Terms of Reference s29

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Terms of Reference s29

ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

ANNEX A ______


Rehabilitation/Renovation of 40 Kindergartens five Oblasts (Donetsk –11, Luhansk -9, Kharkiv- 5, Dnipropetrovsk- 5 and Zaporizhzhia- 10) ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597



1.1 The conflict in eastern Ukraine is ongoing for over last two years, resulting in more than 2.6 million Ukrainians (including IDPs and refugees) being displaced and the circumstances leaded to protection crisis, where the basic rights of families and children are affected by continuing hostilities and their consequences. Educational facilities have been damaged by the conflict. Hundreds of schools have been damaged, and in areas hosting IDPs, conditions are overcrowded. Where schools are still functioning, many are not prepared for the winter and are cut-off from the damaged public utility systems (heating, water, and electricity.).

1.2 Although the lack of kindergarten and day-care services was already a major challenge prior to the conflict throughout the country, which has been exacerbated by the conflict, especially in areas hosting significant number of displaced children, and where community resilience is stretched. Urgent repairs to schools/kindergartens are required for children to be able to go to schools. As the buildings are restored, children also have a restored sense of normalcy because for 6 hours a day they feel like they can forget about the problems caused by the conflict.

1.3 UNICEF Ukraine in partnership with government of Ukraine has been implementing the programme entitled “Towards greater social cohesion and integration of IDPs in Eastern Ukraine” targeting to strengthen communities’ social infrastructure to reduce the burden of the system inflicted through forced migration at community level in five oblasts (Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dnipro & Zapori)

1.4 Under this programme, it is planned to rehabilitate/renovate existing Kindergartens at various locations (section 2.1) in Donetsk, Luhank, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhi Oblasts. The rehabilitation work targets to renovate and upgrade existing rooms and toilet/wash facilities to create a new group of 25-30 seats including making Kindergartens facilities child friendly environment to 2-6 years age group. Up on renovation the respective Kindergartens will have the increased capacity of additional seats that varies from one to several groups. Situation of physical facilities of these selected Kindergarten are poor and not child friendly to accommodate new groups, the building has old doors, unlevelled floors, worn out plaster/painting in walls and ceiling, unsanitary toilets, insufficient toilet and hand washing facilities, absence of kitchen facility, old sanitary and lightings wares etc. The selected Kindergarten has various existing rooms and groups for children, however compartment/facilities necessary for a new group of children use are been planned to repair and renovate. The renovation will include repair and maintenance of interior wall, painting, fixing up doors, toilet facilities, water supply, electric work etc. and extension of exterior porch, and pavement and installation of appropriate steps, ramps etc.

1.5 Under approved Blanket Local Procurement Authorization (BLPA) # C – 06261601, rehabilitation/renovation works will be carried out by the contractors selected through UNICEF’s competitive bidding process. The project will be monitored and managed under the direct supervision of UNICEF national consultant engineer based in each oblasts (Donetsk, Luhansk, Khakiv, Dnipropetrovsk & Zaporizhzhia) and Project Engineer based in Kramatorsk Field Office. The UNICEF Project Engineer based in UNICEF Kramatorsk will provide technical support for the management and quality assurance of the renovation activities.

Contract Type: This Contract shall be awarded on an all-inclusive basis to the selected qualified contractors through an open bidding process, i.e. Request For Proposal (RFP). The selected Contractor/s shall be responsible for providing all the necessary personnel, supervision, transport and other equipment, materials, consumables and supplies, and for making all necessary arrangements, to ensure the fulfilment of its obligations under this Contract for the entire duration. The Contractor/s is/are fully responsible for the ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597 sustainment of all its personnel. The Contractor/s shall ensure that all of its personnel, equipment, facilities, material and supplies are in place by the date of mobilization to the respective project sites.

Duration: The indicative substantial completion duration of the contract is seventy-five days (75) days.  Substantial Completion Period: 75 days after contract is signed for completion of 100% work  Defect Liability Period: 6 months after Substantial Completion is certified  Final Completion Period: After completion of Defect Liability Period of 6 months and certified as Final Completion

1. Purpose of Contract:

The overall purpose of this contract is to rehabilitate/renovate the forty (40) Kindergarten buildings that has varying defects and poor conditions of facilities to create new seats to enrol the waiting children ages 2-6 years. This project is in line with the objectives targeted in the KfW funded programme entitled “Towards greater social cohesion and integration of IDPs in Eastern Ukraine” under German 2.

2. Objective of the Contract with expected results/outcome/products/sub products/outputs:

The objective of the contract is to create a functional child friendly group in existing Forty (40) Kindergarten at various locations in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts by renovating and upgrading existing rooms and toilet/wash facilities to make child friendly environment to 20-30 numbers of children in the Kindergarten. Up on rehabilitation/renovation of Kindergartens an increased numbers of seats capacity will be resulted to each rehabilitated Kindergartens and approximately 99 groups with 2,164 new seats will be created in forty (40) Kindergartens (Donetsk; KG# 11, Groups #15, Seats # 330, Luhansk; KG# 9, Groups #26, Seats # 525,, Kharkiv; KG# 5, Groups #8, Seats # 195, Dnipropetrovsk; KG# 5, Groups # 5, Seats # 110,and Zaporizhzhia; KG# 10, Groups # 18, Seats # 465. Total 72 groups with 1,625 seats will be created in 40 Kindergartens.

The Kindergartens located at various locations in Donetsk, Luhansk Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts have been grouped together to enable vendors to bid for one or more groups depending on their capacity, suitability and convenience.

2.1 Forty (40) Kindergartens in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts have been divided in to various 9 groups/lots as follows (Donetsk- 2 Groups, Luhansk-2 Groups, Kharkiv- 1 Group, Dnipro- 1 Group & Zapori- 3 Groups):

Group/ # Name of KG Oblast Address Contacts Code Волновахский Семенчук Галина Gr #D5 1 105 SVOBODNE NVK Donetsk район, Свободне, Константиновна, Леніна, 102 095-526-69-98 с. Золоті Пруди, вул. Центральна, Машкова Тамара ZOLOTOPRUDSKA 2 Donetsk буд. 78 Вікторівна SCHOOL, NVK Олександрівський 0994810073 район, 3 NEKREMENSKA SCHOOL, Donetsk 74021, с. Страшненко Ніна NVK Некременне, вул. Григорівна, Дівіченка, 1 а, 0506029686 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Олександрівський район с. Дмитро- Петренко Дар’ївка, вул. DMITRO-DARIIVSKA Валентина 4 Donetsk Космонавтів, 3 а, SCHOOL, NVK Олексіївна Олександрівський 0506525680 район Бахмутський NVK SVETLODARSK Ольга Олексійовна 5 Donetsk район, SCHOOL, #8 063-297-45-22 Світлодарськ г. Торецк, ул. Черкащенко Ірина NVK TORECK SCHOOL 6 Donetsk Шевченко, 38, пгт. Іванівна #20 Gr #D6 Щербиноввка 050-840-73-23 г. Торецк, п. Головатий Алексій 7 NVK TORECK SCHOOL #7 Donetsk Дружба, ул. Олегович Заречная ,1 050-032-54-60 Степанченко Краматорськ, вул. 8 KG#91, "Lisova Kazka" Donetsk Ганна Юріївна Шкільна, 16 099-772-97-75 Іванілова Неля Краматорьск, вул. 9 KG#92, "Chervoni vitrila" Donetsk Миколаївна Кирилкіна, 28а 095-302-41-27 Gr #D7 Лиманський р-н, с- Цвєтова Ірина ZARICHNE, KG 10 Donetsk ще Зарічне, пл. Леонідівна "SOLNESHKO" Гагаріна, 5 095-936-95-20 Слов'янський р-н, Кісельова Ольга 11 CHERKASKE, NVK Donetsk c. Черкаське, вул. Михайлівна Шкільна,1 095 385 32 88

