1. Which Two Landforms Form As a Result of Volcano Arcs?

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1. Which Two Landforms Form As a Result of Volcano Arcs?

1. Which two landforms form as a result of volcano arcs? w. Hotspots and superswells x. Mountain ranges and island arcs y. Island arcs and trenches z. Guyots and continental rises 2. Which is not an example of an island arc? w. Hawaiian islands x. Aleutian islands y. Mariana islands z. All of the above are island arcs 3. What is the general term for locations above the asthenosphere around which volcanoes have been active for a long time? w. Guyot x. Superswell y. AUZs (Asthenospheric Upwelling Zones) z. Hotspots 4. What are the narrow vertical streams of magma that originate in the upper mantle called? w. Mantle plumes x. Volcanoes y. Trench spouts z. Countercurrent convective flows 5. An example of a nematath is? w. Aleutian Islands x. Cuba y. Galapagos Islands z. Mariana Islands 6. Thirty percent of all heat released from the Earth’s inner layers comes from of this area. w. Caribbean Sea x. Weddell Sea y. French Polynesia z. Ecuador

7. What is the name of the theory that states that earthquakes result from plates slipping past each other after a drastic increase in pressure? w. Plate-Pressure Theory x. Plate-Tectonic Theory y. Theory of Seismicity z. Elastic Rebound Theory 8. Short Answer What is the name of the point at which an earthquake originates? Focus 9. Which type of seismic wave will travel the fastest? w. pressure wave x. tertiary wave y. sinusoidal wave z. sheer wave 10. Name the scale used to measure earthquakes. w. Moh’s x. Richter y. seismology z. Beaufort 11. Earthquakes are always stronger if which of the following is true of the colliding lithospheric plates? w. Thick x. Contain iron ore deposits y. Old age z. High sulfur content 12. Name the deformations of lithosphere at spreading zones where crust is pulled apart, resulting in faults and fractures. w. Benioff Zones x. Seismic Zones y. Rift Zones z. Mantle Zones 13. This plate’s collision with the North American plate has given rise to the Cascade Ranges of North West United States. w. Vancouver Plate x. Juan de Fuca Plate y. Nazca Plate z. Cocos Plate 14. Short Answer What is the name of the ocean surrounding Pangaea? Panthalassa

15. What is the term for the initial idea that continental plates move across Earth’s surface? w. Tectonic plate theory x. Pangaea y. Continental drift z. Island geomorphism 16. Who initially proposed the idea of plates moving over Earth? w. Ferdinand Magellan x. Harry Hess y. Alfred Wegner z. James Cook 17. When did he come up with it? w. 1515 x. 1715 y. 1915 z. 1985 18. What is Panthalassa? w. The ocean surrounding Pangaea. x. The deepest point in the Mariana Trench y. The upwelling of cool, nutrient-rich waters near the coast of Sri Lanka z. The Greek name for the Caspian Sea 19. Where is/was the Tethys Sea located? w. Surrounding Pangaea x. Just east of the Mariana Trench y. Thirty miles west of the Caspian Sea z. Between Laurasia and Gondwanaland 20. Who proposed that mantle convection causes seafloor spreading? w. Ferdinand Magellan x. Harry Hess y. Alfred Wegner z. James Cook 21. Why do convection cells form? w. Residual heat (released as the earth’s core cools) x. Radioactivity in mantle y. Subduction due to movement at convergent plate boundaries z. Release of sediments from manganese nodules 22. What is the name for the idea that all of Earth’s internal pressures are balanced? w. Bathymetry x. Isostasy y. Tectonism z. Equilibrium theory 23. What is the name for the deformation of crust? w. Bathymetry x. Isostasy y. Tectonism z. Equilibrium theory 24. Name rock type and thickness: w. Oceanic Crust basalt (more dense) ~7km x. Continental Crust granite (less dense) ~35km 25. What is the term for the mapping of the sea floor? w. Bathymetry x. Isostasy y. Tectonism z. Equilibrium theory 26. Which of the following was not involved in collecting data about tectonic processes? w. Deep Sea Drilling Project x. NOAA Sea-Floor Drilling Project y. Ocean Drilling Program

1. Which of the following answer choices is the definition of Convergent Boundary? a. Plates Sliding past each other b. Plates coming towards each other c. Plates moving apart 2. What is not an effect of Convergent boundaries? a. Trenches form b. Volcanoes occur c. Rock is destroyed d. Rock is created 3. Is rock created or destroyed in a Transform Fault? It is neither created or destroyed 4. What is the different between Active and Passive margins? Active Margins describe currently moving tectonic activity; where as passive margins describe plates that are not active. 5. What type of boundary does the process of subduction process occur in? a. Transform Fault b. Convergent Boundary c. Divergent Boundary 6. How are oceanic-oceanic divergent boundaries formed? Convection currents in the mantle push up the lithosphere, creating a oceanic- oceanic divergent boundary 7. What type of boundary leads to mid-ocean ridges? a. Transform Fault b. Convergent Boundary Divergent Boundary

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