Tenant Participation Liaison Meeting No

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Tenant Participation Liaison Meeting No

WDC/WDTRO Liaison Meeting No.49 Thursday 22 June 2017, Dalmuir CE Centre 2pm


Councillor Diane Docherty Housing Convenor Councillor Jonathan McColl Leader of the Council Isobel Rankin, Dalmuir MSF TRA Janette Donlin Dalmuir MSF TRA Jackie Wilkie Dalmuir MSF TRA Harry McCormack Tullichewan TRA Frances McGonagle Littleholm TRA Billy Neeson Westbridgend TRA Jim Hendry Risk Street TRA (chaired meeting) Lorraine Watson CATRA Angela Plews CATRA John Hainey S Drumry TRA Peter Barry Strategic Lead for Housing and Employability Alan Young Housing Asset & Investment Manager John Kerr Head of Housing Development and Homelessness Stefan Kristmanns Housing Development Co-ordinator David Lynch Area Co-ordinator – Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Scott McLelland Area Co-ordinator – Clydebank ( Central & Kilpatrick) Myra Feeney Area Co-ordinator – Clydebank (Waterfront ) Edward Thomas Head of Housing Operations Jane Mack/Dawn Conner Tenant Participation Officers Stuart McLean/Andy McLure Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Item Action

1. Welcome and apologies Jim Hendry welcomed all to the meeting including Cllr Docherty and the Fire and Rescue Service. Also welcomed Edward Thomas to his new role and extended thanks to David McBride for his previous role as Housing Convener. 1 2. Note of Meeting 27/4/2017 and update on actions

Action 1 - ASB SMcL spoke to Police Scotland about tenant concerns and confirmed that tenants can request NOT to be visited by police if they make a complaint and the Police will honour this. SMcL will meet with HMcC re anti social behaviour at Tullichewan. Scott McLelland Action 2 - Keysafes have been ordered for Westbridgend MSFs for use by the police. Action 3 - Westbridgend Doors been raised with Repairs and was discussed at consultation meeting previous evening ( 21/6/17). Action 4 - Fly tipping 23 fixed penalty notices have been served in Alexandria and a new camera can be deployed. LW to give details of Lorraine Watson suggestions for location. Action 5 –DL confirmed that CATRA had correct contact number for HO so unsure why there is any problem. LW confirmed that they have also emailed him and not been David Lynch answered yet. DL to investigate.

Pets Policy corrected version of policy been made available to TRA’s- Littleholm TRA had agreed for it not to be on agenda as more pressing issues but can be raised whenever issues arise.

3. Update from Peter Barry in light of Grenfell Fire Horrific fire at Grenfell Tower raised a number of concerns for tenants and WDC want to give reassurances to tenants, especially those living in MSFs that it is not the same cladding that is on any of our blocks.

An Independent Consultant has been appointed to look at enhanced fire safety. Their remit will include: confirmation of safe buildings, the use of fire alarms, smoke alarms and potential for sprinkler systems. They will consider inside flats and in particular at electrical socket capacity.

Another initial suggestion being considered would be to offer free PAT testing of electrical appliances for vulnerable tenants.

A letter has been delivered to all MSF tenants and Housing Operations are committed to continue to visit and reassure tenants.

2 4. Update from Fire and Rescue Service

Scottish Multi Storey Flats (MSFs) are constructed in a way to contain fires. The Fire Service inspects communal areas 4 times each year and report any concerns to Repairs to be prioritised. The Fire Service can carry out residential inspections on request and Myra confirmed these were offered to all new tenants as part of the new tenants visit.

Answers to 20 questions raised by MSF tenants was All to note circulated and copy attached to this minute.

Additional questions were asked.

BN: Do the Fire Service have the right to go into bin chute areas? Yes they can inspect but they can’t remove items but would report any concerns to WDC.

The fire officers’ re-iterated the importance of keeping communal areas ‘sterile’, as any belongings are potential trip hazards for tenants and firefighters in the event of a fire.

JH reminded the meeting that 600 flats in England have similar cladding to Grenfell and asked if the ‘STAY PUT’ policy is still advised? It was confirmed that this is what the Fire service still recommend and do not envisage that this advice would change as the design of MSFs as a concrete unit/self contained flat and the fire door provision All to note is to contain any fire. PB confirmed that beyond doubt WDC have not used the same cladding as found at Grenfell and that the Council and tenants should all take responsibility for fire safety.

FMcG asked if straw was used in Littleholm? AY confirmed it was used as insulation between blocks but is crushed and has low combustibility. FM’G advised of an address that had straw exposed and AY ’s team will Alan Young investigate. Also advised that the Fire service comments about keeping landings ‘sterile ‘ was inconsistent with current HO’s attitude to items being left on landings.

LW stressed important to give tenants storage provision if don’t want items on landings.

JH raised a concern about gas safety checks not being 100% as previously reported. JK confirmed that the ARC figure for 2017 is now 100%.

3 ACTION MF will send a letter to all MSF tenants reminding them of sterile policy for common areas. Myra Feeney

BN requested that the Council issue a Press statement clarifying position as Sunday Mail had approached tenants for a story and article published included misinformation and scaremongering. Councillor McColl confirmed that the Council had provided correct information which hadn’t been included and an apology was being sought from Sunday Mail for their scaremongering story.

LW Welcomed PAT testing and awareness of hazards within homes.