Group/ # Name of KG Oblast Address Contacts Code 118 г. Северодонецк, Кирилюк Марина Gr #L8 1 SEVERODONETSK Luhansk ул. Гагарина, д. Борисівна KG#43 115а 050-235-30-76 SEVERODONECK, Сєвєродонецьк, Сіренко Світлана 2 Luhansk вул. Енергетиків, Миколаївна, KG #11 28а 095 89 70 698 SEVERODONECK, Сєвєродонецьк, Хрипунова Анна 3 Luhansk вул. Гагаріна, 101- Володимірівна, KG #37 В 050 73 76 315 4 SEVERODONECK, Luhansk Сєвєродонецьк, Мілютіна Наталія KG #38 вул. Науки, 10 Григоріївна, 099 03 69 361 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

SEVERODONECK, Сєвєродонецьк, Волкова Лариса 5 Luhansk вул. Курчатова, 3- Миколаївна, KG #41 А 066 385 70 32 Ст.-Луганський Грушина Людмила SHIROKYI KG, " район, Широкий, 6 Luhansk Андріївна пр. Театральний Kazka" 095-426-72-65 1а Сватівський Руденко Тетяна NIZHNODUVANKA район, смт Нижня 7 Luhansk Василівна Дуванка, вул. KG, "Dzvinochok" 095-253-19-54 Поштова, 17 Gr #L9 Сухаревская Городище, Ольга Сергеевна 8 Gorodishe Luhansk Беловодський р-н Телефон: (097)- луганська обл. 696-94-79 Новоайдарський Нікотіна Олена RAIGORODKA, KG район, 9 Luhansk Вікторівна с.Райгородка "Topolok" 0997459572 вул.Нова

Group/ # Name of KG Oblast Address Contacts Code Московченко Людмила вул. Дружби 1 KG 108 Kharkiv Володимирівна; 050 637 Народів, 219 9283 вул. Сергієнко Світлана Василівна 2 KG 296 Kharkiv Клеменівська, 057 732 5841; 096 412 0810 6

вул. Косарєва, Христоєва Олена Вітальївна Gr# 3 KG 272 Kharkiv 42 050 842 8380 K12

Дзебань Оксана Олександрівна; вул. Кар'єрна, 4 KG 391 Kharkiv 057 773 4327, 097 405 3024, 093 5 386 4448

NVK, Klugino- вул. Михальчук Вікторія Андріївна 5 Kharkiv Bashkyrivka Горішного 095 401 7873

Group/ # Name of KG Oblast Address Contacts Code 1 Novonykolaivka Dnipro с. Кучеренко И.А. (093) 239 76 Gr KG Новониколаев 00 #DN7 ка, Верхнеднепро ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

вский р-он., ул. Святкова 9А c. Михайловка, Mykhailivka Томаковский Важницкая Т.В. (098) 661 93 2 Dnipro NVK р-он, ул. 95 Школьная, 29с. c. Михайловка, Синельниковск MYKHAILIVSKIY Габдрахманова С.В., (066) 041 71 3 Dnipro ий р-он., ул. KG 53 Центральная 27 с. Кислянка, Синельниковск Kislianskiy KG Натха С.Н., (097) 567 08 4 Dnipro ий р-он, ул. "Prolisok" 84 Исполкомовск ая, 41 c. Приднепровск Pridneprovskiy ое, Винник С.В. (095) 782 94 5 Dnipro KG "Teremok" Никопольский 37 р-он, ул. Каховская, 38А

Group / # Name of KG Oblast Address Contacts Code Запорізька обл., Gr # Z10 67_Berdiansk Бердянський р-н, KG #27 завідувач - Мироненко 1 Zaporizhzhia м. Бердянськ, вул. Sonechko (1st Валентина 066-476-34-88 Яковлева / 8-го Tendering Site) Березня, 8 Запорізька обл., завідувач - Клименченко Berdiansk Бердянський р-н, 2 Zaporizhzhia Юрій Дмитрович 066-700-41- (School) NVK #9 м. Бердянськ, 30 просп. Західний, 4 3 Botiieve KG Zaporizhzhia Запорізька обл., завідувач - Златова Меланія Sonechko Приазовський р-н, Миколаївна 068-318-82-76, c. Ботієве, вулиця керівник ВО Приазовського Незалежності, 74- р-ну Самофалова Світлана a / вулиця Калініна, Миколаївна 096-845-29-81 74 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Запорізька обл., завідувач - Гапонова Приазовський р-н, Олександра Іванівна 097- Pryazovske KG смт. Приазовське, 840-59-13, керівник ВО 4 Zaporizhzhia #3 Sonechko вулиця Пушкіна, Приазовського р-ну 14/13 / вулиця Самофалова Світлана Пушкіна, 8-Б Миколаївна 096-845-29-81 Запорізька обл., завідувач - Мартиненко Liubymivka KG Михайлівський р-н, 5 Zaporizhzhia Лариса Федорівна 097-851- Romashka с. Любимівка, вул. 31-72 Леніна, 54 Запорізька обл., Rozdol KG Михайлівський р-н, завідувач - Сидор Яна 6 Zaporizhzhia Berizka с. Роздол, вул. 40 Євгенівна 096-652-60-43 років Перемоги, 69 Запорізька обл., 80_Mykhailivka Михайлівський р-н, завідувач - Шахова Gr # Z11 7 NVK (2nd Zaporizhzhia смт. Михайлівка, Валентина Анатоліївна 067- tendering site) вул. Маяковського, 496-64-26 63 Запорізька обл., Запорізький р-н, м. Zaporizhzhia KG завідувач - Бахмач Наталія Запоріжжя, 8 #172 Zaporizhzhia Іванівна 050-271-72-16, 067- Комунарський р-н, Kryshtalevyi 958-61-08 вул. Чумаченка, 5- a завідувач - Пеньковська Запорізька обл., Вікторія Леонідівна 066-510- Новомиколаївськи 68-43, керівник господарчої Novomykolaivka 9 Zaporizhzhia й р-н, смт. групи ВО KG #3 Teremok Новомиколаївка, Новомиколаївського р-ну вул. Запорізька, 93 Онищенко Олександр Gr # Z12 Сергійович 050-503-85-48 Запорізька обл., завідувач - Коваленко Олена Pology KG #3 Пологівський р-н, 10 Zaporizhzhia Володимирівна 066-447-60- Vinochok м. Пологи, вул. 62 Магістральна, 488

UNICEF Ukraine intends to select qualified private construction companies or contractors, having technical, financial and organizational capacity to undertake rehabilitation works of Kindergartens/schools buildings. The selected contractor shall remain responsible to undertake the rehabilitation works of Kindergartens located at various locations in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts as stated in section 3; Annex 1 and in accordance with deliverables, technical specifications and BOQs as contained in this SOW.

