Historical Chart for Stories of Faith and Courage

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Historical Chart for Stories of Faith and Courage


Title of Account Vol/Page Time Period Topics/Historical Events


Searching for Truth on the American 2/10 1880’s Founding of AC Church in Lester IA Prairie

Serving as a Conscientious Objector 2/15 1918 Marriage by faith in Iowa and CO in World War I experiences in Camp Gordon, Georgia

The Story of My Army Life 2/17 1918 CO mistreatment by U.S. Military during WW I in Camp Wheeler, Georgia

Taken for Dead, but Miraculously Alive 2/20 1918 CO mistreatment by U.S. Military during WW I at Camp Funston in Ft. Riley KS and Ft. Leavenworth prison camp in Kansas

Friends Revive a Church 2/13 1923 Founding of AC Church in Winthrop MN

Section 1: American Accounts 2/9 1900’s Description of U.S. Military Classifications

Keeping the Faith During WW II 2/21 1942 Letter describing Selective Service Act in 1940 and letters from Elders to a young CO attempting to keep his noncombatant status

Boundless Mercy 2/28 1940-1946 WW II experiences of a friend of the truth as he escaped death in the Philippines

“Into Thy Hands Do I Commit Myself, 2/31 1950-1952 Autobiography of battlefield experiences as Come What May” a CO in the Korean War

Survival of a Noncombatant Medic 2/49 1969-1970 Battlefield experiences of a CO in the In Vietnam Vietnam War ARGENTINA

Fruitbearing – 50 Years Later and 2/80 1917 Witnessing the martyrdom of 6 Nazarenes 10,000 Miles Away in Eastern Europe during WW I resulting in man’s conversion in Argentina after 50 yrs.

AUSTRALIA The Prodigal Son and the Zion’s Harp 1/62 1950’s Hungarian refugee’s experience in new homeland of Australia, also episodes in 1 Yugoslavia and Ukraine about Zion’s Harp AUSTRIA

A Shepherd’s Adventures 2/120 1947 Trip by Swiss Elder to visit Nazarenes in to Care for the Sheep Austria and Germany after WW II


Map of Eastern Europe 3/8 2007 Shows countries where Nazarenes live

The Brother and the Highway Robbers 1/16 Mid 1800’s Truthfulness draws souls in Hungary

The Army Sergeant and the Young 1/9 1880’s Nonresistance in European military Believer

Standing Firm 1/75 Early 1900’s Facing death in the military in the Balkan States

Suffering for Christ and the Faith 1/96 Early 1900’s Military persecutions in Eastern Europe

A Good Witness to a Crude Neighbor 1/37 Early 1900’s Nonresistance in daily life in E. Europe

The Prodigal Son and the Zion’s Harp 1/62 1950’s Hungarian refugee’s experience in new homeland of Australia, also episodes in Yugoslavia and Ukraine about Zion’s Harp

Restitution and Restoring that which 1/65 1900’s Incidents of restitution in Eastern Europe Was Stolen

“Steep and Thorny Is the Way” 1/77 1938 Recognition of fellow believers in Eastern Europe through Zion’s Harp song

A Testimony of Life 3/84 1924-1991 Autobiography of WW II experiences in Eastern Europe


Saved from the Depths 2/113 1920’s-1950’s German and Yugoslavian life under Hitler before and during WW II, life in Germany and work in Yugoslavian copper mines after WW II


Map: The Partition of Hungary 3/14 1919 Compares pre- and post-WWI Hungary

Section 1: Hungary 3/15 1830-Present Brief history of Hungary

Letter from Joseph Bella to 3/17 1850 Bella’s persecution and escape from Samuel Froehlich Hungary to America

Introduction of Volume 3: 3/9 About 1900 Secular author’s observation of Nazarene The Nazarenes by Istvan Tomorkeny way of life in Hungary before WW I

A Faith Worth Living For and Dying For 1/29 1914 Two Nazarene martyrs in Hungarian army during WW I

Biography of Karl Nagy 3/21 1889-1973 Life of Hungarian Elder portraying military and prison experiences in WW I

An Elder Brother’s Unusual Experience 1/24 Early 1900’s Faith of Elder in Hungary

