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ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nomination Form Page 1 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. TABLE OF CONTENTS:
II. NOMINEE INFORMATION………………………………………………………………………6
A. Transaction Awards ...... 7
B. Firm Awards ...... 12
C. Individual Award...... 14
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nomination Form Page 2 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. I. AWARDS PROGRAM OVERVIEW Now in its fourth year, the 2014 ACG New York Champion’s Awards Gala is presented by ACG New York and The M&A Advisor to recognize and honor the leading middle market transactions, firms and dealmakers who are Driving Middle Market Growth™. A. AWARDS CATEGORIES Awards will be presented in the following categories:
1) Transaction Awards a) Sector Awards i) Consumer ii) Energy iii) Healthcare iv) Manufacturing v) Retail vi) Service vii)TMT b) Regional Awards viii) Westchester Network ix) Long Island Network c) Deal Type Awards x) Acquisition Finance xi) Capital Raise (Equity or Debt) xii)Cross Border Transaction xiii) Leveraged Buyout/Financial Buyer xiv) Leveraged Buyout/Strategic Buyer xv)Recapitalization d) Deal Size Awards xvi) < or = $50MM EV xvii) > $50MM EV and < or = $100MM EV xviii) > $100MM EV and < or = $250MM EV xix) > $250MM EV 2) Firm Awards a) CPA Firm b) Family Office Investor c) Investment Bank d) Junior Lender e) Law Firm f) M&A Advisory/Sell Side g) M&A Advisory/Buy Side h) Private Equity Managing a Fund i) Private Equity Not Managing a Fund j) Senior Lender k) Product/Service Provider l) Valuation Advisor m) ACG New York “Growth Story of the Year”
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nomination Form Page 3 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. 3) Individual Award a) ACG New York “Dealmaker of the Year”
B. QUALIFYING CRITERIA General Nomination Criteria 1) ACG New York members and their firms are eligible to enter. All nominated firms must have at least one ACG New York member. Nominated transactions must have closed between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014 with a transaction value in excess of $5 million to qualify. CLICK HERE to see if your firm is a member of ACG New York. If you would like to become a member, CLICK HERE. 2) There are no limits on the number of nominations submitted; 3) A separate nomination form must be submitted for each transaction, firm, individual nominated; 4) Maximum 200 word entry submission; 5) The Final Deadline for submission is Friday, May 2, 2014 3:00 PM Eastern. Transaction Award Nomination Criteria 1) To qualify for Transaction Awards the transaction must adhere to the following criteria: a) The transaction must have a minimal value of $5MM; b) The transaction must have closed between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014.
C. NOMINATION FEES There is a base fee of $95 charged for processing each nomination (includes initial category). For any additional category the nomination is submitted for there is a fee of $50. To follow are example of nomination submissions and the corresponding fee calculations: Example 1: If the transaction Acquisition of Con Edison by Sinopec is nominated for Consumer Deal of the Year, Acquisition Finance Deal of The Year and < or = $50MM EV Deal of The Year, the fee will be calculated as follows: Base Nomination Fee + Category # 1 – Consumer Deal of The Year $95 Category #2 – Acquisition Finance Deal of The Year $50 Category # 3 - < or = $50MM EV Deal of The Year $50 Total $195
Example 2: If Angela Merkel is nominated for Dealmaker of The Year, the fee will be calculated as follows: Base Nomination Fee + Category #1 - Dealmaker of The Year $95 Total $95
D. PAYMENT PROCESS Payment in full must be provided before the final deadline date of May 2, 2014 for nominations to be processed. Currently we are only accepting payment by credit card.
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nomination Form Page 4 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. Upon receipt of your submission, The M&A Advisor will verify the processing fees and contact you if there are any discrepancies. Please contact The M&A Advisor at (718) 997- 7900 with any questions or concerns.
E. NOMINATION SUBMISSION PROCESS The process for submission is as follows: 1) Preparation of the Award Nomination Form for each category a) On the pages to follow is the Nomination Form featuring all the categories open for nomination. Note that a separate nomination form must be prepared for each transaction, firm and individual award submission b) We recommend that you title, (e.g. Dealmaker of The Year) and save the nominations in a folder that is easily accessible 2) Calculation of fees and payment a) Complete the fee calculation page and provide credit card information for payment 3) Submission of nomination forms a) Nominations must be typewritten and submitted electronically in MS WORD format using this form only b) The nomination forms can be submitted separately or all at one time c) Email the completed form to [email protected] with subject line: ACG New York Champions Awards 2014.
F. JUDGING PROCESS The 2014 ACG New York Champions Awards will receive nominations from ACG New York members and through market league tables provided by Pitchbook. ACG New York members are invited to participate in the judging process along with an independent committee of New York M&A industry business leaders.