3. Deliverables based on the work plan: ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

The Contractors shall be responsible to carry out rehabilitation works in accordance of SOW as mentioned below of Forty (40) Kindergartens/schools located at various locations in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhia Oblasts as stated in Section 2.1.

Scope of Works (SOW):

A. Constrictor’s Responsibilities

• The Contractor shall execute all the works in accordance with the detailed technical specifications as contained in this SOW. • The Contractor shall be responsible for planning and execution of the entire project. The Contractor shall be required to submit a realistic project work schedule indicating the delivery schedule of materials, equipment and execution of the works within the project period to UNICEF for review and approval. The Contractor shall use the approved work plan for execution of the project and the work program will be used to monitor the progress of works. The work schedule once approved will form an integral part of the Contract. The works program/schedule shall include but not limited to following: a) Detailed mobilization plan b) Start and completion dates of various activities c) Material delivery schedule d) Proposed substantial completion date • The Contractor shall guarantee a professional and technical competence of its staff and laborers and shall provide qualified work force and equipment to complete the works in accordance with the specifications as contained in this SOW. • It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain all the relevant information related to the rehabilitation works specified in this SOW from the concerned authorities. • The Contractor shall carry out the works in a planned manner, ensuring that minimum disruption and inconvenience is caused to the schoolchildren’s, teachers and other facilities in the schools or nearby. • The Contractor, where necessary and applicable before the commencement of new construction shall submit the working drawings to UNICEF for an approval and continuation of required works. • Working drawing requiring resubmittal due to some changes/modifications shall be revised as and when requested by UNICEF engineer. Working drawings shall be submitted with no additional cost to UNICEF. • Upon the completion of the works and prior to the final hand-over, the Contractor shall submit to the UNICEF (or his/her designated representative) the as-built drawings (including hard copies and soft copies). • Quality Assurance and Surveillance Plan (QASP): Contractor shall be required to submit QASP to UNICEF in line with applicable national/and international construction/WASH standards and State Building Norms of Ukraine for prior approval. Contractor shall remain responsible for the quality of material, work done and equipment/accessories/fittings used in the construction. Contractors shall submit “Standard Technical Submittals” of materials as shown in the attached example QASP001 and ensure to submit factory certificates of standard materials such as sanitary wares, reinforcement, lighting, prefab items etc. • The supervisor shall always be accessible via mobile phone during working hours.

B. Technical Specifications

• The Contractor shall be responsible to check all dimensions and details in accordance with approved working drawings before the commencement of any activity/works at the site and remain liable for the correctness and accuracy of the completed works. • The rehabilitation/renovation works shall consist of but not limited to supplying all necessary tools, materials, scaffolding, equipment, labor, machinery, transportation, and supervision to perform the ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

services in accordance with, BOQs, and specifications as contained in this SOW. The extent of works is listed below: a) Repair/upgradation of floorings, walls, ceiling at playroom, change room, sleeping room, kitchen and corridors b) Repair toilets and increase numbers of commode, urinals, had wash and foot wash facility c) Install kitchen area with proper washing and drainage facility d) Replacement of new doors and repair ventilation e) Scraping of old paint and painting/wall papers f) Repair/replace lightings, water and drainage lines g) Extend porch and access area h) Install step, ramp and roof to the new entrance;

C. Rehabilitation/Renovation Works and General Specifications:

The contractors shall carry out the relevant works and follow following specifications in accordance with BoQ and SOW.

Repair of Roof: Most of the roofs of various school buildings are conical in shape, old in condition and leaks during rains. The leakage is due to damaged roof top, broken shifers and cracks developed by shelling during the recent conflict. While some of the school building’s roof are flat in shape and leaks due to the cracks, uneven roof surface and wear and tear in the rolled bitumen sheets (Ruberoid). Good quality shifer of same pattern of existing shifer shall be used for partial repair of roof however, for full repair metal sheet roofing of 2 mm thickness shall be opted.

Some of the conical shape roofs are made of asbestos cement sheets, which has either developed cracks due to war shelling or deteriorated due to its old condition. A few years ago, some of the roofs were repaired but sections of cornice weathering were not repaired properly.

Contractor shall be required to physically inspect the damaged roof with UNICEF engineers and repair the damaged/leaking part with new shifers/or metal slates and/or rolled bitumen sheets (Ruberoid) or as recommended by UNICEF engineers in accordance with BOQs and technical specifications contained in this SOW.

Contractor shall use following materials to repair different types of roofs. The selection of roof material will be made in consultation with UNICEF engineers. Contractor shall be responsible to obtain approval of all construction materials (through the approval of samples) before the delivery of bulk material at site.

• Shifers/Metal Slate: The repair of conical roofs shall be done with new shifers of same pattern, size and quality. The slates/shivers to be cut as per the size of holes/cracks in the old roof and accordingly be fixed over the open joints, broken areas and holes using standard engineering practices in Ukraine or as otherwise recommended by UNICEF engineers.

• Metal Sheet (Hobbyhorse): Contractor shall use hobbyhorse (metal tile/sheet) made of 2 mm steel sheet to seal the joints between various shifers/slates on the corners. In case of any other material recommended for roof repair, Contractor shall obtain prior approval from UNICEF engineers before using that material.

• Ruberoid: The Ruberoid (Rolled bituminized sheets) shall be used in repairing the flat rooftop. The Contractor shall be required to physically inspect the roof and identify the leaking/damaged area. The Ruberoid sheets shall be cut according the holes/cracks/ and/or damaged area and shall be fixed using ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597 standard engineering practices in accordance with state building norms of Ukraine and/ or as recommended by UNICEF Engineers.

Classroom Floors: The partially damaged and uneven concrete floors shall be repaired in accordance with BOQs and technical specifications while the completely damaged/broken floors shall be replaced with new wooden/concrete floors in compliance to state building norms of Ukraine or as recommended by UNICEF engineers.

For new concrete floor the Contractor shall use power tamped earth and crushed stone as a filler, water proofing, an under layer of concrete (brand B 7.5, thickness- 100-150 mm), and Oriented strand board (OSB) tile padding of 10-12 mm thick above the concrete floor in compliance to applicable national engineering practices should be installed. The Contractor shall be required to prepare the working/x-sectional drawings for prior approval from UNICEF engineers.

Linoleum: Supply and fixing of linoleum 3.5 mm linoleum in corridors, class/play rooms, change rooms and 6 mm as recommended by UNICEF engineers will be used on existing wooden floors of Gym in accordance with BOQs and technical specifications as contained in the SOW

Windows/Doors: The glass of most of the windows are cracked/or broken due to war shelling’s. The Contractor shall be responsible to remove the cracked/or broken windows without damaging the other structure. No extra cost in lieu of repairing the sides of new metal plastic windows shall be paid to Contractor after fixing new windows.