The Knife and the Bible 2/109 Early 1900’s Protection of Hungarian woman from assailant and resulting conversion

The Meeting 3/33 1937 Interrogation of young Hungarian sister by Catholic Bishop and theology professors

The Calling of God 3/38 1939 Hungarian man recounts unusual events as God called him

God Protects a Young Woman from 1/36 1945 Dangers during WW II in Hungary Ravaging Soldiers

Only the Power and Mercy of God 1/49 1940-1946 Prison life in Hungary and Russia during Can Outlast the Death Camps WW II

The Story of My Imprisonment and 1/79 1942-1947 Prison life in Hungary and Russia during Life in the Labor Camp WW II

“All That Was Bitter Now Becomes 3/40 1940-1945 Serving the Hungarian military in WW II Sweet”

Churches Taken from Our Brethren 3/43 1939-1944 Locked churches returned to Hungarians at the end of WW II

Though I Walk through the Valley 3/45 1945 Man escapes collapse of bridge over Danube of the Shadow of Death River in Budapest, Hungary

3 HUNGARY, Continued

Keeping the Faith at Home 3/46 1939-1944 A sister’s perspective whose brothers were in Hungarian army in WWII

Overcoming the World 3/57 1923-Present Faith carries Hungarian sister through wartime trials and abuse from spouse

Faithful Unto Death Remain 2/73 1950’s Hungarian man finds the faith through song

The Benefits of Belonging to a Christian 1/12 1952 Nazarene family life in Hungary Family of Nazarean Believers

A Family Escapes to Freedom 2/75 1953-1969 Prison work camp in Hungary, family of 7 escape to Italy

Family Life in Communist Hungary 3/50 1944-1989 Life under Communism in Hungary

Leading Captivity Captive 3/59 1950’s Description of prison life in Hungary

At the Last Moment 3/67 1956 Escaping Hungary and crossing the Iron Curtain into Austria

Six Years in the “Devil’s Den” 1/68 1952-1959 Military interrogations before prison terms in Hungary

The Rewards of Perseverance 3/55 1924-Present Life of a person with epilepsy in Hungary

Zion’s Harp Melody Bridges Language 3/133 1960’s Brother travels from Ukraine to Hungary in Gap search of Nazarene brethren

Facing Prison as a Friend of the Truth 3/72 1970-1973 Perspective of unconverted man confined to prison for his faith in Hungary

Picture: Bible Smuggled into Hungarian 3/54 1971 Bible put in cardboard talc container Prison

A Soldier of Jesus Christ 3/78 1979 Young Nazarene man serving in Hungarian military under Communism dies from illness

Typical Wedding Vows of our 3/80 Mid 1990’s Hungarian wedding vows include promise Hungarian Brethren by wife to encourage husband if imprisoned


Map of Romania 3/102 2007 Shows current boundaries of Romania

Section 3: Romania 3/103 1947-Present Brief history of Romania

Arrested for Using the Bible and 1/10 Late 1800’s Persecution of believers in Romania Zion’s Harp 1900’s

Forty Stripes Minus One 3/110 1947-1989 Romanian minister in prison endures beatings, feels no pain

All Things Work Together 3/108 About 1950 Romanian sister betrayed by Orthodox priest, beaten by Communists

Elder Brother Meeting 1/21 1956 Persecution of Nazarene Elders in Romania

The Underground Church in Romania 3/104 1918-1989 Overview of persecution of Romanian Nazarene Church

God Prepares a Sister for Prison 3/113 1950’s & 60’s Sister’s arrest due to underground church, and life in women’s prison in Romania

Fear Not, Little Flock 3/116 1950-1989 Romanian Nazarenes continue to worship despite Orthodox disapproval

Border Crossings into Romania 3/117 1980’s & 90’s Four accounts of dangerous border crossings into Romania

Blessed Are the Peacemakers 3/120 1980’s-Present Daily life in Romania, struggle to become converted in a religiously-divided home

God’s Delays Are Not God’s Denials 3/124 1990’s? Funeral proceedings in Romania, growth of church SWITZERLAND

From Tavern to Church and from 1/33 Mid 1800’s Evangelizing during S. Froehlich’s time Dance Hall to Worship in Switzerland


