The Decline of the Traditional Family

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The Decline of the Traditional Family

Grand Prize—Category One

“The Decline of the Traditional Family”

“President Obama Makes Video Vowing to Protect Planned Parenthood” 1 “Step-dad kills twin sister, abuses boy,” 2 “Teenager, 18, moves in with 41 year old (married) teacher.”3 These sickening captions border our daily news broadcasts with the dense, inky cloud of family deterioration. Although we can blame the public school system and government laws, we must put the majority of the blame of the modern family, who is unconsciously raising our new generation under the deep waters of sin and destruction. The traditional family today has been transformed into a post- modernistic family, as the modern culture has pulled apart the connected bonds of a family. Our popular television shows today portray wrong visualizations to their commonly young audience with inappropriate content and family morals. The “Little House on the Prairie” TV series, popular in the late 1900’s, was a refreshing family show that portrayed the common traditional family in that era. However, new TV series accentuate today’s post-modernized family that makes untraditional family morals desirable for their viewers. One of the newest series “Modern Family” portrays the life of three modern related families of today, including same-sex partners with an adopted child. The appeal to be like the celebrities on these post-modernistic shows are draining away the traditional values families should have. However, “Modern Family” is one of the top TV series today, winning up to 11 Emmys.4 This essay will focus on the core of the decline of the traditional family as divorces, abortions, same sex marriages, and ignorance of Biblical principles increase daily-making our present families diverse from tradition.

American families today range from the traditional family to teenage mothers, separated/divorced parents, remarried parents, living-together couples, and same-sex couples. According to official divorce rates of 2011: about 49% of marriages ended up in divorces-with the first marriages only lasting an average time span of 8 or less years! This statistic also mentioned that one million children yearly are affected by their parent’s divorce. For example: the possibility of a teenage girl becoming pregnant and dropping out of high school is two times more than girls with traditional parents!5 These drastic family problems are due to the bad example these uncommitted parents show their children. Sexual activity before marriage normally goes hand-in-hand with abortions. A statistic chart ranging from 1973-2003 shows that more than 80% of women who have an abortion are unmarried.6

The government is also encouraging the destruction of the traditional family. One example is the rising of same-sex marriages. The title, “Ex-Lesbian: Obama Destroying Traditional Families,” is as shocking as it sounds. Janet Boynes, a former lesbian, is now the leader of her Christian ministry called Janet Boynes Ministries, where she ministers to individuals who either question their sexuality or wish to leave a homo-sexual lifestyle. Janet affirms that it is hard to keep the values traditional family ideals today, because our current generation and government powers are advocating rights for homosexuals. Ms Boynes mentions that President Barack Obama is using the financial governmental power to encourage people to accept and normalize same-sex relationships! This rips apart the picture of the traditional husband and wife.7

Current contemporary music also plays a large role in demoralizing our traditional families by perverting the word of God for their own gain. One of the most popular and adored singers on the charts today by young and old alike, Lady Gaga, repeatedly blasphemies and shames the word of God in her music, especially through her newest hits, “Born This Way” and “Judas”. However, Lady Gaga is reportedly religious and has stated, “I believe in Jesus, I believe in God, I’m very spiritual, I pray.”8 Biblical names can be found throughout her songs, but they are thickly intertwined with profanity-based lyrics. We can compare this to the parable in Matthew 13:3b-7, “…Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side…And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:” The small seeds, the moral religion Lady Gaga professes to believe in, are completely choked and swallowed up in the large mass of thorns, the immoral lyrics.

The government’s intentional ignoring of Biblical values are affecting the children of America. The children’s educational system that used to be taught with Biblical-based principles is now the design of a humanistic, person-centered program that is corrupting our future traditional families with immoral doctrines. Recently, a Scottish Director/Producer, Colin Gunn, released his documentary film “IndoctriNation” that shows the vividly shocking contrast of the government schools in our society today from our original foundation. From banning any sign of Christian religion to encouraging children, as young as kindergarten, to believe in evolution as well as promoting racism and controlling their social life, most of our government schools, known as the public school system, have evolved from a learning institution into a brainwashing cycle. The ability to pray or talk about God’s love is banished from the classroom and discouraged from children’s vocabulary! Parental consent is also considered unneeded for the health of their children.9

Today, traditional family values are being destroyed as if crushed by a huge rock. Matthew 5:13 says, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” The children of today have lost their identity-living opposite to the Bible! One solitary glance can confirm that the world is literally under the curse of God, as the fear of the Lord’s Commandments are absent for our families today. Yet, we must ask the question: “Is it too late?” No, there is hope! Jesus Christ tells us in Matthew 7:25b, “…and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.” We can relate that scripture to our nation today. The traditional family’s foundation, or rock, is Christ. We were founded upon the rock of Christianity, and no matter how much we destroy the house, the foundation will always remain. Christians in the world today are our nation’s hope. We must stay strong to the faith and proclaim God’s Commandments to all! Together, let us empower ourselves with the determination, as one nation under God, to revolutionize our future and bring back the traditional family. 1 Catholic Online: Inform-Inspire-Ignite “President Obama Makes Video Vowing to Protect Planner Parenthood” By Jennifer Hartline Copyright 2012

2 NY Daily News”Boy recounts horrific tale of how dad killed his twin sister, abused him” Copyright 2012 NY Daily

3 ABC News “18 Year-Old Moves in With Teacher” Copyright 2012 ABC News Net.

4 ABC Modern Family:”About the Show”

5 Divorce Rate 20122: “Divorce Statistics” Copyright 2012

6 Guttermacher Institute “Trends in Abortion in the United States, 1973-2008”(p.10) Copyright January 2011

7 WND Exclusive,”Ex-Lesbian: Obama Destroying Traditional Families” Copyright 1997-2012 All Rights Reserved. Inc.

8 Everyday Christian:Biblical truth for Everyday Life. “Is Lady Gaga a Christian?” By Peter Elliott

9 Christian Telegraph: Christian News You Need To Know. “New ‘IndoctriNation’ film: what Bible says about kids’ education”Copyright 1999-2012 CHRISTIAN TELEGRAPH

Biographical Sketch

Melissa Rainer Grade 12 South Carolina

Melissa is a sixteen-year-old senior and has been homeschooled through CLASS since Kindergarten.

Melissa’s hobbies include reading, photography, piano, cosmetology, biking, and playing Wii games with her little brothers. She also frequently composes debatable essays from a Christian perspective.

After graduating from CLASS, Melissa will attend Bob Jones University this fall 2012 majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication. CLASS has greatly prepared her academically for college, especially with the optional writing electives she was able to take during her senior year as the they have improved her writing skills dramatically.

Melissa’s life verse is 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. These verses inspire her to be an ambassador for Christ because of His profound love for choosing to be slain for our iniquities.

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