Metal-Plastic Windows: The metal plastic windows with one panel fixed and one open able or as recommended by end user or UNICEF engineers shall be fixed in classrooms according to the BOQs, technical specifications and in compliance to State Building Norms of Ukraine. Type of glass in accordance with national standards (thermal resistance of at least 0.75 m2 K / W) - three layer of glass. The Contractor shall be responsible to remove the existing windows with extreme care to avoid any damage to nearby facilities. The window opening shall be made ready with accurate dimension, length, plumb and alignment before fixing new metallic plastic windows. After fixing new windows, Contractor shall be required to repair its sides at its own expense to the entire satisfaction of UNICEF.

Net Mosquito: The mosquito net of standard quality shall be used towards the outer side of plastic window to prevent flies/mosquitos to enter in to the classrooms.

Fixed Panel (Metal Plastic) Windows: The fixed panel plastic windows shall be fixed in Gym or as recommended by school director/or UNICEF engineers. Type of glass in accordance with national standards (thermal resistance of at least 0.75 m2 K / W) - three layer of glass. The Contractor shall be responsible to remove the existing windows without damaging any nearby or surrounding facility. The window opening shall be made ready with accurate dimensions, length, and alignment before fixing new fixed panel plastic windows.

Metal Plastic Doors: The Contractor shall be required to fix metal plastic doors with two leaf according to the BOQ and technical specifications as contained in this SOW or as recommended by UNICEF engineers. The Contractor shall be responsible to remove the existing wooden doors and prepare the opening with accurate dimensions, line, length and plumb. Contractor shall be responsible to repair any damage if caused during the removal of existing doors.

Painting: Contractor shall paint the internal walls surfaces of toilet, ceilings of class rooms using Plastic emulsion or oil paint at least 2 coats or as recommended by UNICEF engineers in accordance with BOQ/technical specifications as contained in this SOW. Metal surfaces shall be properly cleaned, remove old ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597 paints and make rough surfaces prior to paint the surface. All metal surfaces shall be paint by enamel paint of 2 coats.

Toilets and Washing facilities: Existing toilets for children and teachers were built in breach of certain provisions of state building norms of Ukraine 2.2-3-97 “Buildings and Facilitation of Educational Institutions”. Contractor shall be responsible to ensure that capital repair of toilet is carried out in compliance to existing/applicable national regulations. Recommended but not limited to following sanitary wares and its specifications are to be considered; - 12 mm dia Kran Tap/Faucet for Wash Basin (Stainless steel, liver arm type) - 125 mm dia stainless steel floor grating in toilet floor & foot wash basin - Soap case at child friendly height - 125 mm dia C.P. shower rose etc. at child friendly height - Mirror with tray (Sufficient reflection and Size (50 cm X 60 cm) at child friendly height - Best Quality paper holder at child friendly height - Best Quality pipe with accessories of varying sizes - Best Quality Valves/fittings

Toilets for Children: Most of the toilets/latrines in various schools are of old-fashioned pit latrines, without any ventilation. The Contractor shall be required to remove the old-fashioned toilet seats and Ceramic toilet commode with seat cover and flushing cistern small size for children- Unitaz instead of toilet pan in pursuant to GOST 3550-83 in accordance with BOQs/technical specifications contained in this SOW.

Wash Hand Basins: The washing facilities in most of the schools do not comply with standard sizes and hygienic conditions/ child friendly spaces. The Contractor shall be responsible to finalize the size/height of wash hand basins in consultation with headmaster of the school/Kindergarten and UNICEF engineers taking in to account the age/size of children’s and their gender. The ceramic wash hand basins of standard small sizes for children or as recommended by UNICEF engineers shall be fixed in various schools in accordance with BOQ and specifications as contained in this SOW. 12 mm dia Kran Tap/Faucet for Wash Basin (Stainless steel, liver arm type) shall be fixed.

Kitchen Sink, counter table and cabinet: Stainless steel double bowl kitchen sink; approx. size 800 X 345 mm including mounted table and cabinet shall be installed in the allocated food serving area. A provision of a counter slab and table should be included and sink with counter table components should be covered with an appropriate cabinet as recommended by UNICEF engineer.

Partitions Walls: Dry wall (gipsokarton) with galvanized iron box profile/frame shall be installed. DSP/ Plastic partition walls, 1.5-2 meter high shall be installed between toilets or as recommended by UNICEF engineers. The Contractor shall be responsible to finalize the size of partition walls, toilet seats in consultation with headmaster of the school and UNICEF engineers taking in to account the age/size of children and their gender.

Ventilation: Contractor shall be responsible to provide ventilation by fixing electric exhaust fan of capacity 25 m3 per hour at each toilet in accordance with BOQs/technical specifications as contained in the SOW. Contractors shall be responsible for proper manual cleaning and replacement of standard quality cover grids on existing ventilation to toilet and other rooms.

Cement: The cement to be supplied and used by the Contractor shall be a Portland Cement (400/or 500) conforming in all respects of ASTM Standard Specification, C150, or to BS 12, except that bags shall contain 25kg net  1% and barrels or containers shall contain multiples thereof. The Contractor shall at all times furnish the Manufacturer's Certificate or test results from an independent agency. Sewage System: Contractor shall be required to inspect the choked, leaking, or damaged sewage system and in consultation with UNICEF engineer will propose the solution to the problem. Contractor shall submit the ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597 layout plan/working drawings of sewage pits/sewer lines if needs to be reconstructed in line with national applicable standards.

Plastering: A cement mortar of 12-20 mm thickness with 1:4 ratio will be used to plaster damaged walls, ceiling, and main entrances in accordance with BOQs and technical specifications contained in this SOW. Prior to plaster clean, wash and soak the surface and the RCC surfaces to be chipped/trimmed prior to plastering. Plastered surface shall be smooth, levelled, plumbed, regular edges/corners and without uneven surface. Plastered level checked with aluminium plate/spirit level for each 5 sqm area. Edges should be sharp and straight. Mortar must be finished within an hour. Cleaning of dust, debris after plaster every day.

Tile Works: The granite non-skid (non-slippery) mat finish tiles (shall be fixed on main entrances of schools according to BOQs and technical specifications as contained in this SOW. The surface shall be prepared with accurate levels and dimensions before fixing the tiles on it. Contractor to ensure that uniform layer of readymade plaster mix made of cerezit is used under the tiles and no tile creates hollow sound upon knocking after fixing. Good and smooth finishes at tile junctions by color/white cement paste.

Contractor shall use homogenous ceramic tiles (30cm x30cm or 27.5 cm x 40 cm sizes for toilets floors and ceramic tiles (30cm x 50cm or 40cm x 40 cm) for walls maximum up to 1.8 meter high along the perimeter in accordance with BOQs/technical specifications or as otherwise recommended by UNICEF engineers

Lighting: Standard quality LED-23-0-112-E - LED lamp power 23 W, LED-10-O-56-E- LED luminaire 10W with opal diffuser and standard quality switches/boxes shall be installed.

Ramps: Ramp is recommended to install Kindergarten wherein ramp is not available and deemed necessary. It is recommended that entrance to the ramp ideally to be adjacent to the stair/step. Recommended slope should be <5% (1:20) to 8% (1:12) and minimum width of 1.0 meter. Landings should be at every 10 m length. Minimum length of landing is recommended of 1.20m. Protective double layer of hand rail stainless steel pipe 40 mm dia preferably at 0.40 m and 0.80 m height (recommended by UNICEF engineer). Where ramp is installed, floor and door sill level to be levelled for the easiness to use wheel chair and disable device/hand rail in toilet of stainless steel pipe 40 mm dia should be also incorporated.

