accounts Payable Claims from September 5, 2017 Council Meeting to: $227,660.67. D. Baker moved to approve the amended amounts payable claims from September 5, 2017 council meeting to $227,660.67, second by Hedrick and the motion carried.

Accounts Payable Claims: $349,420.26. Hedrick moved to approve the accounts payable for: $349,420.26; second by Mitchell and the motion passed.

DEPARTMENT HEAD COMMENTS Police- Jake Feist stated Julie and Brad are at a conference in Helena. Officer Schmitt’s fire deployment will be delayed. Officer Olberding will be attending taser instructor training. Officer Kagle is in his first week at the academy.

Operations- Kevin Dorwart is finishing the state budget and sending out RFPs. The 911 report is done.

Public Works- Jack Rice stated the public works crew has been winterizing the pool and splash park. They will be doing a walkthrough at the Meade project. They replaced a door at the city shop. There are 11 doors at the shop and they have been replacing one door each year, with 5 to go.

Fire- George Lane said both the building and fire has been quiet the last couple of weeks. The second week in October is fire prevention week. This year’s theme is every second counts, learn two ways out.

Recreation-Dean Svenvold stated that soccer has started. They have games schedules for Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays until the end of October. The shirts turned out good from the Jock Stop. Jacquie has cleaned up and done the year end closing at the pool. Co-ed volleyball will start in the beginning of October.

MAYOR’S COMMENTS 9/23/17-Hike for Hope-9am- Makoshika Park -Makoshika Promotions Demo Derby-3pm -Eastern Montana Veterans Stand Down-EPEC -Glendive Lion’s Club Moonlight Over Makoshika 9/30/17-Barbeque in the Badlands-DC Fairgrounds COMMITTEE MEETINGS Ordinance Committee-Monday, September 25-4pm Personnel Committee- Monday, September 25-4:15pm

Mitchell made a motion to adjourn the meeting; second by D. Baker and the meeting was adjourned at 7:49. The council members stayed for an executive session following the meeting.

Dated this 19th day of September 2017. Approved the 3rd day of October 2017. ______Jerry Jimison, Mayor

ATTEST: ______Jessica Ayre, Administrative Clerk