Additional File 2 Table: Ethnobotanical Exploration and Biological Activity of Selected

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Additional File 2 Table: Ethnobotanical Exploration and Biological Activity of Selected

Additional File 2 Table: Ethnobotanical exploration and biological activity of selected medicinal plants

S. No Species name Biological activities Antidiabetic [1], antioxidant[2], diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, anti-diabetic, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, 1 A. lanata hepoprotective, anti-urolithiasis, antiasthmatic, antifertility, hypolipidemic, Immunomodulatory and antitumor[3]. Anticancer[4], anthelmintic[5], antileishmanial [6], larvicidal 2 A. malabarica [7], antiepileptic [8]. Antiulcer and antimicrobial activity [9]. Antioxidant 3 A. latifolia activity[10] and hepatoprotective activity[11]. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory[12], antimalarial activity 4 C. halicacabum [13] Antimicrobial and antifungal[14], antiplasmodial[15], 5 C. alata antitumor [16],) antidiabetic [17] and anthelmintic [18] Anti-inflammatory[19], antioxidant and anticancer activities 6 C. guianensis [20] and antimicrobial [21] Antioxidant [22], immunomodulatory [23], antiviral [24], 7 E. hirta antiplasmodial [25] and antidiabetic activity[26] Antileishmanial [27], Antihaemolytic and snake venom 8 G. superba neutralizing [28], antiosteoclastogenesis [29], larvicidal[30], antiplasmodial [31]. Antiinflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, antioxidative, 9 G. glabra anticancer activities, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective and cardioprotective activities [32] and antifilarial [33] 10 I. tinctoria Hepatoprotective [34], anticancer [35] Antidiabitic[36], antileishmanial [37], mollusicidal [38], 11 J. regia hepatoprotective [39], antioxidant[40], antimicrobial[41], anticancerous [42], Anti-inflammation, antidiabetes, antiplasmodial, antiasthmatic 12 P. daemia [43] and hepatoprotective activity [44]. Anti-diarrhoeal [45], antimicrobial [46], antiplasmodial [47], 13 P. guajava antitussive[48], antigenotoxic [49], anticancerous [50] Antimicrobial [51], Antinociceptive[52], larvicidal [53], anti- 14 R. communis inflammatory [54], Antiplasmodial [55]. S. 15 Antioxidant [56], and antifungal activity [57] xanthocarpum Antimicrobial, Antioxidant activity [58], antidiabetic [59], 16 T. cordifolia hypoglycemic activity [60] and antimicrobial activity [61]. Hepatoprotective [62], vasorelaxant [63], antiarthritic[64], 17 T. procumbens anticancerous [65], antimicrobial[66], antiplasmodial [67], larvicidal[68], antileishmanial [69], Immunomodulatory [70].

1 References

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