Heating System: The existing heating system in almost all schools is old typed, composed of steel pipes and cost iron radiators. Most of the heating systems are not working efficiently mainly due to holes in the pipes and restricted flow of hot water. Some of the heating system in spite of old conditions are working efficiently and need not to be repaired unless otherwise recommended by UNICEF.

The Contractor shall be responsible to carry out the detailed inspection of heating system that need repair or complete overhauling and in consultation with UNICEF engineer decide the type of the materials, i.e. main pipe, distribution pipe and cost-iron radiators needed for overhauling. Contractor to note that while overhauling the existing heating system the old material if in good condition shall be used and contractor shall be required to obtain prior approval of materials from UNICEF engineers.

Under no circumstances, the Contractor shall be authorized to change the design of existing heating system. Just in case if the design of heating system needed to be changed, Contractor shall prepare the layout plan/design drawings and submit to concerned heating department for their approval. It shall be Contractors sole responsibility to obtain approval at its own cost from heating department in close coordination with school director.

Contractor shall be responsible to ensure the quality of heating materials and testing/commissioning of entire heating system after its completion. The testing and commissioning of heating system will be performed in the presence of UNICEF engineers and the school management. ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Storage, Delivery, Handling and Protection: The Contractor shall deliver materials to site in sealed original containers with labels intact and should be responsible for safe custody of material at site. The contractor shall keep stored material covered at all the times. The contractor shall exercise extreme caution in the storage of materials to prevent contamination; all materials shall be stored in safety containers in accordance with local safety requirements and applicable fire and safety regulations

D. Materials and Workmanship

• All construction materials shall be approved by UNICEF PE as being suitable for the intended task of the project in line with industry standards. Any materials rejected shall be replaced with proper standard one at the Contractor's expense. • The Contractor shall perform all Works and Services in a thorough and professional manner to the satisfaction of UNICEF and in accordance with drawings, BOQs and technical specifications contained in this SOW. • Contractor shall be required to ensure the execution of rehabilitation works under the normal temperatures. In case of extreme cold weather or freezing temperature the Contractor shall be responsible to use applicable/standard chemical in consultation with UNICEF engineers to ensure the execution in compliance to standard engineering practices.

E. Supervision of the Works

UNICEF designated staff member/and Project Engineer will supervise the execution of Works in accordance with drawings, BOQs and technical specifications as contained in this SOW.

4. Details of how the work should be delivered:

The Contractor shall execute all the works in accordance with the detailed technical specifications as contained in this SOW and the BOQ provided. The Contractor shall use the approved work plan for execution of the project and the work program will be used to monitor the progress of works.

The contracted Company will work closely with selected UNICEF staff members in UNICEF Ukraine to ensure that there is clarity and clear understanding of the expectations.

The Company will confirm the availability of the team members (engineer, supervisor etc.) as proposed in the bid offer. Change of team composition will not be acceptable. In case, replacement is required, the Company shall notify UNICEF in writing, for prior approval, stating: the reason for replacing the person(s) originally assigned. Such written notice shall be forwarded to UNICEF at least seven (7) days in advance of the date of replacement. UNICEF may also request replacement with valid reason.

Site Visit: Tenderer are encouraged to visit the sites and familiarize themselves with all relevant details, before submission of the offer. UNICEF shall not be responsible to cover any cost/expenses associated with such visits.

Dimensions: The Contractor shall check all dimensions and details before commencing any work. The Contractor shall take all measurements and be responsible for its accuracy. The Contractor shall provide labor and survey equipment necessary to verify alignment, dimensions, grade elevations and coordinates for the construction.

Materials, Tools and Equipment: UNICEF will not be responsible for the security of materials, tools and equipment used on site by the Contractor. ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Premises: The Contractor shall, at all times, keep the school premises free from accumulations of waste materials caused by his employees or due to his work. At completion of the project, Contractor shall remove all his crating, packaging and rubbish from the site, and all his tools, and surplus materials, and shall leave the work site clean and tidy.

Note for Bidders: The companies/Contractors may bid for one or for more than school/Kindergarten or group of school/Kindergarten in section 2, depending on their company size, technical capacity and relevant experience/technical expertise.

Duration of Assignment:  The Contractor shall complete the Works within seventy-five days (75) days from the commencement date (start of the contract/PO) or as otherwise specified on the Purchase Order (PO). A PO will be issued for each project site or for each group of kindergartens.  Substantial Completion Period: 75 days after contract is signed for completion of 100% work  Defect Liability Period: 6 months after Substantial Completion is certified  Final Completion Period: After completion of Defect Liability Period of 6 months and certified as Final Completion

Proposed payment schedule:

Any payment shall be supported by invoice, brief report with photographs, copy of contract and respective certificates (progress, substantial completion, final completion etc.) signed by three parties (Contractor, Kindergarten Director/Head teacher, UNICEF (National Consultant Engineer and Project Engineer).

 1 st Payment: It is proposed to pay 40% of the total contract amount of each Kindergarten upon completion and acceptance of the 60 % deliverables of the same certified by Partial Completion Certificate.  2 nd Payment: It is proposed to pay 52% of the total contract amount of each Kindergarten upon completion and acceptance of the 100 % deliverables of the same certified by Substantial Completion Certificate.

 Final Payment: The remaining 8% will be paid after completion of the work after 6 months of Defect Liability Period certified by Final Completion Certificate.

Note: Three payment installments/trenches are proposed as 1st Payment of 40 %, 2nd Payment 52% and Final Payment of 8% however on special case; depending on the situation and with the certain reasons that inflicts the delay to execute the task timely due to unavailability of required fund, an initial progress payment may be requested and recommended certifying to date progresses however total payment installments should not be exceeded more than 4 installment/trenches.

5. Performance indicators for evaluation of results:

Performance of the contracts will be closely monitored ensuring work progress is proceeding in accordance with the requirements. To conform to the agreed schedule, costs and quality requirements, the contract will be evaluated based on the following performance indicators:  Timely mobilization of materials, labours and equipment’s  Start and end of the activity on daily/weekly basis and are in line with work plan and achieved progress as per work plan  Quality maintained and assured as per the agreed specifications, BOQ and costs ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

 Timely completion of the task as per the agreed work plan  Maintained up to date information of site activities, keeps neat and tidy of the work place and keeps site safety provisions

6. Qualifications/specialized knowledge/experience required to complete the task:

The organization shall have the following capacity and experience:

a) Minimum five (5) years experiences in building construction/rehabilitation/renovation work with appropriate and adequate human resources, equipment and other logistic supports required for the construction/renovation similar service described in the TOR of this Bid. b) Experience in construction, day to day site management with required equipment specifically for projects related to building facilities. Should have direct experience in contracting construction works. c) Demonstrated experience in providing highest standard of quality assurance services for construction projects following the code of building and procurement principals. d) Experienced and professional team members with following background: Civil Engineer or Electrical Engineer (or a technical team) to:  conduct the technical assessment  day to day supervision and site management  quality inspection and assurance  measurement of the work and cost estimation &  ensuring that renovation works have been completed as per the requirements approved by UNICEF e) For daily supervision of the work, the agency should be able to assign a full time Site Supervisor having diploma in civil engineering, have similar experience and good communication skill to guide the workers and report to concerned UNICEF officials to every construction sites. f) The Team leader must have excellent communication and report writing skills. g) Adequate and appropriate logistical facilities and personnel. h) The agency is familiar with Ukraine National Building Code or state norms of KG building code. i) Able to implement its proposed implementation plan within the proposed schedule and budget. j) Working experience with international and UN Organizations in the area of construction of infrastructure including civil works (architectural, renovation, repairing, electrification etc.) will be considered as an advantage.

