Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux and other local social service agencies and community organizations offer many chances to live out the corporal works of mercy. Contact Catholic Charities at 876-0490 or [email protected] to volunteer.

To feed the hungry: Volunteer at one of the Good Samaritan Food Banks in Thibodaux, Raceland or Houma; at Catholic Community Center in Galliano; East St. Mary Outreach in Morgan City or your church parish’s food pantry.

To give drink to the thirsty and to shelter the homeless: Sign up as a Matthew 25 disaster response volunteer to distribute water, food and supplies after a hurricane or to work in a disaster shelter. Start of join your parish St. Vincent de Paul Society or Parish Social Ministry Committee.

To clothe the naked: The Good Samaritan Thrift Store in Raceland and Catholic Community Center in Galliano are run by volunteers who provide new and used clothing at nominal prices.

To visit the sick: Start a parish social ministry program to reach out to the most vulnerable in your community.

To visit those in prison: More prison ministers are needed in our diocese to join those who bring the scripture and a listening ear to prisoners. Help organize the annual Mass for Victims of Violence.

To bury the dead: Donate to Catholic Charities’ Individual and Family Assistance program to contribute to the cost of burial for those who are too poor to pay. Join or start a bereavement ministry in your parish.

These are only a few of the opportunities available.

And remember to ask the question: “Why are so many hungry, or thirsty; homeless, sick or naked in our diocese, our country and the world?” To do something about it join A Catholic Voice for Justice Legislative Network to advocate for justice legislation. Join BISCO – the Bayou Interfaith Sponsoring Committee. BISCO, supported in part by a grant from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, organizes people in our diocese who want an answer to the question of “why.”

Pray! Reflect! Act!