PB confirmed that sample houses for random inspections required and it is a housing operation aspiration to have annual internal inspections of each tenancy.

AY gave some technical explanation of materials used in MSF and outlined the challenges for internal inspection for officers and those surrounding PAT testing.

Was stressed that more often than not, the cause of fire is due to human behaviour.

Scottish government have confirmed that the type of cladding used is not used anywhere in Scotland and so not in WD.

Cllr Docherty thanked officers for all their hard work.

Fire Service also committed to delivery of fire safety leaflets to all MSF residents and engaging with the public as much a possible.

4. Repair timescales plus covered Tenant Priority Budget ( Peter Barry) Following the Tenant Priority Budget meeting on 20/6/2017, PB clarified that it is not the intention to withdraw this Budget. This budget should be used for additional spending and not cyclical repairs. Apologised to all for miscommunication and PB takes full responsibility.

Repairs Timescales 1. Non-emergency repairs have been reduced to 20 days from 40. 2. Repair Depot has ordered for Dalmuir a supply of the specific fire retardant windows to reduce future delays in replacing security glass at front doors.

4 5. Fuel Poverty ( Peter Barry) PB outlined the options being considered:

1. Possibility to use HRA money to fund a fuel advisor within Working4U to help tenants get best deals and give digital help on switching and getting access to on-line savings. 2. Make flats more fuel efficient -appreciate inadequacies of storage heaters and alternatives being looked at. 3. WDC has drawn down money from SG to look at District Heating system as an option at Queens Quay, with the possibility of rolling out to Dalmuir MSF.

JH Pre-paid meters often only option for people with a personal finance history -can Council support and advice on switching from a pre-paid meter? ET still settling into new role but will take on issue and feedback to WDTRO. PB confirmed that WDC can’t change meter when property is empty as supplier only want to deal with the ‘ customer’ and suggested that tackling the prejudice from Energy WDTRO to consider Companies as a social issue could be an issue the WDTRO could consider taking up.

WDC procure best electricity price for all WDC buildings, this could be an option for tenants to group together and collectively switch suppliers.

Energy companies are obligated to roll-out SMART Meters and onus now on them to ensure customer is on lowest tariff. FMcG gave a personal example of cost saving as a consequence of cladding and using a Smart Meter.

PB to meet with Senior Management Team and pursue Peter Barry these options.

6 Owner Engagement Charter ( Alan Young)

AY outlined plan – wants to make Charter clearer. Meeting set for 26th June with tenants and residents volunteers to All to note look at the Charter and begin the review.

7. Social Housing Charter Performance Action Plan Update ( Stefan Kristmanns) SK noted that it was good to see tenants referring to statistics reported to Scottish Housing Regulator and purpose of sharing performance information was so that tenants can hold their landlord to account.

5 SK working with WDTRO representatives to improve their understanding of ARC (Annual Return on the Charter). Also aiming for the ARC action plan to be jargon free so that it is easier for tenants to use and monitor performance improvements. Standing item on Liaison agenda so that All to note performance discussions can be ongoing.

8. Tenant Participation Update ( Jane Mack)


 Tenant Priority Budget Consultation – first meeting 21/6/17 – to ensure as many tenants as possible can get involved with this Budget, Repairs have created an email box that requests can be sent to [email protected]

 Owners Engagement Charter – as AY advised group of tenant and o/o volunteers been put together to review the Charter and identify the main issues that will then be consulted on through a public consultation.


 Following the Facebook training put on in May, S Drumry and Westbridgend Hall now have Facebook pages to promote their activities.

 Scrutiny Panel are recruiting for more members with an advert in the Housing News, OSS screens and writing out to tenants. Have nearly finished their exercise on New Tenant visits and will share their report with the WDTRO when it finished.

 Housing News – all staff and TRA‘s encouraged to contribute articles or use it to promote their activities – TP and journalist in Communication team can help put articles together. Also want to make sure that the Housing News contains information and articles All to note on things tenants want to see so open to suggestions and looking for volunteers to help edit the paper.

9. Forward Plan Update (John Kerr)

New Housing Asset Management Strategy is now under review, this is a key piece of work - an update will be given at August Liaison meeting and will then go out to Jackie McRory consultation. 6 Development updates:

Second Avenue/Singer Street

84 new units of housing onsite and due for completion in Jan 2018.

Dumbarton Road, Dalmuir - Link Housing HA

Internal finishes being completed, occupation by August 2017.

St Andrews High School Site

Being developed in partnership with Wheatly Group- Cube HA and open public session taken place. 3D Video used to Dawn Conner show proposal and copy to be posted on TP Facebook Page.

Aitkenbar Primary School site – 60 units of housing planned- still at early planning stage

Creuval Court – awaiting legal outcome with one remaining tenant - thereafter will continue with plans to provide amenity housing ( 15 units). No update available on demolition.

Clydebank East – future development of family sized homes being considered – rehousing of remaining tenants still ongoing.

10. AOB Question asked when Talisman due to be demolished – JK confirmed that it still to be fully emptied so date unknown.

SMcL also update that CCTV‘s at Littleholm will be fitted by Video Watchman in next few weeks.

Also advised that he and Rodney Thornton will be taking forward proposals to improve waste management at Bedford Avenue and will work with S Drumry TRA.

11. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 24/8/17, 4pm at committee room 2, Garshake.


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