Chapter Outline for Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies 11e

Chapter 3 – The Remarkable Body

I. The Body’s Cells A. The workings of the genes B. Cells, tissues, organs, systems II. The Body Fluids and the Cardiovascular System III. The Hormonal and Nervous Systems A. What do hormones have to do with nutrition? B. How does the nervous system interact with nutrition? IV. The Immune System A. Phagocytes B. T-cells C. B-cells V. The Digestive System A. Why do people like sugar, salt, and fat? B. The digestive tract C. The mechanical aspect of digestion D. The chemical aspect of digestion 1. How do “digestive juices” work? 2. Are some food combinations more easily digested than others? E. If “I am what I eat,” then how does a peanut butter sandwich become “me”? 1. In the mouth 2. In the stomach 3. In the small intestine 4. In the large intestine (colon) F. Absorption and transportation of nutrients G. A letter from your digestive tract VI. The Excretory System VII. Storage Systems A. When I eat more than my body needs, what happens to the extra nutrients? B. Variations in nutrient stores VIII. Conclusion IX. Alcohol and Nutrition: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Risks? A. Defining drinks and drinking 1. Moderation 2. Binge drinking 3. What is alcohol? 4. What is a “drink”? B. Alcohol enters the body C. Alcohol arrives in the brain D. Alcohol arrives in the liver 1. The liver metabolizes alcohol 2. Alcohol affects body functions E. The fattening power of alcohol F. The hangover G. Alcohol’s long-term effects H. Alcohol’s effect on nutrition I. Does moderate alcohol use benefit health? 1. Alcohol and heart disease 2. The health effects of wine 3. Alcohol and appetite J. The final word