6.1. Evaluation of Proposals:

The proposal submitted in response to this TOR and that meet requirements herein shall be evaluated, inter alia, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the SOW and in accordance with the evaluations criteria as per below mentioned evaluation matrix. A fair assessment/evaluation of the agency will be undertaken by forming a bid evaluation team on Technical and Financial Proposals. Organizations will be advised to submit separate Technical and Financial proposals in the attached submission form in the following manner: a) 3 (three) copies of technical proposal and 1 copy of financial proposal in separate sealed envelope, addressed to the Operations Manager, 28 Instytutska Street 01021, Kyiv, UNICEF Ukraine. b) Cost should not be appeared in the Technical Proposal. c) The Proposal package should be marked clearly “RFP No. & Title” and dropped in the Bid Box located at UNICEF Ukraine Office Reception area.

Technical Evaluation Criteria: All technical proposals will be evaluated using the evaluation criteria as indicated below. Bidders are advised to submit technical proposal submission in separate envelope demonstrating each of the below listed criteria and be consistent with the tasks detailed in the TOR under ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Section 2 & BoQs in Annex 1. Bidders are advised to avoid submitting brochures and pamphlet that have no direct bearing on the requirements under this RFP.

Points allocated Category to each factor 6.1.1 Organizational Capacity and Quality Control 20 Credential of the organization in terms of reliability, experience and capacity: a) Commercial registration, professional licenses b) Company profile in relation to expected technical resources and logistics available 10 with regards to construction contracts management, implementing design, drawings, and to carry out the tasks at the mentioned project sites successfully within the 10 specific duration, specifications and bill of quantities as detailed in the TOR under Section 2 & Annex 1: BoQs.

6.1.2 Adequacy of the proposed work plan & approach 55 i. Approach a) Understanding of the proposed assignment (after physically visiting the site). 5 b) Proposed technical quality of the Kindergarten rehabilitation/renovation plan for the items in regards to civil, sanitary and electrical as detailed in the TOR under Section 10 2 & Annex 1: BoQs. c) Proposed quality control mechanism to ensure appropriate completion of the 10 assignment, oversight and supervision for ongoing constructions/renovations including quality of samples of items/materials, ensure submitting correct defect list, quarterly defect liability inspection report, work completion and handing over certificates. Kindly submit proposed “Standard Technical Submittals” materials as detailed under SOW-QASP. d) Risk management & flexibility of proposal in context of possible needs to make changes with regard to time, duration, location and kind of activities. 5

ii. Planning & Schedule a) Service Efficiency/appropriateness of the implementation teams, adequate and right staff combination in relation to the respective expected outputs of the assignment. 15 Kindly submit a list of proposed site supervision and construction management staff and their CV’s. (Minimum requirement/qualification of the team members under Section 6). b) Quality of proposed overall implementation plan (schedule of activities)with time table and key possible indicators i.e. how the agency will undertake each task listed in the TOR under Section 2 & Annex 1: BoQs for timely completion of the 10 assignment with quality output and client’s satisfaction.

6.1.3 Expertise of the organization 25 a) Demonstrated experience in construction, day to day site management with required 10 equipment at the project sites specifically for projects related to building facilities. Should have direct experience in contracting construction works with at least three references. b) Demonstrated experience in providing highest standard of quality assurance services for construction projects following the code of building and procurement 10 principals. c) Demonstrable evidence/experience in the area of construction of infrastructure including civil works (architectural, interior designing, renovation, repairing, 5 electrification etc.) on large donor programmes with various stakeholder groups (UN, Dev. partners, government departments, Private entrepreneurs, NGOs, etc.). ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Total Marks 100

7. Definition of supervision arrangements:

The overall management and administration of the Contract on the part of UNICEF will be the responsibility of Kharkiv Field Office. The Education Officer/ Head of Field Office will delegate the responsibility of construction management/supervision to UNICEF International Engineer as a UNICEF Project Engineer (UNICEF PE) for the day-to-day administration of the technical/operational aspects of the project. On overall monitoring and guidance of UNICEF PE, UNICEF National Consultant Engineer will provide day- to-day inspection and supervision functions under this Contract, and the Contractor shall extend full cooperation to any person or entity designated by the UNICEF for that purpose. In addition, day-to-day supervision of the Kindergartens rehabilitation work to assure the quality of services will be ensured by employing site engineers from LTA Design Companies where necessary.

8. Description of official travel involved:

The assignment involves multiple visits to the project site to supervise ongoing renovation works at various stages of critical milestones up to the substantial completion of the project. An occasional travel will be needed during the Defect Liability Period (DLP) to verify and certify completion of the work.

9. UNICEF recourse in the case of unsatisfactory performance:

10.1 Performance Security (Bond)

The performance security is a written financial instrument issued by a bank (Demand Guarantee) or an insurance company (Surety Bond) in favour of UNICEF to assure fulfilment of supplier/contractor’s obligation. The supplier/constractors are advised to fill the role of insurance policy for UNICEF to mitigate the risk of serious damage to UNICEF by their non-performance. This clause will be applicable for the construction contract value to each supplier/contractor that exceeding USD 70,000. The contractor have to deliver Performance Security for proper performance in the amount of 8% of the value of the contract within 14 days after receiving the Letter of Acceptance.

10.2 Liquidated Damages for Late Delivery/Poor Quality

UNICEF shall be entitled to liquidated damages from the Contractor for failure in performance (delivery and quality), under the conditions and in the amounts specified below is included in the Contract.

Such damages shall be payable by the sole fact of such failure in performance without the need for any previous notice, except as otherwise provided in the Contract, or any legal proceedings, or proof of damage, which shall in all cases be considered as ascertained. UNICEF may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct any amount of liquidated damages from the Contractor's invoices or from any sums due or which may become due to the contractor. The payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the Contractor of any of its other obligations or liabilities under the contract. Listed below are the "Liquidated Damages Clauses":

a) Liquidated Damages for Late Delivery

If the Contractor fails to make deliveries within the delivery date(s) stipulated in the UNICEF Contract, UNICEF shall be entitled to liquidated damages in the amount of five-tenths percent (0.5%) of the value of such deliveries per additional day of delay, up to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the value thereof. ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

b) Liquidated Damages for Quality Control Failure

If the Contractor fails to meet quality control requirements or if the Contractor fails to rectify inadequacy in a delivery which has not met quality control requirements within two (2) weeks of having received notice from UNICEF by email/registered mail (return receipt requested), UNICEF shall be entitled to liquidated damages in the amount of one tenth percent (0.1%) of the value of such delivery or deliveries per day from the date of such failure until it is cured, up to a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the value thereof.