G. CONFIDENTIALITY The M&A Advisor and its’ independent judges will maintain the strictest confidentiality possible for all sensitive details provided. Upon the selection of Award Finalists, only the transaction name, product/service name, dealmaker and firm names will be publicized. While there may be a dollar range specified for transactions awards categories, the actual value will not be published at any time.
H. AWARD AND FINALIST ANNOUNCEMENT Award Finalists will be announced in May 2014. Award Winners will be announced at or before the Awards Gala Ceremony on June 19, 2014.
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nomination Form Page 5 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. II. NOMINEE INFORMATION
Note: In completing this entry form, please consider that the terms “company” or “the firm” to mean the organization and its representatives who handled the transaction. The word “deal” refers to the buy, sale, or merger transaction. “You” means the person filling out this nomination form.
A) Nominator Contact Information (the individual completing the nomination form):
Compan First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Relationship Twitt Linke Facebo y Name Name ne Address Zip to Nominee er d In ok
B) Nominee’s Contact information (if not the same as nominator):
Compan First Last Title Email Telephon Street City/State/ Twitte Linked Faceboo y Name Name e Address Zip r In k
In the section to follow please identify the marketing/PR/communications contacts at the nominator and/or nominee firm that you wish to receive Finalist-related announcements:
Communications Contact 1:
Compan First Last Title Email Telephone Street City/State/Zi Relationship y Name Name Address p to Nominator or Nominee
Communications Contact 2:
CompanACG ® NewFirst York ChampionLast ’s AwardsTitle - Official NominationEmail FormTelephone PageStreet 6 of 16 City/State/Zi Relationship yFor questions Nameor concerns pleaseName contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 Address p to Nominator © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. or Nominee
(e.g. Acquisition of Company A by Company B) ii. ii. TRANSACTION AWARDS CATEGORIES Check all categories you would like your nomination to be considered for: Sector Awards categories: Healthcare Energy Manufacturing Retail Consumer Service Technology, Media and Telecom
Regional Awards categories: Westchester Network Long Island Network
Deal Type Awards categories: Acquisition Finance Capital Raise (Equity or Debt) Cross Border Transaction Leveraged Buyout/Financial Buyer Leveraged Buyout/Strategic Buyer Recapitalization
Deal Size Awards categories: < or = $50MM EV > $50MM EV and < or = $100MM EV > $100MM EV and < or = $250MM EV > $250MM EV
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nomination Form Page 7 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. Transaction Awards submissions will be judged on the following criteria:
Transaction profile
Adherence to word limitation for the transaction descriptions iv. TRANSACTION DETAILS In the sections to follow you will be asked to provide the detailed information required for the judges to evaluate your nomination. 1. DATE TRANSACTION WAS INITIATED: MM/YY
Please select a range if you do not wish to disclose the exact amount:
$10 - $25MM $150 - $200MM
$25 - $50MM $200 - $250MM
$50 - $75MM $250 - $500MM
$75 - $100MM $500 - $1B
$100 - $150MM $1B+
Note: 200 Word Maximum Describe the transaction. Summarize the circumstances that preceded the deal, explain the deal logic, recount how the deal was accomplished, identify greatest challenges and describe the benefit(s) of the transaction to the seller and /or buyer. Ple ase enter your deal description here.
5. DEAL TEAM MEMBERS: Please go to the next page to complete the section listing the deal team members on the transaction.
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nomination Form Page 8 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. You can also provide up to three (3) electronic links to additional information on the transaction. Please provide links here.
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nomination Form Page 9 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. IV. DEAL TEAM MEMBERS
Please submit the information below to complete nominations for Transactions Awards. All participating Deal Team members that were involved in the transaction must be provided for both sides of the deal. Company/Buyer/Debtor Side Company/Buyer/Debtor
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
Investment Banking Firm
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
Financial Advisor
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
Law Firm
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
Accounting Firm
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
Mezzanine Lender
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
Consulting Firm
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nominatio n Form Page 10 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes.
