Sponsor/Exhibitor Packages

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Sponsor/Exhibitor Packages

SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR Silver Package $825.00 SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE PACKAGES  1 page in 1 2017 issue Volunteer Voice sent electronically Flyers for registration table $250 TPTA is pleased to offer the TPTA  Table Top Exhibit 2017 Spring or Fall – sent by sponsor – will not be SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR program with Meeting returned and will be set on registration maximum visibility throughout the year  Website Posting for 1 month table Fri and Sat during meeting. and at every event. This packaged Total value of package = $975.00 Should be sent to TPTA Office 3 days prior to first day of meeting. Sponsor sponsorship is focused on the physical responsible for cost of shipping. therapy industry that you are trying to Spring Meeting only $570.00 reach with your marketing message. Table Top Exhibit 2017 Spring Friday or Saturday Continental The SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR program Meeting Breakfast allows you and your company to Includes two registrations for the Friday or Saturday Lunch (available STAND OUT and be NOTICED. This conference. Additional attendees from at the Spring Meetings) is an ideal marketing opportunity to your company will be charged $25 per Cost: $750 per meeting per day for insure your company is promoted ALL person each meal. Includes logo on emails, YEAR LONG at TPTA events. mailings, signage, and flyers to be set out at registration table. EXHIBITOR INFORMATION LIMITED TO THE FIRST 15 Fall Meeting only $570.00 Spring Meeting TPT PAC BOWLING Companies for Spring Meeting and Table Top Exhibit 2017 TOURNAMENT Cost: $2000 – can 20 Companies for Fall Meeting Fall Meeting Includes two registrations be split into $500 sponsorships- for the conference. Additional (03/31/17) Includes table at venue – TO REPLY WITH PAYMENT! attendees from your company will be logo on emails sent out – exhibitor charged $25 per person table at spring mtg. EXHIBITOR packages include two registrations to each conference.  LAST YEARS BOWLING EVENT Additional attendees from your HAD OVER 100 PEOPLE IN company will be charged $25 per Advertising Requirements ATTENDANCE person. Newsletter Full Page 7 ½” x 9 ¾” Gold Package $1,650 All ads must be camera ready-laser  Full page ad in 2017 TPTA newsletter output or on disk. Call for Ad – 3 issues to be sent electronically Deadlines  Table Top Exhibit – 2017 Spring & Fall Meeting   Website Posting for 4 months (2 SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION spring and 2 in fall)  One set of mailing labels All sponsors will receive the following: Total value of package = $2500.00  Listing on Conference SPONSOR/EXHIBITOR PACKAGES Sponsorship Sign □ Gold $ 1,650 □ Silver $ 825 Indicate whether you plan to exhibit at the Contact information of Person □Spring or □Fall meeting. Attending Conference: EXHIBITOR AND EXHIBITORS ______□ Spring Meeting $ 570 _ Fall Meeting $ 570 SPONSORSHIP Company:______SPONSORSHIPS PROSPECTUS Saturday Continental Breakfast and Lunch Address: Circle Spring ______□ Breakfast Friday $ 750 _ Breakfast Sat. $ 750 _ Lunch Fri. $ 750 City/State/Zip: 2017 _ Lunch Sat. $ 750 ______□ Fall Meeting $ 750 Reception Sponsor Phone: (_____) ______□ Spring Meeting $ 1000 _ Flyers for registration table $ 250 Fax: (_____) ______Fax a copy of this form to 615-297- 5852 to secure your sponsorship. E-Mail:______Please mail this form with your check or pay by credit card immediately. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ______MasterCard, Visa and AMEX are accepted. Payment Method:

If you have any questions, call 615- □ Check enclosed Spring Meeting 269-5312. Make check payable: TPTA Person Completing Form: 4205 Hillsboro Rd Ste. 317 ______Nashville, TN 37215 March 31 & Apr 1st, 2017

Company: □ VISA □ Mastercard __AMEX Maxwell House Hotel ______Account # 2025 Rosa L Park Blvd ______Address: Expiration Date: ______Nashville, TN 37228 ______Name of Cardholder: Fall Meeting ______City/State/Zip: 3 digit code on back:______Dates - TBD ______Mailing address for card: ______Tri-Cities Phone: (_____) ______Signature: Fax: (_____) ______EMail:______

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