10.3 Retention Money

UNICEF retains 8% of the contract value until 6 months of Defect Liability Period and releases once UNICEF’s engineer certify that all defects are rectified and Final Completion Certificate is issued after 6 months. Retention money held by UNICEF is to safeguard against defects which may subsequently develop during Defect Liability and the contractor may fail to remedy.

10. Support provided by UNICEF:

The UNICEF designated staff member, project engineer and other UNICEF staff members as appropriate may provide technical/non-technical assistance and consultations including coordination’s with relevant stakeholders support to Contractor during the project implementation. ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Annex C: Performance Guarantee (Bond) Template ______

Bonds and bank guarantees in Construction Contracts

Performance Security (see Annexes B1-B2)

“The performance security is a written financial instrument issued by a bank (Demand Guarantee) or an insurance company (Surety Bond), in favour of UNICEF to assure fulfilment of the supplier’s obligations. Performance securities are used in complex procurement where the cost of putting contracts together are high and the impact of non-performance by the supplier could inflict serious damage to UNICEF (for example, in works contracts and highly sensitive consulting contracts), and are set at 8% of the value of the contract. They fill the role of insurance policy for UNICEF to mitigate risk of non-performance by the supplier.” Consideration for application: - The Performance Security is part of the Contract requirements.

- The Contractor shall obtain a Performance Security for proper performance, in the amount and currencies stated in the Tender (8 % of the value of the contract).

- The Contractor shall deliver a Performance Security within 14 days after receiving the Letter of Acceptance..

- The Performance Security shall be issued by an entity approved by UNICEF, and shall be in the form of “Demand Guarantee” or “Surety Bond”. (See Templates 1 and 2 below)

- The Contractor shall ensure that the Performance Security covers the entire contract duration until the Substantial Completion of the Works, which means until the Contractor has executed and completed the Works and is ready for the remedy period - 6 months.

- UNICEF shall return the Performance Security to the Contractor within 30 days after issuance of the Substantial Completion Certificate. ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597


Performance Security (Unconditional Bank Guarantee) To: [name and address of Employer] Whereas [name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. [number] dated [date] to execute [name of Contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called “the Contract”); And whereas it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract; And whereas we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee; Now therefore we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of [amount of Guarantee fixed in the currency of the Contract, USD] [amount in words], such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of [amount of Guarantee fixed in the currency of the Contract, USD] payable in the national currency of Ukraine, UAH pursuant to the exchange rate set by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the day of receipt of written demand as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein. We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before presenting us with the demand. We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the Works to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this Guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition, or modification. This Guarantee shall be valid until a date 28 days from the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion. No change on content or validity of this Bank Guarantee shall be undertaken by the bank without UNICEF permission.

Signature and seal of the Guarantor Name of Bank Address Date ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597 TEMPLATE 2 (alternative to 1):

Performance Security (Bond) By this Bond, [name and address of Contractor] as Principal (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) and [name, legal title, and address of surety, bonding company, or insurance company] as Surety (hereinafter called “the Surety”), are held and firmly bound unto [name and address of Employer] as Obligee (hereinafter called “the Employer”) in the amount of [amount of Bond] [amount of Bond in words], for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, the Contractor and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Whereas the Contractor has entered into a Contract with the Employer dated the [day] day of [month], [year] for [name of Contract] in accordance with the documents, plans, specifications, and amendments thereto, which to the extent herein provided for, are by reference made part hereof and are hereinafter referred to as the Contract. Now, therefore, the Condition of this Obligation is such that, if the Contractor shall promptly and faithfully perform the said Contract (including any amendments thereto), then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Whenever the Contractor shall be, and declared by the Employer to be, in default under the Contract, the Employer having performed the Employer’s obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly:

1. Complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions; or

2. Obtain a Tender or Tenders from qualified Tenderers for submission to the Employer for completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon determination by the Employer and the Surety of the lowest responsive Tenderer, arrange for a Contract between such Tenderer and Employer and make available as work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the Contract or Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the balance of the Contract Price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof. The term “Balance of the Contract Price,” as used in this paragraph, shall mean the total amount payable by the Employer to the Contractor under the Contract, less the amount properly paid by the Employer to the Contractor; or

3. Pay the Employer the amount required by the Employer to complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions up to a total not exceeding the amount of this Bond.

1 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

The Surety shall not be liable for a greater sum than the specified penalty of this Bond. Any suit under this Bond must be instituted before the expiration of one year from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Completion. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Employer named herein or the heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the Employer. In testimony whereof, the Contractor has hereunto set its hand and affixed its seal, and the Surety has caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seal duly attested by the signature of its legal representative, this [day] day of [month], [year].

Signed by on behalf of [name of Surety] in the capacity of In the presence of Date

Signed by on behalf of [name of Contractor] in the capacity of In the presence of Date

P a g e 2 | 31 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Annex E: Technical Submittals Template ______

№ Name of constructions Main characteristics Manufacturer/example and materials regulations 1 Metal-plastic windows heat transfer coefficient of resistance of at Profile – REHAU, VEKA, and doors least 0,75 m2 * degrees C / W, 4- SALAMANDER or chamber profile, 2-pane glass with opening, analogue ventilation and installation of mosquito nets ДСТУ Б В.2.7-130: 2007 - PVC profiles for fencing building structures ДБН В.2.6-31:2006 - THERMAL INSULATION OF BUILDINGS 2 Internal doors Metal-plastic doors, with 4-chamber profile, Profile – REHAU, VEKA, solid filled including handles and locks SALAMANDER or analogue

ДСТУ Б В.2.7-130: 2007 - PVC profiles for fencing building structures ДБН В.2.6-31:2006 - THERMAL INSULATION OF BUILDINGS 3 Wall covering High-quality Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven ДБН В.2.2-4-97 - basis with subsequent painting with water- Buildings and structures based paint in 2 times kindergartens ДСТУ ГОСТ 6810:2004 - Wallpaper. Specifications 4 Group floor covering Linoleum, thickness not less than 3.4 mm, "Tarket" or "Juteks" or the thickness of the protective layer is not equivalent less than 0.5 mm. Flame retardant and not emitting toxic gases. ДСТУ Б В.2.7-20-95 - With OSB 12 mm stacking under, and PVC Linoleum PVC heat and skirting. sound insulated underlying basis. Specifications. ДСТУ Б В.2.7-21-95 - Linoleum polyvinylchloride multi- layered and single without an underlying layer. Specifications 5 Ceramic tiles for Low water absorption, anti-slip. Size ДСТУ Б В.2.7-282:2011 - bathrooms floor 200x200 – 300x300 mm, 7 mm thick Ceramic tiles. Technical P a g e 3 | 31 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

requirements 6 Ceramic tiles for Glazed ceramic tiles. ДСТУ Б В.2.7-282:2011 - bathrooms walls Size 200x200 – 200x250 mm Ceramic tiles. Technical 7 mm thick requirements 7 Ceramic tiles for Frost resistant, with low water absorption, ДСТУ Б В.2.7-282:2011 - outdoor anti-skid; Ceramic tiles. Technical For steps arrangement – with grooved tread requirements or slip resistant pad. Size 300x300 mm, 7-8 mm thick 8 Water supply pipes PPR pipe for thermal welding ДБН В.2.5-64:2012 - PN-16 for cold water Domestic water supply and PN-20 for hot water and heating sewerage

