Computer Tools for Business
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CIS 110-(084/097) Computer Tools for Business Winter 2015
Instructor: John Swart Office: COB 342 Phone: 257-2543 Office e-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday - 10:45 - 3:15 Tuesday - 12:00 - 1:00 Thursday/Friday - Appointment
Textbook and Software:
1. Technology in Action(Introductory), 11th edition, Pearson 2. MyITLab for Office 2013, Pearson
You will also need access to a computer with MS Office 2013 - Word/Excel/Access/PPT software to be able to complete the assignments for the class. If you use lab computers to complete the projects you will also need a USB flash drive. Content: The development and enhancement of computer skills and knowledge using current business software. Objectives:
1. Coverage of the software in the MS Office 2013 Suite – Excel/Word/Access/PowerPoint. 2. Introduce students to fundamental information technology principles. Grades: Grades are based on tests and project assignments. There will be five tests given. Project assignments received after the due date receive a grade of zero.
Scores of >90 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C, 60-69 = D, <60 = F.
Final grade will be calculated as follows:
Word Test 10% Word Projects 5% Excel Test 25% Excel Projects 10% Access Test 15% Access Projects 10% PowerPoint Test 10% PowerPoint Projects 5% Computer Concepts Test (book) 10%
100% Tests: Tests for the MS Office Suite – Excel/Word/Access/PowerPoint – will be taken using the MyITLab software. Test for the book will be multiple-choice – it will also be taken using MYITLab.
All tests must be proctored. Suggested options for testing:
1. Schedule your test with me(take with my regular class). 2. High School counselor. 3. Local library. 4. Local university – faculty.
Testing issues will be decided at the start of the quarter – you will provide the testing location and contact information. There is a graduate student that manages test proctors. You will receive an email requesting this information or information through moodle.
If you must miss a test for any reason, please try to let me know ahead of time. If you miss a test for an unexpected reason, contact me as soon as you can after the test. MyITLab training will not be extended for a missed tested. If you have an unexcused absence on a test day, you will get a zero on that test which will be averaged in with your other grades. If you have an excused absence for a test day, you will be allowed to make up the test. Test dates will be posted on MOODLE. It is your responsibility to know when tests are. Makeup Tests: If you are allowed to make up a test, it may not be the same test that was given to the rest of the class. If you schedule a makeup test, you will have that one scheduled time to make up the test.
Special Needs: Students needing testing accommodations based on a disability are encouraged to discuss the need with me as soon as possible. For special needs you will need a letter from the Disabilities Office. Academic Integrity: Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. All students are expected to be honest on tests, quizzes, and assignments; a student should submit his or her own work. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and using unauthorized sources. Do not copy the work of another student; do not allow another student to copy your work. These actions will result in a grade of zero for the particular test, assignment, or project and referral to the academic honor council. Students are expected to read, understand, and adhere to the Louisiana Tech Academic Honor Code.
Attendance Policy: While there is no physical class attendance students are expected to keep up with assignments and tasks according to the schedule posted on Moodle. Students are expected to regularly monitor all announcements posted on Moodle/MYITLAB for course information and scheduling.