Map of the Ukraine 3/128 2007 Shows current boundaries of the Ukraine

Section 4: Ukraine 3/129 1918-1989 Brief history of the Ukraine

The Origin of Our Church in the Ukraine 3/130 1918-1932 Founding of the Nazarene Church in the Ukraine (Bukovina) 6 7 UKRAINE, Continued The Breastplate of Faith and Love 1/14 Mid 1900’s Nonresistance in the Ukraine during WW II Spares a Child of God

A Loving Devotion to Producing 2/111 1960’s-1980’s Persecuted Ukrainian believers copy Zion’s Zion’s Harps, One Copy per Year Harps by hand

Picture: Hand-Copied Zion’s Harp 3/127 1960’s-1980’s Poverty-stricken Ukrainian believers copied Zion’s Harp under Communist rule

Hungarians Begin to Visit Brethren in 3/134 1983 Traveling into the Ukraine under hostile Communist Ukraine Communist conditions, bringing supplies to isolated brethren

Miraculous Border Crossing into the 3/139 1992 Delivering money to Ukrainian brethren Ukraine despite mafia scrutiny


Section 2: Letter from Leo Tolstoi 2/57 1894 Letter from author of War & Peace describing his encounters with Nazarenes in Serbia and Austria, showing respect for their nonresistant convictions and lifestyle

Map of Former Yugoslavia 3/82 1947 Shows provinces of former Yugoslavia which have since become independent

Section 2: Yugoslavia 3/83 1990’s Brief history of Yugoslavia

Leaving the State Church 1/43 Late 1800’s Persecution by Orthodox Church in Serbia

Enduring an Abusive Husband 1/26 Late 1800’s Faithful wife wins husband in Serbia

Compassion for the Needy 1/19 1920-1925 Helping the poor in Yugoslavia

The Truth Shall Make You Free 1/98 1920 Conversions in Yugoslavia

Obtaining a Good Report 1/47 Mid 1930’s Ordaining an Elder in Yugoslavia

With Your Zion’s Harps Now Chiming, 1/103 Late 1930’s Zion’s Harp melody reaches from Praise the Lord Yugoslavia to America to draw converts

Saved from the Depths 2/113 1920’s-1950’s German and Yugoslavian life under Hitler

8 before and during WW II, life in Germany and work in Yugoslavian copper mines after WW II

9 YUGOSLAVIA, Continued

The Life Sack 1/45 Mid 1900’s Communist prisons in Yugoslavia after WW II

God Preserves a Prisoner’s Bible 2/83 1944-1956 Ethnic persecution of Germans after WW II by Yugoslavian Communist government, concentration camp

God’s Protection 2/91 1930’s-1940’s Prison terms and ethnic persecution of German family in Yugoslavian concentration camp

Journey from Yugoslavia to Germany 2/94 1946 Description of Yugoslavian concentration camp where family is rescued by father

A Father’s First Meeting with His 1/30 Post WWII Repeated prison terms for believers in Six-Year-Old Child Yugoslavia

Believers Live Their Faith (Croatia) 3/88 1944-1960’s Prison experiences in Croatia

Persecution in Yugoslavia 1/56 1951-1960 Repeated prison terms in Yugoslavia and escape to Austria

Deliverance Will Come 2/58 1953-1958 Prison experiences in Yugoslavia

Facing Death with Courage 2/62 1948-1960 Prison terms in Yugoslavia and escape to Italy

I Will Guide Thee with Mine Eye 1/40 1950’s Escape from Yugoslavia to Austria

The Wonderful Love of the Brethren 2/125 1957 Helping Nazarene refugees in Yugoslavia

Experiences at Goli Otok 3/91 1950-1956 Imprisonment at notorious island prison in Adriatic Sea

We Won by our Patience (Macedonia) 1/100 1947-1962 15 Years in Macedonian and Yugoslavian Prisons

Prison Experiences of a Father 3/94 1951-1989 Comparison of Yugoslavian prison and his Sons experiences, gradually more tolerance

Willing to Suffer 3/98 1981-Present Yugoslavian sister remains faithful through trials from abusive husband

Epilogue to Volume 3 3/141 Invitation to writers of history 10

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