Valuation Firm
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
Virtual Data Room
Company First Name Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name p
Research Firm
Company First Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name Name p
Operational Partner
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Other Deal Team
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Other Deal Team
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Seller Side Seller
Company First Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name Name p
Investment Banking Firm
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Company First Last Title Email Telephone Street Address City/State/Zi Country Name Name p
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nominatio n Form Page 11 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. Law Firm
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Accounting Firm
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Mezzanine Lender
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Consulting Firm
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Valuation Firm
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Virtual Data Room
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Research Firm
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Operational Partner
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
Other Deal Team
Company First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count Name Name ne Address Zip ry
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nominatio n Form Page 12 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. IV. NOMINATION FORMS (Continued) 2. FIRM AWARDS To nominate for the Firm Awards please complete the section below. NOTE: A SEPARATE NOMINATION FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EACH TRANSACTION, FIRM AND INDIVIDUAL NOMINATED. i. FIRM NAME
ii. FIRM AWARDS CATEGORIES Please check all categories you would like your nomination to be considered for: MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Investment Bank Private Equity Not Managing a M&A Advisory/Sell Side Fund
M&A Advisory/Buy Senior Lender Side Junior Lender Product/Service Law Firm Provider Family Office Investor
CPA Firm Valuation Advisor
Private Equity Managing a ACG New York “Growth Story of the Year” Fund
iii. NOMINATION CRITERIA The Firm Awards submission will be judged on the following criteria:
Firm’s profile
Adherence to word limitation for firm profile iv. FIRM DETAILS In the section to follow you will be asked to provide the detailed information required for the judges to evaluate your nomination. FIRM’S PROFILE: Note: 200 Word Maximum Describe the firm including details such as the number of employees, office locations, firm’s unique attributes and which markets the firm is active in. Enter firm profile her e
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nominatio n Form Page 13 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. 1. Number of transactions announced in qualification period: Enter number here 2. Number of transactions completed in qualification period: Enter number here
3. Total value of transactions completed in qualification period: $0 OR Please select a range if you do not wish to disclose the exact amount:
$10 - $25MM $200 - $250MM
$25 - $50MM $250 - $500MM
$50 - $75MM $500 - $1B
$75 - $100MM $1B+
$100 - $150MM
$150 - $200MM
You can also provide up to three (3) electronic links to additional information on the firm. Please provide links here.
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nominatio n Form Page 14 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. IV. NOMINATION FORMS (Continued) 3. INDIVIDUAL AWARDS To nominate for the Individual Award please complete the section below.
Compan First Last Title Email Telepho Street City/State/ Count y Name Name ne Address Zip ry
ii. AWARD CATEGORY ACG New York “Dealmaker of the Year” iii. NOMINATION CRITERIA The Individual Award submission will be judged on the following criteria:
Nominee’s profile
Adherence to word limitation for nominee description
iv. NOMINEE PROFILE Note: 200 Word Maximum Describe the nominee including their career accomplishments, industry experience and leadership qualities. Please include any community/charity involvement here. Please enter your description here.
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nominatio n Form Page 15 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. V. RELEASE STATEMENT I attest that through my submission of this form, the information provided is true. I understand that any false and/or incomplete information could result in exclusion from awards program. I acknowledge that ACG New York and/or the judges reserve the right to disqualify this nomination entry and/or preclude the awards category in its entirety. In addition, I acknowledge that ACG New York owns the rights to the names and trademarks of these awards and that changing or utilizing the name or logos of the awards in a manner that ACG New York may deem inappropriate may result in disqualification as a finalist or winner.
NOTE: Electronic or physical signatures are required. Please use one of the options below to submit the signatures:
I. Insert an electronic signature
II. Print out this page and sign. Scan and email this page to [email protected]. If you use this method please identify the award category and the name of the nomination below: Enter name of nomination here
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nominatio n Form Page 16 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. VI. FEE CALCULATION AND PAYMENT DETAILS
(1) Fee Calculation: Please calculate your processing fees using the chart below. Use the tab key to jump between the number fields.
Description Numbe Cost Subtotal r Nomination entry fee 1 95.00 $95.00 per form (includes initial category)
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nominatio n Form Page 17 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes. Additional categories 0 50.00 0.00 (please count the number of additional categories you checked above and enter here) Totals 95.00
M&A Advisor will verify the fee calculation and contact you if there are any discrepancies. Please call if you have any questions 718-997-7900.
(2) Payment Details: Payment in full must be provided for nominations to be processed. Payment by credit card is preferred. Please provide the requested credit card information below.
Credit Card number: Card Type: [Choose Payment Method] Security Code: Exp. Date: Name on Card: Billing Address: State: Zip Code:
City: Signature: Date:
NOTE: Electronic or physical signatures are required. Please use one of the options below to submit the signatures: 1. Insert an electronic signature and submit the nomination form in its entirety electronically. 2. Print out this page and sign. Submit as a scanned email attachment along with the nomination form. 3. Print out this page and sign. Fax in the signed sheet and submit the nomination form electronically.
To process your nomination submission, email the form to: [email protected] with subject line: ACG NY Champions 2014.
ACG ® New York Champion ’s Awards - Official Nominatio n Form Page 18 of 16 For questions or concerns please contact The M&A Advisor by telephone at 718-997-7900 © Copyright The M&A Advisor. All Rights Reserved. No part of this form is to be altered or used for any other purposes.