ДСТУ Б В.2.7-144:2007 - Pipes for networks of hot and cold water from polypropylene. Technical requirements 9 Sewerage PP pipes DN 50 – DN 110 ДБН В.2.5-64:2012 - Domestic water supply and sewerage

ДСТУ Б В.2.7-140:2007 - Pipes from polypropylene and fittings to them for internal drainage of buildings and structures. Technical requirements 10 Foot washing Pan 900x900 with siphon ДБН В.2.2-4-97 - Buildings and structures kindergartens

11 Toilet Children height Toilet with cistern Compact toilet Colombo and a seat "Bambi" or equivalent

ДБН В.2.2-4-97 - Buildings and structures kindergartens

12 Washing Children washbasin including mixer and Bambi Colombo 40 or siphon analogue

P a g e 4 | 31 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

ДБН В.2.2-4-97 - Buildings and structures kindergartens

13 Lighting Ceiling lights complete with energy-saving ДБН В.2.2-4-97 - light bulbs (LED lights) Buildings and structures 600x600 LED light panel kindergartens 600x300 LED light panel ДБН В.2.5-28-2006 - Natural and artificial lighting

15 Radiator cover Protective cover for bimetal radiators ДБН В.2.2-4-97 - Buildings and structures kindergartens ДБН В.2.5-67:2013 - Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

P a g e 5 | 31 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Annex F: Supplier Profile Form ______


All pages to be completed by Supplier and submitted to UNICEF.

It should be understood that falsified or misleading information could result in disqualification of the company as a registered potential supplier for UNICEF

Requested information is for UNICEF’s internal use only and will be treated as confidential.

UNICEF fully subscribes to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and draws the attention of potential suppliers to Article 32 of the Convention which inter alia requires that a child shall be protected from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the Child's education, or to be harmful to the Child's health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.

UNICEF reserves the right to terminate any contract unconditionally and without liability in the event that the supplier is discovered to be in non-compliance with the national labour laws and regulations with respect to child employment.

The supplier guarantees that neither the supplier's company, nor any of its affiliates, nor any subsidiaries controlled by the supplier's company, is engaged in the sale or manufacture of anti- personnel mines or of components utilized in the manufacture of anti-personnel mines (taken in its broader definition). The supplier recognizes that a breach of this provision will entitle UNICEF to terminate its contract with the supplier.

I, representing the Company, acknowledge and ensure the Company's compliance with the above statements:

Name and Title: ______

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Company name: ______(please TYPE or PRINT)(attach additional pages if space in columns is not enough - but information must be provided in the following sequence for all columns) :

General Information (if available please provide all documentation with English translation)

1 Name of Company : ______1.1 Full address: ______Street ______Postal code ______City: ______State/County/Region ______Country ______P.O.Box ______City: ______Postal code: ______1.2 Tel (incl. country code): ______P a g e 6 | 31 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

1.3 Fax/Telex (incl. country code): ______1.4 Email address: ______1.5 Website: ______

1.6 Contact person authorized to deal on your behalf: Name Title Email address Direct Telephone number ______1.7 Year established: ______1.8 No. of full-time employees : ______1.9 Legal registration of the company – Please provide documentation of legal registration. 1.10 Name change -- Please provide documentation of name change, if applicable. 1.11 Type of organization (one X only) State Enterprise: Private Company: Other (Please specify): 1.12 Activity category, mark X where applicable percentage business to annual sales Manufacturer: ------Consultant: ------Trading company: ------Forwarder: ------Authorized agent: ------Other (please specify): ------Total of the above 100 % 1.13 If Agent/Trading House, do you hold sole/exclusive rights/license? Y / N (If yes please state name and address of Principals and attach documentation): 1.14 If USA-based dealer, are you a "GSA" dealer? Y / N (If Yes, please attach certificate) 1.15 Number of years with export sales: ______

2 Parent Company (if applicable) : ______2.1 Address : ______2.2 Legal relationship of the parent company to the company 2.3. Year established: ______2.4. No. of full-time employees: ______2.5 Website: ______

Financial Information

3. Audited Financial Statements or Annual Report: Financial statements are to be submitted if your company is to either: a) Do business with UNICEF to exceed ______annually, or b) Would like to be considered for an LTA (long-term arrangement) award(s).

Alternatively, if there is a website, with the information, this can be stated: ______The statements are to include - balance sheet, income statements and notes thereto, with English translation. The financial statements should be for the company itself, as well as the parent company, if applicable. 3.1 Authorized to discuss financial issues: Name Title Email address Telephone number ______

Activities 4. Previous export contracts (during the last 2 years) with United Nations/International, Governmental or Non-Governmental Organizations/Private Companies, for below products/services: (provide references):

P a g e 7 | 31 ANNEX A, C, E, F RFPS-UKRA-2017-005 / LRPS-2017-9130597

Contract: Date Value Product Destination Organization Name/address. ref. no. 1) ______2) ______3) ______4) ______5) ______6) ______7) ______8) ______

4.1 What percentage of the company’s annual sales are for export markets ______?

4.2 Products/services offered:

Please tick off the material group your product/products fall under. To get a detailed listing of specific products within the groups, visit the UNICEF Internet site (http://www.supply.unicef.dk/catalogue/).

Vaccines/Biologicals Laboratory Supplies Warehousing Pharmaceuticals Diagnostic Test Kits Shelter/Field Equipment Nutrition Water & Sanitation Clothing & Footwear Medical Equipment Printing Agriculture Medical Renewable Education Supplies Identific. & Signage Rehab./Disabilities IT & Office Supplies Staff Supplies Medical/Hygiene Kits Transport Architec/Engineering Cold Chain Equipment Fuel & Lubricants Surveying Services

Other ______

4.3 Storage/warehousing capacity (In square meters if applicable): ______

4.4 Size of production plant(s) (In square meters if applicable): ______

4.5 Local representation: (Please attach list of countries where your local representative will provide warranty services on products/services purchased from you - provide complete addresses (of your subsidiaries/agents)

Other Information

5. Approved Standards (ISO, FDA, GMP, etc): ______(Certificates of approval to be attached)

5.1 Does your company have a statement on quality policy? (Circle as applicable) Y / N if yes, kindly attach a copy.

5.2 Which of the following does your company implement: (circle as applicable) Raw material control Y / N Sub-component control Y / N Process control Y / N Final/pre-delivery control Y / N

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5.3 Authorized contact person regarding Quality control:

Name: ______Title: ______Telephone: ______Email: ______

5.4 Membership of National / International Associations? (Circle as applicable) Y / N (if yes, please enclose list of names)

5.5 Does your company have social accountability policy? (Circle as applicable) Y / N (if yes, please provide copy of relevant document)

5.6 Does your company have a documented environmental policy? (Circle as applicable) Y / N (if yes, please attach a copy of relevant document)

I hereby certify that the information provided above and in all the annexures is correct and that no person in any connection with this establishment, as a supplier for providing material, supplies or services, or as a principal or employee, is employed by UNICEF, or barred by UNICEF. I also understand that falsified or misleading information could result in disqualification of the company as a registered potential vendor for UNICEF.

Name: ______Date: ______

Title: ______Signature: ______

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